How to perform perfect pirouettes with Howly Ballet

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and my experience failure is the key to success nothing shows that quite like a pirouette [Music] so the most important stage of a pirouette is preparation because perfect preparation equals perfect execution so I'm gonna ask you to step forward and just shows a nice clean single pirouette evie lots of good things happening there but also things in areas in which we can help Eevee so my first one would be position where are we standing and how are we standing now position one is fourth modern day misconception is that fourth position the weight is in the middle the weight is not in the middle for a pirouette the weight is over the front leg and that is absolutely key why is it over the front leg because we're going to pull up onto that leg we've got less movement if we take in the weight from the middle the weight is going to be falling over the ball of the foot if we load up and loading up by creating an angle aligned over the supporting leg I feel I've got practically 80 to 90 percent of my body weight on that front leg and I use the back leg for propulsion practice your weak side more this will ultimately make your strong side even stronger anyway we all favor one side of course we do but you can't be imbalanced as a performer because it will get found out all of our weight is firmly placed and planted on that front leg then our next position is very simple and just pin it in a high turned-out retiro position and again just take it back keep that weight over weight over all the time and then straight up and up and down good lovely so now we're going to move it sideways onto the bar so Lola just come down the bar for me please okay so again feeling that full position we're sideways on then we're going to pin it and hop high retiro position hi-yah and what I love about this position just go back in is a beautiful high retiro position really stretch be hi on the dining point and from there we're gonna add the turn in a moment but we've got to establish the correct position first because that is way more interesting than watching someone do it all weird and all fractured we want glorious wide positions do it again for me Lola and up now I'd love to see that in a pirouette motion so that's what we're going to work towards and the best way to practice a pirouette is to practice to balance first so I wouldn't essentially go straight in for your pirouettes I will be working on trying to balance and hold for two to three counts or two to three seconds and try to find your way and hold and down the longer you stay on balance the more parallettes you do creating perfection on one to create perfection on five okay so we're going to practice the balance bump and up good what happens and this is a very very common Fault in ballet is this a lot of people lead with an arm line and it slows everything down the body has remained the same and the arm is trying to guide and it slows everything down okay so what we're trying to do and understand is that the body turns if this arm stops here it fragments the parallel and what we've got to be looking for is for the body to work with the arms we don't go like a cartoon yeah we're not going you know what I mean yeah we're not throwing these arms we are using our body to turn and then we're in for that pirouette but we have to do that with the body Newton's third law of motion dictates that every action has an equal opposite reaction for example my cat's Mouse in a similar way to a pirouette we've wound up the coil and at the moment where the coil is at its tightest that's where we let it go and that's the same feeling for a pirouette we don't want it to stop and lose all the momentum we need to wind up that coil there are two ways to finish a pirouette one is in position there can be any position the way that I was trained is what's called finishing on balance and it's the hardest thing to do but if you watch extraordinary dancers they basically can stay up on balance the idea is is that you take off in this position you should stay up and then you're moving so I want to see you up on that position right till the very end [Music] and for people at home I want you I want you to really just enjoy your pirouettes okay go for there and you're gonna do more bad ones than good ones but it all builds towards being able to execute a great pirouette if you want to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button now and smash that like button and also please don't hesitate in commenting if you need any help in any technical steps or movements see you next time on Holi Ballet Torah [Music]
Channel: Howly Ballet
Views: 112,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ballet, dance, technique, pirouettes, pirouette, dance training, dance tutorial, how to pirouette, ballet basics, howlyballet
Id: eojLfy2E0yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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