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Hello gardeners! Welcome to a new video, where you I will show how you can germinate seeds of lemon in an easy and fast way. Stay with me throughout the video because later I will show you a known phenomenon like polyembryony that has appeared in my seeds. With nothing more to say we start with the video ... [...] To obtain the lemon seeds it is necessary that we use the ripest lemons that find, so we make sure that the seeds will be well developed and they will have no problem germinating. Once we have the lemons we will extract the seeds, I'll do it starting from the half the lemon with a knife but without separating it completely, and then separate it with hands just like I'm doing, because I am unlucky that whenever I leave a lemon in half ended up damaging the seeds and in this way I make sure that I will not damage them. You can extract the seeds as you like easier, whether you retrieve them later of having prepared a lemon water or some food in which you have used lemons. After having extracted the seeds, I will place them on a paper plate to put them to dry for two days in direct sunlight, you can place them near the window that get more light, on the balcony or outside. Once we have dry the seeds, What we are going to do is peel them, remove the shell that covers them, since the seeds lemon have a physical dormancy, that is, induced by the shell with which They are covered, and taking it off we break with this phenomenon that is what makes seed germination is delayed. And so we will do with all the seeds, I will remove as much of the shell as possible so that the seeds germinate as quickly possible. Once we have done it we will place all the seeds on a piece of paper or napkin, which I will fold in half to cover them Later I will moisten the napkin with a sprayer, we will only moisten it avoiding start to drain, we can check this if we press the paper a little with the fingers. After we have done this we will place the wet paper with the seeds inside a bag, I'll use a ziploc bag because it makes me more practical to handle since closes more easily, At least I know them by this name, yeah you know these bags with another name me you can let us know in the comments. With this we will have started the process germination, now we just have to wait and take care of our seeds, but you still don't go, I still have many things to talk to you on the lemon tree, As your basic care and some recommendations, I also want to remind you to subscribe to the channel if you have not done it yet this motivates me to continue making videos like this. Well this is the second day since I put the seeds to germinate, there aren't any yet germinated but we can see that the seeds they changed a little color and the smell they have it's a bit unpleasant, What can tell us that growth mushroom is coming so to avoid this I will simply change the napkin seeds and I'll repeat the process, I'll fold it up, moisten it with a spray bottle and put it inside the ziploc bag, remember that you should not put too much water on them, just the paper should be damp and should not drain. If you are wondering where you should place the bag with the seeds to germinate, you don't need to put them somewhere special, I had them in my room and I had very good results that you will see a little later. On the fourth day we can see that some seeds have already started to germinate, so that the process is going very well, I will change again napkin to prevent growth of mushrooms as I mentioned before, I also recommend that you change the bag so that everything is clean again. On day 6 we can see how it is already more remarkable the germination of the seeds, here I will perform again the napkin change because I perceive a bad smell in the seeds like fermentation and how I don't want to lose them better I'll change the napkin Something that I noticed and had not had to see in seeds of other plants is that of a seed two plants are coming out of lemon, this phenomenon is known as polyembryony and in humans it would be similar to what happens with the twins, as far as we could tell that here we are seeing twin plants. After the napkin change we will moisten same as always and we will place it inside from the bag On day 8 we can see that the root of the seedlings has already grown considerably, and the cotyledons are beginning to open, so soon we will transplant them to a pot so they grow big and healthy And well the 10th has been fulfilled and the moment transplant has arrived, here we can see how the plants have grown, and some They are twin plants, if you wonder how knowing when to transplant is easy know it, You should only notice when it begins to develop the vegetative zone of a plant, that is the green part that is not root, when it is area develops needs light to photosynthesize otherwise they will grow elongated and of a yellowish tone This is known as etiolation and plants will grow weak, making it at this time when I have decided to transplant them in some small pots that I will show you then To do the transplant I will use glasses 6 ounce disposables which I fill with peat moss substrate or also known like peat moss, if you don't get this substrate you can use the one that is at your fingertips, you can prepare your own substrate with a little soil and humus, coconut fiber, perlite, vermiculite, in many ways, The important thing is not to use only land, here I am using peat moss at 100 %, I made holes in the glasses the bottom for the water to drain easily and avoid waterlogging to do not rot the roots. Now transplanting will be very simple, simply you have to make a small hole with a piece made of wood or something you have on hand, Then we are going to take each of the plants and with great care we are going to place them in the hole we've made, covering all the roots of the plant and leaving the vegetative zone outside, that is, the green cotyledons that seen here. We will do the same with all plants, more I'll tell you some recommendations ahead and basic care so that your plants are develop your best, while I show you some updates. I recommend that when you germinate your seeds lemon at first place them in pots small while they develop like this no you will have many problems to take care of them, I will transplant them to a bigger pot when the plants have reached 15 20 centimeters tall more or less, and after there I will transplant them to their place final when they are at least 50 cm height to prevent the wind or animals break our plants For seeds that have not germinated you can repeat the process we have done until germinate and has grown enough to be transplanted I have my plants in a small greenhouse of 4 square meters to which I put mesh shade, since the sun in my city is quite intense But when the plants are big enough I will transplant them abroad without any problem that something happens to them The lemon tree is a plant that needs abundant water but you also need the place in the one that we plant is well drained say that the water does not stagnate in the pot or the place where we put it, to avoid let the root rot. It is also a plant that favors the mild climate, where the risk of frost is very low, its optimal temperature is between 20 to 30 掳 C. For fertilization I use solution nutritious I recycle from hydroponic systems that I have, in this video I explain how you can make your own nutrient solution, But if this gets complicated you can fertilize your plants with compost, worm castings or worm leachate which is very easy to get in any nursery or you can do it yourself. Now we just have to wait and continue caring of our lemon tree so that it begins to give fruits, that there is much discrepancy about of this, but it is said that the lemon tree can start to bear fruit from 2 years so do not despair, it will be very gratifying to watch it grow and reap the fruits of the tree that you yourself grew Up here I'll also leave you a video how to make a chromatic trap in case the white fly comes to invade you in your plants, it is a very simple and fast way to fight it. And well horticulturist I hope you liked it the video, do not forget to comment what you think and leave your like, and remind you that if not yet you are subscribed to the channel I recommend that do it because I'll be uploading more content like this coming soon, greetings horticulturists and see you in the next video. [...]
Channel: El Horticultor
Views: 3,765,053
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Keywords: Como germinar semillas de limon rapido, como germinar semillas de limon en 7 dias, como germinar limon, como germinar limon rapido, como germinar semillas de limon, como sembrar limon, como sembrar limon en casa, como germinar semillas de limon con servilletas, como sembrar limones con semillas, como germinar limon paso a paso, el horticultor, como germinar semillas de limon en casa, limon, limonero, como sembrar limonero, como germinar limones, COMO GERMINAR LIMONES EN CASA
Id: TQxLTxkuFKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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