How to Protect Yourself as an Empath or HSP! | Stephanie Lyn Coaching

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Hey guys, welcome back. Thanks for joining me for another video So this week I want to talk about my empaths Out there and highly sensitive people and I want to give you some tips for you to start practicing so you can learn how to protect your energy because man, if you are someone who is highly sensitive and empathetic I mean You definitely have your work cut out for you because you are the kindest sweetest most gentle person ever and you want to save the world, but at times it is a completely Exhausting to have these wonderful traits so in this video I'm gonna give you some tips that you can start practicing daily to really protect your energy and take care of yourself mentally Emotionally and physically and spiritually now if you are new to my channel, my name is Stephanie I'm a life and relationship coach If you are not a subscriber, please click on that subscribe button and don't forget to also click on the Notification Val the notification Val will inform you each week. When I do upload a new video with a brand new topic So let's get right into this week's video. So all of my impacts out there and my highly sensitive people this video is especially geared towards yourselves because we have to learn how to protect ourselves every single day from Toxic energy from vampires that want to just suck the life out of us and take advantage of us so one thing from me when I realized I was highly sensitive it was like I Was like, oh my god. I have found my people There are other people in the world that are like me and think like I do and feel like on a level that I feel and so it's a great great thing and I have actually reached a point in my life many years ago actually where I really embraced the fact that I was someone who was highly empathetic and Highly sensitive as well And so I no longer look at it as a negative thing You know at times I had always wished that I didn't have the ability to feel on such a deep level Because if you don't know how to really manage this, it can really take over your life so if you're not aware that you have these you know traits and that you are this type of a person it is very easy for you to really absorb other people's energy take on all of the negativity that's on the new who's Not if you're not aware of this then you probably don't take care of yourself too, too Well, and I think for me also, the biggest thing was understanding that this was actually a gift and not a curse So one of the very first things that you have to work on is removing yourself from negative energy So, you know when you are in an environment? You can feel it when you walk into a room when the energy level is really down or you know when you are with someone that probably isn't the best for you and Obviously we're now can I just say, okay. Bye you're having a tough day I'll see you later because I can take on any of that But you have to learn how to practice we're moving yourself when it's time to leave a situation So we can be involved with someone and listen to someone's stories. We can watch the news from time to time But when we know we're reaching a point when it's starting to affect us and now I really need to Not be in this environment You have to learn how to detach yourself and remove yourself from certain environments Now removing yourself a negative energy is not just with people also it is within your home as well So I always recommend burning some sage Either on yourself or in your home to kind of clearing that negative toxic energy away, you know If you are a person that really loves healing crystals then do that as well It's just about making your home into a healthy, you know, happy cleansing environment So opening windows making sure you live in an environment where you get not lots of natural light I think that that's really important for someone who is highly sensitive and empathetic as well usually if someone is Highly sensitive. They're Most often than not gonna be empathetic as well but not all impacts are highly sensitive so some of these tips may apply to just someone who's empathetic and some of them may also apply to someone who is highly sensitive to me because I have both They're just one of the same team. So definitely Decluttering your home, like I said opening windows You know having some kind of a fragrance that is soothing for you always playing relaxing music Learning how to meditate for me that was something for years I kept saying I can meditate I can't clear my mind Like I don't know how to like, you know Stay focused on the breath and not ever think I thought I would focus on my breath and then all of a sudden my thought Would be you know, yeah like here I go so for me learning how to do guided meditations was amazing because it allowed me to meditate where I'm Listening to something and focusing on those words and also doing affirmations at the same time. So I love love love guided meditations I always recommend that you should be doing the morning and night and if you can throughout the day pop a tape in during your lunch break sit in your car and just kind of Decompress for a minute to get your energy back up because one of the things with being someone who's highly sensitive in a and empathetic Your energy can go from really really high to really really low very quickly. So you have to learn Really how to take care of yourself and self-care is so so important So doing the things that nurture your soul that can fill you out feed you inside to give you the energy to Go out and enjoy life Also regarding negative energy and like I mentioned earlier removing yourself from negative situations in terms of people While when you are empathetic you want to save the world you want to you know? you hear a problem and you just want to come in and help help help because It's easier for you to just put yourself into someone's shoes and feel What this person must be Feeling and going through and and you don't want them to feel that way because it's easy for you to take on other people's problems So it's almost like you live your life. Like hey, your problem is my problem and while to some extent that's a great quality to have we can't have it all the time every single day and we have to know What am I going too far? And I'm taking on something that really has nothing to do with me and isn't about me and I need to really honor myself And take care of myself in this moment. So learning how learning that your problem isn't always my problem and Detaching emotionally from situations in order to protect yourself. That's not something that I can tell you. Okay in this specific situation This is when you have to do it. You just have to learn how to be more in tune with yourself and Constantly asking yourself Should I be doing this? Is this good for me right now? Is this thing that's gonna help my energy or hurt my energy you have to also understand who you are The energy that you put out into the world is a light positive energy. And so you are always going to attract Especially someone that is highly and pathetic you are always going to attract those energy vampires You are always going to attract those and artistic people that want to just take take and take because you are a natural giver So you have to be aware like hey, I tend to attract abusive people I tend to attract takers I tend to attract people that want to take advantage of me whether it is consciously that they're doing it or unconsciously that they're doing it, so when you are a person that gives People are just going to take because they know that you're the giver and so you have to learn how to take a step back And know is something good for me. Most people that are highly empathetic are the people that take on too much So we all know someone in our life that gets involved in too many things Wants to help too many people and they either become Angry and resentful that they have this big load that now they're carrying because they didn't learn how to say no Throughout the course of their day, right? So when we learn how to say no or we don't offer help you know to every single lost puppy that needs us then we're able to protect ourselves because you know It's the qualities that you have are so so amazing But you have to learn how to take care of yourself first And I think that that's the biggest struggle for impasse is learning. What do I need? How do I feel what is good for me? And in this moment right now asking yourself those questions day in and day out is a hundred percent necessary if you are someone who is highly empathetic because if you don't then it's just very easy for you to constantly be Discarding what it is that you need? That is self nurturing self caring and just taking on the world and taking on other people's problems and issues in situations the other thing that I think is so so important when you are someone who is an empath is learning how to leave Relationships and I think at times we're the type of people that want to just hang on we want we give people chances after chances and we don't want to accept someone for who they are because we want to believe that they're a good person because we believe everyone's a good person and and you know let's save the world and this person's really hurting and that's why they're narcissistic and they have this rough childhood or you know They were having a bad day And we tend to just constantly, you know Let people off the hook time and time again when we're not Seeing a person for who they are based off of what they're showing us we just want to believe that there's someone that they're not they're not showing us that they're that person and if their Actions aren't matching up with who we want them to be then we have to disengage from that relationship and be able to lead that relationship and I think that also in past struggle with Leaving and having this guilt for leaving that well, I could have given it one more chance Or I could have tried harder. You have to learn When someone shows you who they are that you believe that that you believe them and that you know and you have very high standards and know what you want and expect more out of people than probably what you expect right now because impasse tend to also have a very Low bar, because they are bendable and they want to believe the good in everyone again well That's a great quality to have you're also gonna really struggle throughout the course of your life because there are abusers there are takers there are not so nice people in this world, unfortunately and Even though that they're not so nice because of something that could have happened to them. That's not your problem That's not something that you have to take on because we're all adults and we all have to take Responsibility for our own actions and our own behaviors. One of the other things that I think is Extremely important for someone who is highly sensitive or empathetic regardless I mean it's important for anyone but especially for people like ourselves because our energy does dwindle over the course of a day is exercise Getting plenty of exercise eating bright, you know Sun is definitely really really important. So being out in nature Being connected with those parts of ourselves where we really thrive and so for me I know that nature is my best friend that when I am going for a walk either on a trail or in the woods that that just Immediately makes my energy fee even higher than it was before. It's a place where It's peaceful for me and the ocean is another place I just I love love love being outside, which is really hard Sometimes when you live in New England and it's still like 60 degrees barely but luckily today is 72 So I've already been outside and I will go for a walk again later on. But anyways, I digress Telling you the course of my day. Um, but I do think that Making it a point to get outside go for a walk. You don't need to be a gym rat You don't need to you know work out five days a week. It's just about moving the body. It's just about getting fresh air It's just about okay. I had a piece of cake yesterday maybe after dinner I'll just have a little bit of fruit as my dessert. It's all about balance. It's all about in the moment Is this good for me? I think that those aren't really really important questions to always be asking yourself I think these things are really important for all of us to do on a day-to-day basis and it's really just about self-care It's really about being alone Getting yourself getting some good alone time in and I know all of you and pass out there and highly sensitive people. Absolutely Love your alone time because I know I do And it's just about really learning how to take care of yourself. And when you're taking care of yourself you're tuned in with yourself You're asking yourself. What do you need? How can I take care of you? that creates inter happiness that creates inner contentment and peace and so Really what we should be doing every single day is focusing on these things to be the best versions of ourselves to be the healthiest versions of ourself So I hope that this video has helped you If you have enjoyed it, please please give it a thumbs up and comment down below I will see you guys next week in my next video
Channel: Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Views: 187,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manage yourself in narcissistic relationship, how to communicate your boundaries, defend yourself from abuse, grow your self worth, stop falling for manipulation, overcome people pleaser syndrome, self love for empaths, practice standing up for yourself, learn how to create love, highly sensitive people life lessons, highly sensitive people life skills, how to live as an empath, how to live as a HSP
Id: gIVBN5Xluqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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