How to Pick CEDAR MEDICINE 🌲(Gathering CEDAR Medicine from Cedar Tree)

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how do you pick cedar is there a correct way to gather the sacred medicine from a cedar tree to be used in the proper way you want to gather some cedar but you're not a hundred percent confident to ensure that you're being respectful and correctly honoring the sacred plant watch this video to find out four tips for picking cedar to make sure that you're doing it respectfully and honoring the Creator Mother Earth and the sacred medicine in a good way if you are looking to gather cedar for a sacred medicinal use but you're not sure that you're doing it correctly watch this video to find out five tips for picking cedar to make sure that you're doing it respectfully and honoring the Creator Mother Earth and the sacred medicine in a good way we've helped thousands of people find and gather sacred medicines as well as how to use these medicines and now it's your turn by the end of this video you will know exactly how to find and properly gather the sacred cedar medicine you may want to gather cedar for many reasons it might be to make sea dirty to use in a ceremony or sweat lodge or to use as a healing medicine with a cedar bath or treatment in the indigenous culture sacred medicines are very important to the culture and well-being of our people we believe that the Creator has provided many gifts on mother to protect heal and maintain the health of all of her children which are all living things and all creation I'm very lucky that this has been taught to me by elders and my Anishinabe Ojibwe territory of curved lake versus nation different tribes and nations have slightly different rules for finding and gathering sacred medicines and one is not right or wrong or better than any other so we've put together five tips for gathering cedar to make sure that you're doing it respectfully and in a way that honors this sacred gift of the cedar tree the first tip in picking the sacred cedar medicine is to identify the cedar tree there are different species of cedar trees that are native to the region that they inhabit where I am in Ontario the native cedar trees are typically very large and they look really abundant meaning that there's lots of branches and leaves and they're very thick when you are identifying the cedar tree that you want to pick from you want to make sure that it's not on someone's private property even though we believe that all living things belong to the Creator and Mother Earth you may want to ask for permission or gather from a forested area where the trees are plentiful the second tip in gathering the sacred cedar medicine is to pick the cedar really early in the morning after the Sun has risen all the living things are waking up and it is believed that the energy and spirits come up from Mother Earth this is a very sacred time of day because all of the living things that are waking up from Mother Earth are very receptive to us talking to them picking the theater in the morning also allows the theater to be the most fresh this means that once the cedar is picked they will have a better chance of revitalizing throughout the day as opposed to picking it when it's dry do you guys have lots of cedar trees in your area and have you picked it before please share with us in the comments below now we've looked at the first two tips for gathering cedar which is number one to identify the best cedar tree to use and number two to pick the cedar early in the morning the third tip in gathering the sacred cedar medicine is to give thanks to the cedar tree and the Creator this one isn't really a tip as it is essential first say thanks to the Creator for giving us the medicine a long time ago here is where you can offer tobacco or sama as tobacco is the direct communication line to the Creator therefore it's the most sacred of the medicines if you don't have tobacco then you can just say thanks to the Creator for allowing you to use the sacred medicine and maybe mention what you intend to use this cedar medicine for a great idea is to perform a smudge while you're doing this if you would like to perform a smudge while doing this and watch this video right here on the steps to perform a smudge ceremony now the fourth tip in gathering the sacred cedar medicine is to pick the cedar from various parts of the tree it is very important in the indigenous culture to leave our Mother Earth the way that she was before we got there we don't own any creation they are merely gifts that we can borrow from her and only take what we need this means that when we are gathering cedar find trees and areas of the tree that are most abundant to pick a little bit over here and a bit over there so that the sacred cedar tree does not look damaged after we've gathered it the fifth tip in picking this feeder medicine is to offer the cedar back to mother earth and give thanks once we are done with the cedar tree it is best practice to give thanks to the creator and to that specific cedar tree for allowing you to use it we are told to put them back in the north as cedar is the medicine of the north you don't need to make a trip to northern Canada but the cedar can be left in the northern direction of your property or around your house so now we've gone through all five tips for properly gathering the sacred cedar medicine which are one to identify the cedar trees in an abundant area two to pick it early in the morning three to give thanks to the creator and offer tobacco four to pick from various parts of the tree and five to offer the cedar back to mother earth in the north now after following these five tips for how to properly gather the sacred cedar medicine you can feel absolutely confident when you want to pick cedar leaves to make tea or for another healing or protective use in your life if you are wanting to learn more about the various sacred medicines and for more information on the smudging process then download our free smudging guide in the link in the description below be sure to check us out at travel trade cocom and use this special coupon code for 15% off your order please reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram if you have any questions if you like this video please let us know by hitting the like button tell us what you liked about it in the comments be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends thank you so much for watching I hope you have a fan big day and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tribal Trade Co
Views: 7,862
Rating: 4.9079285 out of 5
Keywords: cedar, sacred medicines, how to pick cedar, cedar tea, indigenous, how to pick cedar medicine, cedar tree, indigenous culture, native teachings, indigenous people, native american, smudging, gather cedar, cedar medicine, cedar tree medicine, plant medicine, cedar tree identification, cedar tree tea, Native medicine, Indigenous teaching, Gathering cedar, Gathering cedar medicine, Picking Cedar, aboriginal medicine, first nations people, medicinal smudge, medicinal smudging
Id: z9H4vzMCVqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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