How to Pay Off Your Mortgage In 5-7 Years

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hello my name is Sam Kwak on one of the Kwak brothers real estate investor entrepreneur and the author of the book fire your boss and in this video I'm gonna show you guys how to pay off your 30 year mortgage in less than five to seven years without making more money or cutting back on your expenses now you may want to stick around to the end of this video because I'm gonna offer a free gift only for those who make it all the way to the end you guys will get that free gift at the end of the video this video I'm gonna explain to you a couple things the first thing I'll explain to you is why your mortgage your 30 year mortgage absolutely sucks why the other strategies you know paying extra into the mortgage isn't necessarily the best strategy to go about it I'm gonna introduce you to a strategy called the debt acceleration strategy so the goal of the strategy I'm gonna write down right here on the board debt-free acceleration strategy this strategy has many names it's got names of mortgage acceleration, velocity banking, debt acceleration, pill method there's so many different names a lot of people use velocity banking I like to use a debt free acceleration because we want to accelerate you towards becoming debt free so the goal of this is to save you up to 67 percent of interest that you owe to the bank and saving you up to 67 percent of the time that you may spend on paying off your 30-year mortgage which by the way this actually works on your student loans your car loan credit cards or any other debt that's amortized not just mortgage it works on pretty much any other debt so that's the goal that we're gonna mean accomplish for this video we're gonna take your mortgage through your mortgage and pay it off in third the time and 30 interest and that is the goal now one of the things that we have to talk about is why do we need to use the strategy what like what makes mortgage terrible right like what's what's wrong with your current mortgage that we want to switch to a whole different strategy or get introduced to a different strategy so first thing is that with your mortgage I know your mortgage rate interest rate may sound innocent at a 3% 4% 5% but let's say you have a mortgage of balance of $250,000 that's our principle balance okay and let's say you have a interest rate of 5% at 30-year amortization okay I'm gonna abbreviate that do you do you actually understand how much you're gonna end up paying in terms of interest like a lot of people look at that 5% like oh it's just 5% innocent it's not gonna cause me any harm but if you fully advertise this out on a 30-year amortization you're gonna actually end up paying close to nearly almost double the amount so this is just gonna be your interest and that's your principal so in total you may end up and you can do this calculation on an amortization calculator this there's no trick there's no gimmick but if you get a Twitter $50,000 loan on your on a mortgage 5% interest 30-year average amortized you're gonna quote you're gonna pay close to $250,000 in interest alone which gives you which leaves you about total of $500,000 that you're gonna pay to the banks so you essentially bought a bank another house on top of paying for yours right which is terrible so that 5% interest guys it's it's being compounded right it's not just 5% of that $250,000 it's gonna be a compounded interest and you're gonna end up paying close to twenty fifty thousand dollars of interest now another reason why I don't like the mortgage especially the 30-year mortgage is is this gonna draw a chart for you this is called the amortization schedule chart and in this chart this right here represents the time so this is time okay and our goal obviously is to get to the 30-year mark and I know a lot of you guys are saying well that's 30 years of a long time I don't have 30 years I'm gonna be bet I'm gonna be dead by by the time that I pay off my mortgage well our goal again is again so pay off our mortgage within five to seven years of that you can accelerate towards retirement maybe you want to you want to take that extra cash flow and invest in real estate I don't know what your goal is but our goal in general is to pay off your 30-year mortgage this represents the amount your monthly mortgage payment okay I'm actually raise the dollar sign so this is your represents your mortgage payment every month okay let's say your mortgage payment is around $1,500 a month okay I'm just gonna throw a NAR but Raja number I know I arbitrary number not a higher charge arbitrary number I know some of you guys have more in terms of your monthly payment some of you guys may have less I'm just gonna throw a number out there for the sake of illustration so this line right here actually looks different I know I think this nice and clean and organized for you guys so $1,500 a month roughly this line and this line okay this downward curve you guys are seeing here that represents the amount of interest that you're gonna pay in the span of 30 years the the curve line that goes upward represents the principle payment now you notice here that this portion right here out of your entire mortgage payment approximately let's say $1,200 a month in the beginning of your mortgage lifecycle vast majority of your monthly payment is going towards your interest first so essentially you're paying the bank's their fee to borrow the money upfront they're getting paid first and then towards the end of your mortgage towards the 30-year mark this is where we get to go and start paying off your your actual principal balance which is what we want right the faster we pay off our principal the faster we can get to building our equity and wealth and becoming debt free now the problem with this is that it's okay that you know if you have patience right if you can wait 30 years you can ride this out completely fine but in a real life scenario there's two things that happen during the 30-year mortgage that pretty much sort of puts you in a perpetual debt the first thing is what happens this part right here let's say okay this is your kind of halfway mark so let's say this is your 10-year mark I know it's not quite half but that's just my drawing is terrible so let's say this is your 10-year mark and you're starting to gain more principal right as you as you go towards the 30-year mark you're getting more principal and you're paying less interest now there's two things that happen the first thing that happens is is actually a bit more common you get to this point your banker may call you right ringing ring hey mr. and mrs. Baker congratulations you made it to 10-year mark you're doing really great not a single late payment you're you're doing phenomenal you're a great power and for that reason we want to give you a refinance rate instead of a 5% interest rate come on down to our bank in our office and we'll give you a file we'll give you a four point seven five interest and we'll give you a discount of point two five percent interest come on down in so you can save money on interest or they may commute convince you to say hey let's go and bring down that $1,500 a month payment let's refinance and bring you down to maybe thirteen fifty a month saving you an extra $150 now here's the truth guys and there's a reason why they they the bank's want you to refinance the bank's never ever want you to make it to this part here because you why now they're making less interest in they're not making enough money from you so if they wanted what they want you to do is get to this part right here when you start to make more money on the principal when you start to accumulate more principal they want you to come refinance in the name of saving an extra $150 a month or more or less or they may convince you say hey mr. mrs. Barr let's go and bring your rate down to four point seven five now the problem is if you do refinance you start all over back to square one to ear zero you have that 30-year time clock that resets and you're gonna have to pay all this interest back again to do none of them banks okay so the bank's want you to stay in this zone right here because they can continue to recycle you back and forth back and forth making more money out of you having a large balance and they're taking interest from you well it's just what banks do right they need to be see they need to stay profitable now you might say well Sam I'm disciplined enough to not do those refinance I know the refinance will reset me well another thing that happens quite often at least here in the United States I know some of you guys were watching from Canada Australia England but what happens here in the United States is that there's a new to statistics that Americans have new job every three to five years or they may get fired from their job or whatever so there might be a situation where you get a new job you may need to get a new job and you need to move and sell your house now what happens if you sell your house and you buy a new one with a new mortgage do you get to continue progress from here right so you've built up all this equity and you paid off you've done paint you to paint off most of the interest do you get to continue paying off the the remaining no right so when you go and get a new mortgage you have to again same thing you start from the square zero from zero ears and you get to 30 years and it resets your clock so you're sort of stuck aren't you right you either have to refinance to get a lower rate or to save that extra money on that monthly payment or if you have to move for a new job career change maybe your kids retire then you may have to downsize whatever that may be you don't get to continue your progress you don't get to continue building that principal or equity you have to start all over so the the the 30-year mortgage the odds are stacked against you guys and this is one of the biggest reasons why I'm not a big fan of the mortgage a because if you let's say you do have a 5% interest rate or even 4% interest rate you're gonna end up paying close to double the amount of your your original principal amount and you have this disadvantage of having to refinance either because you have to move or you get persuaded by your banker telling you that you're gonna save money okay not again not a good way to pay off and I know most of you guys don't want to wait 30 years to pay off your your loan and I can't either but luckily there's a better there's a better strategy and there's a whole new opportunity where you guys can take advantage of the strategy called a debt free acceleration and you guys are gonna be able to pay off your mortgage within one third of time and one through the interest without having to make more money so I'm gonna introduce you to a new instrument that we're gonna use a new opportunity instead of using a mortgage we're gonna use something called a home equity line of credit okay home equity lines of credit now hold my client credit it's often abbreviated and it's called HELOC okay it's not Halleck okay it's HELOC we're gonna use a home equity line of credit to pay off your mortgage now I know there's a lot of objections that I get you might be watching this video saying well why in the world would we ever want to take a higher interest rate variable rate home equity line of credit and pay off our lower rate mortgage I'm gonna get to that in just a sec okay but I want to give you a distinction between a mortgage versus your home equity line of credit the first thing that we want to highlight with the mortgage it's closed and then and what that basically means is that once you make your monthly payment to your bank you can't get that money back unless you again refinance which we don't want we're not we don't condone any refinancing here but on a home equity line of credit it's open-ended okay I just like the I just like the word open right it just makes you feel a little more ease open enemies that you can pay into the home equity line of credit and then reuse the principal portion of the home equity line of credit and then pay back reuse and pay back so almost like a credit card in fact your credit card is a type of a line of credit so the first thing that we need to remember is that mortgage is closed-ended and home equity line of credit is open-ended cool with the mortgage it could be fixed rate or it could be variable right this is why we have the stuff called armed with a home equity line of credit contrary to the myth and the the common belief home equity home equity line of credit can also be fixed and variable as well more often what's more common as the variable but there are banks that offer fixed-rate key locks I'm not gonna talk about that today cuz we can go on a whole different rabbit hole but just remember these two things when you compare a home equity line of credit in a mortgage there's a lot of different differences that I can list out today but again we don't have a lot of time to go into the details I'll give you more of the overview of this strategy again at the end of this video I'm going to give you a special gift that's gonna help you understand a strategy even more to give you a visual illustration let's say this is your checking account okay and you got your HELOC here with the key lock you could you can go ahead and pay cash into the home echo Minecraft's do a principal payment against the whole my home equity line of credit and you can get that money back out to use for other purposes with a mortgage because it's closed ended you can only pay the mortgage and not get the money back out unless you go through the refinance process which we now know that we don't want to refinance because we don't want to reset our clock and pay all that interest all over again so keep that in mind guys and what I'm gonna do is gonna put a star in this thing called the open and a feature the ability B to be able to pay back and reuse the HELOC that's probably gonna the B be the most important part of this or the feature of this strategy the next thing that's really important to highlight with the HELOC is that it uses the concept of average daily interest some people call it simple interest but the average daily interest is another big big reason why this strategy works the way it does so I don't like math I know some of you guys don't either but this is the only time you're gonna see math I promise so the way that the interest is calculated a home equity line of credit is it uses average daily balance okay and average daily balance is the balance of whatever debt you have for that specific day so let's say we have a hundred thousand dollars in our home equity line of credit today we're gonna have a set interest for today's balance and tomorrow let's say we have a completely different balance on our home equity line of credit it's gonna be tomorrow we'll have we'll have a different amount of interest depending on whether the average daily balance went up or the average billion daily balance went down okay in fact if I'm if I'm describing a specific day I'm just gonna use daily balance average daily balance describes what the daily balance was as a whole and in a month so we're gonna go ahead and actually erase this and just simply call it daily balance and how the interest is calculated is it takes two daily balance divided by 365 days because that's how many days we have a year okay times the interest rate of your line of credit equals average daily interest okay so that's the interest that we get charged on that specific day so if today we have hundred dollars in that in the line of credit divided by three and sixty five times that say 5% interest whatever that number might be is going to be the interest that we get charged today tomorrow we may have 100 five dollars okay obviously the interest is gonna go up a little bit because our daily balance went up so two things to remember about the key lock and before we get to the I'm gonna show you a sort of a real-life concept as to how the strategy's gonna work and why the strategy works the first thing to remember is that the key lock is open-ended okay number two is the key lock the interest rate is calculated based on average daily balance if you understand those two things you're well on your way to understanding why this strategy works and how you can apply the strategy to pay off your mortgage within five to seven years so okay I'm gonna ask you has a question I think this is gonna sort of prepare prepare your mindset for how the strategy works so what if you can go ahead and supposedly okay pay off take all of your income and your savings and your whatever money you have in your checking account throw every single dollar of it into the line of credit a home equity line of credit bringing down the average daily balance flow so that you're subject to lower interest while still giving you the access to that same money the income and the savings for future use some of you guys are like wait hold on so you mean to tell me that I can go and take all my income and savings lower down the average daily balance in my home Atlantic credit but I can still access that money in the future yeah so let me give you a version of the strategy I'm actually going to show you two separate versions the first version involves in having an income source okay and traditionally what you guys been doing is you've been taking all your income and putting in a checking account or you've been putting on a savings account okay and savings account today don't really earn you much money right it's like two percent three percent a bet at best so a lot of you guys have a mortgage and let's say you have a mortgage of $200,000 a balance okay I know some of you guys have more some you guys have less stick with me here this is just an illustration so what this strategy involves as a more of a 30,000 feet overview is you're gonna get a HELOC okay as a second position let's say we have a limit of 25 thousand dollar limit remember home equity line of credit works similar to your credit card you don't get that $25,000 up front you get a limit so you can use up to $25,000 pay it off use it again and pay it off so what we're gonna do from here is that once we have your V lock your mortgage of $200,000 let's say you got your checking account your income coming in one of the big things we're gonna do the first move that we're gonna make gonna use red for this one is take your $25,000 let's say we're just gonna use $20,000 of out of the $25,000 and we're gonna do a principal payment against that mortgage now the thing here is that we didn't incur more debt guys we just transfer one set of debt a portion of one debt over to another so obviously it's no longer $200,000 we're down $275,000 in terms of your mortgage balance principal balance I'm sorry it should be 180 because we're only used 20,000 a bit right and we have $20,000 of balance incurred in the HELOC so $180,000 plus 20,000 dollars still $200,000 we didn't have we don't have more debt it's we're still at the same same amount of debt now what you're doing here is that when you do your $20,000 principal balance payment on the mortgage you brought the amount of the principal balance down for mortgage which now consequently you're gonna pay less interest on your mortgage by doing this this should also save you multiple months depends on what the interest rate you have on the mortgage it should save you anywhere between gosh anywhere it could be it could be anywhere in two to three years that you save just by doing that $20,000 chunk does that make sense so now we have $20,000 debt here don't we so what we're doing here is that we take our income we go instead of from checking account where you go straight into the HELOC all of your money let's say you make about five thousand dollars a month take all of your money put in your home equity line of credit and treat your home equity line of credit as if it's your new savings / checking account let's say you have some extra money sitting here and say same thing put it in your HELOC remember we can reuse that money we can go and pull money out of the home equity line of credit pretty much whatever you want so the next objection I get from people is well Sam if we take all of our income and put in the home equity line of credit how in the world who can I pay for our bills how are we gonna pay for diapers groceries gas go buy movie tickets how are you how are we gonna spend the money right if we throw all the money in there we can't get it back we'll remember guys we can get the money back from the heel off so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take money out of the heel op for gas groceries right those diapers you name it all at the same time you still do need to make your monthly mortgage payment because obviously if you don't you're gonna get into a foreclosure and I don't want you to do that so make sure you continue to make monthly payments to your mortgage to make sure you stay current on that so what this does is two things number one it brings down your average daily balance by the amount of your income and number two still gives you the access to that $5,000 of income for your expenses so while the balance is down let's say we take that $5,000 put it against that $20,000 balance we're gonna be down to $15,000 balance and remember how we talked about the average daily balance the lower the balance we have okay we're gonna be subject to a lower interest amount for that specific day now you're gonna have expenses but chances are you don't have all of your expenses incurred all at the same time that right Nick the next day so next day chances are once you make that $5,000 deposit into your home equity line of credit chances are it's gonna stay relatively at the same same amount of balance right unless you go spend hard dollars or 200 dollars at groceries so let's say you do go and spend I'm gonna put it put this in a chart format so it's a little bit more easier to see mathematically so let me give you a week of example a seven day example so we got day one here of $20,000 balance and we we bring it down by $5,000 we have an income you should let me just label this there you go income of $5,000 okay you guys see that so it brings down the balance daily balance I'm gonna just use the word write the letter B in there and it's gonna represent balance our balance is gonna be $15,000 okay the next day let's say we spent hundred dollars for groceries okay or a gas or whatever you got you guys might be using so our new daily balance is gonna be fifteen thousand eight hundred okay that's day two day three I'm gonna actually it might not not even have room for all seven days so I'm just gonna use three days but I think you guys will get it Dave three we're gonna spend five hundred bucks on a car payment or whatever that should bring our balance up again to fifteen thousand six hundred now if I do the math on the the interest side of things let's say our interest is 5 percent or let's make it little bit more realistic 6 percent interest on this line of credit I'm gonna actually grab my accommodator you show you guys the actual numbers and on the interest okay so brought my calculator out so we got fifteen thousand dollars as our daily balance times or I should divide this by 365 okay times point zero six which is our interest rate okay our our interest we're gonna pay is two dollars and 46 cents okay let me actually use red to highlight the interest two dollars and 46 cents the next day we incurred a balance increase of hundred dollars so I'm gonna take fifteen thousand one hundred divided by 365 days times point zero six right our interest went up to two dollars and forty eight cents so you guys get the idea right every day the interest is is changing but what if we kept the balance at $20,000 day two day three day four day five days six right we would continue to pay that $2 I'm sorry I should be higher than two dollars and 46 cents you would actually be paying $20,000 divided by 365 time 0.06 you would actually be paying three dollars and 28 cents as long as you care that balance of $20,000 but you can see why bringing that balance down to $15,000 using all of your income your savings we save that I mean I'm gonna guess men say a doll about dollar and couple cents right actually it's less than that lessen dollar so it's it's saving I know less than dollars in sound a lot but if it adds up in multiple days and it compounds you're gonna end up saving a lot of interest version two of this strategy now that you guys kind of get the idea of why the average daily balance is so important version two involves in taking your entire mortgage let's say of two hundred thousand dollar balance using the same example okay and instead of getting another HELOC what we're we're gonna do is this is called the first position key lock strategy we replace the entire mortgage with a HELOC so you're replacing your mortgage with the HELOC and you're essentially the same thing from there you take all of your income your savings throw into the Tiki lock lowered the average daily balance down all the while you can spend that money out of your key lock for expenses and so on cool all right so the strategy that's pretty much a just a strategy I mean we can go into the details of what to do with credit cards what to do with if you have different multiple different mortgages we can go into all of that which you don't have all the time the world but what I'm gonna leave you with is the free gift what I'm gonna give you is a an excel sheet calculator where it's gonna show you guys where you can punch in your own number so you can put in your original balance your current balance your interest rate on your mortgage you can put in your line of credit information as well as your income your expenses and it's gonna spit out the result of how soon you can pay off your mortgage how much money you're gonna save using our strategy as well as a target deadline for the payoff period so you can go and get this I'm also gonna through I'm sorry to check the the free excel sheet I'm also gonna even throw a free ebook in there for a further explanation and how this strategy works so that's chopped my so if you go to chop my boys calm all i have to do is fill out your information and it will give you a free excel calculator to go and punch in your numbers figure out why this strategy works how the strategy works and we're also gonna give you an e-book i'm also after you get the free ebook and the calculator you guys are gonna be asked to participate on an hour and a half training session where i'm gonna go deeper into the strategy i know we spent the last couple few minutes going over the 30,000 feet overview well for the hour and 30 minute video I'm gonna actually go into details I'm gonna actually use the calculator or show you the math show you the the excel sheet and and really show you why this strategy works what does it look like on a daily daily timeline what does it look like on a monthly timeline how much are we actually saving we're gonna go into the more details on how to how to work this strategy in your current situation whether we just have a mortgage student loan etc so go to chop my guys go and download the free ebook as well as the Excel calculator one thing that I do want to note is that the Excel calculator only works on desktop laptop and tablets not just not yet on a mobile phone we are working on that feature so the calculator is absolutely free you're not gonna pay anything trust me there's no gimmick in that just go to chop my movies calm get our free ebook attend our free train hour-and-a-half training we're gonna go into deeper level as far as why this strategy works how the strategy works and again this is for debt acceleration strategy also known as HELOC strategy velocity banking mortgage acceleration there's different names to it alright guys that's pretty much it i'll see in the next video the hour-and-a-half presentation as well as having you download the calculator I'll see you guys in the next step
Channel: The Kwak Brothers
Views: 1,047,324
Rating: 4.6286554 out of 5
Keywords: how to pay off your mortgage, mortgage, pay mortgage faster, mortgage payoff, paying off mortgage, how to pay off debt, paying off mortgage early, heloc to pay off mortgage, heloc to pay off debt, pay off mortgage, heloc strategy, how to pay off your mortgage in 5 to 7 years, mortgage payoff tips, mortgage payoff strategies, laura pitko, Replace Your Mortgage, velocity banking, how to pay off your mortgage in 5 years, how to pay off your mortgage in 7 years, Sam kwak
Id: 3f-ebCjeH8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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