How to Propagate any Plant |Multiply Your Plants for Free!|

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in this video I'm going to show you some simple skills to clone any plant now almost all plants can be propagated either by splitting or by taking vegetative cuttings let's talk about the cuttings part first right before we begin I should mention that you should have a pair of pruning shears or scissors and you need to sterilize them in alcohol first that way we don't spread any bacteria now let's run over to our first plant I'm going to show you several examples but let's start with this Miss huffle antenna this is a great plant to propagate because there's no royalties being collected on it and there's no current patents come on in now what I like to look for on this type of plant is multiple stems coming off the base like check this out right here here's some soft new growth it's coming off the Woody stem I don't like to take Woody stems I like I like to take more of the soft tissue and I like to get several nodes involved so if you look right here there's one set of nodes right here this is where the leaves are coming off and then another set right here so I'm going to take the cutting just below this set of nodes right there boom and then what I'm going to do I can either pinch these off or cut them off but I'm going to cut right here right here right here right there and I'm even going to take these right here because we don't need them and I'm going to leave these top little layers of leaves and right here we have three sets of nodes and this is what's going to produce Roots along with part where I just cut at the bottom I think I spot another plant with multiple stems that we can take some cuttings off of follow me all right what we have here is Swedish ivy this is another royalty free plant come on in now let me show you very closely look I just grabbed a random stem look if you look at plants you start to see a pattern here's the stem it's kind of soft this is New Growth and then here's the sets of leaves AKA nodes if you look real closely between this Leaf this node is already producing some new growth so what we're going to do we're going to cut right down here right below here's our cutting and we're going to go ahead and remove the leaves boom we're going to take this one too these also we're removing everything so we have a clean a little stem and then that that right there is perfect look again we have one two three sets of nodes two would be fine three is even better all right now just beside the Swedish ivy here's some Sedum come on in now I don't like to take uh cuttings that have blooms at the top that's going to steal all the energy and moisture and it's going to make it hard for the cuttings to root so here's a better example here's a stem has no balloons at the top I'm going to clip it down here and voila one two three four and then I might even take these because they're not necessary all you need is a one or two leads at the top for photosynthesis and if you feel like the leaves are too large at the top and they're still in too much moisture you can even cut them in half like this now here's an example of another cutting that we just took look follow me you can do this with anything look come over here look here's a boxwood okay I'm gonna do look at this another pattern all I had to do pull that off that off just pulling these leaves off this is where the roots will produce and we have another cutting on another example follow me all right here's a shrub called Dog hobble come on in this is a shade shrub Evergreen this is a native plant to our state just took a cutting off one two three four now look at that that quick that will stick in soil and it will actually root all right guys one more example of a vegetative cutting follow me all right up here we have a Nepeta and if you want to come on in now I'm not going to take a cutting that has blooms on it I'm gonna go for this one because it's just foliage and then if you look really close you can see the nodes now the nodes is not technically these leaves actually it's the little tiny you know the leaves right there in between again taking these off hey I got all these cuttings now you're probably saying well what do I do with them well right here I have some rooting powder from fertilome there's lots of rooting powders out there they all work pretty good there's powders there's liquids I typically use a powder you don't have to have rooting powder at all it's just a hormone that helps speed up the process so here's my cutting come on in I poured it out in a separate container never dip your cutting straight into your original can that way you don't contaminate anything but what I'm going to do is just toss this around like a like chicken in a bowl of batter what bro what are you talking about man and after I get the nodes and everything covered I should probably be wearing gloves but I'm not I'm going to stick it down into the soil this is just a cell pack right here and as you can see we're just going to stick them all the way down up toward the top two leaves are pretty quickly after all do you want to go ahead and get them wet always keep your soil consistently moist you never want to let your cuttings dry out they're a lot like babies and they're delicate so here I am going to go ahead and soak this down pretty good and I go back and forth several times to really make sure I penetrate the soil all the way down foreign if you don't have a hose or if you could get a hold of a saucer this is going to be game changing all I'm going to do here let's say I haven't soaked the soil say I had dry soil I would just set it on my saucer and then I would fill up the saucer [Music] and then they would actually Wick up the water from the bottom up and it would keep this whole thing moist as long as I kept the saucer full after about 15 or 20 minutes that's probably enough time for the soil to soak up the water so I would dump out any excess water and then I would just keep an eye on it when the soil starts drying back out you could fill your saucer up again if you are putting cuttings in a cup you could use this kind of sauce here these are readily available at pretty much any Garden Center one thing you can also do to speed up the process is make a little Dome this will really create a humid environment inside and it'll also speed up the process because it'll keep things moist and more warm and before you know it you'll have Roots now if you don't have this set up here what you could do let's say you're getting cuttings in a cup you could use a Ziploc bag I did it in a hydrangea cutting video and I showed you how to use a Ziploc bag as a humidity Dome and this is just an extra measure to speed things up it's not a hundred percent necessary all right so I got my little terrarium don't put this in full sun this would absolutely cook these cuttings if I were at home doing this I would probably put them in a window seal or a shady area outside here's some Nepeta we rooted about three weeks ago I just did it in a plain old plug tray no humidity Dome nothing special no saucers all we did was keep these consistently moist now when a cutting is first put into a tray it can only absorb water through its leaves so that's why you got to keep it consistently moist it doesn't have any roots to absorb but as you can see here we rooted a lot of Nepeta never just try to root one cutting do lots of cuttings because that are that's going to up your chances of success again these are about three weeks old and I'll pop one out and show it to you and as you can see we got some nice hairy Roots now this thing is ready to go into a container and if I wanted to I could even get more cuttings off The Cutting now you might be wondering don't you put cuttings in water too well not all cuttings especially Woody ones I would stay away from water with Woody cuttings most house plants the aeroid family like pothos philodendron CZ plants these do really really great rooted straight in water and I'll show you an example with this pothos so come on in now you can clearly see the nodes on a pot though see this little brown node right here that is just waiting to turn into Roots but it won't turn into Roots until I make a cutting now it's funny plants are so smart so as soon as I do that it's like it activates the node so this nodes what's going to actually spread out and turn into Roots there's another one here and just for the sake of fitting it in this water bottle I've got I'm going to cut these off and as you can see I've got three nodes right here just waiting to turn into Roots now this is my specialty rooting bottle and I'm just going to stick that down in there and I can clearly get two nodes down in this water give this about a week and this will turn into Roots so what about splitting plants that you know ones that can't be propagated vegetatively like I was showing you here this is a Carex sedge grass as you can see it'd be pretty hard to get cuttings off of this so all I'm going to do this is a pretty established plant already now I could probably do this with my bare hands using a blade or a saw will help do less damage to the roots but as you can see I'm just going to cut in here I know it's scary because you think you're killing the plant and and the plants do need to be kept in a shaded area as soon as you do split them or anything like this but these type plants usually come in clumps you can see how that one's kind of breaking off you can actually get several plants out of one and I'm just going to try to work that root ball without doing as much tearing the least amount of tearing as possible I'm kind of splitting it where it naturally wants to go and as you can see this kind of split off like I could root this I could put this in a pot pack soil around it and that's a way to propagate um I would definitely try to do some of these bigger pieces I put in a pot like this and then I would pack some potting soil around that and then keep it very moist that don't let cuttings or plants that you split dry out they're in a kind of a critical stage after you split them and then I would put it in a shaded area until Roots were able to grow and the last plant show you is this creeping jenny another name is Lisa machia this is a very easy one to propagate you could do it two ways if you wanted a vegetative cutting you could you know this has got nodes just like any other plant we were doing you just take these off now I could root just that or you could take it out of its container or if it were in the ground you could dig this up and you can split this also you just want to gently massage these roots away from each other until you get some clumps to break out look at that these are already got roots on them I just split it I'd put this into a pot I'd pack potting soil around this and again keep it moist not soaking wet shaded area until it roots in all right guys I hope after watching this video you are now able to propagate any plant if you enjoyed this content and want to see more make sure to hit that subscribe button and notification Bell until next time become a plant person foreign
Channel: S&K Greenhouse
Views: 420,556
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Keywords: propagating, propagate, how to propagate plants, how to take cuttings, how to multiply plants, plant cuttings, vegetative cuttings
Id: _taBmwyRSyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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