How to Produce Cut Comb, with Lloyd Spear

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foreign [Music] beekeeper and comb honey producer Lloyd Speer helped us with this video we're going to show you a few details for the prep and some Hive setup details at the end in order to put cut comb Foundation into your cut comb frame you'll need this one item that you can make yourself easily out of a two foot long two by six and two nails and the nails are number eight nails uh half inch apart two and a half inches long and this is a one and a half inch piece of wood after you've made your top bar spreader clamp it to a sturdy work surface you'll also need a stapler so we put the slot on top of the points of the nails and put it all the way down and then you slowly turn that that noise okay cut comb Foundation is very very fragile because it's extremely thin [Applause] because a human will end up eating purpose of the tissue paper is to keep the foundation sticking together the sheets of foundation and insert it into the slot that you made then very carefully lift one end because I'm right-handed I tend to lift the Right End first off the nail gently because you don't want to take it all the way off foreign [Music] so that the foundation drops through the slot and touches the board and then when it's when it's there and touching pull it when you were lifting were you pinching the foundation at all with your fingertips okay just lift it gotcha it's very important that this Foundation be slightly above the slot and that's maybe an eighth of an inch and you want that so then you take your stapler hold the slots closed push down hard and it's now closed now it'll be slightly open on the on the sides so you do the same thing again on each side you want three staples in each frame [Music] squeeze it again now you notice that it doesn't touch the bottom and what's more it doesn't touch the sides now the bees will draw it straight to the bottom and fasten it to the sides so you need not be concerned about that now then when that's full you cut out pieces with a knife literally with a knife generally four inch Pieces by the way four inches each Direction now what that means is you're left with an empty frying because you've taken the honey out of it but the top where you insert the foundation is filled with calm and you obviously have to clean that out where you can't put a new place Foundation out so this is the best tool for that put the frame back on the on the nails you twist it again put this in there and scrape and you will get out almost all the wax and you want to absolutely clean if you don't get it absolutely clean the New Foundation can be very difficult to get in Lloyd always uses a deep over a medium as The Brood chamber just before dandelion started blooming we put on two supers with drawn comb uh above a queen Explorer so now it's mid-may uh meaning it's about a week after dandelion started blooming we take off the outer cover and pay close attention the bottom super we want this to be two-thirds full of nectar then we'll take the top Super off and we put it on another eye this super which is about two-thirds full of nectar we set aside then we put our Chrome honey soup around the comb honey super is striped so when we go into a bee yard we instantly know where all the coral money supers are they look different than any other supers we have good system then we put the super the two-thirds fall back on the tunic of her back and the bees will want to continue to fill the super and they'll have to go through the Columbine super to do it and that since we took a super off that encourages the bees to start drawing this out we'd like to have the coal money supers completed full sealed by the end of June and again that super that's set aside there that was on the top that goes on any other eye okay that was a less finished extracting super we don't worry about the bees that are in it any foragers that are in it will go back to this Hive yep and nurseries won't be in it because it's above a queen excluder and there's no brood that's right all right thank you Lloyd [Music] thanks Lloyd [Music]
Channel: Betterbee
Views: 2,185
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Id: -yWajdv06ag
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Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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