How To Prepare and Serve a Trout

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today we're going to be uh fill it in and prepping this beautiful brown trout that one of our customers brought in for us he's got like one of the only rights to fish on the river tess so it's a really small fishing right and it's only reserved for like six or seven people at the moment because trout is it's a managed population in these waters in these waters but it's also caught for sport um but basically the the main two trout that he gets are river trout and rainbow trout and this is um this is a river trout or a brown trout common trap beautiful flavor like the the way that the river works it's actually it's it's got a really clean bottom it's a limestone uh river so the water is incredibly crystal clear and you know trout often gets that bad rep of being i don't know tasted like mud because it eats the bottom of the of the river but this one is you could compare it to like a beautiful farmed or wild um salmon so first of all what we're going to do is just go into the belly being super super careful that we don't catch the gut trap just very very gently try and go through with as little damage to the fish as possible because what you really don't want is all that bacteria from the fish's guts escaping into the beautiful meat of the fish it's best just to use your hands for this well there is no real glamorous way to cut fish the the best thing to do is just try and keep your fish clean okay so you can see we've got a nice clean cavity there and then what we're going to do is just really nicely dry all that out as well and then really importantly keep your board clean as well throughout this process so i've whenever you're prepping a fish it's beautiful and fresh like this we're looking for a slime on the fish that means that it's spent days at the bottom of a beautiful river and that should coat the fish all over we're looking at the eyes so they should be crystal clear beautiful and like iridescent and then also the gill so that basically the the vibrant color of the gills indicates you know almost like how much oxygen is left in there um so basically they're clearer and more pristine the better this fish is still in uh rigger mortis as well so it's nice and stiff stiff as a board so you know it's coming out the river within the last 48 hours so take our knife here and follow it around the head flip it over go through here waiting as little of the meat as possible so sometimes the neck can be a bit tricky to get through and there's a head so we've still got the gills in there like everything else we can cook this up uh take the gills out and it's still good to eat just going to flip the board quickly and then we're going to start cutting down the length of the fish really simple almost it's very similar to a salmon you just need to find the spine and then just follow it all the way down so it should be a really simple quick and you see here we've damaged the flesh very little it's holding together really nicely then all you do is just flip over and then just work through on the other side so we've got all this now most people now they won't do anything with this but what you can do is you can just take a spoon and go up the side of that fish and you get this really amazing meat so this is really common in japanese cuisine almost every salmon that gets processed in the uk the bones eventually end up being scraped like this meticulously and it's some of the sweetest meats right next to the bone this could be used for anything that you've got you could use this in a tartare you could cure it lightly marinate it or to be honest you could just eat it eat it raw it's really super super fresh and super delicious and still you can use this for stop awesome so now we've got our fillets what we want to do is just follow this rib cage all the way down the length of the fish when you're doing it you want to try and do it in one motion it's common when you're prepping fish that you want to be super super careful so you don't lose any of the valuable flesh the more careful you are and the more strokes you do the worse often the end result is so it's just super important close to the bone and then if you not get every bone off it's sometimes a little bit trickier with smaller fish you can take them off just with a pair of fish tweezers basically when the bones are coming out they're going with the grain of the fish so you can see the flesh of the fish is going this way so what you don't want to do you don't want to pull it out that way you want to go with the grain gently tease it out and that's what we want then all the way down that length of the fish [Music] so the bones usually finish about here so towards the tail end of the fish there's not the same structural bones that keep the keep the air keep the fish's body moving so the bones usually end up here and then just run your finger along one one last time to make sure you got everything cool so once we got the fish to this stage then what we need to start to do is just remove the skin when you go in in here you just want to go above the blood line so if you can see there that's what we call the blood line of the fish so take all of that bloodline off with a fish that's that's fine to do um and you can cook that on the fish but what we do in the restaurant just to make sure we've got a really pristine fillet is we literally just take a really sharp knife and just go above that bloodline slightly trickier to learn but the finished product is so much cleaner than the um than the other so you can see there you've left the bloodline on the fish and that's beautiful clean flesh so that's our fillet deboned ready to portion cook hole whatever you want i just lay that under the ice bath now the skin is uh it's still equally good to use so obviously we didn't descale it before we uh before we prepped it but the best and easiest way to do that is just to descale it now so really you can actually every part of the fish you can deep fry and dehydrate the scales they're super delicious you cover them with a salt and vinegar powder they taste like almost like sort of like fish scratches you get from the fish shop they just need a really good rinse and there you go i'm just going to show you how we plate up our new trout dish which is a dish of cured trout second class green tomatoes basil and pickled lemon one of the key elements around this dish is using green tomatoes so green tomatoes are lovely they're in season right now but what we we're actually not gonna use them fresh we actually we buy the second class one so the other day for example i picked up 12 boxes of green tomatoes came out the market new covent garden market but they were just they were too soft and two brews for other customers to use so all we've done we've cut them in into quarters blanched them very quickly peeled the skin off taken the seeds out and then i've just roughly chopped them and we've added the juice back in can you see that is we just put it into the oven dehydrated it and it took about three days constantly in the oven and the water and the tomatoes just evaporating and the the flavor is condensing um and we're left with this really really intense um green basically a green passata style sauce we've then added some basil parsley and mint which we've blanched and then we've blended that with jell-o and made it into a ketchup and that's going to be a key element of our dish so we'll get back to that in a second but right now we're just going to just going to cut the trout so we're going to take five to six slices of our trout [Music] so we're just gonna blow torch the surface so what the idea behind this is we're just cooking the very very top but because it's cured the inside is still going to be nice and soft and chewy it's cooked enough that it will just flake but um and then but the the inside and the bottom of it will just have a cured texture so you get the best of both worlds just going to season that with a little bit of pepper we won't need any salt because it's cured and i'm just going to hit it with a little bit of english rapeseed oil and then just lightly slightly just give that a little brush all over and i'm just going to add a little bit of the juice from the pickled lemon so on there we've got lovely cherry tomatoes from the isle of wight a few different shapes and sizes we won't need many a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper and we've got a lovely red pepper and tomato dressing a little bit more oil and the secret ingredients just a little tiny hit of vinegar vinegar and tomatoes work really well but just a little touch just to bring out the natural sweetness one more thing on top of that gonna add a little bit of mint so now we're pretty much ready to plate up so we've got our lovely trout and we've got our beautiful dressed english tomatoes first of the season be around right the way through up until no usually about november time so a few of those tomatoes dotted around nice little bit of dressed mint so then this is our beautiful green tomato ketchup [Music] a few of our pickled lemons these lemons have been sliced very finely on a meat on a either on a very sharp mandolin but we do large batches and we use the meat slicer a little bit of that red pepper dressing it's a couple of little hearts a basil it's a slight bitter no right at the end and finally that last little hit of english rapeseed there you have it that's our cured trout with green tomato and pickled lemon oh classic strang comes up oh what are you doing sorry yes i actually did a drama drama degree
Channel: Fallow
Views: 150,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, rainbow trout, Preparing Trout, Cooking Trout, Cutting Trout, Fillet Trout, River Test, Fallow London, fallow restaurant, Fallow, Jack Croft, Will Murray, How to Fish, trout catch and cook, Trout Recipes, trout fish recipe, Fillet Fish, Debone Fish, How To Trout, Trout, trout fishing, fishing for trout, how to catch trout, Fallow Resta
Id: SuQJjZngL-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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