How To Play Monopoly - Full Tutorial

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If you play the game by the rules in the manual, it's not that bad! It only takes 2 hours or less!

That being said, it's slightly annoying when someone says they want to play a game, you suggest something, then they reply with "what about something simple like Monopoly or Risk?". It's only simple because you know the rules already..... And you don't know the rules

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 477 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VoodooCannonball πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Leave it to Rodney to make an April Fool’s joke that’s actually useful after April 1st is over.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 165 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bilbo_the_innkeeper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rodney was the guest of honor last year at the regional con I help direct. He's a real class act.

This is also the exact kind of April Fool's Joke we need right now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Binary101010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

April Fool's aside, I like that he did this because it does a pretty good job of showing the relative weight of Monopoly, when typically it's considered an ultra light game. Its BGG weighting is 1.66 - but no game in that range even comes close to the rules complexity of Monopoly.

Biblios is the same BGG weight and Rodney Smith's video clocked in in under 12 minutes.

Patchwork is the same BGG weight and takes me about five minutes to explain, and The Rules Girl does it in two.

I'm not pretending Monopoly is heavy, but the rules overhead is substantial and the only reason it's considered light is because people forgot that it was actually somewhat difficult to learn.

All this just to say it's totally reasonable to roll your eyes when a Monopoly veteran starts learning Ticket to Ride and after thirty seconds says it sounds really complex.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SenatorKnizia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It has sweet minis, though!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AshgarPN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

...why...did this. Rodney, you have broken me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alnono πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Rodney's lacklustre smile in the thumbnail.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PFarleigh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rodney should have partnered with The Dragon Tomb where they both do a video in the style of the other.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WeirdguyOfDoom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

First, meditate to prepare your mind and body for the upcoming family conflict that is about to happen.

Don’t read the rules. The oldest person in your family knows them through a hundred years of storytelling and lore.

Pick your figures. Almost quit because at least three people will want to murder each other over the dog.

Take your money. Almost quit because no one agrees on how much you start with. When someone says to look in the rules, see β€œDon’t read the rules.”

Yay! You are playing now! Maybe...

If you: * Last 30 minutes without someone quitting in anger * Finish in under 2 hours, or at all for that matter * Don’t have trouble getting anyone who played to play a board game again

Then you clearly did not follow β€œDon’t read the rules,” and you are playing Monopoly wrong.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sluffmo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the two to six plantain monopoly designed by Elizabeth J McGee and Charles Darrow and published by Hasbro having now taught over 300 different board games here on this channel it's time to teach an old classic from 1933 monopoly now sometimes this games rules are treated more like suggestions by its players but not here here we're going to learn how it's actually played so join me at the table and let's get started to set up place the board in the center of the play area then shuffle and place the chance cards which have this back and the community chess cards with this back into facedown decks on their designated spots nearby create an area for the bank which will contain the game's money along with the title deed cards green houses and red hotel pieces one player at the table is chosen to be the banker there's still a regular player but they also have the added responsibility of managing the bank's money the deeds hotels and houses and their first duty is to give each player $1,500 from the bank including themselves but the hot to make sure during the game they never mix up their personal money with the bank's money everyone also picks one of the tokens to represent themself placing it on the go space of the board the other tokens can then be returned to the box each player takes a turn rolling the included dice totaling the result and the player who gets the highest amount reroll any ties will be the starting player and that's the setup in Monopoly players will be spending money to acquire properties and then charge the other players rent for landing on them if you're the last player with money after everyone else has run out you win the game is played over a series of turns starting with the first player and then going clockwise around and around the table and on your turn you'll roll both of the dice you total the result and then move that number of spaces clockwise around the board you then take certain actions based on the space that you ended up on and we'll go through those options in just a moment but after moving and resolving your space the next player in clockwise order goes rolling the dice and moving their Pete's and if two pieces ever end up on the same spot that's perfectly fine if you ever roll doubles then after moving and resolving the space you landed on then you roll again move and resolve the new space and you'll do this each time that you roll doubles but if you roll doubles three times in a row instead of moving you are sent directly to jail which is this area of the space here we'll talk more about jail a little bit later the board is made up of several types of spaces but most are known as properties and there are three different types of properties streets are one type which come in sets with matching colored bars above them for example these three streets are one set these three streets over here are another set there are also four railroad properties as well as two utilities the waterworks and the electric company each of these types of properties has one title deed card that you'll find in the bank with a matching name whatever your piece lands on a property space like we have here if the matching title deed is still in the bank then you have the option to buy it at the cost shown here this is the symbol for monopoly money so just give that amount to the banker who then puts it in the bank and gives you the title deed for that space the banker will also give you any change you are owed if you overpaid and keep in mind the bank can never run out of money if you do run out of paper money in the bank just have the banker record how much you were owed on a piece of paper or use a suitable replacement once you have paid for a property place it face up in front of yourself so everyone else can easily see what you own if a player decides not to buy a property that they landed on the banker still removes it from the bank and then sells it at an auction any player including the person who initially passed on the property can shout at a price they're willing to pay starting at $10 and then increasing by as little as $1 after that players will keep trying to bid each other calling it higher prices until only one person remains the property is then sold to that player who had the highest bid and what this means is that whether the current player buys the property or not it is likely that someone will have bought it before the turn is over that said if no one offers a bid on the property at all it will just go back to the bank another possibility is that a player will land on a property already owned by another player let's say the car player owned this property and then the dog landed on it when you land on a space where someone else already has the deed fourth you must pay them rent well sort of it is the property owners responsibility to collect the rent if a player lands on a space that I own but I forget to demand rent from them then once the next player in turn order has rolled the dice it's too late for me to ask for payment so keep an eye out for where people are landing but with that understood let's go back to the table and see how much rent you can charge the normal amount is listed here on the title deed so in this case the dog player would pay ten dollars to the car player however if a player owns all of the properties of a colored set they charge double the rent which is listed here so in this case twenty dollars as we'll see houses or a hotel might be located on a property if so rent is based on these prices so if the car player had three houses on this property then the dog player would have to pay them four hundred and fifty dollars you can only build houses on streets if you own the title deeds for all the properties of that set once that's the case at any time even if it's not your turn you can buy buildings for those properties just note though you cannot buy buildings for a street set if any one of those properties are mortgaged that means flipped over like this but we'll talk about how properties get mortgaged a little bit later I just mentioned that you can buy buildings at any time during the game but there's actually one restriction you cannot do anything after a player has rolled the dice and before they've resolved the space that they landed on only before the dice are rolled or they resolve their space can you engage in these anytime activities like buying houses the cost to buy a house is printed on your deed for that property so for example if the car player wanted to put a house on this property it would cost them $100 they take the house from the supply and then put it up here in the colored bar the catch is that properties within a colored set must always improve at the same rate in other words if I had bought a house for this one I can't buy another for it until I make sure that each one of these also has a house then I could add a second one here but just know I didn't have to add a second one to this property once they're all even I could have added this to any of the properties maybe even going over here instead if I want to add a third house to a property I would first have to have two on each of these then I could add a third house and so on you can buy as many houses at a time as you like as long as you can afford it just ensure you're distributing them among the matching properties evenly every Street property can have at most four houses each and after that you may upgrade the four houses to a hotel at the cost showing here on its deed just return the houses there back to the bank's supply and put a hotel in their place at most only one hotel can be on each Street property so when all of these properties in the purple color set have been upgraded it would look exactly like this it is possible for the bank to run out of houses or hotels and if this happens players cannot build new ones until the bank gets some back and we'll see how that can happen a little bit later since you can add buildings to your properties at any time if more than one person wants to buy the very last type of a particular building from the bank it is instead auctioned starting at $10 and then sold to the highest bidder instead of landing on a street property you may land on one of the boards for railroads these are purchased in the same way paying the cost here but the rent you charge to other players who land on them is based on how many other railroads you own for example if I owned two railroads and a player landed on one they would have to pay me $50 in rent whereas if I owned all four railroads they would have to pay me $200 there are also two utility locations like this one which are bought and auctioned in the usual way and when another player lands on one of these after it has been purchased they pay rent to the owner by following the instructions here printed on the deed the next space is I'm going to show you like this luxury tax space cannot be purchased or owned by any player but instead something happens when you land there in this case you have to pay $100 to the bank while landing on the income tax space will require you to pay $200 to the bank you will also find Community Chest and chance spaces around the board when you end on either of their spaces reveal the top card from the related deck follow its instructions and then return it face down to the bottom of its deck the exception is the get-out-of-jail-free card the player who draws it will keep it until they wish to use it or they can sell it at any time to any other player if those players can agree on a price here we have the free parking space landing here does nothing you don't collect any money or gain any properties on the other hand this is the ghost space and it does plenty if your token lands on or passes this space the banker pays you $200 from the bank now something I should point out is that when you're resolving a Community Chest or a chance card it might instruct you to go to a certain location on the board for example if I had just landed on this chance space and drew this card it tells me to advance to Illinois Avenue well this is actually just back here however when you advance or move in this game you always go in clockwise order so that means I have to go in this direction passing go to get here and because I passed go that means I collect $200 next up we have the jail space and it's broken into two separate areas this just visiting area and the jail itself if you end up here after rolling the dice on any kind of regular move just put your token on the just visiting area there's no penalty for this and you'll keep moving as normal on your next turn however if you draw card that causes you to go to jail like this one or you land on the go to jail space or if you roll doubles three times in a row then you must move your piece to the jail area and you do not get $200 if you happen to pass go on the way when in jail at the start of your next turn you have an option either spend fifty dollars back to the bank or use a get-out-of-jail-free card in either of those cases you then get to leave jail you'll roll the dice and then move and resolve the space as normal or instead of paying money or using a card you can risk it and just roll the dice if you get doubles then you also get to leave jail moving the amount role then resolving your turn as normal but if you don't get doubles you're stuck in jail for that turn and you don't get to do anything else at the start of your next turn you'll again get the same option either pay your way out or risk rolling the dice on your third turn in a row if you're still in jail and rather than pay your way out choose to roll the dice if you don't get doubles then you must pay $50 and then you leave jail and move the distance showing on the dice you rolled and resolved your new location any time you're in jail you are still allowed to collect rent and buy and sell properties or buildings speaking of which we need to discuss selling sometimes you're gonna be running low on money and you need more and you can sell things you have at any time even during another player's turn houses and hotels cannot be sold to other players but a railroad utility or a street property without a house or hotel on it may be sold to any player for whatever amount of money you can get they give you the agreed upon amount and then you give them the deed buildings you have on your properties can be sold back to the bank for half the price that you paid for them so each of these for example would give you $50 and you can sell several at once but just remove them one at a time in an even manner just like you did when constructing them for example if I wanted to sell a house one of these properties the first one would have to come from here now there's an even number of houses so I could sell any one of these perhaps this one the next one neither this property or this one the next would have to come from here and so on you can also sell a hotel on a property this also gives you half of its original value so $50 in this case and then you convert it back into four houses now remember I said that house and hotel pieces are limited and that means you cannot sell a hotel if there are not four houses to take from the supply to put in its place unless you're willing to sell as many hotels and houses as necessary until you can place a valid number of houses from those that remain in supply under your properties for example this is a valid arrangement of houses and it would mean I've now sold to hotels and three houses from each of these two properties and a total of one hotel and four houses from this one and remember each of those sales will only count for half their original value another way to get money is to mortgage a property that you own that doesn't have any buildings on it to do this you flip your title deed over and then you collect the value showing here from the bank while the property is mortgaged you cannot collect rent from other players who land on it though you will still get rent from other properties that you own within its color group and if you own all the properties of that color but one or two are mortgaged you still collect the double rent if a player lands on a property within that set that isn't mortgaged and the same is true when you have a mix of unmoor gauged and mortgaged railroads or utilities if you want to remove a mortgage on a property that you own pay this amount which is the mortgage plus 10% back to the bank and then flip the card over in addition to properties you can also sell get out of jail cards to other players now aside from houses and hotels you can really make any kinds of deals and trades for cards properties or money with players at any time even a mortgaged property can be sold or traded but a player who takes on a mortgaged property from another player has a choice they must immediately make they either pay the mortgage off right away giving the bank this amount of money and then they get to flip the deed over or they can leave it mortgaged and they just have to pay the 10% which is the difference between these two numbers so seven dollars in this case then if they want to unmoor gauge the property later they'll still have to pay this full amount of $77 as you can see there are a few different ways to get money when you're running low but players can never give loans to each other if you would ever need to pay money to another player and you don't have any way to raise the cash that you owe then you go bankrupt first you'll sell all of your buildings at half price back to the bank giving that money to the player you owed you'll also turn over everything else that you have to them if this includes mortgaged properties they either pay the mortgage off or just 10% as we just discussed if you instead oh the bank money and can't pay you must return all houses and hotels that you have back to the bank and any mortgage properties that you have are then unmoor gauged the bank then immediately auctions all of your properties one at a time to the other players assuming that you aren't bankrupt after your turn is over you pass the dice to the player on your left and then they go however if you do go bankrupt during a turn you're out of the game and when everyone but a single player has gone bankrupt the game is over and the surviving player wins now there is one thing I should mention normally I try to answer all the questions people ask in the comments of my videos but there are some that may come up when playing Monopoly that the rule book just doesn't address and I don't have a contact at Hasbro I can check with so in those cases I'll do the best research I can and if I find answers I'll put them in the description of this video but otherwise that's how you play Monopoly if you have any questions do feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll do my best to find an answer for you as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pitchers other videos and lots more over on the game's page at BoardGameGeek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 854,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Learn To Play, Board Games, Monopoly, Rules, How To Play, Tutorials, right way to play monopoly, Learn, monopoly how to play monopoly, Instructions, Game Rules, Miniatures, Learn How To Play, Card Games, Instructional, Board Game, monopoly right way, monopoly how to play, how to play monopoly, Watch It Played, Play Throughs, Hasbro, Tabletop
Id: 4nz-_hvFw44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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