How to Propagate Succulents

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hey guys how's it going it's tang welcome to this video so in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to propagate your second pants delete cutting through stem cuttings and through beheadings so why do we want to do it because we love succulent plants and because they look beautiful although I do realize that the color in the video does not do this at you very after the load any justice and looks magnificent and beautiful in real life and I want um multiple of them right so I won't I want to reproduce them multiply them and you see this one right here this is a graphic pendulum or got to bury a super bum right here very beautiful in real life and also these Fred Isis here right here as well very beautiful and rare in real life as well so the first way to do is you read cuttings and these are leaf cuttings right here these are from the edge very afterglow I'm going to show you with another another plants this is a different succulents the leaf cutting is very simple all you do is grab a leaf and just snap it up right yep alright that hole like that right so a lot of people tell you oh please be gentle yes you don't have to be gentle the only thing you have to do is get a clean cut and what I mean by that I will show you so that's all you do right so you have you have these leaf cuttings clean cuts is when the contact from here where it touches the stem cuts off very very clean you can tell the difference between a clean cut and a bad cut this is a bad cut right here it's cut through the middle so that way deep it's it's been broken off and that's not what we want because although yes this can pretty much propagate it's gonna be a much much harder time versus something like this so once we have the leaf cuttings right keep cutting we want to let them callus over or dry or heal brought to from 2 to 3 days music for me I actually let them dry out or heal out of callus out within a week's time under LED grow light or even right beside the windowsill so that way it dries off through the through the sunlight or through the LED lights and it gets nutrients at the same time black medium so you can still leave them for two to three days the small ones definite but the big ones takes a little bit longer so it might take up to at least four to five days for the big ones within six days like I said a week right so when it dries out all you have to do is put them into soil afterwards alright so I have a bunch of them that's already put into soil because it's been dried out calloused over and healed so all we do is just put the leaf onto like that and that's it so what we want is we want the head right here to actually be in the soil a little bit we don't want to be all the way in the soil like this because the thing is that your new plant is gonna grow underneath there and when it does it won't have any breathing room or light to actually survive right so you don't want to have it stuck in into the soil you want it just a little bit above it like that and that's pretty much it and you water it within two to three days water it water water leave it beside this windowsill where it has light or LED Goulet it actually propagates much much faster when it has light and water okay and at this stage right here it's actually figuring out where gravity is or which way gravity goes so it's gonna go under so the roots are gonna sprout up and it's gonna go downwards okay so I'm gonna show you some examples right here that I have so these ones right here I've left out in this in the Sun with no soil no water and it actually propagates by itself you see right here and that's pretty much it just out in the Sun in the in the balcony around here and that's it no soil no water it does on its own but it actually takes a much much much much much longer time for it to do so okay these ones right here I've put on two I put these ones on since oil itself I just put it in soil let leave leave it alone and you know what it actually grows much faster than these ones but still a longer time versus anything that is in soil and with water and sunlight so you do all three three ways if you wanted to but water and soil and light makes it grow faster okay so I'm going to show you also the succulent trade that I have which is like my longest one my oldest one okay so this is the oldest trade that I currently have as as you can see hopefully it folks properly I have a ton of leaves right here that have also babies in them as well and they're pretty much ready good to go to potting at the moment but I want them to grow just a little bit bigger so that way they have a better chance of actually surviving you see right here there you go and that's pretty much it for leaf there for leaf cuttings and then so usually I have at least five leaves of a certain plant because I know something's gonna happen to it like this one unfortunately this one is dead even though it's Cala stuff sometimes things like this does happen and you won't get casualties so that's why you want to have more than just one single leaf to propagate right to then you know at least one of them is gonna be successful and you'll have a secondary I succulent plants you see right here this one has rotted away the leaf itself has rotted away but there's a little baby right here and this is actually want something that I want to mention to you guys so here's an example of a leaf that has of roots you can see that the baby let's look one with a baby let's pretend the baby doesn't exist right so when a leaf that only grows roots it may be in trouble because if it rots out like this you won't actually get a second pant if the leaf itself grows just the baby start focusing our actually okay because then you know that once it has a little baby plants it can photosynthesize and create its own food and create its own leaf system even if the leaf itself has rotted away like this one I can pretty much take this apart put it into soil and it will grow on its own okay so that's one of the most important things that you have to understand about propagating and whether you have roots or baby first having the baby first is much better versus having the roots you can have building roots and never have any baby also it might take a while for these things to grow roots or the babies so patience is really virtue in this okay this is this has been with me since June 26 June 26 since we've had him and it's starting to actually really grow around and one of the other questions I noticed about other people asking is when do you remove the leaf from the succulent so you have a choice to either remove the leaf from the segments anytime you feel like once you have the baby okay once the baby is good enough like this or like this or even tiny ly like this okay because as I mentioned once the baby is out the baby plant it can create its own food its own roots and everything like that so it doesn't really require a root on the bottom when you take it out right there see this one doesn't require a root but if you put it onto soil no girl don't root fairly simple like that so I want to show you also this is a plant that still has its leaf intact and the leaf is actually healthy belief is is very strong the very plump very healthy so you don't have to take it up but it doesn't look really attractive doesn't know it doesn't so it's up to you whether you want to keep the relief in or you want to take it out if you want to take it out without harming or even detaching the root just cut it off right here and I'll start traveling off on its own but I almost almost to the base of the plant and I'll start trimming off on its own and once the trail was off you can just pluck it off and just floor it up like this one right here this one this baby this baby right here I detect you and I just have to like get rid of that little leaf there and just put into soil and it was just start growing on it so it's not a problem yeah beautiful business and that's pretty much it for how to propagate through leaf cuttings and it's honestly it just takes a lot of time and a lot of patience for it to grow and once it does you'll be super happy that you've multiplied your pants okay oh and here's also this last thing this is all I've unplugged it I plucked all these little babies from its leaf right there as you can see and just put into soil oh one of them hasn't happened yet but every other one has already has roots and they're all good to go see alright so the second way to do is is by beheading a succulent plant so when it is super long like this you can pretty much take up all the leaves that you want to right leap leap leap leap all the leaf all the link because it's when it's super stretched out it's very unattractive and when we take it when we take the leaves out we can actually just leave it as is like this right all right well let me finish let me finish making it a track seal okay see seen you are when you take it out it's pretty much attractive just because sometimes you just wanted to have a little elongated but this is like all the way that way instead of being straight you know and so you can actually leave it like this and all the parts on the stem right here where the leaf used to be it'll eventually grow a little baby pup right there right and so if you want to be headed you can't definitely be headed and it'll actually promote the plants the stem itself to grow new babies within the stem where the leaf used to be so when I take this off okay actually I might not even cut it on this one but I'll show you my echeverria afterglow so what you usually want to do is you want to take off all the leaves and then you want to cut it just below the rosettes up here cut it just be a little bit that's right there and then once you cut the rosette you leave the stem alone with the roots are there and you water it normally you water it normally and within a few days or within a week's time they'll start popping tiny little tiny little succulents tiny little plant on its stem see this is the one that I did with the Fred Ives which I've beheaded right here you see right water it normally water it normally and I'll start growing this is also from an achiara chromia right here so water your beheaded succulents normally stem right here don't take it out yeah you mean you can use it you can use it just let it just water it and you should be good so what are you gonna do with the beheaded rosette so normally you would let it callus because you don't want anything touching this but you don't want anything damaging or you know seeping through and give me you root drop right once this is callus I can do it's pretty much put it into a pump like so I know start growing roots underneath and once it goes starts going move they'll start growing and back again and that is pretty much it for when you behead exactly lastly I want to show you see here you go see this is a big-headed succulent you can see the roots when I need to show you I've even see the roots on I see you see the roots I know the cameras really horrible I'm sorry and they're okay lots of roots on here as well he had its succulent has roots it doesn't focus I'm sorry right so these are pretty much good to go as a brand new succulent plant let's see what we're gonna do is do stem cutting so certain succulents can only propagate through stem cuttings it doesn't Papa gate to lease I know that some kalanchoe a circle on shows cannot propagate through leaves they can only stop propagate through one its offsprings which are on its own leaves and then do stem cuttings stem cutting is when we cut a certain part then we cut you can see you members you guys remember this glass pot that I've cleaned up about a month or so about two months it's my second video cleaning up hints it's pretty much growing up now it's not great yes stem cutting is fairly easy all we do is take a pair of shoes and we just cut the plant where we want to cut it so let's take this one I'm going to cut it right here you see this is a stem right because everything above here is intact this is a stem cutting you can even cut it even further as long as there's a leaf intact you'll have a very healthy plant afterwards and what do you do with these well you can also let it cut over for two to three days to a week if you want to if you're not intending to water you can just pretty much stick it back into the soil and like Laura Eubank says as long as the second is standing you've done your job so do you remember when I was cut these and I had a bunch of cuttings these cuttings have rooted for quite a while now and they are healthy they are amazing and they're very very very strong so I'm very happy with the second cuttings these ones that's it and that is pretty much how you propagate your plants through leaf cutting through beheading the rosette keeping the stem intact and Eunice watering and left it letting it grow pops and also through stem cuttings and this can encourage remember that video with with this where I've cut the kalanchoe II and I only had like one stem look at that look how great this is growing now it is so beautiful it is beautiful right and that's it that is how you propagates succulents and it's not hard at all it is super easy if you have any questions let me know down below I'll answer them through the comments or through another video hopefully you guys enjoy this video and hopefully guys do you have your own stuff babies and propagations do because I just love watching them grow I love you know multiplying the ones that I already have beautiful ones that are half like this afterglow that Fred Ives the super bump even the extra very of rainbow that I have let me show it to you this one this is an etch a very rainbow color color on the screen doesn't do it justice yes I know I've already started propagating this through this right here right there yeah because I love the way it looks and I actually I also want to give them to my friends my family members as well because succulents here in Canada is a commodity right when they don't grow naturally here in Canada because of the cold season that we have that is coming up winter is definitely coming don't worry I'll make a video on how to take care of your second during the winter and when to bring them in anyways thank you you guys so much for watching this wonderful video like I said if you have any questions or comments please let me know I'll happily answer them as best as I can and if you like the video a thumbs up and don't forget to press subscribe for future content okay and I'll see you guys near that yeah bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thang Plants
Views: 814,439
Rating: 4.936183 out of 5
Keywords: thang, thangstars, everythang, how to propagate succulents, how to propagate succulent, propagating succulent, propagating succulents, thang's succulents, how to propagate succulents fast, how to propagate succulents indoors, how to grow succulents from cuttings, how to propagate succulents quick, propagate succulents from leaves, propagate succulents from cuttings, succulent propagation, propagate succulents, succulents propagation, propagate succulent, how to grow succulents
Id: HsmmQ-wFz-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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