How to Play Excalibur - Explained

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hello and welcome to trans gaming today we'll be looking at Excalibur a Warframe inspired by the Aran Legends known as The Sword and the stone and the Lady of the Lake fun balore but in both Warframe and the aruan legend a man named Arthur wields two versions of Xcalibur we will be using 20 times corrupted Lancers it will be steel path the AI will be paused so I can explain what's going on and they will be level 140 Excalibur pass grants all swords used by him to receive a 10% attack speed bonus and 10% damage bonus excalibur's first ability is known as slash Dash and will force a bleed proc upon each Target struck bleed will bypass enemy damage resistance also known as armor and deal damage directly to their health SL Dash can be used to bypass spy mission laser walls without triggering the alarms but this isn't 100% reliable so do with this what you will this ability can also knock down targets and receives a four times damage boost upon reaching 12 times on the combo counter in the bottom right of the screen excalibur's number two ability is known as radial blind it can be used to disable cameras and blind enemies but will also open them to finishers it also has the added benefit of blinding bosses in disabling their abilities with few exceptions the invisibility you just witnessed is an effect that is special to the skotti and is not an Excalibur skill so do not expect that you a mere peasant are worthy of such a blessing excalibur's third ability is known as radial Javelin and will strike every enemy in an area around him doing Force slash procs it also staggers every enemy struck by all three of the abilities mentioned so far have crowd control effects which prevent the enemy from drowning you in gunfire this means that you have more time to escape or do more damage especially with repeated uses excalibur's number four ability is known as exalted blade exalted blade will fire off waves of energy like an anime school girl in a fiery standoff with her love interest over whose sword is bigger these energy waves will still fire off even while using SL Dash if you use a slide attack it will automatically blind all nearby enemies unlike radial blind this form of blindness does not open enemies to finishers fun fact but if you crouch you can take advantage of saled blades range melee strikes without moving at all sun and moon is a pair of blades you can receive after completing the dveri story in all the mods I'm currently using can be found in the beginning of the game roughly around the earth tile set I'm about to demonstrate why Excalibur is best girl and there's nothing you can say that'll change my mind yeah children speak of mods adults speak of abilities and the only person Li you is [Music] yourself used to think I look at this so give me your hand I no I don't want to see you cry no more tears up No More Tears take that chance we'll be fine no I don't never want to take your C all way up no [Music] [Music] up
Channel: Tyrannus Gaming
Views: 234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #4k, #60fps, #games, #videogames
Id: och6CsZd-2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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