How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster Using Velocity Banking | How To Pay Off Your Mortgage In 5 Years

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would you like to pay off all of your debt and achieve financial independence through business ownership and real estate investing so you can leave a legacy for your family today I'm gonna show you how to go from living paycheck to paycheck to becoming completely debt free and owning a seven-figure property portfolio in just over a decade so you can achieve financial independence and build that legacy for your family now I'm gonna do this by sharing with you the number one millionaire money secret that wealthy families have been using for years to pay off their debts quickly create massive leverage and build seven-figure real estate portfolios in record time and this will allow you to always win the banking game regardless of the economy or market conditions and the unfortunate truth around this is that most people are never taught anything about money and sadly because of this most people only learn how to work for money but never learn how to have money work for them and that's why we believe this money secret is truly the key to achieving financial independence now I'm also gonna share with you the number one wealthy mindset shift that you need to make if you truly want to take control of your finances and navigate this rigged system and yes okay the system is rigged okay yo do you really think it's by chance that most people out there really struggle when it comes to debt you know they're buried in bills you know they're buried underneath underneath a big mortgage they have student loan debt and in this debt you know causes them to pay huge amounts of interest you know over to the big banks over the course of their lifetime and you know of course you know you're working a job you don't work in a w-2 job and you know you're paying a huge amount of your money is going right to the government in taxes okay and and the toughest thing about all of it is that most people spend their entire life okay you know working their tail off you know simply to retire completely broke okay with nothing left to pass down and you know it's been said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world and he who understands it earns it he who doesn't pays it and so because of this okay most people are caught in a vicious financial cycle I'll show you how to break that cycle so you can eliminate your debt and get ahead financially and if you're here today you know and you currently have a mortgage student loans or really any debt that requires you to pay interest I encourage you to stick around all the way until the end I'm going to show you how you can legally morally and ethically pay off all of your debt even a 30-year mortgage in a fraction of the time okay without refinancing or sending in extra payments this vital strategy will literally save you tens even hundreds of thousands of dollars of interest that would normally just go to the big banks depending on the size of your loans and of size of your mortgage over the course of your lifetime so huge huge secret is gonna be unveiled here today you know the truth is that most people make enough money to become financially free they just don't know how to use their money right hi I'm Mike Adams and in the next few minutes I'm going to show you how our real estate investor groups proven education allows our students to pay up all our debt quickly and create massive leverage all while they learn to invest in real estate and acquire cash flow investment properties like clockwork and how you can do it too and imagine what it would be like to be completely debt free and to become financially independent where you can actually have the opportunity to fire your boss or walk away from your job and truly start living life on your terms okay that's what's possible when you have the right set of systems the right frameworks to follow and the right team of people around you you know to support you and help you with implementation now the top four categories of people this will help the most is people with a mortgage other loans or debt that they would like to pay off much faster those that are looking to get on out of their nine-to-five jobs and looking to build a successful business of their own this is also for individuals and business owners that want to maximize their current income and create a cash flow retirement and it's also for new and experienced real estate investors looking for the best ways to create maximum leverage so if you're here for any of those reasons then you're definitely gonna love what I'm going to share with you next so let's pull back the curtain right now on this number one millionaire money secret and the secret is actually a strategy that we call the velocity banking strategy so what is velocity banking well for starters it's a more financially efficient way to use your current income to maximize your cash flow create massive leverage and help you pay off your debts in a fraction of the time using tools that are available at the bank that anybody can use you just need to know how to use them properly and unfortunately this is the kind of stuff that's not taught in most schools you know what are we taught or taught the Pythagoras theorem okay and how important this triangle is to your everyday life so we're taught this but things as important as basic finance okay that is simply left out and there is a reason for this okay and Henry Ford said it best if people actually understood how this economic system works there would be a revolution in a minute and a critical point to make here is that everything that you know about the bank you learned from the bank through their advertising through their commercials through through their mailings okay and there is truly a certain way that the banks would like for you to think and act to increase their profits okay and always remember this no matter what banks are in business to make money you know let's think about the traditional banking model that we are all taught and for the rest of this example I'm going to be using the numbers of the average American household so we did some research here we put together this illustration to show how this strategy works with the numbers of the average American house so in this example our air which family has about $5,000 was a net income coming into the house every single month and when you get your checks okay you bring into the bank and right away you start chopping up that pie okay and this average American family has a mortgage so we have a $1,200 mortgage payment and that's attached to a two hundred thousand dollar mortgage we got a six percent rate of interest there well thus average family also has a car payment so we've got a six hundred all our payment there six percent interest on that loan and oh okay our average family also has a little bit of credit card debt okay so we got a fifteen thousand dollar limit card here and we've racked up about twelve thousand dollar balance on this card okay and so the average interest rate on credit cards is about twenty one percent so we have a six hundred hour payment on that credit card we also have $1,200 here for your lifestyle and again this number will vary for people but in this example we're using twelve hundred dollars here so think about your food your phone things like that and that leaves us with about fourteen hundred dollars that is typically just going into some type of savings vehicle normally just the savings account at the bank there you just kind of take whatever is left over from your checks leave it in savings and then throughout the month you pull away from it it might be going into a 401k at your job it could be going into an IRA or a 529 for the kids something like that so in this example we're using fourteen hundred dollars there and so what we see here okay and this is very very typical is you've got five thousand dollars of income coming into the house every month but every single nickel of it is accounted for okay in this example we have zero cash flow okay zero leftover and the bottom line is there's an old saying that that rich people are playing chess while everyone else is just playing checkers you know what you're seeing on the screen right now folks this is your chess board okay and and these are your pieces right and it's time to understand how these pieces move right when you look at this what is the difference if we got some lines of credit and we have some loans but what is the difference between a line and alone you know for starters these are the two primary products that banks offer to consumers so we'll start with this one you know what is a low alone is a one-way lending instrument okay it's got a fixed monthly payment and each payment consists of principal and interest okay every payment will have some of it going to principal some of it goes to interest and it's also what's called on an amortized repayment schedule okay so those are the details on a loan and this is the product that again most the banks most readily offered this product most people are familiar with loans no student loans mortgage loans car loans and the biggest problem with loans is that the principal is not liquid okay it is a one-way lending instrument so even when okay you send in your car payment even though part of that payment was principal once you send it in you no longer have access to the money with loans you can put put money in but you can never take money back out right and the banks have the ability to leverage your money and this boils in to how banks make money in the first place you know you might ask you know how do banks actually leverage your money well a critical point to make here is that every time you pay the bank for your house okay or deposit money into your savings account that money gets turned by 10 and then borrowed out again to somebody else that's a little bit of a tongue twister let me break it down for you like this here's a critical example when you send in that 1200 our mortgage payment to the bank the bank has the ability to go to the Federal Reserve okay they call this fractional reserve lending you can look this up but the bank has the ability to go to the Federal Reserve and get a loan for twelve thousand dollars okay at a fraction of a point in interest okay now they have to keep twelve hundred dollars of that loan on their ledger okay but what that does is that actually creates okay they can lend out that other ten thousand eight hundred dollars to somebody else and a much higher interest rate and make money okay and then so you might be asking you know where did that ten thousand eight hundred dollars come from well it came from thin air okay it truly it doesn't exist okay it is merely a number on the bank's ledger okay but the bottom line is this number it puts more money in circulation and the banks and the federal Reserve are making money by charging us interests on nothing but numbers okay you see this is why banks always have the nicest buildings in town you know they have everybody's money and they get all the leverage now and why is this a problem why am i fired I'll fire it up about this is because it's your money right and if there is anybody that's gonna be leveraging your money shouldn't it be you now is it possible for you to create leverage with your money like the banks yes okay the answer is yes okay we just can't do it with loans so what is a line of credit okay well for starters a line of credit is a two-way of lending instrument that means that it's revolving okay you can put money in and you can take money out and with the line of credit there is only a payment if there's a balance so if you have a zero balance on your credit card of course and there's no payment and the payment reduces the principal balance and then interest is charged at the end of the billing cycle and and also a credit card has regular simple interest now we are taught that lines of credit are bad line of credit is a tool you know you just need to know how to use the line of credit correctly and most people make the mistake of using their lines of credit for liabilities they use their credit card for for big-screen TVs or for that new iPhone and that's why people you know say stay away from credit cards are gonna get in trouble because they use them for liabilities you know critical point to make here wealthy folks use lines of credit for emergencies of course and to acquire assets okay so that's what we want to do with our lines of credit and the great thing about lines of credit when you use them is that the principle stays liquid if you send in a huge payment to your credit card it creates additional available credit in that line okay you have access to your money in the form of available credit in that line and this gives you the ability to leverage your money instead of the banks ok so again that principle stays liquor with the line credit you can put money in and you can take money out so the bottom line is if you aren't going to leverage your money for financial gain the bank's definitely will okay so now that we know a little bit more about liens and loans we know that loans are amortized and they're also a one-way lending instrument where with the our lines of credit they just go with simple interest but they're also revolving we can put money in and we can take money out but there's one more big distinction that we have to make here and we look at our chessboard because you look at these interest rates and you always wonder why is that interest rate on the credit card so big but yet the the interest rate on our loans is so small so you tell me you know what is the difference there in that interest you know if you had the choice of paying you know would you rather pay 6% interest on something or 21% interest and most people would literally dive right on the six okay simply because the number is smaller but does that mean that you'll actually pay less in interest you know a critical point to make here is obviously both of these instruments have have simple interest but loans have what's called an amortized repayment schedule okay so that that interest is amortized and these are two completely different systems used to calculate interest and so we'll think about the difference here right I'm from Minnesota think about the difference here between the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit so these are both scales used to measure temperature but did you know that one degree Celsius is actually hotter than 32 degrees Fahrenheit so even though number is smaller okay it's actually hotter than the larger number so when you're thinking about your interest rates anything that's on an amortized per payment schedule think of that interest as Celsius okay and think about the interest on your credit card that simple interest as Fahrenheit because that Celsius that amortized interest is much much more expensive let me show you let's take a deeper look at that 30-year fixed mortgage okay so and if you have a mortgage you know you probably receive something like this and your paperwork work shows you that at the beginning of your of your mortgage they have front-loaded the interest okay so that's 6% when you send in that very first mortgage payment of $1,200 on this loan the you know only $200 is knocking down the principal okay over $1,000 of that first payment is going directly to the bank in interest okay and then the goal is over the course of the loan and evens out and then on your very last payment it would be the opposite right but the bottom line is this guy's most people never pay off their thirty-year mortgage if you've been making your mortgage payments on time every single month you'd probably get a call from the bank around your four or five or six and they're gonna say hey John you know great job paying your mortgage I'll tell you what we're gonna save you $50 a month if you refinance your loan right and you say yes let's do it I'm gonna save 50 bucks a month and what does that do it resets the amortization it resets the loan it puts you back to the beginning where less of your money is actually knocking down the principal you know the bottom line guys is most people spend the majority of time they live in their property in this end of the loan or their money is just burning up an interest because of all this refinancing you know the bottom line guys is with this particular mortgage over the first four years okay you would actually send in fifty seven thousand dollars worth of payments over the course of forty eight months and you would only knock down the principal by twelve thousand dollars okay and forty five thousands of the fifty seven thousand is pure interest going right to the bank so and you might be pickin to yourself you know is this accurate so I found this right here you can Google search a calculator dotnet and and you can put in my numbers here here's an amortization schedule here and it shows you the first four years here and the amount of interest that you're gonna pay right and you can put in my numbers so you can you can check this out yourself okay you can put in the to that $200,000 loan 6% interest I started it right here January of 2019 here and as you can see I rounded the payments so we're using a twelve andr dollar payment in our example here over the course of this loan okay let's say you did make all all those payments for 30 years congratulation you will have paid over two hundred and thirty one thousand dollars worth of interest on this loan that's a lot of interest so now that you know the difference between a line and alone and how brutal amortize loans are you know let's take the next step here and let me share with you the number one wealthy mindset shift that you need to make if you truly want to take control of your finances and navigate this rigged system and again and you might ask you know who rigged the system well again I alluded to this earlier but of course it's your your your friends right over there at the banks you know corporations and of course the government and and why you know why would they rigged the system you know to make money of course and the unfortunate truth guys is that the government and the big banks you know they've been grooming you since you were a kid to get used to giving them your money you don't think about this you know since you guys work in let me know if you heard some of this language growing out you may have heard things like you know what you need to do in life is you need to go to school you know get good grades get a degree so you can get a great job you'll work your way up or maybe you heard something like this you know the only two things that are certain in life are death in taxes or you know don't take risks you know make sure you always play it safe you know how many guys hurt this kind of stuff growing up is we call this old-school mentality right and this scarcity language you know what this does is it starts to force you down a certain path in which you think you need to live your life in order to be successful and guys what is down that path you know many of you guys went to school you got the good grades you got the degree you got the great job and you know we begin to develop you know what we call in our group the employee mindset okay and the big problem here with the employee mindset is that we only learn how to exchange time for money okay we only learn how to live on a cash system okay and we only learn how to use cash as currency and and that's why we relentlessly focus on accumulating cash and that's why you see most people out there chasing a dollar the critical problem with the employee mindset is that simply put there is no leverage okay we are literally exchanging hours for dollars and the minute that you stop by changing those hours for dollars okay obviously the dollars are gonna stop coming in okay if you don't go to work you're not getting paid now do wealthy folks want to accumulate cash yes you know of course they do right but that is not their focus okay to the wealthy cash accumulation is a byproduct of the two things that wealthy folks focus on creating relentlessly which our cash flow and leverage okay so what is cash flow cash flow is your income minus expenses okay so it's the money that you have left over after all the bills are paid that's your cash flow and in in this world you know we're taught to focus on what we make right our gross income the annual salary or that hourly pay you know not so much about how much we keep and this is truly the mindset shift that we need to make here you see wealthy people think completely different you see they have what's called a wealthy mindset you see wealthy mindset individuals they aren't interested in exchanging time for money you know wealthy mindset individuals are not interested in using cash as currency you see the wealthy people you know they use cash as velocity to pay off debts quickly and reduce interest payments and then they create leverage and lines of credit and they then use that leverage as currency to pay for their lifestyle their monthly expenses and since the lines are just simple interest the wealthy leverage them to pay off their expensive amortized loans much much quicker and save a boatload of money in trust you see what they might said individuals know that it doesn't make any sense to send extra cash to loans because they lose all their leverage and give it all to the bank's wealthy might send individuals also know that you know they don't make money using savings accounts at the banks they pay very little interest and if you're bleeding amortized interest out the back door it's a net loss to keep your money in a bank safe you know yes you want to have a liquidity fund there's other tools to use that grow a little bit greater rate than a bank savings account so what would the wealthy do and what would the wealthy do with this average American household scenario well now that you know the difference between a line and a loan and the importance of cash flow and the power of leverage let me show you how this powerful strategy works and again let's put our chessboard back up here so the first thing we want to do is start applying our wealthy mindset and again remember those two things that wealthy folks focus on creating relentlessly our cash flow and leverage and in our scenario here we don't have any cash flow so the first thing that a wealthy boats are gonna do is they're gonna look at this say okay where can I create some leverage so I can create some cash flow and they know if they send extra money to the loans they'd lose all the leverage so wealthy folks see that line of credit as the only place that they can create additional leverage so what would the wealthy do with this scenario is they would take that entire five thousand dollars every single month and send every penny of it directly to the line of credit now hang with me here and let's see what how this changes our numbers so now over the course of the month if you're sending all of your money to the line that is going to eliminate that six hundred dollar credit card payment that we've been accounting for so we could take that six hundred dollar number and add that directly to our cash flow also since we've now learned a little bit more about brutal amortized loans and how much interest were actually paying on those loans right now again the goal here is to eliminate the deck the debt here in the fastest way possible so we're not gonna be leaving our money in the bank savings account here where it's really not working for us working for the bank's we're gonna take that 1,400 bucks and add that number directly to our cash flow and so all we've done here has made a little shift in what we're doing with our money okay and our numbers have changed a little bit so we still have the same five thousand dollars worth of income coming into the household we have three thousand dollars worth of expenses going out and we have now a two thousand dollar per month cash flow number okay a critical point to make here is you want to think of your line of credit as your new checkbook instead of writing checks for your checking account you're gonna use the line of credit to pay for your expenses and you're gonna do so using the line instead of sending checks from your bank account let's play this out here month one is gonna come rolling in and you're gonna send all $5,000 to that line of credit so we started off with a 12,000 dollar balance you hit it with five grand it's gonna knock it down from 12 to 7 then you're gonna use the line of credit like your checking account to pay for all of your expenses and so we got $5,000 going in and $3,000 going out and what we see here in month one is a reduction in the balance by our cash flow number which is $2,000 so we're from ten or twelve to ten month two comes rolling in we're gonna go 5,000 in 3000 out okay month three rolls in 5000 3000 out okay in every single month it's going down by our cash flow number and now a lot of folks when they're seeing this strategy for the first time say well Mike you know I can't do that you know what if I send if I send all my money to the line of credit what if there's an emergency what if the Tigers go out of my truck you know how am I gonna cover that what is this right here okay on this credit card we have a fifteen thousand dollar limit and add month four here you know we've knocked it down to a six thousand dollar balance we have nine thousand dollars worth of leverage on this line okay so if there was an emergency you'd be covered leveraging this line of credit but again no emergencies here so we're gonna keep rinsing and repeating that's where we're gonna hit it with five thousand and three thousand out every single month and simple math here twelve thousand it's gonna go my down by our cash flow number every single month we're gonna pay off this entire line of credit in six months leveraging this strategy now that the line of credit is paid off you know what's next well remember that expensive amortized mortgage that we showed you you know let's take a chunk of that amortized debt and move it over to the simple interest line of credit essentially transforming the interest that you are paying on that debt and making it much easier to pay off and so what you do is you would take that line of credit and write yourself a check and send it twelve thousand dollars principal only directly to your mortgage company and essentially you know grabbing a chunk of that amortized principal and bringing it over to the simple interest line of credit we're gonna start leveraging that velocity banking strategy but we're gonna have all five thousand dollars every month hit that line of credit you know all of our expenses on the line of credit so three thousand out five thousand in three thousand out and same numbers here so we're twelve thousand it's gonna go down by our cash flow number every single month and we're gonna eliminate this twelve thousand dollars here in the same six months that it took before leveraging this powerful strategy and you know the beauty of doing something like this okay the one cool thing about loans right is that when you prepay the principal or and imagine doing a maneuver like this first day on your mortgage you would literally be able to drop that balance you know from two hundred thousand right down to one eighty eight and the beauty of doing this is that when you prepay the principal you are no longer required to pay that interest okay and that's why this money secret is truly the key to achieving and unlocking financial independence and a lot of folks too will ask well Mike okay so that's that's a huge savings on the interest sir that absolutely that's great I can you know save that money but what about the interest on the credit card okay and here's the the formula on that and if we carried the twelve for six months okay and obviously we're not because we were knocking it down by two every single month but if we did that would be just under 1,300 dollars in interest over the course of six months to get and again that was for $12,000 worth of principal reduction in your mortgage to get that same 12,000 dollar reduction it took us four years worth of payments we had to send in fifty seven thousand dollars worth of capital but you had to pay forty five thousand dollars worth of interest to get the exact same principal reduction in your loan I mean if you're using banks money you're always gonna pay some interest so you tell me what would you rather pay you know thirteen hundred dollars in interest to get that kind of principal reduction or forty-five thousand to get the exact same principal reduction in your mortgage that's a huge savings folks and bottom line is you could rinse and repeat this process and again you know every six months grabbing a $12,000 chunk bringing it over to the line of credit using the strategy to use all you all your money working for you to knock it down by your cash flow number rinse repeat that strategy every six months and this average American family if you run this scenario out would actually pay off their credit card the car loan and their 30-year mortgage in about six years leveraging this strategy they were able to break the shackle of debt and they were the do so without sending in extra payments without refinancing or increasing their income or even living on beans and rice you know we're able to keep the lifestyle number the same we simply use this velocity banking strategy and so now that we're six years down the pipe you know our numbers have changed a little bit you know we've been able to get rid of the mortgage the great thing about not having a mortgage is we no longer have a mortgage payment so we could take that $1,200 and add it directly to our cash flow it's also six years later so we've been able to pay off the car loan so we could take that six hundred dollars and add that directly to our cash flow and so now we still have that same five thousand dollars coming in and the same twelve twelve hundred dollars going up for your lifestyle expense and a thirty eight hundred dollar cash flow number you love this quote by Bob Hope he says that a bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you tell it and so the great news here is this obviously a great credit scenario okay for this average family and so it's very easy to see how your banks like this kind of behavior okay if you're a good saver you're someone that saves money in the savings account at the bank you know you're never gonna get you know an extra line of credit from them for being a great saver however if you start paying down lines of credit quickly like this they reward that kind of behavior you know they're gonna increase the limit on your credit card and again they're hoping that you're just gonna rack it back up you're back in trouble you know buy some more liability so that way they can get you for more interest right but now you have your wealthy mindset and you know that lines of credit they're not for liabilities they're for assets and emergencies that's it and so you know six years down the line here you know for this average American household you know honestly life is pretty good right we've been able to clean up the debt here we're in a really good credit scenario but we still have one big problem okay when you look at this scenario right the big problem is right here this five grand because still you know that $5,000 is coming from your job and what if you know your hours got reduced your bonuses get cut or you get laid off or worse even terminated at your job you know what do we know about corporate America is that you know for any reason at any time you know the boss or the company could let you go so what would the wealthy do about this where they could protect themselves from that happening to them well remember guys lines of credit are for assets and emergencies let's use the leverage in the line of credit to accumulate additional cash flow producing assets now remember at the beginning I said I would show you how to go from living paycheck to paycheck to becoming completely debt-free and owning a seven-figure property portfolio in just over a decade let's leverage the tools that we have available here to create financial independence and so again we have this credit card with a twenty five thousand dollar limit okay let's increase our wealthy mindset let's learn more about real estate investing you could use that line of credit to write yourself a check $20,000 and and use it to buy one of these you could pick up your first single family rental property and this property here has a market value of $120,000 you put down 20 so we have a mortgage leftover of $100,000 and this particular property is gonna cashflow $400 so we add that foreigner dollars to our cash flow bringing us up from 38 up to 42 hundred dollars per month in cash flow you're gonna start leveraging that velocity banking strategy and now you have fifty four hundred dollars per month of income hitting this line of credit and twelve hundred ollars in expenses coming out again you have a renter in that property making the debt service payment so again barring emergencies you would knock this down by our cash flow number every single month you pay off this first 20 grand in about five months leveraging this strategy and again guys this is 20 grand with a mortgage principal reduction okay so vs. it taking ten fifteen years to pay this off you know so you can imagine the interest that was saved here on this okay rinse and repeat that grab write yourself another twenty thousand dollar check and grab another 20 off that mortgage okay you can run the numbers here and this first rental property will be paid up using this process again borrowing emergencies you pay out this first rental property in about two years leveraging this strategy and so that's gonna change our numbers we'll get rid of the debt service here it's gonna bring our cash flow number up by six hundred bringing us up to $1,000 in cash flow now on this property let's seem to change our cash flow number from 42 up to 48 hundred dollars per month now in cash flow so now is one little rental property gonna bring us to financial freedom you know in most markets probably not okay but but what else can we do here you know what other tools do we have available right what about your primary residence okay can we leverage that to achieve financial independence no yes we can okay so we're about eight years down the line here in our scenario and let's let's put the primary residence up here again you have no mortgage on this property and you know it's eight years down the line and let's just say it's maintained it's $200,000 value again we're eight down the line it's probably gone up in value you know it's very easy that you could walk into a bank and so we're gonna get a home equity line of credit and so it's easy to see we can get a 60% you know line of credit here $120,000 you know how many $20,000 checks can you write with $120,000 HELOC where you can write six of them okay and again you can pick up six more single family rental properties and again assuming the same numbers as above okay well we're gonna get four hundred dollars in cash flow per door that's an additional twenty four hundred dollars per month in cash flow coming into your life and into your business you know the credit card itself was paid off down to zero okay so we can sweep that off to the side put that in the drawer because now we're playing with this much bigger line of credit we got this big key lock here you just racked up a hundred and twenty grand worth of debt this line of credit you know what are we gonna do we're gonna start leveraging this velocity banking strategy or again all of your income is gonna hit this line of credit and again you have renters in these properties making the actual debt service payments on the properties knocking down the debt there as well but it's gonna go down by our cash flow more borrowing emergencies it'll go down by our cash flow number every single month is seventy-two hundred dollars per month you know in a nutshell guys you would actually sweep down this one hundred twenty thousand dollars in about 16 months leveraging this strategy and then you would just you know go ahead and rinse and repeat bottom line guys is you would pay off these six properties in about five and a half years leveraging this strategy and that would give you a total of seven rental properties paid off free and clear in just over thirteen years without changing your spending habits without earning additional income right we use this you know keeping everything the same yeah we simply started using this velocity banking strategy and learning how to leverage a line of credit and so here's how we ended up at the end of the scenario guys you're using this velocity banking strategy we ended up with a cash flow number of ten thousand eight hundred dollars in monthly cash flow you know at this point you could easily walk away from your job and still have fifty eight dollars per month in cash flow coming in the door but there's also additional side benefits here as well with how we've structured this you know you now have over 1 million dollars in leverageable assets ok all these properties are debt-free so you could you could leverage them to acquire additional lines of credit you could keep going and keep accumulating more property ok you're getting incredible tax advantages like depreciation you're building a legacy for your family imagine handing down a portfolio of properties and you're creating a more secure cash flow retirement for yourself compared to the cash accumulation model that we've all been taught you know if you wanted to have anywhere near 10 grand a month of retirement you would have to save up about 3.4 million dollars to be able to pull off 10 grand a month over 20 years in retirement you know at your current rate of retirement savings you know do you have enough time left to get to where you want to be financially my good friend Mitch Nelson says when knowledge increases behavior changes and now that we have increased your knowledge you can change your financial behavior to maximize your cash flow create massive leverage so you could save thousands of dollars in interest using the velocity banking strategy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Think Wealthy with Mike Adams
Views: 55,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: velocity banking strategy, how to pay off your mortgage faster, velocity banking, velocity banking explained, how to pay off your mortgage fast, the velocity banking strategy, think wealthy velocity banking, think wealthy, how to pay off your mortgage in 5 years
Id: 2QzeVEhlYGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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