How To Play Disney Lorcana for absolute beginners

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Disney's trading card game lokana is officially out you can now sit down with friends to crack open your starter decks and get playing but if this is your first time playing or you need some extra tips to get you started this video is going to tell you everything you need to know so I'm Maddie from dicebreaker and this is how to play law Connor in law Kana two or more players are racing to be the first to collect 20 lore and win the game through the help of iconic Disney characters the classic songs they sing and a few helpful items they'll wield along the way you'll play as a Lumineers keepers of important lore from famous Disney stories each with a custom deck of cards that you'll be drawing from your deck whether it's a starter deck you've bought already pre-built or one that you've constructed yourself will be made up of at least 60 lorekana cards you can never have more than four copies of a card with the same name in your deck so so no matter how much you love Pongo you'll only ever have a Max of four copies in one deck bear in mind that there may be multiple cars that reference one character but have different names that means if you have four copies of Aurora dreaming Guardian you can still have up to four Aurora Briar Rose cards as well as the names of the cards are still different from each other the other restriction you'll need to bear in mind is that a deck can only be made up of one or two colors of ink maximum there are six colors of ink in lokana Amber amethyst Emerald Ruby Sapphire and steel each color of ink will provide access to different tools and Specialties while also having the other limitations you'll need to find the ink color or combination of the two that best suits your playstyle the starter Decks that release with the launch of the game give us a few hints as to each Ink's colors play style the the Ruby and emerald deck mixes the aggressive and damaged Focus play of Ruby with the controlling and denial focused abilities of emerald for example but these steel and Sapphire deck is more focused on getting extra ink in your Inkwell and playing big expensive characters no one color is limited to just one playstyle and by mixing that in color with another you'll unlock brand new strategies and synergies that might not be possible with other combinations of ink the best way to find your preferred colors of ink is to try out different tags and see which playstyle suits you best before we get really stuck into how to play it's important to take a look at the different elements you need to understand on your orcana cards there are four different types of card in lokana each with their own specific rules let's begin with the car type you're going to play a lot of the character card here we have a character called Aurora dreaming Guardian who has a lot for us to look at all cards have a cost it tells us how much ink you have to pay to play the card then we have The Inkwell icon which lets us know it can be placed in our Inkwell using it as ink to play other cards cards that can't be used as Inc don't have this golden frill around their cost and are instead surrounded by a generic hexagon then we see the name of the character and their version name underneath that for example this dreaming Guardian version of Aurora is a different card to Aurora Briar Rose then we see the classification of the card this Aurora is classified as floodborne hero and Princess these are keywords that can be referenced by other cards like for example if this card is a villain next you'll see this little symbol which indicates the card's ink type out of these six types we mentioned earlier Amber Emerald Sapphire amethyst Ruby and steel Aurora's ink type is sapphire a big chunk of the card is devoted to the character's abilities and effects these are the special rules that apply to that card on a character this will usually have a story based name like Aurora's protective embrace your other characters gain Ward some abilities are common in the game and are bolded for example Aurora's rule text references the shift ability and the ward ability pay attention to these bolded keywords as they'll show up a lot we'll explain those in depth later on in the video though here are some things that you will only see on character cards strength how much damage the character deals during a challenge and willpower how much damage it takes to banish this character from play and the character's law value how much lore you gain when this character quests law is represented by these little white icons at the bottom right of the card not every character has them but those that do will generate law equal to the amount of these white icons whenever they a quest and here's a fun little bonus that has no effect on play this little symbol at the bottom of your card tells you how rare it is it shows you how likely you are to find that card in a booster pack and will likely give you an idea of how difficult it will be to find those cards when you're deck building now that we've explained the sections of a character card let's quickly touch on the three other car types you'll be playing a lot of them have the same Parts we've already mentioned on character cards but you should know the subtle differences between them first item cards item cards and to play just like a character card and stay on your board between turns they usually have an effect on them that can be triggered multiple times throughout a game stolen Scimitar for example can be activated to give a character Extra Strength for the rest of the turn coconut basket here has an effect that triggers automatically whenever you play a character then we have action cards action cards don't stay on the board when you play them instead you resolve their effects and then immediately discard them ransack for example will have you draw two cars and discard two cards then once its effect is resolved you place the ransack in the discard pile as well and finally you have these song cards song cards are very similar to action cards but they have an extra special way to play them these cards are played right away just like you would with an action card in this case Be Our Guest would cost you two ink and then allow you to search for a character card on the top of your deck you could pay the ink cost of your song card in the same way you would for any other in the game or you could have a character who is in play sing it to do this you'll exert that character instead of paying the cards cost the only restriction is that the character you choose to sing your song has to have a cost equal to or greater than the cost of the song four Be Our Guest we need a character who cost two or more ink as that's the cost of the Be Our Guest card once you've got your deck built and you're ready to play you'll need to set up the board for your game each player will place their deck shuffled and face down on their side of the table leaving room in the middle for the cards they play and a space off to the side where they'll discard their cards you'll also need something to keep track of each player's law there's an official app you can use a play map that's included with every starter deck or each player can track their law with dice tokens or anything that comes up to at least 20. you can even just write it down on a piece of paper if you want it once you've got everything in place both players will draw the top seven cards of their deck to form their starting hand these are the cards you'll have access to at the start of the game once you've drawn your seven initial cards you do have a chance to change it by doing what most card games call a mulligan in law Kana you can pick any number of cards you don't want in your starting hand and put them on the bottom of your deck then draw cards equal to how many you got rid of to form your final starting hand and then reshuffle your deck when you're playing your first ever game it might be difficult to know what makes a good starting hand just make sure you've got a few cards with the golden frill around their cost that allows them to be played as ink and that the cards you're holding aren't too expensive to play if they all cost loads of ink you won't be able to do anything on your starting terms each game of lokana takes place over a series of turns you can technically play locana with a group of any number each player with their own deck but for the purpose of this video we're going to assume that you're playing a standard one-on-one game against a single opponent don't worry though if you want to play with more players the rules will work exactly the same you'll just have more opponents turns in between each of yours every turn is made up of four phases three that quickly pass by at the start of your turn named ready set and draw and one way you'll be doing most of the actual playing called the main phase at the start of your turn you're ready this means that any unready cards on your side of the table which means any card that is rotated 90 degrees to its side goes back to their ready State a card is ready when it's upright and facing towards you next you're set in the set phase any abilities on cards you control that happen at the start of your turn will now take effect this is also when you should take note of any characters you control characters can only be used when they've been on the board since the start of your turn because when they're played it takes a while for their ink to dry so unless they're here now you won't be able to use them at this turn next up the draw phase is very simple just draw a card from your deck the first player on the very first turn skips this phase though that stops from getting an advantage for going first once the very first turn is finished you'll always draw a card in this phase from then on then we have the main phase now this is where most of the action happens drawing the main phase you can play a card use a character ability use an item Quest or challenge that might sound like a lot right now but don't worry we're going to break it all down first let's talk about ink ink is your currency that you use to play cards in the game the ink cost of every card you play is in the top left hand corner around that cost you'll see one of two things either a plain golden hexagon or this frilly Golden Circle A frilly Golden Circle denotes cars that can be played into your Inkwell at any point during your main phase a Max of once per turn you can play one of your cards from your hand that bears that Golden Circle face down on your side of the table these face down cards on your side of the table are what's known as your Inkwell you'll be able to use your ink in your Inkwell to play cards on your turn and each of those face down cards represents one ink cards in your Inkwell and to play ready and can can be used as soon as you've put them there the first thing you'll probably want to do after that is play a card from your hand using the ink you lay down earlier you can exert these to play the cost of cards in your hand exerting is the act of turning a card 90 degrees though it sits horizontal on the table it shows that a card has been used and is no longer ready character cards come in ready so upright and vertical but cannot be exerted yet this turn their ink isn't dry yet items however can be used straight away so the stolen Scimitar can be exerted on the same time you play it to reap the benefits right away similarly action cards will trigger the moment you play them you resolve their effect and then place them in your discard fire the Cannons for example allows you to deal two damage to a character and then is discarded songs work in the same way triggering their ability and then going to your discard pile so play mother other knows best return a chosen character to their player's hand and then put the song card into your discard pile once you have your cards on the table and if your character's ink is dry which happens after one turn as a reminder then you can move on to actions first up is questing this is how you gain law and win the game to send a character on a quest turn them sideways to exert them then count up their law value adding it to your law counter you can send multiple characters on a quest during your turn adding up all the law they collect but only if they're ready some characters have abilities that trigger when they go on a quest too so make sure to activate those for example when Moana quests other princesses under your control can then ready up the other main action you can do is challenging this is how you can get rid of other powerful characters and opponent controls exert a ready character and declare who they're challenging you can pick from any of your opponents controlled characters but they must also be exerted for example Pascal is exerted from questing so Aurora can challenge him for this you're checking their strength against the opposed willpower Aurora has two strength and Pascal only has one willpower meaning Pascal will suffer two damage taking him over his maximum of one and sending him to their discard pile this is called being banished however the opposed character always hits back too meaning a roar will take one damage from Pascal as well as she has five willpower though it's not enough for her to leave the game just yet but damage stays on cards between turns so she's now a little weaker if someone wanted to come after her you can keep track of all the damage a character takes by placing a token on them or marking it with dice and remember you can usually do only one of these main actions with a character they can only either Quest or challenge not both as once they're exerted for from one they cannot do the other so Choose Wisely what each character needs to do on your turn you can also do all of the main phase actions in any order you choose you might want to Quest with one character before challenging another or use an action to draw cards before deciding which card to put in your ink pot the order is always up to you and the order in which you activate certain abilities will sometimes decide how good your turn is learning how to sequence certain abilities and actions is an important part of playing trading card games like lokana once you finish all your actions or you no longer wish to take any more your turn ends and it moves to the next player to begin both phases from the Top Again Play continues like this until one player reaches 20 law and wins the game so that's a full go in lokana a game will likely start with simple cards as they're cheap to get out early on but as you build up your Inkwell you'll start to bring out more characters with more text on them lots of characters have unique abilities that will tell you what they do on the cards however there are a few key words that crop up time and again Rush means a character can challenge on the same go they're played don't worry about waiting for that ink to dry they can come in ready however they still need to be exerted to do so and still cannot Quest evasive is a passive ability which means you don't have to do anything for it to happen it's active on its own it means that other characters can't challenge a card with evasive unless they too share the trait however the evasive characters can still challenge whoever they want next up is Challenger these characters get an extra bonus to their strength but only when actively challenging if they're defending themselves against someone else they just use their standards strength support means that whenever that character quests they add their strength to another character this means you could quest with hey hey and then challenge with Pascal to add one extra to his strength dealing two damage instead Ward means a character cannot be chosen by characters unless it's a challenge so some abilities that might normally Target them are blocked characters with bodyguard basically help protect your other characters for example if your opponent challenged Aurora as long as Hercules is out and can be exerted you can make the fight go to him instead so suddenly their character is having to take his three damage instead of one bodyguard characters can also enter exerted so they're ready to help from the moment they join singer means a character can sing songs that would normally be higher than their ink cost Cinderella has a four ink cost but she can sing for cards up to five bringing in more powerful songs for Less and finally the shift ability allows you to get more powerful characters out for Less the flood-borne version of Aurora normally costs five ink but if you place it on top of another Aurora like Briar Rose therefore shifting that one to the dreaming Guardian form you only have to pay three as indicated on the card remember there's a lot of confusing new terms and Concepts you'll need to remember when learning any card game law Khan included focus on the cards you have in your hand and on the table and gradually introduce yourself to New Concepts as you play you might not be the best lokana player right away but having a solid understanding of the foundations of the game will set you up for success as the game continues to release new sets and evolve with different keywords and play Styles things will inevitably get a little more complicated to stay up to date with everything law karna make sure to subscribe to Russ right here on dicebreaker's YouTube channel click the Bell icon to get notified whenever we put a new video live and why not leave us a like and a comment with your favorite lokana card mine is Big Tinkerbell there's heaps more to read about the game on as well including a written version of our how to play which you can quickly reference during your games thanks so much for watching and we hope you have a fantastic time playing law Cartner but until we see you next have a lovely day
Channel: Dicebreaker
Views: 220,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney lorcana, how to play, disney, lorcana, how to play lorcana, lorcana deckbuilding, lorcana rules, tutorial, lorcana explained, mickey mouse, moana, lilo and stitch, card games, tcg, trading card games, games like magic, magic the gathering, ravensburger, what is lorcana, lorcana review, lorcana best cards, locana guide, gameplay guide, lorcana for new players, beginners guide, lorcana first game, sapphire, steel, ruby, emerald, amber, amethyst, best ink colours, best deck
Id: a295YQluLeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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