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hi welcome to technical cleaning channel later i make videos about technology art and education so when there has that cup please subscribe and don't forget to hit that notification bell for having updated customization coupon uploads and for today's video if i was happiness and component i am a puppy keep on watching [Music] in chaga with an adobe pdf reader or downloaded they open your phone with an adobe pdf printer style operating system okay so from here representation is set up for printing so let's click control p and then so it checked my nothing printer and gaming of course so we still i will use epson three one one zero r copy one and then for the properties i checked national tone and young size that meeting comparing is still a4 and then portrait shot and then this is a standard printing of of course when you put a gamete in your draft but still i recommend i will recommend the standard and then the tournaments are called our prototype amelia is color or gray scale so later on for the reverse order and then click ok and then here naman commonly open so only okay and then we will now click print i am so printing nasha using the standard quality of printing returning okay [Music] style of printing output total number of pages divisible by four page that is one two then three four say some paper is like so i clicked nothing young both sides so foreign page for example the last part of the setup pages to print click foreign foreign [Music] m so page one two three four five six seven and page eight so pretty nice style booklet i am sorry product print both sides none booklet type of printing so let me just remind you no hunger games nothing on booklet type of printing from the very beginning material it should be included in our plan anonymity so for example palace agreed level neon standard upon size for the material is sixteen or fourteen so pretty native it doubled on the materials so that after printing kapag please comment it in the comment section below [Music] you
Channel: Sir Juhn - TeknoSining
Views: 17,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how, how to print pdf, how to print module in booklet, how to print pdf module in booklet, how to make a booklet, booklet printing, booklet, print, how to print in booklet, how to print, how to save paper in printing, how to print pdf in booklet form
Id: Ac0pibdaV8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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