How to Play Guitar WITH SMALL HANDS/ World class expert/authority.

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I consider I'm an expert on playing a guitar with short fingers now if you look at that that's an average disposable glove which you can buy anywhere in our play shop or whatever and you can see how much shorter my fingers are or how much they need to fill the glove so that's where my expertise is so i turn it you screw up now and I'm gonna I'm gonna try and talk to you about playing the guitar with short fingers and I consider that I've got some of the shortest fingers certainly that I've ever known on guitarists and adult guitarists so I think that gives me quite an edge on talking about it now allows you to sort of bear with me because I there's a lot of people that upload onto YouTube and they can they can stop their videos they can modify them they can change the things that they do in and correct them but being old I'm very good with technology and so I can I have to run this all the way through now in order to help me again old age problem I've got a few the short notes around so you might be seemly looking all over the place because I've got them touched up in front of me but anyway so I'm not sure what I'm doing with the video but I'll try and give you a good rundown on if you've got short fingers then I've got to be an expert because I've got them now I'm gonna try and explain my difficulties to you how I've overcome some of them and what got me hooked on playing a guitar in the first place and a few funny episodes in my early life so stick around and please subscribe give me a chance to come back to give you some more information and hit the bell but I don't really know what hit the bell means because I couldn't find it but anyway just bear with an old couple he goes really well right no I don't wish to criticize other people on YouTube because there's some absolutely brilliant people and but I was amazed when I saw quite a lot of videos on radical guitarist telling people how to play with short fingers and I thought well how can I know I can't cook improving anyway I mean so I thought what would your just quote the few of them just quickly he says reach for frets with the first and second finger well I'll show you her look there's the first finger here's my second magalie job to reach the third to reach the fourth is impossible no way that's there's my second ring so when they get up from then somebody said they know kids they've seen kids or children seven and eight years old playing a guitar and they're amazing well I've seen those as well but when I've looked they've all got longer fingers and me anyway I've known six-year-olds quite a lot they've got longer fingers at me just so I'm a small chap anyway um one of the other things which is somebody telling you how to stretch your fingers Wow but if fallen own out of trauma dominates years ago cuz I'm only I'm lesson for two anyway so let's crack on and I'll just say to those guitars so I want you to one man hit all you people out there was lovely long slender fingers playing the guitar you're brilliant but you've given them you've been given a head start but look at your hand and imagine removing the first joint off of each finger just imagining and what you're left with is a size size fingers I've got and I'll check out these times putting my hand on other people's hands so first all my middle finger is just two and a half inches from the tip Junior it's not very long now I've also got curved nails you can see them that was future medical treatment I had when I was young so if we were picking a guitar it's quite easy from your nails to get one of those strings and catching them it doesn't play them so I have to keep mine out fairly sure so I've learned to overcome a lot of these different properties they're not going to try and explain that you of them so if you love if you love music which I do and it's a wonderful way of of expressing yourself but lifting yourself when you're down I'm just feeling great when you're doing something when you're playing and singing just yourself even so but to those people that got short hands or short short fingers I should say more hand excuse me what you've got to do is you've got to persevere and not give up you'll come across a few problems which some people with longer fingers women again but perseverance Tecate so my first or I would say it got short fingers delegates up get a guitar with a thin neck this one is I think it spent 41 mil I couldn't find anything lot lots more than that if on the other hand you've got quite flat fingers you must allow a little bit wider neck because otherwise thought be hitching to strings when you only want to hit one string so bear that in mind this is compromising now let me try and explain I've got this is the trouble guitar by the way which I absolutely love more some boards importantly and it's only like let's record societies I think which suits me because I'm such a small blow anyway let me try to explain a few things difficult if you look good a person with long fingers and pressing down on the guitar strings when you've got long fingers you're actually coming down vertically right like this straight onto the top of the string and you can hover over the strings and often just press down well that's magic you can do that but I certainly can't on the first second third string I can play down vertically but when you get farther away when you get to the sixth sixth ring sometimes your fingers are almost flat out because you can't reach to bend that first you're down press down so you're coming in quite flat and that in itself is a problem because you enjoyed you're getting a sort of a dull sound but also you're you might hit another string next to it when you don't want to the point of coming down vertically you're getting a clean hit on the string so that's some of the difficulties now I one chord in particular in open chords that can be important either g7 and that's the first fret on the first string and the second-string one of fifth string the third on the sixth string now I have to twist my wrist underneath right up underneath lot is to get to that our top just comes right down on top no that's a difficult now when you play open chords come I'll just show you one or two of them you know like I don't know what you know and I'm not trying to tell it to suck eggs but if you're complete but you know this is a c a.g and so on I went one of the quartet give a lot of people trouble it it's an F chord because it's all effortless the series of course after that because it's a barre chord and everybody lives in absolute fear of a barre chord but if you take your time and keep practicing and moving your wrist around to get to keep take your fingers in front ball for falling it's not too bad and because I'm hunched up trying to give a torture probably what my manager ephesus King you're driving me nuts um well it's difficult when you've got your fingers but the single it's not like Cordy easy oh those fingers if you it's exactly the same shape the only difference is with it instead of the not that piece say on the guitar being the basis it's your finger on the barring one finger there will way across all the strings and that is really difficult for short finger person but you can do it if I can do it you can do it so persevere now another thing one of the things I found in this is top to you but when you like me my voice is change because I've got old I like to often change it the key of the chord don't have to put a cap on or a tape I'll put a cap on I've put the cap on I'll get out sewing but look when you choose a capo if you're short fingered bear this in mind if you get pretty since this one I'm not trying about the toys anything that were like that's quite a big distance there and if you're short fingered sometimes you've got to put your finger over the capo to be able to reach now people long fingers done a nap trouble they just treat the capo or capo as they're not at the guitar and there Nathan they can just sort of play in behind it or below it now if I put this on just to show you if you can see what I'm told is shows so he put the cape on their head I'm done your time now one call in particular for me as a problem is b7 which it's quite an easy call if it's open but it's not a difficult one but when you come to play with a clap on my finger this finger has to go over to reach because I cannot do it there because it's a boots in the way cuz I'm got enough length of finger to be able to get there to do that so there's all sorts this is another type here look this one way around see I quite like that quite like that it's nice pheromone but the trouble is again the capper gets in you way if you're trying to reach things like this because you don't need it if you've got long fingers and get over there but so one of the ways I've thought about this for ages I tried people people Helen pencil with elastic bands I'd try again and said the thongs on the shoe and wrapping it well everything to try and make the distance of away from the neck of the guitar very small so I came up with this I found this one avatar don't even know what it's called and I want to tell you I won got it cuz I'm not having toys or anything but this had a piece of rubber on which is oh another six seven mil thick so I did not spell oh don't want to think about it I I got some very similar but I took the over above and I put the thinner on now when I put this one there again if you can say keeping it don't overlap too much on the first string like now you do need to keep a cap and fairly tight up to the fret I've always got a buzzing noise so because I'm I'm not having to stretch over kappa because it's so low i can reach without so hooking my hand over it so those are things that you know all things to when you come across a problem one lesson I've learned in life you think there's got to be a solution taste I'm gonna find a way around e and that's how you were asked to attack a lot of things you know especially if it's are if you cut your fingers now another thing what people did I'll show you another chord and again when you move it off the fret you put your finger across as a bar it becomes also it changes so that is a I've seen a lot of people when they play that huh they actually if you imagine I've got three fingers already there cuz I can't do it they actually Bend that thing if they get the fifth string because they have to kill this the sixth string but I can't do that I have to be I've got to be easiest chord well for me to play together and a quarter I have great difficulties the deep the day when you you change it into an air for whatever Jo you're moving it up the fretboard because when it moves up one 1/2 don't fret or half turn or whatever you then have to you've got to get to you know just tolerate them so sometimes you get away with just playing 4 strings of 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th I'm muting the 5th and 6th so little car here because they wouldn't serve like if you weren't playing the court correctly there's all sorts of ways that you you have to try and get over these problems now I'm just gonna tell you a few things because I want you to be interested enough to not only learn to play the guitar but and also to transfer that some of the ways and get behind the problems and I openly invite any of you to hit that Bell and subscribe and come back to me tell me you've solved any solution so I don't know now or that I can help you with any other ones now I'll just tell you a few things I was what started me on on the guitar and it's a long time ago I was fortunate enough to be around like teenager when all that music the greatest period of music ever and ever will be and you got the top band like the Beatles and people like this absolutely wonderful time and oh you're in heaven as a teenager and going up to dances thing so it's really the probably is what the Beatles as anybody had started to meet and I thought how could I forget that so I used to go round now you might find this too much fun it's hard to believe now did I do by actually I got hair right and my collar really long just trying to mimic the Beatles and a Beatle suit which was cut all around the neck here and I had Winkle picker shoes and if you don't know what they are now highly pointed and not something you want to kick anybody with but had them all and I went around I saw right there was a tall kid and we used to go to every subtle for yourself it was a dance in all the villages looking a piper is no internet and all this then it was looking at paper see where it was a dance and Africa at Dynamite's none of these dances and every one it was a live group playing all these numbers one of the trunks and the kinks and people is and some of them are brilliant and some of them are pathetic and now I got out of those really cause a lollipop don't know the bug horns but they did well you those days I don't know what they do now I've been to a disco I've got sleep just go bump into a disco I in those days but we don't go any be looking for girls and by the way girls in my younger days meant all females Miney if you said girl you were talking about an 18 19 20 22 23 year old woman but they walk everybody even in the songs it's always through into three miles under anyway you go up to a girl no I had this already because I wasn't the tall dark handsome man every woman dream girl so had this sort of already in my mind what was gonna happen so I'd go up to a girl and I'll say excuse me but do you care for dance did she say no thank you so I would say sorry I'm awfully sorry didn't see you above the lake that would turn me up anyone go over the paper consolation for being turned down anyway so let me finish by saying you must persevere upon solutions then you'll get through and you'll begin to play songs Troy Troy forget a few songs off the internet with 22 chords and just start from there if you want any help come back to me no I've got one thing to say beforehand and I want to say to chaps blokes who are thinking of getting hitched or newly hitched recently married whatever I want to give you the benefit of my life's experience by saying you must learn these two words and this is what you have to learn to say yes dear yes dear yes dear and you'll be alone well thanks very much for watching hope you enjoyed some of it and if you do hit that Bell wherever it is and subscribe to my this channel I would love to come back and give you some more advice and help you and anybody if you think I'm a quick when old twit say so you know I take it I read a lot of things to cope with in my life anyway I wish you all the best good luck and don't be put off because he got short fingers cheerio good luck
Channel: I am Morrison
Views: 361,117
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Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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