How to Play Fast Notes on the Piano

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[Music] Have you ever watched a professional classical  or a jazz pianist fire away these lightning speed   notes? And you're wondering how possibly  can someone do that? In this short video,   I want to break down the technique of playing  fast notes. And by the end you will have an   idea of what to practice and what to  do to achieve these kind of fast and   lightning notes. Playing fast notes is not  difficult once you analyze the technique.   Playing fast notes will require some time  to hone this skill but let's break it down   so it doesn't feel so overwhelming. The  main difference between fast notes and   slow notes is that in fast notes there is  just less of a time gap between each note.   Let's say, I use the example of a C major  arpeggios. The difference between.... Versus... versus it's just that there is less and  less time between the execution of each note as   we get faster. So every time you catch yourself  thinking "Oh gee! Playing lightning fast notes   is really overwhelming and I can never do it." I  want you to stop that train of thought and just   remember that playing slow and fast are actually  roughly the similar thing. And just tell yourself   that when you play something slow, you're actually  already on your way to playing it fast. You just   need to reduce that time gap between each struck  note. Now that we know that, let me play for you   two examples and you tell me which one is the one  that sounds better. Option 1 is like this. [Music]   Option 2 is like this. So again, Option 1 is  [Music] and option 2 is [Music]. If you said   option 1 sounds better, then you are correct.  What's actually better about number 1 rather   than number 2, number 1 is a lot cleaner. You  can hear each and every single notes. So [Music]   even though the speed was fast you can hear  every single [Music]. Option 2 however [Music]   is what I would describe as very muddy playing.  Where the supposed outcome is however due to a   lack of control and technique. We played in a very  muddy way where that precise sequence of notes... ...seems to be blended and  muddled up. Where it's perhaps   mashed together rather than one after the other. Rather than... [Music] Option 1 has  something called "Clarity". And if   there's one word I want you to take away  from this video of the secret to playing   fast notes it's CLARITY. You need to  always aim for clarity. So how do you   play fast notes on the piano? The secret is  that you need very, very small movements. So, for example, in that C major  arpeggios that I just played   you want to stay very, very close to the  keyboard. It's almost like your fingers   are not even really lifting away from the  keyboard at all. Obviously it does a little   bit but try to think of your fingers and  hands being so sticky that they're just   stuck to the keyboard. And there's there's  no kind of space to come out like this... You're wrong where your fingers are flying away so  much from the keyboard. What we want   to do is stay really really close  - close fingers and low wrists as   well. Okay not high wrist, low  wrist close to the keyboard. Perfect everything down to the last minute  details. So remember, very small movements   fingers close to the keyboard and low wrists. Keep  everything very nice, very loose and just execute   them one after the other. A really good way to  practice fast notes is to try to do them in your   scales and arpeggios. So I did just then for you  - the arpeggios. And you can try it on scales too.   [Music] Trying to practice for a faster speed in  your scales and arpeggios is probably going to be   one of the better things to do to work on finger  speed. I just feel like scales and arpeggios are   the perfect template to practice to work on fast  notes. It improves my finger agility, it improves   my coordination. It's just a really good thing to  practice scales and arpeggios. In this channel we   always talk about not pulling things too quickly.  Right, to play things at a speed where we can   control. However sometimes in piano you also  have to pull from the opposite end. Yes it's   good to play it slow and controlled. But sometimes  it's also good to challenge yourself to play fast.   Can you handle the speed of playing fast? Playing  fast notes is a perfect stress test for your piano   technique. When you see these amazing pianists  on YouTube or Spotify just pull out all these   amazing incredibly fast notes, the reason they're  able to do that is because the piano technique   is able to withstand this incredible stress test  which is fast playing. When you're playing fast,   everything has to be optimized. Everything is on  the line. The slightest bit of, let's say, tension   will disable you from playing fast. We were  just then talking about small movements. Right,   so everything has got to be very, very small. And  that's because you really have no time to lift   your finger up to come back down. Just think about  Usain Bolt trying to sprint the 100 meters. Right,   he's not going to want to do this kind of  skip jumping as he's sprinting. He's going   to want to sprint completely forward. And  that's this idea of you have to completely   optimize your movement. When You're playing  fast, there's just no time to come up and down.   Everything has got to be on the surface.  Everything's going to be very, very small   to practice fast notes. It's also really important  to practice with a metronome because the metronome   is able to give you a very clear-cut speeds  whether that's 70, or 80, or 90 BPM. It's   really important to keep track of how fast you  can play and just try to push that very slightly   every month. These days I use my Soundbrenner  watch. I Can feel the beat directly on my wrist. So I use the metronome to keep track of how  fast you can play. Something while it's always   prioritizing accuracy, if you remember a keyword  in the beginning of this video was "Clarity". So   always prioritizing clarity and accuracy even  when you use your metronome to go up in speed.   You must be able to hear every single note and  I really mean every single note. Let's talk   about some quick common mistakes to avoid when  you are practicing and honing your fast notes   playing. [Music] Now I get it. Some of your pieces  are going to require the use of pedal. However   when you are practicing which means not performing  when you are practicing and holding different   parts I recommend you to take away the pedal  because taking away the pedal will immediately   shed light on how clear and how clean your notes  are. In the fast parts [Music] to take away the   pedal. Try to listen to each and every note. And  if you currently can't hear every note, so for   example, let's say that part I played there. If  it sounds something like this at the moment... Where it's not very, very clear-cut  and the sequence of notes isn't clear,   we just need to slow down the tempo and try  to work at a speed where we can control. Remember, very close to the keyboard, very small  movements. Common mistake number 2 is playing too   fast. If you're currently playing too fast and  you can't really hear every single note, one   of the hard things about playing piano is that you  not only have to execute something complex in your   right hand, in your left hand, sometimes you have  pedal as well. Which means you're using your right   foot. But on top of all these different mechanical  actions, you also have to listen to yourself. You   have to listen to see if your notes are clean and  clear. So sometimes when we try to play too fast,   unfortunately our notes are not clear. I recommend  you to slow things down and play at a speed that   you can control. Remember that when you play too  fast and the notes are out of control and they're   unclear, you're actually doing yourself a massive  disfavor. I rather you forego the speed for now.   Come back to a speed where you can hear every  single note. And if you just keep practicing that,   playing at a faster speed will counter-intuitively  come faster to you. Next mistake to avoid and   watch out for is "Tension". Playing fast, remember  I said before, is a type of stress test for your   technique. And if your technique is not relaxed,  it's not proper. You may start to feel a lot of   tension when you start to play fast. And when that  happens again, you probably know what I'm about to   say. Probably time to slow it down and play at a  speed that you don't feel any tension for that you   can control and hear everything very well. We've  come to the end of this fast notes tutorial. Let   me know in the comments what you thought about  it. If you have other piano questions too,   please feel free to write them down below as well.  Catch you in the next piano tutorial. [Music]
Channel: Learn Piano with Jazer Lee
Views: 131,585
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Keywords: piano, piano tutorial, easy piano, piano lessons, piano chords, how to play piano, piano for beginners, piano exercises, piano exercises for beginners, beginner piano lessons
Id: 8x5k6u6N6K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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