How To Price Web Design | Flux

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how much should I charge for a web design for a website with one page with three pages this is mine alone most common questions I get all the time and in this video I want to address how you should think about this hey everybody what's up my name is Ron Segal I'm a freelance designer I've been building website for about 15 years right now and so I get this question a lot how much should you charge for a website and I want to address it in this video even though you're probably looking if you're looking for an easy answer like $3,000 you're not gonna find it here but let's start with kind of like the bottom line and then I'll elaborate into some practical things that you should be using on the next proposal that you send for a website project first answer like short answer you should charge as much as you possibly can because a as jay-z said which I really believe I don't know if it's his quote is you don't get what you're worth you get what you negotiate so your goal should be to get as much money as you possibly can now let's talk about how to do that so basically let's start with the fact that there are no fixed prices like three page websites should cost this or that every client is different every website is different complexity of the project is different the visuals are going to be different some of them require you to work with professional photographers or illustrators or animators or some some of them you need content writers some of them are gonna take you you know I've been working on websites that have only one page but I've been working on them for months so it really you can't really narrow it down to some kind of a menu with with fixed items right that's that's the first thing there is no really easy way but here's how you should think about this so first of all you need to know your costs which means how much does it really cost you to work on this project and you need to estimate this based knowing how much you wanna like what's your salary or what's your rate how much do you if you're gonna work on this full-time for three months now right then what's your salary times three this is your cost I'm not saying that you should this should be the the price that you give it or your clients out of two reason one maybe you need to charge a lot more maybe they can and want to pay a lot more or two maybe they should pay a lot less and they don't care about the fact that you are gonna work on this three months there's no value for that for them but you need to know this because this is going to be your minimum price for the project less than that you're actually losing money and you shouldn't do that unless you're a student you're living with your you know with your parents or you're working full-time somewhere else and you're just doing this as a portfolio piece in which case that doesn't really matter and you don't you don't really have to calculate those prices but if you are into doing you know freelancing full-time and you need to really rationalize make sure that you're not losing money you have to know your initial cost once you know that you can start and try to negotiate more than that and figure out what is the worth in the clients eye considering what they're trying to do here and there's a lot of talk obviously if you've watched other videos on the internet about value pricing now I do use value pricing but not in the normal or suggested a way that they're talking about this so usually when people talk about value pricing it's something along the lines of also I'm going to help you make a website and this website is going to generate million dollar in sale so I'm going to charge you ten percent of 1 million which is a hundred thousand dollars and obviously because I'm helping you generate $1,000,000 it makes sense they are gonna pay me a hundred thousand dollars that's the usual kind of value of pricing spiel I've never actually done it this way for me value pricing is understanding what it's worth in their mind sometimes it's related to how much money they're going to make other time it's what what are there alternatives right so for example if they're considering working with me versus working with a big agency in that case just the fact that this so that's their benchmark in that case they're about to spend what a typical agency charges which might be $100,000 $200,000 so in that case since their prices anchored that where I can price based off that now price anchoring which I just mentioned is kind of like what is what you're the number that's in your clients head which you should either know what's in their head based on knowing who the who they also talk to or you can try to put that number in their head and you know talking to them about the the possible sales coming from the website is a one way of trying to put a huge number in their head to anchor a huge value so that you whatever you say afterwards whatever price you say is going to look lower to that again there are there are multiple ways to do that you don't only have to talk about sales it can be also mentioning what the alternatives are for example if you're gonna work with a huge agency this is what it's going to cost you so you try to anchor a really high price point and then price relative to that make it look like like a great deal to them but at the end of the day it does comes down to negotiation and trying this is kind of an experimental process right so you're gonna say a number if you don't if the clients is going to resist you on that maybe you're going to negotiate and end up somewhere else but if the client doesn't negotiate doesn't negotiate or it doesn't push back that actually tells you that you can raise your prices right you always want to feel a little bit of resistant you want you want them to buy but you want them to have a little bit resistance so you know you're at the top of what they're willing to pay you that's okay that's okay even if they ask you for a look even if you're trying to push your prices up and they you know they give you some kind of a rejection and you have to lower it or you say okay you know what I'll give you a discount for 5% you still know that you know they're willing to pay that and you always want to push it up so it's a process because hopefully every project you're gonna test a higher price and a higher price and a higher price until you reach that really limit where you can't really charge those prices and that just let me tell you this can be ridiculously higher than what you're thinking about right now and I've had so many people over the years where I've been talking to them about this and then next time they had to give a proposal they just like double their price and there was still no rejection so it's a lot of times for us creatives we're already negotiating ourselves down and kind of like oh no way they're gonna pay this when actually they are willing to pay the price now I'm not just saying you can say whatever price you want without any return on it obviously you need to know how to deliver good work obviously if you have a good brand and a good brand as somebody who designs website might be a great portfolio might be great testimonials might be even a great office or space where you can have a host your clients and impress them in that way all those things obviously help you to charge more or at least bring in clients who are more accepting or want year or even inclined to pay higher prices because they want to work with somebody who's top level so those things matter but as I said in the beginning basically comes down to your negotiation skill and it is a lot of kind of like mental you have to prepare yourself it's it's like this magic if you don't believe yourself if you're saying my price is ten thousand dollars and you don't believe it they can see it it's not gonna work if you're gonna if you're coming coming down there and saying like hey this is $10,000 and it's a great deal and here's why bam bam bam and it looks like you've done that multiple time even if you're not even if you're like fake it until you make it so you know you have to believe it to make it work and it is something that you have to practice it is something that you have to experiment with it's not like you're gonna watch this video now you figure out that the ultimate price the right price is $20,000 and you're nail it out of the park the next time it's going to be a process it's going to be experimenting it's going to be sometimes you fail sometimes you win but once you get once you want once once you've had somebody pay you $10,000 $20,000 for a website your mind is like oh my god this is really possible now I can do it again you just need to see that it's possible it's really helpful to see people around you who do this that's why I also try to be open and transparent about how much I charge and how much you know I I make per year just to make sure you see that it's possible then you can understand that you can do it as well hope this was helpful for you guys if you want to see what more videos about Web Design about running freelance business and the business of design make sure you subscribe to this channel and I'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Flux
Views: 44,437
Rating: 4.944778 out of 5
Keywords: design, freelance, tel aviv, ran segall, ran segal, רן סגל, work, vlog, startups, How To Price Web Design, how much to charge for website, how much does a website costs, web design, pricing strategies, webdesign, ui design, website design, ux, ui, ux design, ux designer, ui designer, web design pricing, price, user experience design, website price, entrepreneur, ux design tutorial for beginners, ux ui design, web designer, flux
Id: EFfGiawdFaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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