How to Plant a Kitchen Herb Garden - 6 Perennial and Cool Season Herbs 🌱

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hi everyone well today i'm going to show  you how to plant a kitchen herb garden   with six perennial and cool season herbs that  you can grow during the winter time in southern   climates and some of them you can even grow  indoors in winter in northern more colder climates   now i'm very excited to plan a kitchen herb  garden first of all what is a kitchen herb   garden it's simply a garden that's right outside  your kitchen door for easy access to come out and   snip and clip your herbs to throw into cooking  and why is it so much fun to grow in herb garden   herbs add so much flavor to your food  they can turn a very ordinary bland dish   into a dish that has so much flavor and garden  fresh pop to it you're going to absolutely   love it so we're gonna plant our herb garden  right here which is right outside my kitchen   come on with me and i'll show you how  easy it is to grow herbs in your garden   you don't need a ton of space to grow herbs  i'm gonna plant my herb garden right here   in this two by it's maybe an eight foot garden  bed but you don't need one near that large you   can definitely get away with like a two by four  space or a two by two space depending on how many   herbs you want to grow or you can even grow them  in containers they're perfect for containers on   your deck or patio or even to grow inside in the  winter all the herbs we're going to be planting   today grow well in the in cool weather that's 75  degrees or under and some of them will even take a   light frost let's go ahead and get the garden bed  ready and then we'll get to planting some herbs   first what i'm going to do is just  do a little garden bed prep here   just going to lightly loosen up the soil and  then we're going to need to add some amendments   to the soil because your soil does get depleted  and it needs some extra food so that your herbs   grow nice and productive and you have plenty of  herbs to snip into your meals so just lightly   loosening this up and i'm going to use a rake  just to kind of break up some of the chunks i had drip irrigation hoses in here which  i did go ahead and remove before doing this   and we'll go ahead and put those back in at  the end so our herbs get a good amount of water so we're going to add some extra nutrients here in  here and for this i'm going to use the good dirt   soil conditioner which has some really great plant  food that will really help the herbs take root and   thrive now the great thing about good dirt is the  soil conditioner goes a long way so you just need   a little bit a couple inches over the top of the  garden bed and we'll work it in with a pitchfork   and use about a half a bag in this 2x8 garden bed  a little bit really does go a long way and will   really help your herb garden thrive i'm also  going to throw some compost into the mix here   now i don't have a ton of compost right now  but you can definitely make compost for free   right in your own backyard and but i'll go ahead  and add that in here too mix it in my pitchfork   the top few inches of the soil if your soil  is super super dry you want to go ahead and   moisten at this point now adding in compost and  the good dirt soil conditioner will also help   aerate the soil herbs like nice well-drained soil  so this will definitely help break up the chunks   and help your soil be so much  more productive for your herbs   the garden bed is prepped i love the look of  the nice dark soil can't wait to get the herbs   planted but first i'm going to go ahead and  put my drip irrigation back in the garden bed   you don't have to use drip irrigation but  it definitely does help take the guesswork   out of how much and when to water it really helps  me have a much more productive garden so you can   go back and watch my video on that i'm just gonna  go ahead and string it through the garden bed and   then attach it in with landscape staples there  are an endless variety of herbs you can plant   in your garden but the six varieties we're  gonna plant today are some of my favorites   and generally fall into three main categories  perennial which come back year after year biennial   which grow for two years and on the second year  they flower and go to seed and then annual which   you plant a fresh crop of those each year so first  off we're going to plant our perennial herbs that   come back year after year now perennials do need a  lot of space so i'm going to plant some right here   in the corner but kind of fill in this empty spot  here which i think will look really really pretty   and the two that i chose to plant here in my  kitchen herb garden are rosemary and thyme   extremely aromatic flavorful herbs they're so  delicious over chicken fish mixed into soups and   stews you're gonna love having rosemary and thyme  in your kitchen herb garden so first off we're   gonna pop we're gonna plant this rosemary plant  now rosemary and thyme you can grow them from seed   but they're very difficult to germinate take a  long time to germinate and i find it just easier   to pick up a plant from the garden center or they  also will propagate or grow roots from cuttings   so if you have a friend with some rosemary or  thyme ask them if you can have a little sprig   root it in some water and then you can get it  planted in your garden and not have to spend   any money doing it so first we're going  to dig a hole here for my rosemary plant   and pop it right in here now rosemary can also  be grown as a shrub it can get quite large or   you can keep it pruned down to a nice small size  or you can grow it in a container in your house   now i'm going to go ahead and add a scoop of  vermistera worm castings to my planting hole   i like to add a little bit extra just  to help the roots get off to a really   good start and Vermisterra castings keep your  plants really healthy because they have all   those beneficial bacteria and microbes in it so  we're going to go ahead and get our rosemary in   and we'll just take it out of my  little smart pots transplanter here   now rosemary is perennial to zone 7 and higher now  if you don't know what your usda hardiness zone is   it's a good idea to know that when you're a  gardener but basically what that means is if   you are in zone seven or higher rosemary will  be a perennial grow over the winter time and   it won't die back during the cold weather  so basically when you go higher in growing   zones you have warmer winter weather so we just  went ahead and took this out of the transplanter   popped it in here between my drip irrigation  hoses now rosemary is pretty drought tolerant   so it doesn't need a ton of water so if you live  in an area like i do here in southern california   where you don't get lots of rain  rosemary is a great herb for you to grow   so it looks pretty small now but believe me  rosemary can grow quite large and you can   keep it pruned back to manage the size  for whatever space you're growing in next we're going to plant thyme i absolutely  love growing thyme it's super super hearty   even harder than rosemary and it grows as a  perennial in zones five and higher so even   if you live in some of those cold winter climate  areas thyme is going to be a great herb for you   to grow it does tend to be much more low growing  than rosemary likes a lot of space to spread out   it's even nice to grow in walkways or as a  little spiller plant over some garden beds   and there are a ton of different thyme varieties  here i have a woolly time and an english thyme   so we're going to plant two different varieties  i'm just going to plant break the plants apart   it's very similar to rosemary in that  it's really hard to germinate from seed   so either pick up some plants from your garden  center or again it'll propagate from cuttings   so borrow a cutting from a friend i'm just going  to break the plants apart here it's very hardy   so don't be afraid to rip the plants apart and  we're just going to plant it in the exact same way   give it a little bit of space  also very drought tolerant   and it's so delicious in soups and stews where you  can marinate chicken with it which we really enjoy think about thyme is too it's a real pollinator  attractor so you can let one of your plants bloom   and just brings in the bees like crazy got our first two herbs rosemary and thyme  planted here in our kitchen garden those are our   perennials we're going to plant one more perennial  at the end of the video so stay tuned for that   the third herb that we're going to plant today is  parsley now parsley is what's called a biennial   it grows and produces the first year comes back a  second year will grow and you can harvest it but   that second year that it comes back it shoots  up stocks produces flowers and then seeds and   will drop seeds all over your garden so if you  plant parsley chances are the second year you   don't have to plant it again but i like to plant  it both from a plant this is from the CaliKim Herb Garden Seed Collection and also from seeds so  we started these seeds indoors about six weeks ago   we're going to dig a hole here add some worm  castings and get the plant in and i think parsley   is a really underrated herb a lot of people  just use it for garnish but it adds so much   flavor to your food we like it on scrambled eggs  and i also love to just snip it right into salads   so we're just going to pull it out of this little  transplanter pot put it right in our hole which i   just put some worm castings in and i also like  to plant seeds at the same time parsley grows   beautifully here in southern california in  the wintertime especially when you get lots   of rain it just starts popping up all over the  garden from plants i had in the year before   and then i'm also going to plant some seeds  parsley is one of the six varieties in the   CaliKim Herb Garden Seed Collection you  can grab this over at   and get your herb garden started now one thing  to know about parsley seeds is they do take a   little bit of time to germinate so hang in there  be patient sometimes they can take up to two weeks   so i'm just going to sprinkle some parsley  seeds here along the drip irrigation hose   i like to have plenty of parsley to throw in my  salads it's just such a wonderful delicious herb   and so so aromatic too so i'm just sprinkling  the seeds in here and i'm going to cover it with   just a little bit of soil because these  are pretty tiny so they don't need much and then just kind of lightly tamp  it down super super easy to plant   three herbs down three to go the fourth one  we're gonna plant is cilantro cilantro is such   a tasty herb typically used in mexican dishes  i love it in fresh homegrown salsa it's so so   wonderful oh and it smells so so good now cilantro  looks very very similar to parsley it has a little   bit more of a jagged edge to the leaves as parsley  but you do want to make sure that you mark your   plants so you don't get them mixed up but you can  definitely tell the difference and how they smell   it smells so good we're going to go ahead  and get this cilantro plant in the ground   this again i started from seeds from the CaliKim  Herb Garden Seed Collection and cilantro loves the   cool weather 75 degrees or under will even  tolerate some light frost as will parsley   and you can plant it in the shade if you live in  a warmer climate but it does not like temperatures   over 80 degrees it tends to bolt it will grow  much much better in the cooler weather now what   i like to do with my herbs especially the annual  herbs like cilantro is succession plant them   so i'll pop a plant in the ground right here  but then i also like to plant some seeds so   that way you have herbs ready throughout  the growing season and you never run out i'm also going to pop some cilantro seeds  in the soil here right next to my plant   now you can see that cilantro seeds are  quite a bit larger than parsley seeds   they have a hard outer shell so they can also  be very difficult to germinate but i am going   to give you a little tip to help them germinate  faster what you can do is either soak your seeds   overnight to soften that outer shell or what  i like to do is just smash some up either with   a rock or with a rolling pin that way it breaks  that hard outer shell and it helps them germinate   faster we're just gonna sprinkle some cilantro  seeds right in the soil next to my cilantro plant   again be patient with your cilantro it  can take up to two weeks to germinate   the fifth herb that i love to have in my kitchen  garden is also an annual and that is dill   dill is a feathery type of herb it can grow  up to a couple of feet tall this is mammoth   dill so it'll look really nice along this back  wall here to kind of fill in the space so what   i'm going to do is just sprinkle it along the  back of the garden bed and again it's an annual   which means it will grow the first year and then  die off when it gets too cold but what i found   that here in southern california a lot of times  dill will grow all year long even in the heat it   definitely thrives in the cooler weather but often  in the heat it will produce those big beautiful   dill flowers which you can use in dill pickles  and the bees absolutely love them as well   but it's a definite must must-have in your  kitchen herb garden super super easy to grow the sixth herb is chives chives are also perennial  and one of my very favorite herbs to grow   because they're so so easy to grow in the cool  weather in the winter here in southern california   and also in the heat chives are amazing because  you can actually separate the clumps and then   move them around your garden from year to year  so they definitely are a perennial and come back   year after year but i'm going to actually plant  some from seed today because i'm growing these   inside in the winter time right on my windowsill  but i love to grow chives outdoors as well chives   make a really great edging plant so i'm going  to plant them along the edges of this garden bed   they're going to kind of spill over and i think  they're going to look so so pretty super easy to   plant all you have to do again is pour them in  your hand and sprinkle them and they don't take   a very long time to germinate so i'm just going  to sprinkle them right along the drip irrigation   hose to make sure they get plenty of moisture  they're really tiny little black seeds here and if you have a neighbor who has  some chive plants you could ask them   to divide their chive plant give you  a couple then you could plant some   in your garden too for free they also  grow very well indoors in a container   you're gonna have lots and lots of chives these  happen to be onion chives which give your food a   slightly onion flavor but there's also a garlic  chai variety which is really nice to grow too   and most often i just snip these into scrambled  eggs snip them into salads or soups they just   add such a delicious flavor to your food you're  going to love growing chives the last step to   planting our kitchen herb garden is to water our  new plants in so we're going to give them a nice   dose with a good dirt plant food high in nitrogen  so it helps get them off to a good start with that   green leafy growth then the vermisterra worm tea  pretty much use this all over my garden for all of   my plants and it really gets them off to a good  start this helps keeps my plants healthy and i   pretty much feed everything with that throughout  the growing season well i'm really excited to   have my little kitchen herb garden planted with my  six favorite culinary herbs i cannot wait to come   out here and snip and clip these into dishes  and recipes to give so much flavor to my food   comment below let me know if you're gonna  plan a kitchen herb garden and grab my Herb   Seed Collection over at  and don't forget to subscribe because as this   fills in and grows i'm going to be coming  back showing you how to harvest these herbs   and how to use them in different recipes thanks  so much for watching we'll see on the next video
Channel: CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
Views: 19,573
Rating: 4.9678717 out of 5
Keywords: herb gardening, diy herb garden, herb garden for beginners, gardening, herb garden design, herb garden diy, how to plant an herb garden, herbs, how to grow herbs, kitchen garden, growing herbs, herb garden outdoor, organic gardening, easy to grow herbs, how to grow herbs outdoors, kitchen garden at home, best herbs to grow, gardening for beginners, calikim, calikim29, calikim garden and home, rosemary, how to plant herbs, thyme, cilantro, dill, chives, parsely, culinary herb garden
Id: QdWDfgL3XkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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