How to Play Inhuman Conditions

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welcome investigator to the bureau of identity compliance the following is a brief overview of your responsibilities follow these simple rules and you'll be decommissioning robots in no time first prepare your interview area choose three to six interview modules to use each module has its own icon in color to make them easier to sort once you've selected your modules separate the investigator prompts from the robot inducers place the investigator prompts and separate stacks in front of you with the cover sheets on top place the inducers from the corresponding module directly across from them on the suspect side of the table next lay out your remaining interview components penalty cards suspect backgrounds form VK 82's and of course your human and robot stamps penalties and background should be in the center of the table while your personal paperwork should be in front of you you'll also need a pen and a timer [Music] finally place the suspects card stand on their side of the table in the center when you're ready notify your handler and a suspect will be promptly dragged in for their interview before you begin questioning you must fill out your intake paperwork to begin select the penalty draw the top three penalties from the deck look at them and remove the one that you think would be most difficult for you to notice and the remaining two to the suspect will look at them and select one to be the penalty for the interview once the penalty has been selected ask the suspect to perform it three times for calibration purposes this ensures that our machinery is working properly and it shows the suspect who is in charge when the suspect has completed this calibration be sure to check the appropriate boxes on your form next select a module the backs of the prompt and inducer cards clearly state the module topics confer with the suspect and choose one that you both feel comfortable discussing the module will determine what sort of questions you ask and what kind of robotic malfunction the suspect has ensuring that your questions are precision targeted to trip up a suspected robot once you've selected a module record the abbreviation on your form and then consult your cover sheet you will notice a cyclical schematic printed on the left-hand side of the cover sheet this is the answer key to the interference task which the suspect will now be required to perform after selecting the module before the suspect draws their robot inducer ask them some question about the sequence of letters in your schematic for example what letter comes after a or what are all the letters between B and D once you've asked your question the suspect draws the robot inducer print it on their inducer genuine humans will see amazed with labelled nodes corresponding to the letters in your answer key they will have to navigate the maze in order to answer your question robots are able to solve the maze instantly and will instead perceive it as an answer key similar to yours whoever staring at the maze triggers a task response in the robot brain which will induce odd behavior rather than spending time navigating the maze robots will spend time familiarizing themselves with the required behavior before answering your interference question this means that robots and humans are likely to look at their cards for the same amount of time once the suspect has correctly answered the interference question mark the appropriate box in your form let's get more specific about robot behavior first of all it is important to note that no robot behavior takes effect before you begin the timer and start your questioning before that robots will behave like everyday humans after you start the timer however there are two types of robots to look out for patient robots and violent robots patient robots have some kind of restriction on their behavior which will make it difficult for them to answer certain questions they can violate their restriction but for each time they do they must perform the face up penalty once before the end of the interview patient robots just want to survive to the end of the interview and get stamped human violent robots on the other hand want to complete two of the three drives listed on their inducer wait at least 10 seconds and then kill the investigator a violent robot will indicate that it's about to kill the investigator by slapping the table with both hands or performing some equally startling gesture each violent robots first two drives are unique but its third drive is always perform the penalty twice a violent robot may not accept human certification it must kill the investigator or die trying humans meanwhile just want to have their humanity certified so they can go home safe and sound they have no restrictions on their behavior other than perhaps those imposed by their identity speaking of identity after the suspect correctly answers your interference question the last step is to confirm that you're speaking to the right suspect if the suspect answered the interference question correctly direct the suspect to take the top three cards of the background deck and select the one which applies to them as a person they should then place their selected background face-up where you can see it you should accept whatever background the suspect chooses they may look just like your friend build the stand-up comedian but if their card says world's second richest person that's who they are if the suspect did not answer the interference question correctly they don't get to choose their background turn over the top card from the deck instead to verify a suspects background information ask the suspects full name and prompt them to provide a detail about their chosen background record their name and background on your form great now you're ready to start the timer and begin questioning the interview lasts five minutes during the interview you should ask questions based on the recommended prompts for your module your stack of prompts includes three primary prompts and three secondary prompts primary prompts introduce new lines of questioning and secondary prompts function as follow-up questions that can be used in combination with any primary prompts each prompt card has a general directive what you're trying to get the suspect to do and two sample questions that might get them to do that you can use these cards in any combination make up your own questions based on them or even depart from them altogether if you're confident that you're onto something remember patient robots are restricted from the moment you start the timer watch out for suspects that seem hesitant to answer certain questions violent robots are also active when the timer begins be wary of a suspect who seems eager to discuss certain topics it's at any time you believe that the suspect is a robot you may immediately stamp robot in the appropriate area of form vka b-2s the suspect is dragged off to the invasive confirmation unit and spinal tapped for confirmation if you're correct great job mark correct at the bottom of your form and prepare to receive a commendation from the department if the suspect was human however you will face disciplinary action mark incorrect at the bottom of your form and prepare to receive the Scarlet mark of shame once the mark has been administered use the notes section of your form to compose a written apology to the suspects family if you believe the suspect is human you must wait until the end of the interview to certify them robot behaviors are sometimes late in manifesting and we don't want you letting anyone go too early once the time has expired if you still believe the suspect to be human you must ask one final question this question can be anything you want but you must ask it because it's a robot's last chance to perform any penalties and drives that it still needs to perform if a patient robot is unable to perform the required penalties or a violent robot is unable to complete enough drives to kill you it must visibly malfunction if however the suspect does finish answering the final question and you still believe that they are human then and only then you may stamp human in the appropriate location on your form you and the suspect should then shake hands if the suspect is a human the handshake will be normal and both of you will leave feeling good about yourselves if the suspect is a robot however the handshake will be extremely not normal unfortunately once the stamp has been applied there is nothing you can legally do about a bad handshake the Bureau will dock your pay and the robot you released will be free to walk the streets thank you for your attention you are now fully qualified to conduct interrogations on behalf of the bureau good luck and happy hunting
Channel: Cory O'Brien
Views: 14,104
Rating: 4.8928571 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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