How to Professionally Measure a Replacement Garage Door Spring

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[Music] my name is Adrian with Xpress browser services com today we're going to show you how to correctly measure Roger Epperson spring in order on our website this of course is broken garage door spring now in order to get you the correct spring we need three different measurements the first thing the water size then the spring length and then the inside diameter of your spring now these measurements are easy to get but it's very important to get them accurate first let's start with wire size now all three measurements this is the most important measurement that we need to get correct so in order to do this we're going to measure the length of 20 coils let's do this together it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 now there's our twenty mark we're just going to mark that with a simple business card and there's a length of our 20 coils now to get that measurement we're going to use just a simple tape measure now notice there's a little bit of play on these tape measures that will give us an improper measurement we don't want that so we're just going to simply start it like say 10 we're going to hold our 10 mark at the very beginning of our spring and looking down we see that that is four and a half inches exactly now looking at our chart we can see that that is a two to five wire all right now we're going to determine the spring length now this is the easiest of all the measurements basically all you're going to do is take your tape measure and you're going to measure the black portion of your spring there's two ways of doing it you can either measure each section of your spring as measurements together get the total length or you can loosen up your set screws under torsion system fly the spring together into one whole spring again again measure the black portion you can see it's twenty-seven and a half now let's say those accessories are a little difficult to get apart you're going to add up the sections you got eight and a quarter you got 19 and a quarter twenty seven a half alright last thing we're going to do is determine the inside diameter of your spring if your spring is already off your torsion system you're going to take your tape measure and measure the inside diameter now notice if you come in here see the engineer's tape measure there against that spring see that eighth of an inch gap though actually give you incorrect is kind of showing an inch and 3/4 when actually you should come in at an angle here see how that that flush up against there that's actually two inch diameter spring now that spring is still on your torsion system hopefully you can see this here you're going to slide your spring up and same technique you're going to flush it against the side you see you have a two inch inside diameter alright we now have all the correct measurements that we need to order a spring from a website correctly we have the wire size of two to five the spring length of twenty-seven half inches and the inside diameter of two inches going to the website first selection we have is wire size is two to five wire the spring length now the spring link that we found was 27 and a half inches you'll notice on your Springs when the cone is wound on your spring it separates the spring about a sixteenth of an inch now that adds up on the spring together to be between a quarter and a half of an inch it doesn't make that big of a difference when ordering your spring so we're just going to round down it was 27 and a half we're going to round down to 27 so the spring length goes 27 inches the inside diameter was 2 inches that's for a pair of Springs if you're ordering just a single spring you're going to want to look at one of your Springs here this is a left round spring you'll notice that this is going in a clockwise motion where it broke this is going to be a black winding cone spring and is actually on the right-hand side of your torsion system now if you have a red cone it'll be on the left-hand side of the center bracket and you'll notice that the wine will be counterclockwise on your spring like said this is only for a single spring if you have a pair you're going to have one of each so it's not that big of a difference and ordering your Springs you'll notice that we're going to send them off the same business day and they'll be with to you within a couple of business days we really try to get them out quick for you because I know if you have a car trap on the garage door he needs to get in on your garage it's a big deal we understand that so we're going to go them out as soon as we can thank you for shopping with us and we look forward to seeing again in the future you
Channel: Express Garage Door Parts
Views: 164,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garage Door Springs, Replacing Garage Door Springs, Measuring Garage Door Springs, Ordering new Garage Door Springs, garage door springs, how to measure garage door springs, ordering garage door spring, new garage door springs, garage door spring size, getting new garage door spring, garage door torsion springs, measuring garage door torsion spring, finding wire size of garage door spring
Id: gKNeshdTn4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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