How To Prime & Paint a Gas Tank with Spray Paint-Vintage Motorcycle Restoration Project: Part 52

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hey guys that DV Matson here and we're ready to lay some paint down let's prime and paint and clear coat the gas tank alright guys respirators on that my primer that came with the paint from paint scratch alright so match your primer your paint your clear coat all of that stuff make sure that it all works well together again this is what we're going for we're hoping to have a medium red Honda CL 350 from 1972 shake you can take a second I'm just gonna wipe this down one last time with the microfiber cloth let's get it ready again don't touch it with your hand don't want any of the oils from your hand getting on this thing this bondo came out great I also like this hanging it like this because you can manipulate it pretty easily you got a lot of space you know you can walk around the park get down roll on it it's gonna be good so let's take the paint really important detail we don't want going inside the tank so again witness a little stuff check here there stuff some paper towel in make sure that you don't get a bunch of paint inside the tank almost forgot that that with us up it should do it we should be good to go alright top is alright it wasn't proper on this thing again long even strokes we're gonna give it many coats of primer okay we're not going to conquer the world here on this first pass we just want to get a nice easy pass so here we go for this primer going on this was a really narrow spray pattern got to get you sleep scan that you use it's a nice real light coats all I'm going for on this pass here I only have one can of primer to so I need to be pretty smart about how I use this hopefully I don't end up having to order another one but I'm going to focus on some of these bondo areas for sure again being able to get underneath the part and really help you out yeah so with that follow the contours in the tank as well can be really really helpful video look how we're doing there see that rondo literally certain to disappear at the bottom of the tank this doesn't have to be like aesthetically perfect now it's going to move it I'll be I'm working all of these like I honestly don't want to waste a bunch of my paint on this backside and I think it's gonna be pretty tight to get it all done you know working one can hit this inside here as easy chokes all right let's take a close look at it here here it is first layer primer on you can still see some metal pop up through it a few parts but tell you what I'm happy because you know once we get to probably three that bondo is going to be totally you not even gonna see it blended then pretty nice progress guys got feels good to get some primer on this thing feels really good stop that rust got a ways to go though you got a ways to go let's lay out another coat edge we'll let the dress for five minutes so and we'll hit her again number two hey this is really good color now a little bit but not crazy fit I'm a big fan of doing more layers or more you do not want drips on this tank again almost perfect real picky of the tank can you tell primers going on nice and even looking really really good let see if they give you a little bit more interesting angle here all right let's get up close and personal overthrow some more primer on this tank about halfway through my can right now [Applause] we gotta make sure you hit some bondo areas well here you know I might have to play some of our camera angles or accuracy there we go at bongos missus here now okay so better about that any discoloration that you have you know it's gonna show through in the paint very subtly but you can totally tell keep working it nice keep working it here's the other side again I'm not going super crazy on the underside of the tank here this is trying to get it a little bit of coverage work myself around the take here oh that's why what a fly landed on this damn thing just now a fly landed on it left a little freaking go I'll be right there all right no big deal this is this primer what other little details probably save you a little bit of a headache in the future I'm actually going to take just a little bit of duct tape and they're wrapping around the threads for the petcock that will help us out down the road so we need to get that bugger back on there I didn't do this with my 7 d c 7 t CB hey I've got a wire brush so I had to do all that so I'm just going to lay that on there now just got done with the second coat it's looking pretty good looking pretty good guys liking that we don't see any of the bondo anymore either there'll pan you down just a little bit mando is gone under the paint let this rest for 10-15 minutes and we'll go through the rest of our pan all right guys ready for code three I think I got enough what I'm gonna hit it and we hit these by those spots again you can get all the way around this pencil especially on these bottle spots before the can starts to sputter all right don't want your pants butter follow the contours of the tank yeah I can't even such as hitting I'm in trouble even see where there awesome [Applause] yeah I can't even see the ones on the top this is great that okay I didn't see him minor this a little bit this is my attention area right here I'm seeing just a little ripple just a little scene there they didn't quite fans that are not cams really start to get a little on me now since I'm getting down there I'm actually gonna grab a light alright guys I think that's all she wrote I got just a little bit of primer left I'm gonna save that in the can just in case I need it someday in the future I don't know what do you think I think it looks pretty damn good I'll let this sit really good here for a little bit and damn guys we might be putting color on this tank today alright guys primers been sitting for a while next thing we're gonna do before we get to color is I'm gonna get this 3000 grit it's actually a pad you've seen these before we use this while we're working on some of the some of the smaller parts I'm gonna do pull this out of the box if I can get it out and what you can see it's like a cloth but it's really really fine it's a 3,000 grit and I'm just gonna scuff the tank okay gonna scuff the tank knock down any any little dust particles that came out see just a little bit little touches come off of this thing put some gloves on as well so I'm not touching the primer with my oily hands on the ground either way I'm just gonna work sand it real real gentle just knock it all down and then you know what we're gonna be shaking some cans of medium red Honda ping shake your paint it is the medium red paint scratch color matched your shaken we're getting ready to rock a little bit beautiful laying on some color alright I've got three cans of this not sure if I'm gonna need it all or not let's do this guy's I'm actually gonna take this blob off maximum grip on the can alright let's do it first run good to get some color really light first coat guys we should see a ton of primer nice easy up-and-down motion I think I'm gonna have plenty of plenty of paint this tank is actually really small I think we're gonna have a color match - feeling really good about that let's get her over on this side here really nice easy coat on this first one and follow the contours of the tank let's see in this primer color just kind of fade away it's really careful around that gas cat that's gonna be a prime spot gonna run I can see that already man it feels good to be laying some color on this guy's other things go okay pace yourself right good be nice it's like gob this stuff on I'm telling you that my recipe are on now we put the respirator on all right they told me in the comments all right there's that first coat real quick and now that we're getting into color I did set up a couple of lights so I do have a nice spot to be painting from I'm gonna have really good light so I can see exactly what is going on as we lay on the paint all right guys are ready for Pope to take the pain okay it's having a lot of real nice you said this sense that this can it started to give out it just sputtered on me so I'm just gonna move to the back side or the underside of the tank I've used up the rest of this pad here I just can't sputters guys get off of any visible any visible spaces that you're painting because it will just throw these droplets out the droplets are big and they cause problems alright my CB 350 has a droplets scar on the taint that reminds me of that fact every single time I look at it alright what do you guys think I think it's gonna start getting darker and darker and darker I mean this is what we're hoping for it's a little bit dark and red really open that it darkens up here as we continue the process yeah let's do it code 3 it's not this bad boy out let's do this this kind of set this drives me nuts just a little wrong piece of dust fell right on top of the damn tank alright guys so you got a nice color going on here now now I'm gonna slow down by my rhythm here and we're gonna try to put some volume on this tank just a little bit so I'm gonna slow down because the word gets a little bit tricky so where you really got to keep an eye on the drift but at some point you got a certain way in some color on six that's what we're doing now just gonna slow down my page just a little bit start working this in a little bit thicker you know what we're going to do is we are going to let this slow down like this paint here really well okay and then we'll probably do a light sand we'll do a light sand on it that it's really hard to go slow and keep control alright guys that's it powered through two cans we got one can left to go what do you think hope it's looking good on camera cuz it looks pretty damn good right now I got to let this dry out and then I got a tackle I'm going to just do a really light sand on it get out just to one little speck of dust and then a wasp or a little bee came in and checked it out too so I'm gonna let this rest for a little while but man it's looking pretty damn good alright guys just a little little housekeeping item here gotta get this little speck of dust off of here it's inevitable there's always gonna be one spot but also before I died too crazy deep into this I got one can of paint left doesn't look like it's matching but it does look better in darker condition so I think I really need to throw some paint on this thing for sure so I got that little speck of dust off of there there was one more little speck of dust I saw someplace I'm just gonna really lightly scrape this with dust it down just a little bit it looks really good guys not sure we're gonna have that deep kind of almost Moroni color as the side cover is unfortunately that we're gonna have a better paint match yeah that one little darn piece of dust just had to fall right there right smack dab in the middle of the damn tank frustrating alright good let's go for it their last can load it up let's do what they call a went cope alright we're going to do a wet coat on this one I see how to kill these lights let me play it on no drip Pilger it's no drip stuck under that's Oh all right we got our wet coat so I got about half a pan left it does feel like it's darkening up just a little bit I'm not sure pump the brakes once in a while tell myself you know slow down slow down gonna hit this top of Ridge like what at risk here yeah I don't think we're gonna have a match though the side cover yikes well wait you know what maybe some a galloping horse this might actually work out all right guys all the paint is on and I'm pretty happy with the results pretty happy with the results looks really really really really good it darkened up a lot on that wet coat big-time can't even see that it's amazing when you paint then you start to see things like that little dent there but you know what it's an old bike this came out really really great I'm gonna let this dry really well and then we're gonna hit it with clear alright guys well that top stuff is drying I'm gonna actually double check this is the gloss I plan on using on this alright rust-oleum custom premium lacquer paint I'm gonna go on the back side of the bike though or the gas tank and make sure that this stuff doesn't react badly with the paint it can be sometimes you run into you know a gloss and this certain kind of paint or whatever they're made up of they just react and actually had some parts bubble up on me one time as soon as I put clear on them they bubbled up and it was pretty much you know bad to the sandblaster it was just a bad mix of paint so I'm just gonna hit this really liberally inside here and we're gonna see if we get any kind of a weird reaction using this gloss because I do like this gloss and it does polish out really really nice so we'll see give this a few minutes see if we see anything negative happen this is run city guys the one thing we don't want more than anything else there's a run in the clear let's start laying it on now you can easy to do not want runs and up here you can go kind of that heavy coat on this in kind of a wet coat start laying it on I love the look a gas thing so if you started hitting them with clear man insert the pot gonna start the pop does all right Tran - starting to sputter so put the other side here and the underside is good for when you can start to die come back for the hit it again a little bit let this coat rest I'm pretty please pretty please right now but how this is looking let's take a closer look that we got some cleaner on it I think it's hard to see stuff in the world looks shiny looks really good guys let this coat rest for 15 20 bets we'll come back and we'll tackle it again but Wow night and day difference we're getting real close all right by the fresh can and let's go to it coat to the glass I'm not sure I'm still not sold on yeah it's the right color what it looks great nice and slow I slowed my self down on these you'll trigger fingers get a little tired here guys a lot of paint you've been throwing around here the last day or so beautiful well when I get it into natural light you really see where I'm missing a little the trick to is this tank now that we put all this clear coat on it this like it's gonna sit for weeks all right it's gonna sit for a really long time before I even think about buffing it out this stuff has to here you hit it too soon you're gonna fog up your loss this stuff takes a long time to set up so I'm super patient with what we're doing with it all right boy I'm gonna hit this top here again let this rest after this coat that I think we'll hit it one more time hey guys I think we're done with this pig there we go guys that's where I'm going to stop I put three coats of clear on it and it's gonna be awesome you know what didn't put a drip in it not a single drip in this whole job so freaking psyched had to run down to the parts box because don't want to get too close it's gonna look so nice when the elbow is on it sweet guys can't emphasize enough let the tank sit don't even touch it don't touch it if you do touch it grab it from and move it if you have to but I'm gonna let this tank actually just hang here it's gonna sit here it's not gonna move and I'm not gonna try and buff or polish or anything for weeks probably months it'll probably be one of the last things that I do before I put the tank on the bike right because we're gonna get this on the damn bike awesome let's do a quick color test here see if it's close at all you know it's definitely brighter it's a brighter red kind of depends but I tell you tuck behind the CL exhaust it's probably not gonna be too bad it's pretty damn close it's a little lighter than I than I had hoped oh wow guys we still got a long ways to go we got to tackle this bad boy in upcoming videos we got tons of parts to be dealing with but I'd say this is a success I hope you found this video I don't know useful maybe you'll learn something most importantly I hope that it inspires you hope it inspires you to go and grab that old bike and restore it if you're enjoying the videos guys please subscribe means a lot also thumbs up on any videos that you're enjoying that really helps a lot when I get a thumbs up on these videos so with that you can also follow along Instagram and Twitter at BB Matson I'm feeling pretty victorious right now I'm feeling pretty damn good right now what do you guys think let me know in the comments have a great day and see you in the next video
Channel: Keep On Wrenching
Views: 79,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage honda, motorcycle restoration, honda medium red, spray painting a gas tank, japanese motorcycle, honda restoration, cafe racer, paint scratch, vintage motorcycle, caferacer, brian matson, cafe motorcycle, motorcycle repair, honda cl350, DIY gas tank paint, honda twin, how to spray paint, restoring parts, cb350, motorcycle gastank, honda paint, cafe racer motorcycle, honda motorcycle, honda cl350 scrambler motorcycle, bvmatson
Id: h5f6boi3M4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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