how to prep a rendered wall before painting

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just a very quick one uh in this video i'm just going to talk you through the process you should take when you are prepping and painting a rendered wall like this one now this is obviously a garden wall which technically you probably shouldn't paint a garden wall because you see what happens is the wall itself does not contain a waterproof membrane and the other thing because the render goes right away to the floor what happens is the render sucks water up and it spits it out up here and the end result is your paint doesn't last so i'm going to talk you through the actual prep that we're going to take before we paint this wall and then i'm going to talk you through the types of materials you can use to sort of prolong the life of the paint the finished paint product on your garden wall so that it lasts a few years before you have to take it again first things first we have loads of loose paper which obviously needs to come off it needs to come off for a couple of reasons first of all if you paint over um anything it doesn't matter what quality of product you are painting over it if this paint underneath um starts to fail so will your finished product so get as much as you possibly can i'm not going to do it all in this video but all of this needs to come off then we've got nails like this any rust these nails can actually come out to be honest but if there's anything metal that needs to remain in the wall for whatever reason what you need to do is just spot prime it with a little bit of um oxide primer and what happens is that obviously stops the oxygen from getting to the metal and it actually stops any rust from happening and the last thing we need see these little contours here later on in the video i'm going to show you or later on in this blog should i say i'm going to show you how to hide these with filler so if you read this all the way down i'm going to actually show you the process there and that way you'll be able to achieve a really good finish we also have if you come around here a large part of wall that's obviously come away and that is too big that's that's over an inch deep and it needs squaring off there this section here is far too deep to use an external filler so what we're going to do we're going to mix some uh render bought from b and q it's very very cheap and i'm going to show you how to cover this in a couple of coats and again there's just consoles rounds and things like that you'll actually see moss growing on the render as well now moss is a little bit of a strange plant and it actually grows um in stone work any stonework including render and there is uh degrading and what it actually does the roots of this stuff will actually help to degrade the render so it sort of grows on itself so what we need to do we need to kill all the moss and to do that we're going to use an anti-fungal wash again further down the blog you'll be able to read about it and i'll give you my recommendations last thing the very last thing is um the product that we're going to use to coat the wall now um because of the issues that i've already explained about uh the this wall is always going to contain a certain amount of moisture so we need to counteract that the first thing i'm going to do on this particular wall is i'm going to prime any bur surfaces like this with a breathable stabilizing solution now the one i use sorry is zinser peel stop zinc appeal stop will prolong the life of your finished product for years and years and years it's cheap it's water-based it's dead easy to use it goes for miles and it prolongs the life of your finished product and then the other thing that we need to use is a breathable masonry paint now a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that a masonry paint is a masonry paint it isn't anything that contains any uh lime or any moisture is going to need something breathable so that any moisture that's in the wall can permeate through the finished product and not throw the paint off so you're not going to get this peeling within the next couple of years so the product i use is emperor paints emperor paints and i know it's expensive but emperor paint is a silicate based masonry paint it is the very best masonry paint on the market and it will last for years and years and years um brilliant
Channel: Decorators Forum UK
Views: 41,365
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Id: -_05Phm2Pxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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