How to perform a motorcycle u-turn - Episode - 22 MCrider

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hey it's kevin with MC writer you know it's one of those things that brings fear into the heart of a lot of writers in fact I see it all the time in the MSF class when it comes time for the skill eval and the writers have to perform the dreaded u-turn it's one of those things that they're not totally comfortable with yet but believe me it's not something that just new writers struggle with in fact I was taking an advanced class a few years ago but a bunch of Navy guys that had come down from Oklahoma to take this class and I watched one of the Navy writers one of the experienced writers drop his big victory motorcycle in front of all of his buddies trying to make a u-turn so it's something that experienced writers struggle with as well so this week on MC rider we're going to give you some tips and techniques for the dreaded u-turn [Music] [Music] if you're new to MC writer comm welcome my name is Kevin I'm your host here at MC writer I'm a professional motorcycle instructor in North Texas also release weekly videos to help you guys gain more control over your motorcycles so this week's episode is actually request from one of our patreon ski post Keith's requested this training video on new turns and if you're not a member of our patreon site you can go over there and for just $1 a month you can help support MC Rider and you can request training videos like Keith did on topics that will help make you a better writer or topics that you just like to see covered here at MC rider so a lot of writers are able to perform a basic u-turn in the msf class on a 250 cc motorcycle but it becomes a whole different story if you don't have the technique down when you get home and you're trying to do the same thing on your larger motorcycle more powerful engine a lot heavier bike a lot of times a lot taller motorcycle than what you are using in the MSF class so this week we're going to focus on the fundamentals of a u-turn the basic techniques in order to perform this and then it doesn't matter if you're on a 250 cc motorcycle or 800 pound Harley the techniques are the same after getting the basic techniques down all it takes from there is just a little bit of seat time a little bit of practice so find an empty parking lot take some of the techniques from this class and begin practicing this on your own and before long you'll be performing new terms like a champ so before we go demonstrate this technique on the range I thought it'd be a good idea to talk about some of the techniques we're gonna use once we're out there first thing you want to focus on is the clutch in the friction zone alright so if I've got the clutch fully squeezed in I've got no power going to the rear wheel if I fully release the clutch I've got a hundred percent power to the rear wheel but if I slowly release that clutch out at some point it's going to develop partial engagement that partial engagements what we'll call the friction zone alright so the whole time that I'm performing that u-turn I've got that clutch in the friction zone and I'm maintaining it in that position so that I've got partial power partial drive going to that rear wheel in addition to the friction zone I'm using a little bit of rear brake so I'm using the clutch and the rear brake to help control my speed I'm using a steady throttle on the throttle so the throttles engaged just in a steady manner I'm using the clutch and the rear brake to help control the speed so if I want to make it you turn to the left I've got the clutch in the friction zone I'm using some rear brake I'm going to adjust my weight to the right so I'm going to help counterweight the motorcycle motorcycle will lean to the left but I'm going to put some weight to the right in addition to that I'm going to turn my head as far around as I can because I'm trying to look where I want the motorcycle to go so let's look at that again I've got a u-turn to the left clutches in the friction zone a little bit of rear brake steady throttle as I approach the u-turn shifting my weight to the to the right side got my head and eyes turn to the left and I'm looking where I want the motorcycle to end that bad so let's do that to the right clutch in the friction zone a little bit of rear brake turn the handlebars to the right weight goes to the left and I'm turning my head and eyes around to the right-hand side so now that we've talked about the technique in the garage let's see what it looks like out on the range so as I purchased left hand u-turn have already got the clutch in the friction zone you can see that the taillight is activated so I'm adding light pressure to that rear brake and if you'll notice my head and eyes turning my head I'm looking where I want the motorcycle to go the motorcycle is leaning in one direction and my upper body is leaning the opposite direction so I'm keeping the bike counter weighted by putting weight on the opposite side of the bike from the turn so when I'm out on my own and I'm practicing u-turns I find a parking lot with some painted parking spaces like this I tried to keep it within a couple of spaces but if you're new to this and you're just starting out don't worry about markings on the ground just get used to using the technique and after you get the technique down then you can start setting up markers or painted lines to help you shorten your u-turns out you may have also noticed that occasionally I'll use a little dip prior to going into the u-turn like right there a lot of people find that helpful to add that little dip on bigger bikes especially to help get the momentum going and to help get that bike tighter through the corner so thank you for joining us this week at MC rider if you like what we're doing I ask you guys to subscribe to us first share your video with your writing buddies and your friends share videos on Facebook and help us spread the word if you really like what we're doing well hope that you'll consider becoming a patron of our site go to WWE MC rider comm slash support and you can find information on how to support the site and with just a dollar donation per month you can help control the type of training and the training topics that we provide here at MC rider like Keith did for this video this week so guys until next week this is Kevin with MC writer and we'll see you on the road
Channel: MCrider - Motorcycle Training
Views: 404,705
Rating: 4.9308996 out of 5
Keywords: u-turns, u turn, motorcycle u-turn, motorcycle, Kevin, uturn, mcrider, kevin morris, online motorcycle class, motorcycle training, motorcycle skills, free motorcycle class
Id: 7Ix1B9MjKOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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