How to Pour Concrete Sidewalks

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hey what's up I'm Mason the Mason there's solace aw man we got dad the shot-caller we're gonna show you how to how to pour some concrete yeah Billy's missing but step one make sure you got the right tools we got a boat float you know some AG screeds wheel barrels all that good stuff edgers you know the huge make sure you got mud boots and when you're starting your pour day tell them salt make sure everything's good yeah it's all staked all staked looks good all grade looks good we're ready to go out here see ya I don't know what that is so we're gonna have to fix that see good thing we're going over stuff right so yeah that's her man so we're pouring sidewalks but we're also pouring this little patio back here it's the same thing just made sure everything's all staked all right I'm gonna screed man so all I need is my sweet my boots and my mag I like to use a Darby but most people use mags I just like this so I can reach farther there's quite a bit of distance right there so we're going to wheel it because the trucks not gonna be able to drive through the yard or nothing all right getting the wheelbarrow up its gonna get stall minutes to get all the concrete in there got the wheelbarrow under the chute then you straight the chute so you don't make a mess and leave it on the chute shovel starting to get a decent pile break it out take it up to the form here we are [Music] get a low spot take a little scoop like that put it there then while he gets a breakdown you bag the edges ready to screed same thing tilts it shake it drag across both of the sides of your sidewalk and then mag it you don't kick it into the mud we got all the sidewalks filled in now Mason's just doing this last curve downhill part really put the steak on the inside of the forms so we have to take that one out yeah bill you can't trust anybody with a name will [Music] so we're against the house here so we got these chalk lines so we know how high to go and then they match the bottom of the door so that's our house over there and then just to the top of the forms on that side once the concrete is pushed up to your height you just make it flat right up to the line get all the holes out of there that's a bench that's what you screed on all right so we're getting some mud off away from the door here that's when you go to the chalk line get it there just make sure it's flat that's the line got it all rate the bench is all made time for some some screeding on this side and this is that's a wet bench and then the two by fours your hard bench and then the concrete over on this side make sure there's no holes or anything like that where we start screen and there's going to be a bowl just fill by man and it's really hard to keep this straight so you got to like make it float across the top and I push down on the hard bench so I push down and make this this side float across the bench I wiggle it turn the street up like that label and cross that side once you get it nice and straight back the other side did and make it all blend together and you just do that all the way across the whole pad you get into the end of my pool here some I have to reverse my screed they just go on this side now I got two benches so all I got to do is make it float both sides back and then mag behind that's it well done with this patio everything's all streeted and magged off real straight time to go wash my tools off my boots I'll come back in a minute and pull float that all right now it's time to bowl float they just got my full quote there and the stick so to start all you do is just set it on the edge tilt it up like that and push [Applause] and rotate the other way and come back and just blowed it across there and you're just going to do that all the way across and then edge it just on this side we're gonna so it's all bull floated looking glassy and on the edge there's little ripples here and there but when I edit it I'll get them out and it'll all be flat and that's all like that there's no need to bull float sidewalks because we can just mag the whole thing from both sides so we don't need to worry about using that big thing for this little bit of concrete so we're edging here step 1 get all that nasty crud off the edges it's starting to get hard get that out of the way so we can see our edge good nice clean edge all the way down alright notice how he's not digging in here so just like you go up and back when you're going across make sure you're not pushing down on the edger and rolling the edge down farther than the form or pushing it down this way into the concrete it's just flat across there so up and back and you're holding it straight not tilting it once the edge is done you come back and you erase the marks and it leaves a nice little edge like that from when we're finishing it makes finishing away easier all done engine got a nice clean edge there all the way down it's all flat it's a little wet and I can tell that because I can stick my fingers in it pretty easy it's like watery on top so we got to wait till that stiffens up till we can finish this so we're just gonna go sit around for a little bit so this is the tool it's called double groover dummy jointer and this is to premeditate the cracks where this concrete's gonna crack because when you pour concrete every time it's going to crack so this makes it look pretty and make sure there's no cracks on the surface the cracks will fall in wherever these joints go we space them out five feet I just put my roller down I mark with my jointer here right at five foot and do the same thing the others all you do did you wiggle that pointer part and then just like all right well I'm dumb enjoying all these lawyers going back through and nagging everything because we didn't both load it so we asked you a maggot he's cleaning up all the marks I made from my double groover and then making all that cream with that same color when you maggot so you get that color off and make it all look like that make sure there's no lines on the top it's edge double grooves are in saw magged it off already to finish super super super important before the concrete truck leaves make sure you get a wheelbarrow or two of water we only got one but it's okay little poor little poor today make sure you got water wash your tools just waiting for it to set up and get a little harder before we brush it and finish it we got about five minutes just wait and so the way you can tell if it's ready is if you can not push your fingers in it's like I can just push my finger way in there that's not ready yet we go wait till that stiffens up on top so our brush doesn't dig in too hard all right we're ready to finish getting a little stiff on there I can't push my fingers in there anymore it's ready to finish mud board time so step one is maggot again get all that cream work make sure there's no holes in the surface get them all out with your mag and then put the brush on it these are called swirls that's just our personal preference of concrete finishing you can do a straight edge your straight pull broom mag swirls whatever you want to do there's like fifty thousand things you could do make sure you get all these mud board marks out scrubbing a circle get them right out no lines already the brush got her all brush now we just got an edge and double groove it just do the same thing as when it was wet but this time we don't erase it go right up to double grooves stop at the joint and skip right over it believe that joint there it looks good we are all done put these sidewalks all finished edged so same thing in the sidewalks you just maggot and then brush it except there's no hard bench on this side or edge here so he's gonna make sure all this is sealed okay clean up all their holes here put some cream in there and then rub it to make sure there's no holes like that little brush gang Hey so you get this last bit for me yeah I can't get that last half a foot yeah I'll carry your ass Hey thank you all brushed time the edge it all edged and finished
Channel: Mason The Mason
Views: 12,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, concrete tutorial, concrete for beginners, screed, how to edge concrete, how to screed concrete, how to put control joints in concrete, how to finish concrete, concrete tutorial for beginners, Mason the Mason, Mason
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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