How to play Sorcery TCG (2024) - Episode 01: Overview

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you found out about sorcery contested realm want to play the game but don't know how this video will Aid those who want to dive into the realm of this new exciting [Music] game hey everyone how's it going this is hey from Wizards den and welcome to the first episode of a four-part series how to play sorcery contested Realm in this first episode I'll be giving an overview on how to play sorcery based on the most recent rules as of January 1st 2024 I will skim over the very Basics just enough for you to get your first game started to be clear this episode will not cover everything sorcery is a complex game and covering everything in a single episode is just impossible more details will be explained in the remaining three episodes of this series this video will be sectioned by these chapters so without further Ado let's get started sorcery is a tactical trading card game that you play like a chess you place cards on grids and move them around strategically to beat your opponent you place sites that allows you to get resources you place and move around your minions which are your allies to deal damage to your opponent you cast magic auras and artifacts to Aid your strategic agenda the endgame is literally trying to Checkmate your opponent positioning every piece you own to give him the final death blow the win condition of this game is this to deal more than one damage after reducing your opponent's life to zero this final damage that would finish the game is called the death blow and the condition where a player's life is at zero is called the death's door both you and your opponent starts at 20 life and you will have to put him to death's door first before giving him the final death blow so what's special about this two-step process the final damage you apply as the death blow have to be direct damage while the life reduction before the death door can involve indirect methods such as life loss there are specific conditions that have to be met for a legal death blow and the specifics will be explained later just remember for now that your wind condition will have to take this twostep process in sorcery the battle will take place in this realm that consists of of a 4x5 square grid you and your opponent's Avatar is placed on the opposite ends of the realm as explained before the first step to Victory is to put your opponents to death's door but you are physically separated within this realm and you have to reach your opponent to do anything you need to create a pathway to do this you must Place sights on the Square grid sights are cards that you draw frame your Atlas deck which has this card back sights allows you to physically travel through the realm becomes the casting grounds for minions and artifacts and most importantly it provides resources both mana and Elemental Affinity to cast various spells to place a sight you will have to invoke your Avatar's ability all avatars possess an activated ability that reads Tap Play or draw a site tapping refers to an action to turn the card sideways in the clockwise direction as long as your avatar is in the untapped State you will be able to use this ability once during your turn on your very first turn where you have no sights in the realm you need to place a site under your avatar which is in the middle of the bottom row this is to establish your domain within the realm after that you will be able to place sites wherever you like following one simple restriction you must place a site adjacent to your own site adjacent refers to squares in the cardinal direction as shown in this image after your first turn these are the squares where you may place the site also only one site is allowed to be placed on a single Square you must claim your territory before your enemy does as explained before sites generate mana and Elemental Affinity which are the resources required to cast various spells spells are cards that you can draw from the spell book deck which has this card back all Sites generate one mana and the amount of Elemental Affinity it produces is written in the bottom right corner there are four elements in sorcery fire air water and Earth all spells excluding artifacts belongs to one of these elements let's look at some of the spells to learn about the required cost for casting the required Mana cost is written in the top left corner of the card with a number the required Elemental threshold is written beside that number for example this raw Dromedary requires one mana and one fire threshold this minor explosion requires three mana and two fire thresholds now how do you determine if you have enough resources from the sites you own consider a condition where you have two red deserts one Corner Stone and one standing stones in total it would generate four mana and two fire affinities it is possible to cast both raw Dromedary and minor explosion as these spells do not exceed the total Mana cost in the maximum number of Elemental affinities a very important point to note is that Elemental affinities are not consumed like Mana regardless of what spells you cast Elemental affinities are never lost and always persist in the realm as long as your sites exist now if we take away a Cornerstone there would only be three Mana available we would now only be able to cast one of the Spells as now we don't have enough Mana to cast both even though we have the required Elemental affinities in a different situation if we take away the red desert instead of a Cornerstone we would only be able to cast The Raw Dromedary as now we cannot meet the two fire Elemental threshold requirement for minor explosion now that we understand the Mana cost and the elemental threshold of the spell let's learn about all the different types of spells and sorcery there are four types minions artifacts auras and Magic let's start from minions minions are your greatest allies that support you in various ways if a card has a power rating on the top right corner that is a minion it may only be cast on the sites you own normally on the surface to be clear you cannot cast it on opponent's site directly there's no limit on the number of minions you can cast on the same site but it's always not a great idea to concentrate your forces on one single spot minions are capable of doing many things such as attack in but there is an important reminder that it will not be able to do anything that involves tapping on the turn it was summoned this includes moving attacking or using activated abilities that require tapping as a cost this is called Summoning Sickness we will discuss in detail about move attack and defend abilities in later chapters of this video next artifacts artifacts are cards with with brown borders that has no Elemental symbols artifacts can be cast on the surface of the sites you control or it may be cast on the waiting hands of a minion you control provided it's not a monument or an automaton how would you know if it's a monument or an automaton it would be written on the typel of the card let's see how casting artifacts work this is a devil Z this is not a monument or an automaton therefore you can cast this on your sites or you may cast this Devil's egg directly to my spectral stalker that is on an enemy's sight however you cannot cast this chains of Prometheus or crave go into its hands as former is a monument and latter is an automaton these two have to be cast on on one of your sites you control provided it's not a monument where an automaton units can carry any number of artifacts let's move on to auras oras are cards that have the word Aura in the typel oras are cast on the intersection of four squares where at least one of them have to include a site in other words you cannot cast an aura in a complete void like here note that this site does not have to be controlled by yourself therefore it makes auras a powerful method to intrude your enemy territory finally Magics Magics are cards that have the word magic in the typel line Magics are the only kind of spells that do not interplay like other spells it resolves its effect and then goes to the owner's Cemetery one thing you must keep in mind is that also spells are cast through units that have the spellcaster ability your avatar by default is a spellcaster some minions have the ability spellcaster too like this Apprentice wizard this is an important notion as some spells have a range or directional restriction and in such case the position of the source becomes relevant for example this minor explosion reads deal three D to each unit at Target location up to two steps away Two Steps from where from the spell Caster now that we understand how to put all types of cars into play Let's Learn how the game starts and progress first we set up the realm as shown here both players Place their avatars in the middle of the bot rope and place their Spellbook and alst deex on the the sides after shuffling your Spellbook deck should consist minimum of 40 cards and Alice deck should have a minimum of 20 depending on the Rarity of the card there is a limit on the number of same copies of a card you can have in each deck four for Orin Aries three for exceptionals two for Elites and one for Unique decide which player goes first and draw the starting hand of three Alice and three Spellbook cards if you are not satisfied with a hand you can take a Mogan so take a Mogan return any number of cards in your hand to the bottom of the respective decks and draw the same amount of cards again you may take aan only once now we will go over the turn structure a turn consists of three separate phases a start phase a main phase and an end phase on the start phase any triggered ability that happens at the start of the turn triggers then you will untap any tapped cards this is also the timing when all your sites generate Mana after untapping you will draw a card from either one of the decks of your choice one note is that if you are the first player to take a turn you skip the first draw in your first turn next you will go into the main phase in the main phase you can cast a spell activate inability move units attack and interact with artifacts you may do any number of these activities in any order as much as your resources allows you to do so after you are at a state where you cannot perform any more actions you proceed to the end phase any ability that triggers at the end of turn triggers first and then you will remove all damage from the minions any ability that lasts for your turn officially ends now and the turn passes to your opponent let's briefly overview the actions that you can do during the ter cast spells we already went through that uh to activate an ability you simply pay the activation cost and resolve the effect for example all avatars has an activated ability that says Tap Play Or Draw a site in this example tapping is the cost and playing or drawing a site is the effect artifact interaction involves dropping or picking up an artifact once per turn a unit at rest can pick up or drop a relic at its location however a unit that has engaged in combat Cannot drop any artifacts I will explain move attack and defend later as it deserves its own chapter one thing I would like to point out is that though there are some exceptions all of these actions can only be done during your main phase unlike some other games sorcery limits your abilities and spells to be used on your turn only now we will explore the most important actions in the game of sorcery move attack and defend moving is an action to relocate your unit from a location to another location units can move to adjacent locations if it has airborn it can move to nearby locations moving will require the unit to tap as a cost you may combine an attack with the movement if you choose to do so attacking is an action to deal damage to enemy units or to inflict life loss to your enemy Avatar by attacking the surface of the site attacking requires your attacking unit to be at the target's location you must tap your unit when declaring an attack your opponent can let the attack go through as is or may decide to defend it other untapped units on the same location or at an adjacent location can defend the attack Target defending will require the unit to tap note that when units from adjacent locations defend it must move to the location where the attacker is located when defending the declared defend Defender will deal and take all the damage in combat instead of the original Target also multiple Defenders can join the combat in this case all Defenders will deal and take damage once all Defenders are declared both attacker and Defender exchange combat damage at once the damage that a unit can deal is written on the top right corner of the card this value also indicates the maximum damage it can take until it dies if multiple blockers are present the attacker divides the damage amongst the blockers if a minion takes damage that damage remains until end of turn if an avatar takes damage the damage will persist throughout the game and be marked on the life counter as reduced life when a sight is attacked the controller of the site will lose life equ equal to the power of the attacker note that this life loss is not considered as direct damage this means that you cannot attack SES as the final death blow as that requires to be direct damage so you take turns deal damage and you reach a point where your opponent's life becomes zero your opponent is now at the desk door now you need to give the final death blow to finish the game but you won't be able to do that this turn on the turn your opponent is placed at the death door it will receive immunity to further damage by any means until the end of turn only after this turn ends it will lose its immunity and will be able to receive direct damage again any direct damage given after this short period of immunity is called the death blow you will need to give this death blow to your opponent while it tries to run for its safety and try to beat you before being killed Victory is given to the one who gives the death blow to the opponent first this was the overview on how to play sorcery contested realm as I explained in the beginning this is just an overview I didn't cover all the details of the game in this video I will be covering other details in the following episodes so please watch those to fully understand the game of sorcery if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe the channel for future episodes regarding sorcery thanks for watching and until next time have a great game
Channel: Wizards' Den
Views: 5,529
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Id: ONG7JGclej8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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