How To Play Clue (Cluedo) Correctly! - A Full Tutorial

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the two to six player game Clue designed by Anthony e Pratt and published by Hasbro after you and your Associates were invited to the mansion of Mr Bowden body black he announced his intention to Blackmail all of you into supporting his latest nefarious scheme but then later that night after he'd excused himself from the dinner there was a scream and he was found murdered in this classic game you and the other players will be racing to solve the murder determining which guest killed Mr Black what weapon they used and what room the crime was committed in several versions of clue have been published over the years and here I have the current standard version available at the time of this recording which includes the classic rules a variant you can include and special rules if you just have two players in this video I'm going to teach you the classic rules first and then explain how the variant and two-player rules work after but for now join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up place the game board in the center of the play area with the two dice nearby the game comes with six characters each in a different color every player now picks a character they'll control we'll assume we have four players in this video and I'll take purple Professor Plum no matter how many players you have you still use all six of the character pieces set them onto their starting matching colored spaces as labeled on the board so that it looks like this when you're done now collect the six weapon pieces which look like this put each one into a separate randomly chosen room like I've done here in this addition of the game you'll find 29 cards with backs showing red Corners which you'll separate from the rest these are clue cards used in a special mode we'll learn about later but for the standard game they aren't used and can be returned to the Box the rest of the cards you'll organize by their faces into three sets representing all six characters six weapons and nine rooms Shuffle each of these decks separately into their own face down Stacks now take the top card from each of those stacks and slide them carefully into this envelope ensuring that no one sees their faces because these will represent the answers to the question of who killed Mr Black where they did it and what weapon was used the envelope is then placed in the center of the board and the remaining cards are now shuffled together into a single deck you then deal all of these out as evenly as possible to all the players but it's okay if some players end up with more cards than others you can always examine your own cards but keep them a secret from the other players now each player should take a detective sheet from this pad and using a pen write the initials of each player across the top including their own and just so you know RS is me even though I'll be showing my cards in detective sheet during this video remember you always keep these secret from the other players on your sheet under your own name place a mark in each space matching the characters weapons and rooms showing on the cards you were dealt remember the cards in this envelope represent the killer weapon they used and room they were in this is the information you want to find out and that means the cards that you and the other players have are not what's in here so marking them off on your sheet gets you a bit closer to solving the mystery for example we know the killer can't be mayor green or Chef white it has to be one of the other characters and that's the setup inclue you and the other players will be moving around the Mansion visiting rooms in order to test your theories about the information that's hiding in the envelope with each test you may get to examine another player's card helping you cross off more information on your detective sheet when you're feeling confident you can make a formal accusation you'll declare who you believe the murderer was the weapon they used and what room they were in if you're right if that matches the information in the envelope you win the game is played over a series of turns starting with a player chosen randomly by rolling the dice to see who can get the highest result re-rolling ties after the first player goes turns will continue in clockwise order around and around the table on your turn you first roll both of the dice and total their results each done has values from 1 to six with the magnifying glass representing a value of one let's assume I had rolled a total of 10 you may now move your character's piece that number of spaces or fewer but you can't move diagonally or enter the same space more than once on the same turn so I couldn't go back here you also can't move into or through a space with another character's piece when moving you're usually trying to get into one of the rooms showing on the board and we'll see why a little later a room counts as a single space but you can only enter them through a space adjacent to a door which looks like this once you enter a room you must stop ignoring any movement you had remaining if you begin your turn inside a room then after rolling the dice you can exit through any of that room's doors counting spaces as normal but you cannot reenter a room you left on the same turn also be aware any number of characters can be in a room but if a character piece is in the space just outside the door then no other character can enter through or exit from that door because as we learned you can't enter a space occupied by another character as Professor Plum if I wanted to leave this room I'd have to go through this door some rooms will have a secret passage as indicated by a note like this you can only use a secret passage if you started your turn already inside that room you still roll the dice as normal but after instead of using them to move you may instead decide to use the secret passage which will tell you what room it leads to in this case the study you then move your character to that room where you must end your move for that turn and just be aware if you begin your turn already in a room then after rolling the dice you can always decide you don't want to move at all and just stay in that room which might be useful as we'll see in a moment either way after rolling the dice and moving or staying put if your character is in a room you may now make a suggestion to do this start by saying out loud I suggest you then follow that by naming any character and any weapon and the name of the room you're currently in if I'm in the study I might say I suggest Colonel Mustard with the rope in the study after making your suggestion you then move the suspect you named and the weapon from wherever they are on the board into the room your character is located in you can think of them as being brought in to be questioned you can even pick yourself as a character to suggest after all your character's card could be in the envelope either way after making your suggestion the player to your left must now look through their cards and see if they have any matching any part of your suggestion let's assume for a moment they were holding these cards I'd suggested konel mustard rope and study they happen to have the study and the Rope if the player to your left has any cards matching your suggestion then they must secretly show you one let's say they show me the r if they hadn't had any matches then the next player in clockwise order shows you one of their cards if any of theirs matched and so on around the table however as soon as at least one person has shown you a single card you stop going around the table you may also get all the way around the table with no one having a matching card to show you and that's okay too and anytime you're shown cards record that information on your sheet let's say we'd been shown the Rope by the player with the initials CM we would come down here and put a mark in their column by the Rope row we now know the Rope is not in the envelope so that means it wasn't used in the murder here I've switched over to the sheet of the player who showed me the Rope cm in this case now they might want to make a note on their sheet that they showed me the Rope Maybe by marking my initials here this could be useful to them because if I make a suggestion later that includes the rope and some other card that they have in their hand remember they only show me one of the matching cards so they'll want to show me the Rope again because that won't give me any new information I'll also remind you when you make a suggestion it must include the room that you're currently in and then you move the character and the item from your suggestion to that room from wherever ever they were on the board even if the door to that room is blocked the moved pieces will stay in that room after the suggestion has been resolved don't return them to where they'd been so this character will start their turn from here unless someone else moves them before that also keep in mind there's no limit to how many characters and items can be in a room so just to summarize on your turn you roll the dice and then move if you wish after if you aren't in a room your turn is over and the next player goes but if you're in a room you can make a suggestion involving the room you're in moving the character and item you suggested to it then going around the table in clockwise order the first player who has at least one matching item from your suggestion must secretly show it to you and then your turn is over and the next player in clockwise order takes their turn eventually you may believe you've cracked the case and no or think you know the cards contained inside the envelope if so you can make what is known as an accusation you can only do this on your turn and if your character is in a room and you can still accuse even if you already made a suggestion this term to make an accusation declare out loud I accuse and then name a character room and weapon unlike a suggestion you can name any room even one you're not currently in you then collect the envelope and secretly examine its contents but it's very important you don't let anyone else see unless the contents exactly match your accusation if so show the cards to everyone and you've won the game instead if even one card doesn't match you can no longer win the game put the cards back in the envelope unseen it's very important you don't say anything about how many cards might have matched because the game isn't over but it's sort of over for you each player can only make at most one accusation per game if your accusation is wrong your turn will be skipped for the rest of the game but you still remain seated so you can show cards when required as other players make suggestions the game will then continue until someone has made the right accusation and won if every player makes a false accusation the game ends and the murderer just got away and those are the rules for the standard game let's now take a look at the special clue cards mode that comes in this Edition during setup Shuffle the cards with red corners on their back into a face down deck beside the board then during the game anytime a player rolls magnify glass icons on the dice they draw a single clue card from this deck reveal it and read it out loud so even if you roll two magnifying glasses you still only draw one card these will often instruct players to do something in this case if any player is holding the Candlestick they must reveal it to everyone then after they put it back in their hand if youd drawn this card then you'd name a character and any player holding it would reveal it to the group and then put it back in their hand we won't go through all of these as how they work is explained on them but after a card is resolved you then return it to the bottom of the deck this addition also provides some additional rules if you want to play a two-player or Team game in a team game you divide everyone into two teams and within a team you share everything you've learned and you plan out your turns together either way you set up a two-player or Team game just like the standard game except after you've filled the envelope and shuffled the remaining cards together you then deal one face down onto any four random rooms though they do suggest adding them to the Four Corners if you want a faster game you then deal the rest of the cards to the players as usual keeping in mind that all players on a team will share all of the cards their team has been dealt from now on if your character enters a room with a card secretly look at it mark it on your sheet then put it back face down you may then make a suggestion as normal now as I had mentioned at the beginning of this video there are other additions of clue and if you you have one of those it might have its own unique rules which you'll need to refer to the rule book to learn about but otherwise that's everything you need to know to play the standard game of Clue with this edition's special clue cards if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and much more over on the games page at Board Game Geek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team which I'll have linked below but until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 114,353
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Keywords: Tutorial, Learn To Play, Board Games, Monopoly, Rules, How To Play, Tutorials, right way to play monopoly, Learn, monopoly how to play monopoly, Instructions, Game Rules, Miniatures, Learn How To Play, Card Games, Instructional, Board Game, Watch It Played, Play Throughs, Hasbro, Tabletop, Clue, Cluedo, play clue board game, playing cluedo board game, play clue card game, play clue, instructional
Id: Vib1LsK4Ln4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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