How to Plant Garlic in the Fall Get Bigger Bulbs!

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just a quick look of our worm bin this is a 10 gallon tote and just remove somebody's bedding here so do I have this set up I'll be doing another more videos on our worms how to do your own worm bin and how to harvest the castings but it's what the shirt guys real quick so on the left side here is where I feed the worms where I would usually put once every two weeks finely chopped vegetables and fruit scraps and on the right side is where I harvest the case things so most of the worms actually don't hang out in this area since there's no food or so once in a while you'll see some worms but all these or most of these are already there ready for harvest but anyways this should be real quick so I can just dig a little deeper here you might see some worms there we go there's a lot of babies so I go ahead and put the worms that we got from our compost bin in here we'll just add them in there back to their family these are the worms like got out of the compost bin look at that that's a whole bunch of almonds in it so I'm going to be starting a second warm bin and we'll be doing more videos than that and then we'll show you how to do it hello everyone this all I have from learn to grow I hope that you're enjoying your day I sure am finally we have no rain for a change it's been raining for the past I think almost two and a half weeks and our corn stalks fell over as well as the mammoth sunflowers so I have to clean it up last week or just pass me but anyway it's nice to be out here in the garden and I can just enjoy the peaceful scenery an atmosphere anyways what we're going to talk about today is how to plant the biggest and robust garlic bulbs so first of all there's some things that you should know before you plant them into the ground so one important thing is planting them in the fall and the reason why you do this is because the garlic needs the cold treatment to do well and also the cold treatment will help the garlic divided into sections to get these cool around the initial code that you'll be planting so that's why it's important to plant them in the fall so they can get this cold treatment now another important thing is you'll want to plant the biggest cloves of your bulb so when you're selecting your clothes let me open this up for you real quick here just a second okay let's see here okay so I've got couple cloves here and generally the ones in the center tarps are smaller so you want to pick out the bigger cloves that way the bigger garlic cloves will grow around this particular Club you'll get a pretty much similar size to the initial field that you start with want to leave these papery skin you don't want to peel those off that's going to okay you don't peel that off so when you're planting your garlic make sure that the tip here slide is up and this is the bottom and that faces down into the ground and you want to plant them between two to four inches depending if you're mulching or not if you're planting mulching you can plant them two inches deep into the ground or four inches if you don't plan on mulching I'm going to go in mulch just because it will protect my garlic from freezing during the cold months so that way they won't freeze and they'll do okay so when you're planting your garlic in the fall it will root itself without sprouting and you want to plant your garlic at least two weeks before the first day of frost and ours here I'm in zone eight Pacific Northwest our first layer process between November 2nd and November 17th and I think today is October 12 so I'm getting really close so you want to get your garlic in this in the ground within two weeks before frost over here hey Nikki so also you want to select this location for your garlic where it will receive at least 68 hours of sunlight they need a lot of Sun in order for them to do well want to have loamy soil or loose soil and also good drainage if you want to make sure you have plenty of organic matter in there your fertilizer excuse me now I did put some chicken manure in this box here a couple months back so I'm not going to put any more of that because chicken burgers are usually strong fertilizer and I'm going to put some of my room key castings that I got for my worm bin see I got some here see how rich and dark this is it's going to be healthy now there are two types of garlic one is a hard net or hard stem and a soft neck or soft stem now generally I've read that the hard neck do better in cooler climates and the stuff that do well in warmer climates but you know I've grown both of them here and I'm in a cooler zone so I think they did ok as you can see now a lot of hard necks will produce an escape in a little flower and what you want to do with that is when you see it you can cut that off that way all the energy will cook will concentrate on growing the bulb itself and you can eat that scape you can put in your store fights really good and also one thing about the soft neck or soft stem garlic is they these ones do better they last longer for storage and store these to preserve them longer somewhere cool in dark place also but with wall ventilation and you can store the soft net garlic up to I think seven to nine months the hard neck generally between I think five to six months and also the flavor of the soft neck garlic's are more pungent and I think more intense so I like the soft thick better but the garlic's are pretty good too thinking about the hardneck garlic is even though they produce the smaller bulbs comparing to the soft neck here is that the bulbs or that cloves are generally larger so fewer fewer cloves but bigger and it's between five to seven clothes for garlic that surrounds this hard stem now the soft neck will produce more cloves and it's bigger around but the generally smaller than the hard neck so just a couple things and one thing here especially the elephant garlic it's not really I mean it is a garlic but it'll come apart yeah these are all anyways the elephant garlic it's part of the Allium family but it doesn't have that same pungent smell and it's not really tasty so it's probably better to use it for part of your meal like stir-fry or soups but really not for flavoring I'll show you how big this closed so look how big this one is so I plant this elephant garlic it should produce me similar sized cloves so since this club is pretty big now again I'm not crazy about these they're not really flavorful so we're going to go ahead and plant them and we'll show you how we do this now another important thing is you want to make sure when you're selecting the cloves the plant that they're not moldy and also that they're not dried out because if they're dried out they're not going to grow so just make sure that you you know get rid of the moldy ones and that plant those and if they're dry don't even plant them again you'll want to make sure that your soil is lomi or loose that way the girl that can root itself really and also you want to make sure that your soil is at least eight inches deep that way the garlic will have enough room toward itself and also will take at least up to six inches of the soil as it roots itself and as it grows you want to space them out at least six inches apart that now you can space them up closer but the closer you space amount you're going to get smaller cloves or smaller garlic although you will have more garlic you know by volume because you're planting more cloves closer together but then again you'll have smaller cloves so if you want to get the bigger and robust garlic you want to space my at least six to eight inches apart and and if you want got doing in rows you want to space them at least 10 inches apart in rows you can dig a hole or you can just simply get a stick or some kind of maybe mallet or something and just poke poke a hole in there and you can just drop the clove in there now before I put the clothing there I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of this worm castings look how dark this is well there's a couple actions in there but it should provide some nutrients for my garlic there and the holes about it looks like about three inches deep which is fine go ahead and drop my clothing there remember the tip side up and just bury it back with your soil so it's pretty much it so remember space them out at least six to eight inches apart for bigger garlic bulbs and if you're doing them in row space up the rows at least ten inches apart and one of them students it's going to mulch it over and you want to put some mold change at least about two inches and you're doing or using dried leaves you can use grass clippings sand is another project so this one is pretty much doing a plant the rest of the garlic and then mulch over with the leaves to keep it from the freezing temperatures in the upcoming months he's helping me so he's spraying the leaves good job bud now also you can use grass clippings hay straw hay making is whatever mulch it usually is now another reason for mulching is to keep weeds from growing especially during springtime when everything start to sprout you want to keep the weeds away from your garlic that way it doesn't take the energy from growing the bulb so that's it for today I hope that you guys found this helpful if you have any questions or comments for me please leave them but the comment section below and I don't think you guys enjoyed this video today and hopefully you'll plant some garlic and you got to do it soon because I think we only have about two to four weeks depending on where you live so remember plant them within two weeks of the first day of frost mulch if you need to if you're not in a colder climate like we are you can just leave them as is just make sure you plant them at least important to steep into the soil in spring time you'll see them sprouting around March and April it's gonna be exciting looking forward to the fun summer harvest thank you for joining in everyone and have a wonderful day happy gardening bye bye
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Views: 154,978
Rating: 4.801105 out of 5
Keywords: how to grow garlic, how to plant garlic, how to grow organic garlic, how to grow the biggest garlic bulbs, hardneck garlic, softneck garlic, organic gardening, how to grow garlic in containers, container gardening, how to plant elephant garlic, planting garlic cloves, planting garlic seeds, urban gardening, planting garlic in the fall, grow garlic indoors, how to plant garlic indoors, worm castings, planting garlic, growing garlic, survival skills, grow garlic in containers
Id: ZI4nERkBalM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2013
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