How To Promote Music On Instagram | Build Your Following Fast!

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so you really want to grow that personal brand of yours obviously you want to grow the business as well and you want to do it a whole lot faster than you have been now you know that posting more frequently on social platforms such as Instagram is the way to go but the thing that's stopping you is what the hell do you post now you might be a few years into your journey already or maybe you're just getting started but the thought of having to post fresh content daily is putting you on the verge of a panic attack just the mere thought of having to do all that work is making you feel burnt out already and you haven't even started now I say that because just like you guys that's exactly how I felt when I got started in fact after six months probably a year I still felt like that but don't worry because in this video I'm going to unlock a secret formula that I used personally to get over those hurdles and build my following stay tuned what's going on guys ahead of my vo might be calm as always I appreciate you joining me yet again for another video now before we get started I got to send a huge thank you to my entire channel family who's been engaging in my videos you've been dropping comments you but dropping questions have been hitting me up on Instagram sending me those DMS which I respond to every single one but it might take time if you want to hit me up in instagram put that information up on the screen right now and as always all my contact information will be in the description box below now if you haven't yet if you want to be a part of the channel family over here Adam Ivey all that I ask is that you boom hit that subscribe button boom hit that little Bell icon and smash the thumbs up button if you find any value at all during this video now let's get into it so in my last video I talked about the importance of being consistent when it comes to posting new content on social media I talked about Instagram and how I felt that posting new content at least once a day to the platform is gonna help build that brand momentum and a much faster pace than just sporadically posting new content here and there now to be completely honest guys I had no idea that that video was gonna elicit such a response such a reaction from you all I got a ton of DM s ton of emails ton of comments in the comments below that video and you all asked pretty much the same thing he said something along the lines of Adam this is a great idea I really want to do this but what the hell do I post where do I start now with that being said I knew a follow-up video was absolutely necessary and that's why I'm cranking this out to you guys as fast as I can I want to share a formula with you that I've been using for years that helped me get my Instagram from zero to over 5,000 followers relatively quickly now it's not rocket science but probably something you've never heard before so when I first started on Instagram I'd post random photos of my meals inspirational quotes maybe a funny meme but I realized pretty quickly that posting those types of things weren't really driving anybody to my website definitely weren't increasing my sales and the people that were liking my photos at the end of the day really didn't care about me or my brand this is when I decided to shift my technique into a formula that I could easily track and schedule out days in advance now I call this framework the 33 percent formula what this does is it helps you stay focused on your consistency while taking a lot of the stress out of not knowing what to post there your posting once a day or three times a day I find that this technique works great and will really keep your audience engaged now I love it for Instagram but it'll also work for Twitter and Facebook so why do I call this the 33 percent formula well the way this is all laid out is that your posts will now be broken up into the main catagories so to start the first 33% of your posts are going to be very brand focused I'm talking sharing your music sharing upcoming tour dates sharing music videos that you've been working on like preview videos or even showing a photo of you in the studio or maybe on stage whatever your main business goal is that's what 33% or about one third of your post should be focused on specifically now in the captions of these particular posts I want you to stay very focused I'm talking about what it is you're working on right when you're gonna be releasing new music maybe what the new singles gonna be called where you're gonna be performing talk about when the new music videos coming out talk about a collaboration that you haven't works talk about very specifically what it is you're working on now it's only right that I jump in and add a quick disclaimer guys try not to be spammy with these this is not the intention at all I know sometimes that there's a fine line between being spammy and just trying to promote trying to do your best to promote I think of spamming is kind of force-fed you're demanding you might be rude it's very cold there's no interaction there don't be spammy guys have fun promoting be very personable inject your personality into these and have fun and be very humble and try to show gratitude for everybody that engages whether that be for likes or comments especially comments make sure you always respond to every single comment especially when you're building your following and you can keep up with all of them with that being said these posts need to show the world need to tell the world need to be translated into whatever it is you're promoting that's your passion this is what you want to do this is your journey you want to lure people in right and I'm not talking about manipulation this is common you know human interaction 101 you want to show if you're if you're passionate about music whether it be a beat maker a songwriter singer rapper show the world you should be excited you should have you know a lot of positive energy when it comes to this so these posts more than any of the other things that you post these need to be very focused in doing that oh and also guys this can be applied to any industry that doesn't have to be music if musics not your passion if that's not what you want to do full-time or or as a career that's not your dream they chase this can be applied to industries such as fitness maybe you want to write a cookbook and you're a great cook and you can be applied to any industry that you're really trying to build a name in so with that being said the next 33% of your posts should focus on you should focus on your personality should focus on your life behind the scenes and away from that core phone focus now these should be photos and videos of you now statistically photos showing yourself are gonna perform much higher have way better engagement on visual platforms such as Instagram they're gonna perform way better than just like some random objects for instance I guess and unless the random objects happen to be a cute puppy which then I would suggest posting in the final 33% now if you're anything like me privacy is a little bit of a concern so I'm not saying to deep dive into your personal life this should be fun and laid-back just giving your audience a little bit of a taste of who you are as a person as if they're a friend of yours now I can only speak for myself but when it comes to people I look up to such as celebrities such as sports stars actors I love to feel like they let me into their journey that's what you need to give it to your audience that's what you need to share with your people show them when you're downtown and there's some cool architecture there's no better opportunity to take some really cool photos and be able to share them on social whether you're out to coffee with some of your some of your buddies maybe you're by yourself whether you're at a sports game there's so many great opportunities to kind of peel back the curtain and let people in on your regular regular old life and you know share those moments with them I want a quick pro tip guys if you're out and about you don't have anybody with you to help take photos like I've been talking about having a timer app on your phone can absolutely be a game-changer now I'm gonna step out of the studio real quick and take you with me and show you exactly what I'm talking about all right guys so as you can see all I have is a basic can of soda to prop my phone up against nothing too complicated I'm going to show you the difference between taking a kind of a lazy selfie and using a timer app on your phone to take a more professional image of yourself when you don't have friends to help to post up on your social media so as you can see it's just an elementary school with a cool I guess what do you want to call it a sunset and I'm going to show you the difference between the two so we'll start with the selfie [Music] nothing too complicated we're using iPhone 6 so this thing definitely isn't up to date as few years old now let's try to get it cool I guess a self-portrait just using a can of soda on the phone so let's see it's just that easy guys it took less than I'd say less than two minutes and I'm gonna show you the selfie versus this photo first try I'm not going to sit out here and say that I did it in one try and then show you 15 the 15 pic so let's get back to the studio pretty easy right and it makes such a big difference when it comes to the aesthetic of your Instagram profile and the perception people are gonna get when they're looking at your posts now the captions of these particular posts should really showcase your personality you want your audience to kind of see how your brain works don't be afraid to be creative with these posts guys don't be afraid to be silly just stay authentic to who you are really show yourself if you're an that gets annoyed by pretty much everything and hates the world just do you I promise you there's people out there who are gonna like you for who you are and they're gonna resonate with the type of personality you have now the final 33 percent should be things that excite you things that you love now these posts don't necessarily have to include your smiling face but that never hurts either now to give you some examples of what these types of posts could be I'm talking photos of maybe some studio gear maybe those cute puppies that I mentioned earlier maybe it's a photo of places you've been vacations you've taken maybe it's a hobby that you have that not a lot of people know about like working on cars you could have some artistic photos of tools you could be a collector you could have a crazy collection of pop figures you could have a crazy collection of baseball cards just anything that really shows what you're into and it doesn't necessarily have to show you now one thing I do recommend is try to be a little creative when it comes to taking photos and videos I know not all of us are great photographers and it takes years to get that eye and get your technique and really understand what you're doing I highly recommend an app called Snapseed it's like the best in my opinion one of the greatest free resources for editing photos there's a like a ton of functionality in it it's free it's a Google product I believe try different perspectives try different framings use the filters like I just mentioned and make it interesting to look at the more interesting the more beautiful the photo even if it's with the smartphone the higher your engagements gonna be now remember as you build your brand as you build your following as you do this and it becomes a habit you're also gonna find your voice you're gonna find what posts you enjoy posting the most you're gonna find what posts perform the best on your particular feed and just follow that this isn't a law this is a formula that works to help find something that you can repeat and this is why I like using this formula because it's three steps that you can stew one two three one two three one two three it's like a dance it's a habit it's a ritual it's a routine it's something that's very easy that you can plan ahead it for you can spend a couple hours on a weekend you could spend a half an hour for that matter coming up with twelve posts twelve posts that could be twelve days that could be four days when it comes to posting on a consistent basis that is the key here find what you enjoy posting get better with your photography get better with your video taking and get better with your branding because the visuals especially on Instagram the visuals are your brand now as I mentioned in the beginning of this video this is the formula that I actually use I've used that to grow my following and I use it anytime I feel like I'm slipping anytime that I feel like I went a few days without posting we all slip up we all have low points we all have days where we just don't have the time or we just don't have the motivation and it's okay to have those days guys it's going to happen to everybody I don't care how big you get but this formulas gonna help you get back on track it helps me get back on track you can go to my feed if you're not following me on instagram send me a DM I'll put that information on the screen now and you can see you could see the habit you could see the pattern on my page you could tell when I fell off you could tell when I got back on based on the different types of posts that I outlined in this video oh wait some of you guys might be wondering what happened to that unaccounted for 1% because obviously 33 times 3 Adam is 99% where's that 1% well I'm glad you asked because that 1% is to remind you guys to have fun with this don't lose sleep over the don't get stressed out over this this should be fun this should be an adventure this should be something that you're eager to do not this task that's like weighing on your shoulders and making you hate life that 1% can be for those dankmemes that you were posting before that nobody was looking at you got to have fun that 1% could be those inspirational quotes that you want to reshare that 1% could be the meat loaf that your mom made last night that you you loved or absolutely hated and finally don't think you're gonna find your voice on Instagram or any other social platform within the first two or three days or first two or three weeks for that matter you're going to find your aesthetic as you post I want you to take inspiration from other creators that you look up to other people that have their together other people that have been doing this longer than you because that's gonna be something that you could be inspired by and from there you could tweak it into your own and if you made it this far guys I want to hear from you so in the comments below say I am 100% to let me know that you made it this far in the video and as always if you found any value in this video smash the thumbs up button and if you haven't yet what are you waiting for hit that subscribe button and if you want to be a BFF if you if you want to join the channel family hit that little Bell icon to be the first to be notified anytime I upload a video like this I genuinely hope that you found some value in this video I hope that you implement these different tactics and I hope it works for you because I know it will if you stay consistent so one more time guys in the comments below I want to know how many of you guys are all in all in means a hundred percent I am 100 percent if you have any questions feel free to leave those in the comments as well all my contact information will be in the description box below what I use to shoot these videos is all listed in the description box below and until next time you can find me at Adam on be calm you
Channel: Adam Ivy
Views: 283,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to grow your instagram following, sell music using instagram, what to post on instagram, Grow on Instagram 2018, Instagram Hacks, Music Marketing, How to sell music online, adamivy, adam ivy, adamivytv, sell beats on instagram, sell music with IGTV, promote your music with Instagram, Instagram growth, sell on Instagram, How to promote music on instagram
Id: dzv8pYVtYbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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