How To Prepare For Phase 4 - Season of Discovery

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what is up guys it's your boy swam here back with another classic qu video for season of Discovery now phase 4 is a next phase coming out for seasonal Discovery we don't know exactly when when but I think it's a couple of weeks away it could be anywhere from 2 weeks away to 4 weeks away to 6 weeks away we simply don't know what we do know though is that they want the PTR cycle to last for long enough for them to test out classes on a baseline without World Buffs and also test them with World Buffs enabled on the PTR so we looking at a possibly couple of weeks or like several weeks as well PTR cycle next phase could be a month away could be 3 weeks away could be 5 weeks away that being said now is a good time to step back into phase three and prepare yourself for phase 4 with that in mind today we'll be talking about phase 4 preparations and I'm going to start this off by saying that I'm doing a lot less prep for phase 4 than I've been doing for every single other phase I prepped really hard for both phase two and phase three I pre-completed a full Quest log as well as grinded out Quest items on at least five characters for phase three I even went the extra mile of doing it on all my characters which I have 10 characters so phase three that took a lot of time to prep all of that characters but it also saved me a bunch of time for leveling in Phase 3 so if you want to get to max level faster in Phase 4 either only on your main or even on your alt well now is a good time once again to start prepping your characters for phase 4 with that being said we're going to take a look at Jerome's video today this is a prep video for phase 4 what you need to know for f sword phase 4 prep guide season of Discovery so I want to watch this video with you guys and we'll see if he has any tips to give away that I haven't and let's see if I agree with the prep that he's doing I will say once again I'm doing a lot less prep this time but I'll probably try to stock up 20 good quests to be able to hand in when phase 4 comes out because that way you can just hand in all those quests and get a bunch of experience in one go I have been doing a lot of economical prep though so I'm entering phase four with about 50,000 gold which should help me well buy the enchants that I need skill up the professions that I need and even buy the bo that I need as well so that's the economical preparation that I've been doing myself either way let's get into the video and yeah let's check it out phase four of Cesar Discovery the best r the best PVP the best legendaries either you get prepped right now or you RIS sitting on the bench for the crucial early raids let's get to the ultimate prep guide so everybody's going to want to know the ideal main for phase 4 that way you can dominate both PVP and PVE we're also going to be talking about the current and future gear prep you can do we'll also cover some of the newest crafting and profession prep even using some of the newest AI tools to make things way cheaper of course I've also got some of the the best investments and gold making methods for you as well and we can't have a prep guide without some prees guides too so up with those too so starting off with picking the ultimate main for wait did I see a bunch of Blasted Lands Quest there in the preting guide are those the ones that you can hand in let me just scroll back a little bit and try to like Freeze Frame here I scrolled back not far enough but right here we can see the names of the quests as well questing guides too so yeah so these are the ones that you hand in you can buy them they're tradeable so you can buy all of these and have them in your bags so that's a quest without being a quest you can still have 20 quests in your quest log and then also pick up these items to have six more quests plus the drist fragment as well in the spere so you can have seven more quests in addition to Windows 20 Quest that you have stocked up as well that's pretty good that is 27 quests that you can have ready to go I'm going to hook you up with those two so starting off with picking the ultimate main for phase 4 it's really just not as simple as it was back in 2004 there's new Rune changes new tier set changes of course the new 20-man Molton core raid size really changes things as well my guide to the biggest winners and losers of phase 4 so far at least is up there in the top right the tldrs at Mages Rogues ferals Ellie shamans they all really seem to be the big Winners while Warriors have seemed to take yeah Mages are really good though but only on short boss fights for now having tested Mages like I'm a mage made myself right having tested Mages on PTR we're doing a lot of damage but damn we go out of Mana fast man and if we assume that molar bosses will be lasting longer than sunken Temple we will be o before the boss's health is halfway at which case we'll be wanding so we're going to be doing really good DPS while we have mana and then we're wanding the rest of the fight so overall good DPS very like very low Mana regain though kind of and we go o way too fast that being said I want to say when it comes to picking your main keep in mind that we're early in the PTR cycle and blissard is doing like weekly changes sometimes even more continuously than weekly as well so a lot of classes will be changed a lot of the tier sets might be changed as well and even the runes might be changed so when it comes to picking your main don't hard choose now unless you have a class you really want to play of course but if you want to follow the meta kind of that's going to change the meta is going going to change the classes will be tuned every single week both with World Buffs and without them and we can say take a look in like four weeks time or 3 weeks time to see how it looks then got step backwards the way I'm treating it though is more like Wrath of the Lich King that's where everybody brings something to the table and class decking is mostly dead so you might be wondering why it's so important to pick your main right now the main reason we have to pick our main right now instead of later is that the easiest way of leveling is incursions in Phase 4 incursions will be changed to daily Quest meanwhile the 150% leveling Boost from 1 to 50 that's already in the game so it's not going to get any better for you from here on out I I wanted to ask does anyone here in know or have any idea or any opinions if nightmare incursions they're going to be changed to a daily but when it comes to prequest and prepping for the next phase if you don't want to follow like those preting guides can I just stack up 20 nightmare incursions quests cuz I can do 10 in the hint lands and 10 in the other Zone as well we have two max level zones right for incursions and that way you are minimizing the amount of traveling you have to do as well to hand in those quests so you can have 20 um nightmare incursion quests stacked and completed and ready to be handed in when phase 4 comes out you will be level 51 so quickly and then you can also go and turn in the Blasted L Quest For example the Scorpi pincers that we saw earlier in this video the foreshadowing so you can hand in those as well that is 27 quests and all you would have to do is buy some things on the auction house and also you would want to um do 20 incursions quest which to me that sounds way faster and way easier and just like easier to follow as well than a fully pre-quest guide that takes you to do like 100 steps of exactly what to do to me Max if we can do incursions that might be how I prep like once again I'm doing less prep for phase 4 and I want to approach this with a casual kind of mindset instead of Min maxing but I still want to prep a little bit and pre- questing so 20 quests perfect if I can do those three incursions even better and of course with blood moon getting big new rewards Black Rock Mountain being a PVP Hub in Phase 4 if you can you kind of want to get your leveling out of the way right now Okay so we've got our level 50 main we're feeling pretty confident about it but you really don't want to have to push from 50 to 60 just with some green gear from the auction house so there are really two major ways players are gearing up right now the first is to get friendly with the emerald wardens from incursions and that's going to take you about 3 hours the result is a full set of blue Emerald Warden gear that's more than enough to push to 60 at top speed even clearing molden core if you want to get Ultra prepared though once you've got your Emerald Warden set my recommendation would be to also do some sunken Temple Runs with your fresh gear the best way to sneak into any run is actually just to get all the different world Buffs and Chrono them even with your fresh gear most groups are really going to like that you have the world Buffs and they value that more highly so the good news about run running sunken Temple at least in our Guild is that most of the main players they already have their tier sets I was able to come in and just grab a full set and just a couple runs on my priest so hopefully you have a similar experience so with our current gear looking good we can now look ahead to the Future and lock in even more free upgrades at level 60 your main instant upgrades are going to be PVP upgrades and those are going to come from honor and reputation the way to plan those upgrades is to use the 60 upgrades website so once you create a character you can immediately filter out everything you don't want to see and just see the PVP and the rep gear so talking PVP and rep gear you can instantly grab a preis neck piece a new ring from honored War song rep as well and you can instantly pick up the new aathy Bas and honored belts just like the war song pieces these are immediately usable even at level 58 great way to speed up the last bit of your leveling at level 60 though there are these new exalted War song bracers these are going to be very close to True B throughout phase 4 on top of that we can also pair them with the new I have been farming of warung rep on three characters to be able to buy those epics can't wait I mean we we have them before level 60 as well we've had them now in this Phase 2 but it's just we get to the upgraded version next phase as well giving us a pre-us item or well it's going to be pre-us so preus item theas and exalted weapons we have mine Fang for example and that's basically a preis mageblade as for how to get exalted very quickly with warong and wrathy Basin for warong your best bet is still daily Ashen Vil PVP events and you can supplement those with as many war songs as you can handle for rathi though the fastest way is to Simply run blood moon every 3 hours and you convert your coins into Lumber which translates directly into rep a word of caution though is that you may just want to blast those arrai games many Savvy players instead of spending their blood moon coins they're saving them up to get commendations just quickly rank seven to rank 10 is around 430,000 honor and at the moment you can save up to 99 blood moon accomodations which give 250 honor each on top of that you can also store blood moon coins to purchase even more accomodations when the phas drops so inless blizzard makes some big changes Savvy players are going to be able to jump from rank seven to rank 10 at the end of the first week yeah the expectation for that hard work is going to be new PVP rewards since the gear in Phase 3 was very relevant for rating it's definitely worth looking into if you have no desire to set foot in Blood Moon again for phase 3 that's completely fine when phase 4 launches ultraa Valley for your exalted ring is going to be the meta anyways and on that rep grind you're going to passively gain the honor you need just chilling in AV with the boys so with your gear all set we can talk about professions now and professions in Phase 4 played the biggest role theyve played since phase one the reason for that that is the level 60 crafted gear is insane you may not get as excited about the true Faith vestments as I do but I know you're going to want your devil swar leggings your lionard Helm your arcanite Reaper and will you want the devil swur leggings though cuz I've been I've been talking to people about this and I've been looking at them as well with the power level of the current tier set that we have they don't look that appealing anymore it depends on who you are I guess Hunters Rogues and ferals are a different thing but as a warrior for for example aren't the tier sets like the tier bonus just too good for you to want to have devil or armors and when we get to level 60 as well like they're putting in brand new profession recipes and we're scaling up dungeon loot it kind of makes those crafted items worth less unless they scale those up as well which I'm personally hoping they do scale them up because well devila is Iconic when it comes to Classic wow and preis scaring so either scating that up or making devil SW leathering useful in another recipe would be great because devilsaur farming and just devil source as a whole is just too iconic to not be useful in classic so I don't I don't know anyone who has a lot of knowledge about Rogues in um seasonal Discovery or ferals or hunters even Warriors will you be using devilsaur in Phase 4 let me know in the comments down below I mean I don't play any of those classes but I've been talking to a couple of people in my guild and the common consensus is that it might be a slight upgrade but not worth super going for I don't know with the new recipes being hyped up as well getting 300 in your primary professions and your secondaries like first aid really should be a huge priority yeah so luckily in 2024 we have a new tool that can level your professions far more efficiently and cheaper than in the past that tool is the gaming tools profession Cal I have a video about this for captain ISM which either is already available or is going to be coming out in the next couple of days I made that video yesterday talking about this this tool as well it's super good if you're not using this consider checking it out it will um it's super useful for Skilling our professions and let's just see what he has to talk about this later so I sat down with the creator of this tool at Dan to see how it can really help players who are prepping for phase 4 uh if you want to level your profession and follow a standard guide you don't know if you will be able to find the materials to level up your profession but gaming tools will help you with that because it has the almost live data from the blizzard API therefore it knows what's available on the auction house or not and therefore you can level up your profession much faster than the people who are following the just standard guides okay great so let's say I want to be the king of linhardt crafting in Phase 4 and I want to be a millionaire I can input my server which is Crusader strike and I instantly get recommended the cheapest route to 300 Blacksmithing on the shopping list page I can immediately see which items I need to buy and the quantities as well if I want to make it even easier I can copy the TSM query and put it right into trade skill Master search and I get an exact list of the items and it even stops me from buying more than I need now this idea of using pricing data to level professions really one of my personal favorite things but aane has more ideas he plans to implement as well to help players to make profit too I'm planning to add also crafting calculators for example you want to craft something and you want to see how much it will cost maybe in the future like a shopping cart you know I want to craft this this this this give me the total that kind of stuff with the data that we have and also I want to add possible cell values both for the guides and the calculators so you can also see the profit so speaking of crafting profit we need to talk about gold making O So phase three shocked a ton of us with those super expensive Dark Moon cards and it does seem likely that blizzard will put in even more fancy items to buy even if they don't unless you're part of the devil SAR Mafia your new legs are going to cost a few hundred gold the arcanite reaper probably a few thousand gold so to make that gold there are really two major methods the first is simply to run incursions before you turn this video off let me say that I did several several hours of incursions this week averaged about 80 gold per hour no problem my brain was only operating at about 10% capacity turn on a director's cut of Lord of the Rings and farm a good 10 hours worth and you'll be in a way better position than most players so with all that gold we do have that serious danger of devaluation to safeguard your gold from becoming worthless Investments are really the smart play yeah I posted a thread yesterday on the very best investments that everybody's making some of the highlights include squids golden pearls Arcane crystals a fair amount of players also mentioned Elemental Earth and fire though one of my personal favorites is grave Moss extremely desirable later on for NAX ramas yes but likely in phase four as well so one of the big changes in Phase 4 is that the world bosses are now instance bosses so think of them like mag theodon from TBC we all of a sudden have a much greater demand for frost protection and Shadow protection potions so with gold sworded we also have another key step in our journey which is reputation farming the biggest rep grind right now is definitely the hydraxian waterlord rep at least seven members of your guild need honored with hydraxian waterlords Plus on my server there's only one Z of this layer right now and the PVP is insane highly recommended you get this done before the phase launches so one last entirely optional prep step is pre-quest with an optimal pre-quest route we can get to nearly 50 in under 2 hours this pre nearly 55 in 2 hours nearly 55 what the that's insane wait what are they doing for this they have the Sal VI hunting Sal V Gatherings or salving I can do that on my gathering for example and they do mention the feralas missions that's perfect cuz I was hoping to maybe do some of those incursions as well now they also give us experience trackers here and it looks like most of them are 5.1 so 5,100 meanwhile open World quest seems to be about 8,000 maybe 7 to8 questing guide from alenia is completely free but it is Alliance only for now so by now we've picked our main we've gotten a shiny new set of gear we prepared for the future with reputations and gear we've maxed our professions in record time using new tools hopefully we've also stockpiled at least 1,000 gold with incursion blasting and maybe made some smart Investments as well maybe you've even prepared a giant stack of quests to hit 55 in a matter of hours if not though that's completely fine but I am curious how many of you out there are doing a lot of prep or maybe avoiding prep entirely personally I'm going all out for phase 4 so much so that I made an entire winners and losers guide for phase 4 for all the best classes definitely check that video out next click on the screen now all right there we go pretty good video nice talking more about prep about phase 4 once again I am approaching phase 4 a little bit more casually than I've been doing other faces I do want to have 20 Quest stock pile I have a bunch of gold left over though that's just from investment in me farming gold making gold crafting and stuff and also buying recipes so I guess been doing a lot of prep anyway but that's like early in phase three that I've been doing most of this and I'll be jumping in now and doing the raid getting my raid gear setup getting all of the best gear that I can and also looking to complete 20 quests I'm still kind of considering doing incursions because that's just an easy way to get 20 quests in two hubs so they're really close together as well so you can hand in 20 quest in like what 10 minutes and then just move on I it's either that or do dungeons you can do BRD for example and have a bunch of dungeon quests from BRD even though you can only do half of BRD right now right but you can also do other high level dungeons as as dungeons as well or if I'm playing my Mage I can even dungeon Farm the first couple of levels then hand in my quest so there's a lot of things that we can do I'm looking forward to it though and this prepping guide definitely helps out it gives you an outline of what to do and I'm looking forward to it it will be fun let me know how you're prepping for for phas 4 in the comments down below if you enjoyed me reacting to this today leave a like as well thank you for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll see you again in the next video very soon
Channel: Solheim Gaming
Views: 4,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery wow, phase 4 sod, preparing for phase 4, wow classic season of discovery, season of discovery, phase 4, sod phase 4, wow classic, preparation for phase 4, sod class changes, sod p4 prep, season of discovery changes, season of discovery phase 4, sod dps tier list, sod phase 4 tier list, wow sod phase 4, sod phase 4 runes, phase 4 prep, phase 4 stockpiling, sod goldmaking, season of discovery gold farm, season of discovery priest, sod phase 4 prep
Id: wYKRtK0sjCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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