How to play Diana vs a WORLD CHAMPION | Brawlhalla Ranked

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that way time was a little different can't lie I was like I wasn't even that long honestly I'm not even like I didn't I'm not cutting it I just like ended the recording and I'm gonna attach this one three to it so these are like two simple recordings so I'm actually gonna cut it so I don't actually know how long that was it doesn't matter though all right so with Diana uh Diana's cool because like she has I don't know Boeing guns are like an unnatural weapon combo because like you know like with OG you like do the thing where you like build your damage with a bow and then you like switch to sword knockout I feel like Diana is like you just play with the one you want to play you know like you just because you you're trying to build damage and neither of them like extraordinarily well they just came like okay I think my game might be really loud that guy's dead yeah you got me you gotta be better than that bro I saw a patience at the end though it's a little clean all right now we gotta build damage without dying and he has sword yep so he's looking for d light like come on bro anytime you get there dodge you do GC uh and light after the Dare and you always try every Crossover with Dodge that's obvious bro that might that might have been a recovery honestly like I think I should not recovery there yeah all right I shouldn't recovery and the NSYNC was so honestly the Instinct was a hard read and people aren't doing this about nowadays so that's fine you got a little unarmed kill there that guy's lagging I don't even know why he did that it's all good Alaska's up here all right see that's a punish you guys have to get down like because I know uh I just will you like do the Dare into the end light but if they have their Dodge you go for the Dare To The Nair because sometimes it works and if they Dodge up it still hits them like that like he dodged away oh the pro game up that's cooked and that that's because he's not ready for ball hauling you see 100 ELO diff he's not ready for ball on I'll give him a little nice rematch he wants me to join his Lobby I don't know I don't I don't want to go get flamed is that too sloppy it might be a Tuesday it's a custom game I think he might flame me let's see let's see let's see let's see yo go pick on someone my your own size magic my bad online I don't think he knows I don't control the keys all right we're gonna do a little insert here as well I'm gonna get you guys in the next game on a little flippity flip all right we're already back on it see this guy this guy's gonna be an easy win now the last guy that guy was 100 ELO for me but this guy I can cook here I can you can only tell I can cook here and we have optimal map too all right see I'm already mashing attacks out and that's not how you play Diana ball and you have to Parry he's going for mares a lot just giving him the space when you start jumping when you start jumping the match like a Spirit player trying to do Nair they just like start doing nothing and they just face for like the worst downlight ever so you just have to like wait [Applause] nice down my recovery because I saw all right he has Bo here and I'm not that damaged so the only thing I think he can knock me out with is if he hits a Sig so we just have to like not let him know to say like that's not gonna knock me out I think the next one might but we already like started our downers Trend it's a nice snare made out of the Dodge nice we'll trade does he does then yeah replenish okay that guy is terrified of me what dude I think he had everything I just walked next to him and he's like nah no way oh he left bro what are my games today holy moly sella W I don't know how long it's been bro giving us a little free elo though take that the thing with this guy from what I remember is that he just starts running off stage over and over again and it's like I guess you have to fight him on stage I don't know maybe he'll not do that anymore and we can actually play the game yeah see I lost her I mean at that point I was the one on stage for too long does he bouncing him off the wall what nice recovery okay foreign it's all good and leave as soon as you can don't ever give those a rematch holy [ __ ] brawl is cooked if I'm queuing into Impala there is no way actually I don't even know what ranked these guys where's my Dodge that was just like the most aggressive option I could have gone for there so I went for it foreign why would you do that you mean to tell me that my down light not only didn't hit him but what happened after also happened like okay bro and I got a weapon oh my God foreign Farm damage wow I'm actually surprised that that hit me by dancing like I knew he was gonna do it but I just didn't think it hit me from that range so insane all right foreign get back to the ground all right I think that's fair enough he wants to rematch I guess I have to give it to him I think I lost on the last Landing where I did a move instead of his weapon throwing but I'm also surprised that down light I did on him stack didn't hit because I would have hit if it was me like eight times like I would have just died all right freelo win here foreign I think if he tried to get to the stage he could have but he was focused on getting the hit because I was gonna Edge guard it so just like give him the space the reason that downstick worked is because he's just moving too much like he needs to take a second so I was just downstairs to him like he likes to be on top of you you have to be on top of him but like he's just like fast on it like he already knows where he wants to be I hate this I hate platforms just in general not sure if he should have gone for that option that was a scary one nice little best of three with the world champion rematch all right we're gonna stick on Diana the whole way through just ride it out ooh it's color change that means we're on a dark map demon Island demon Island predictions boys no black doesn't work on the spot bro who is looking at the purple background and going I can't see when I'm using black it's like crazy it's changing drip ever again like okay trying to fast forward that's interesting [Applause] go down light recovery in this little catch all right we have some HP for him it's not hard to catch up but if we play it right we can get like some damn like an okay amount of damage and punish that he's in the air get the bad jungle dude honestly I'm like shocked that that never hit me try to use the platforms to our advantage here even though I hate platforms and everybody has space out the NSYNC we did the same thing but I did it first buddy oh my God he's so greedy bro like what do you mean you're you're running back on stage and doing down Sig that's such a greedy option all right should be able to clear the weapons there so I have to wait for a weapon to spawn it's gonna be a bow nice we'll take that when the first level roll back [ __ ] me up [Applause] he did it again he did it again why would you do it again bro I only give you one I only give you one of those bro and Gigi nice little video to put out there hope you guys like the Diana gameplay you guys just saw me take a Take On The World Champion so here you know that's gonna be a clickbait in the title but I'll catch you guys in the next one good little sash peace
Channel: Remmy
Views: 21,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Katars, Scythe, Volkov, Sentinel, Asuri, 1s, Brawlhalla, Remmy, NNRemmy, Sandstorm, Strings, Combos, Damage, Hammer, Reads, Dodge, Wrenchd, Buff, Nerf, Balance, Mordex, Ember, Mirage, Caspian, Singles, Experimental, Gameplay, Commentary, Boomie, Wrenched, Cosolix, Lance, Tournament, Professional, Koji, Hattori, Eggsoup, Bow, Weapons, Legends, Gimp, World Champion, Greatsword, Jaeyun, Axe, Sword, Orb, Ranked, 2200, 2300, 2100, 2400, 2500, Impala, worlds, bcx, bow, blasters, diana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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