How to Plant and Grow Garlic in Australia

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hi everyone colen here from Ultimate backyard and today I'm going to show you how to plant garlic garlic is an absolute kitchen staple and one of the best plants you can grow at home and the good news is it's fairly easy to grow be sure to stick around until the end of the video as I'll share the most important thing to watch out for to know that your garlic is ready for Harvest this is important as leaving it too late can lead to rotten pest infestations also if you want to learn more about growing garlic in Australia we've included links to some of our most popular garlic growing articles in the comment section below okay let's dive into the world of garlic growing in Australia the best time to plant garlic is in late Autumn to early winter this gives it the long cool growing period it loves when choosing garlic varieties consider your specific climate soft neck garlics have a higher yield and generally grow better in warmer climates hard neck varieties have a woody stem in the center and are known for their strong flavors these varieties are better suited to colder climates always opt for organic garlic bulbs from a garden center or reputable online supplier Supermarket garlic is often treated to prevent sprouting which isn't what you want for planting garlic prefers a Sunny Spot in your garden and well- drained soil you want to prepare your soil by loosening it up to a depth of about 30 cm and mixing in some compost or well- rotted manure this will provide the nutrients your garlic needs to grow now the planting process break up the garlic bulb into individual cloves but make sure you don't peel them each clove will grow into a new plant plant the cloves pointy end up about 6 to 10 cm deep and space them about 15 to 20 cm apart this gives each plant enough room to grow before we move on I have one big favor to ask of you if you're finding this video helpful please hit the like And subscribe buttons it will only take a second and is the best way to support us okay back to the video note that some gardeners swear by soaking garlic cloves in water before planting to prevent fungal infections and Kickstart growth you can soak them in water mixed with baking soda and seaweed extract for a few hours before planting keep the soil moist Weed Free and mulch around the plants to retain moisture while not essential you can feed your garlic with a slow release fertilizer at planting and then liquid feed every few weeks watch out for pests like aphids and diseases like white rot regular weeding and proper spacing help prevent these issues around midseason your garlic plants will produce flower stalks also known as Scapes it's best to cut these off so the plant focuses its energy on growing the bulb garlic takes around 7 to 9 months to grow from planting to harvest you'll know it's time to harvest when the lower leaves start to Brown this usually happens in spring or summer gently lift the bulbs with a garden fork and let them dry in a warm Airy place for about 2 weeks this process called curing helps to develop the flavors and extends the storage life of your garlic once cured the garlic can be cleaned trimmed and stored in a cool dry place for extended use remember garlic growing is a journey and each step is an opportunity to learn and grow literally I'd love to hear your garlic growing stories so please leave a comment below and share your experiences and tips until next time happy gardening
Channel: Ultimate Backyard
Views: 2,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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