How to Pass NCLEX: Appendicitis Lecture

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[Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] hi everybody how are you happy Monday it's a beautiful day today and I hope that you guys are ready we have a new topic we have a new week there's so much going on this is the final week of remark nurse University have you been following along with us tonight's very very special because it will be our game night this is our huge game night tonight over all of the things that we've been covering and it's very challenging tonight would be very very challenging um and I don't even want to give you too much I'm just telling you set your alarms 8 P.M I think I'm going I think I'm going a hundred dollars third place prize set your alarms two hundred dollars second place prize and then the grand prize will be three hundred dollars to our top winner on tonight so this is going to be a very exciting but challenging game night you don't want to miss it as part of Remar nurse University this is our final week for everything for everything even the sale if you guys were waiting to get V2 this is the week to get it usually I tell you just grab quick facts but literally if you get the V2 for 89 then quick facts comes with it this is the best way to go three months access this will be the final week of that so good guys all right we also have this topic on today which is going to be appendicitis this is our topic for today so if you haven't studied this yet um you are able to do so you can also find this topic in either one of your quick facts if you have the five star version for some of you who are still rocking with the original it's in here but I will be doing from the next gen version on page eight so this is what we're about to get into it just just as a reminder we have game night twice this week okay with remark nurse University we're doing game night on Monday and then we're also doing game night on Wednesday so two times for cash Wing prizes this week hey everyone got Monday motivation coming in straight from you guys good day everyone happy Monday I just want to say I passed my NCLEX RN on Wednesday thanks be to God well nurse Francis Bell congratulations new RM spinning around the block I am so proud of you next gen NCLEX who's next Who's Next another testimonial Christina C20 30. good morning Regina Got My ATT on Wednesday took the NCLEX the next day and passed no way no way that's what I'm talking about when you're ready for the opportunity you could just jump right in no need to wait no need to extend it got the ATT the next day took NCLEX and passed the RN amazing phenomenal oh my goodness pay attention to these testino testimonials seriously that is that's that is just being ready oh my goodness I can't I I listen yeah this is my shirt that I put on with God as possible thank you so much and I saw like a lot of comments but um nurse black says thank you so much Remar passed my NCLEX R and 85 questions I'm a re-peated test taker you guys can do it so I put this shirt on and it just I couldn't find my I was looking at scrubs I was looking at my my Remar nurse University shirt and I'm just like I don't want to wear any of these this is the one I picked out to wear and I didn't realize that it was literally going to be the vibe of today with God it's possible and so if you are striving to get your nursing license and you're not really sure if you can do it or how you can do it just know that with God is possible and if you want this shirt this is one of the shirts um as part of our Remar merch so you guys can also wear this it's kind of like a walking testimonial uh that that we just share with each other because you guys are constantly saying it before I even started the live I believe I saw one or two comments that said with God as possible so we're all on the same page today I love them Reviving like this guys come on in we're doing appendicitis on today thank you so much for the testimonials who's next all right so appendicitis if we get into this topic you can learn a lot just from the name of the condition and so that's one of our if we had any cheat sheets for NCLEX just knowing the just knowing the content and knowing that the terminology helps so you have an itis condition which is an inflammation of the what inflammation of the appendix right so the appendix gets inflamed we're going to see for many reasons why this can happen but let me ask you this if we're talking about appendicitis we know that the appendix is attached to the it's like really close to the colon so is this a small intestine or a large intestine problem what would you guys say if we're talking about appendicitis and we're just doing our our background work we're just doing our background work would you say this is a small intestine or a large intestine problem this is good stuff this is what we are striving for so think about it in your mind because you always want to position what you know about something before you go into a Content lecture so you're just thinking small intestine large intestine appendicitis what is the what is the connection here and if you don't know that's great because this is what class is all about so when we talk about the um when we talk about appendicitis appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix right we know this let me make this a little bit bigger so the appendix is actually a finger-shaped pouch on the lower right side of the belly and then it projects from the colon okay so when we think about the appendix it's not big at all it's a small thin pouch that's 5 to 10 centimeters about two to four inches in length it extends from the body's lower right side of the large intestine so this is a large okay a large intestine connection the appendix it contains specialized tissues that can produce antibodies but really nobody knows what the function is completely and say well what are you what is the appendix supposed to be doing like I don't know I don't know what it is but when it gets inflamed it hurts really badly all right so large intestine connection here now appendicitis which is what we're talking about is most likely caused by an infection now this infection typically is due to a result of a blockage I mean there's a little blockage in the opening of the appendix and so when that gets blocked then the whole area becomes inflamed and so the blockage occurs in the appendix lining now infection can cause the blockage so as the appendix swells in reaction to the infection okay um what happens is the appendix it becomes um it becomes infected the swelling is there so appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes obstructed most commonly stool is the obstruction of it because remember we're talking about the large intestine here but sometimes a foreign body or a tumor like cancer can also cause this obstruction now the most common symptoms the most common signs clinical signs of appendicitis is going to be abdominal pain and so the abdominal pain may include pain that begins around the belly button and then it progresses to the lower right quadrant okay of the abdomen this is what you're typically going to see also the pain is going to start very acutely very acute pain so so much so that it may even wake the person up from their sleep they are not going to be um they're they're not going to be able to get comfortable this is what you're going to see and then the pain worsens with movement the pain worses with deep breathing or with coughing or sneezing and the pain can be very intense and may not feel like any pain that the client has ever experienced before sometimes it can it can come before other symptoms and it can get worse in within the hour all right now let's talk about let's talk about other common symptoms and these are the ones you're going to really read about with um in quick facts here if you have next gen but here's some of the ones I wanted to know here you have stomach pain and vomiting loss of appetite chills and fever constipation loose stools trouble passing gas and a bloated abdomen a bloated abdomen so if you have this book here which is a quick facts book and you read on page number eight you're going to have appendicitis here okay so other signs and symptoms I have here um loss of appetite nausea and vomiting low grade temperature one of the questions and this is this is just I'm giving you guys this for a freebie because on the signs and symptoms I have here chills and fevers chills and fevers one of the double Point questions for tonight is who would your priority patient be somebody that had a low temperature or somebody that had a high temperature so I want you guys to think about that for tonight's game night question a lot of prioritization on tonight's questions but essentially if a patient is um patient has a low temperature or the patient has a high temperature who's going to die first okay let me get back to the lecture here let's move on to the following tests and procedures that are used to diagnose appendicitis number one you have your physical examination mcburney's point and rosing's point we talked about um both of these we talked about both of these then you also have your blood tests now in the blood test if we're talking about appendicitis what are we looking for in the blood test if a if the doctor orders a complete blood count for appendicitis why do you care why do you care and this is how you pass with content okay that's how you pass for Content what are you looking for in regards to appendicitis I want you guys to be amazing nurses clinically I don't care about you just being able to pass the NCLEX that's good and all but can you save a life can you speak intelligently can you avoid being bullied because you actually know your stuff seems like you guys do I love these comments good job everybody the blood test is is important not because we're worried about anemia okay but because we're worried about and white blood cell count good job good job all right your analysis your analysis is going to be important because the urinalysis what role it is that your analysis play and the diagnosis of appendicitis why do we care about your analysis I love it I love it Rosie says I don't know I don't know you got me there you stumped me what what is a urinalysis what's the function of it all these diagnostic tests are to help you to make a better what they're called diagnostic tests because they help you make a diagnosis all right so um it's pretty simple you don't have to get too deep with it you do you want to see if maybe the acute abdominal pain is coming from a urinary tract infection maybe there's renal stones that could be causing this acute abdominal pain so the urinalysis is what they call a rule out exam it rules out other things that may be happening so you can get closer and closer to the actual cause good job Imaging studies and abdominal ultrasound can also show us an irregular or an inflamed appendicitis or any other anatomical issues that the patient might have so really I wanted you guys to be able to understand how the CBC Works in this condition and also how your analysis would be important too okay good job I'm happy today okay so appendicitis let's talk about the treatment and I'll read it in case you you know you're on your phone appendicitis is considered an emergency so surgery and medication are part of the standard course of treatment surgery and medication so that means you could have um a patient and this is very important whenever you see surgery and medication for an emergency condition this is why you have a micu a micu a medical Intensive Care Unit usually that patient is being treated with medicines and then you have an sicu which is Surgical Intensive Care Unit that patient is being dealt with with surgery so if you guys are ICU nurses would you like to be in an micu or an sicu which one m-i-c-u-s-i-c-u all right so we're going to expect to have surgery and medication as part of the standard course of this treatment occasionally medication alone may be enough if you catch it early maybe you could give a medication right um so medications antibiotics will be required for almost everyone who has appendicitis even if the client doesn't have an infection appendicitis usually results in one okay okay laparoscopic surgery a type of surgery in which the surgeon makes a very small incision into the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope and then um open surgery in some cases laparoscopic surgery is not advised so an open surgery is performed and then this physician just makes a single and large incision in the abdomen the lower right region okay so we have sicum and micu nurses here today good okay so complications we do is we're doing content we do want to look at possible complications for our patients and one is if appendicitis is left untreated the appendix can rupture and result in a potentially fatal infection and peritonitis is when you have the appendix rupturing and bacteria will spread to the lining of your abdomen and so this causes peritonitis the appendectomy surgery is generally safe however complications are still possible so following a laparoscopic surgery or an open laparotomy complications can occur what are those complications well whenever you have surgery you can definitely have surgical site infection you can also get an abscess within the abdomen I'm talking nursing knowledge here like I'm talking you know I'm talking nursing talk here so I I expect you to know what an abscess is a fistula patient gets abdominal surgery especially surrounding the intestines you can get a fistula which is an abnormal passage between the intestines or stomach and the skin small bowel blockage ileus a condition in which the bile does not function properly abdominal adhesions which are bands of tissue that resemble scars that develop within the abdomen okay now I'll just say this is a personal preference in nursing whenever myself or my family members are getting surgery who do you think I asked to do the surgery okay this is this is Remar real talk okay because people will be coming to you guys for advice when you become nurses so if my mother was having an appendectomy done do you think I would ask for the intern to do it or would I ask for the attending to do it or would I ask for the intern to do it or would I ask for the resident to do it who would I ask Ed okay very important very important who you have performing these surgeries on your body now I am a huge I am a huge proponent of people learning and people learning in medicine okay I just want to make sure that we're clear that my mom or myself or my husband or my children are not the teaching tool of today so [Music] I'm just gonna let you all sit with that all right we're gonna ask for and even in even um I'll tell you this even when I had to have my epidural because I'm a mom of three okay even when I had to have my epidurals the first time I got an epidural I said you know what let that let's let let's give somebody some practice all right and that went horrifically okay um and so from then on I knew when it's time for epidural I want the attending to do it and I don't care where the attending is if you request an attending to do it they will come and do it okay very very important all right yep that's it that's all okay all right so these are the complications that can arise I'm not I'm not saying that like the resident can't make mistakes I'm just saying that probably the senior person is a lot less likely to make mistakes than a new person that they are counseling during the process all right so that's just my little real life tip on nursing all right um nursing considerations for our patients are this the when a patient is having the appendicitis of course we never want to apply heat to the abdomen or a client with appendicitis okay so this may cause a rupture of the appendix which we definitely don't want all right and then after an appendectomy you should instruct the client to refrain from vigorous activities initially because young men are typically going to be getting this and they are really really you know they're trying to get back to work they want to continue their lifestyle but actually they need to limit their activity for three to five days if the appendectomy was performed especially laparoscopically all right because you may not feel as much post-surgical pain but you still you steal um definitely have the the um you know the surgery that was performed on you avoid strenuous activities for 10 to 14 days if an open labyrinctomy appendectomy is done like that just makes sense if you have a huge abdominal incision you need to take a longer time to rest small walks regularly should be encouraged the patient can splint so support the client's abdomen when coughing apply pressure with the pillow to the abdomen and Minister medications as prescribed and then as t as nurses as teachers we do need to explain every single medication every single time all right especially if you're doing discharge instructions constipation may be expected May develop for a short time following the procedure that is because of the what that was given during the surgery put it in the comments if you know offer high fiber foods and recommend an increasingly fluid intake increasing fluid intake if it's not contraindicated and so this is uh due to the anesthesia right that the patient got during surgery the pain medicine that they're on that is going to cause number five which is the constipation all right the narcotics absolutely um let me ask you this it says here you would increase the fluid intake of the patient what um what would be a contraindication of increasing fluid it says if the CL if the if fluid intake is not contraindicated so what is that going to be what are some contraindications of increasing fluid after an appendectomy has taken place what do you guys say this is this is again this is getting you in for Preparation because I do have some questions that are coming up about this subject we have about 215 people watching so our share goal will be a hundred on the YouTube 100 likes on the YouTube all right so here we go as far as this let's see fluid retention yes edema fluid overload congestive heart failure kidney in kidney kidney issues things like that all right strain on surgical sutures if they're too if there's too much fluid okay but yeah so people who are going to have problems releasing the fluid people that are going to have problems releasing the fluid that is going to be a a contraindication of increased fluids after the surgery heart failure problems good job renal failure problems good job okay number six is avoid infection which is keep clean surroundings provide wound care to the post-operative client and inspect the incision for symptoms of regular infection so you guys should all know the signs once when a surgical site is getting infected is there pus are the edges not well approximated is it swollen is it red is it hard we need to be looking for doing a skin assessment essentially monitoring the client's temperature and heart rate for an indication of an infection so if the patient starts to have and in fact the patient starts to have an infection their temperature is going to go up let me ask you guys this this is very important okay if I say a patient is having a fever is that the same thing as a patient having hyperthermia what do you guys say if I chart it the patient had a fever and then in the next sentence I put the patient is having hyperthermia is that the same thing okay oh I see some yeses I see some nose I'm glad y'all showed up today this is why you come to class on a journey on a journey to be excellent excellent nurses correct answer is no correct answer is no not the same thing fever hypothermia not the same thing oh good job yes yes yes the comments are amazing today so um fever is something that who does the body does to itself right fever is an internal we gotta heat up because we have an infection so the body is heating itself up in a fever environment okay so you're looking for some sort of infection right and um hypothermia is an outside cause that's heating the body up okay so like somebody put in the comments your patient's having a heat stroke heat exhaustion right that is causing the body to have an abnormal abnormal um temperature that's not an immune response okay very good very good very good so those are not the same things the treatment is not the same okay so if a patient has a fever what are we going to do to get that fever down we're going to be treating infection right we're going to be treating infections so we're going to be given antibiotics we're going to be giving fluid we're probably going to be giving Tylenol right or acetaminophen we're going to be given that but if a patient comes in and they have hyperthermia is the treatment course going to be a acetaphetamine acetam acetaminophen right are we going to be giving antibiotics for heat stroke no okay so be very very very careful because sometimes you know we become too casual with our nursing care and that creates um wrong answers on NCLEX first of all but if you make it pass NCLEX then you can um harm a patient or certainly look silly if you don't know the correct answers in practice all right you got it you you have to come equipped to do the job all right so good we are here we are on the same page and we're learning we're learning on today we're learning on today so here we go we are about to oh before we go we're about to get into our questions okay questions about appendicitis are you guys ready are you guys ready we have questions and let me see right now on YouTube looks like we have 27 likes on the video so we're going to get to a hundred to unlock the bonus question today and these questions are really good uh today about appendicitis I'm gonna challenge you guys just just a little bit today so here we go somebody asked so what is the main treatment of hyperthermia and they're asking this on Facebook so if you're on Facebook answer the question if you choose to I would say though if you really really want to know you should look it up so you remember it longer okay all right here we go first question is this let's go appendicitis a 16 year old male client was rushed to the ER with reports of severe lower right abdominal pain nausea and vomiting the assessment suggests appendicitis and the primary care physician requests a blood test and ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis the client's mother asked the nurse what is the cause of appendicitis should be a question mark there sorry select three that apply number one fecal impaction to eating spicy foods three walking after eating four tumor five high in fiber diet or six infection here we go I'm looking for three causes of appendicitis this is like a next-gen question asking you to give me three and already we just we less than 30 away from our share goal we got 76 likes we just need to get to a hundred thank you everybody so much for smashing that like button on YouTube Correct answer I'm moving today correct answer is one four and six appendicitis is most likely caused by an infection in the appendix lining appendicitis develops when stool or foreign bodies or tumors obstruct the appendix let's go next question is this the nurse assists the primary care provider in assessing a client with severe abdominal pain a temperature of 101 Fahrenheit and vomiting during the abdominal examination The Physician applies pressure to the right lower quadrant and the client reported worsening pain after the pressure release what assessment finding did the client display is this Murphy sign boa sign roofs in sign Bloomberg sign we rolling rolling rolling on today get this good content usually I tell you guys to just get quick facts but the entire V2 is on sale this month for 89 and that includes quick facts plus your content plus your computer adaptive exam plus your next gen question Bank all in one place and again I am the instructor of the course thank you guys so much for studying with me it's a pleasure always correct answer this is Bloomberg sign or rebound tenderness occurs when pressure is applied to the affected area and the pain worse ends when released okay next question is this a 20 year old female client arrives at the emergency room reporting sudden abdominal pain that begins at the belly and radiates downward to the right abdomen the following are appropriate nursing interventions except number one give pain meds as prescribed to apply a heating pad to the abdomen three support the abdomen when coughing four obtain blood samples for testing ah so give pain meds as prescribed apply a heating pad to the abdomen support the abdomen when coughing or obtain blood samples for testing and we're talking about things that you should not do I'm looking for the exception to the rule here okay and that exception to the rule is going to be did you catch this one you should do everything except number two he should not be applied to the abdomen because it can lead to appendicitis and I'm sorry it can lead to rupturing of the appendicitis yeah rupturing of the appendicitis okay um so I think okay so somebody said I don't I don't explain I don't understand question number two is this question number two here ah okay so yeah you gotta know the different signs rosing sign a lot of people pick rosing sign um but what's Happening Here is it says closing signs is not correct so it says during the abdominal examination The Physician applied pressure to the right lower quadrant and the client reported worsening pain after the pressure releases okay and so that is going to be Bloomberg sign now if you read rosing sign in this book right here what you have is let me get here okay so what you have here if you read it in your quick facts book rosing sign is this is characterized by right lower abdominal pain upon um pain but upon palpation you feel it on the left side so these signs are similar but they are not the same okay so very little very a little distinction in between those two all right I hope that makes sense let's pick up where we left off now from okay let me go we get this one we did that one and so now we are here here we go the nurse cares for a client who underwent post laparoscopic appendectomy 20 hours ago 20 hours ago which of the following findings require immediate nursing interventions number one difficult to pass stool to moderate shoulder pain three bruising at the surgical site and then four temperature of 102.5 and these are all really good I'm going to spend some time on this question actually now that I'm looking at it what's the correct answer here most of you guys are getting it right number let's talk about it though because these are these are this is teaching that I'm seeing here so the correct answer is number four okay monitor the client's temperature and heart rate for signs of infection now look at the time so this is 20 hours ago typically it does take infection about usually about 48 Hours honestly for an infection to actually create a response in the patient so like I guess you know 30 hours to 48 Hours you will look for an infection but there's something here that is really common that your patient actually might ask you about they might ask you why after um why after lab lapper I can't say it anymore laparoscopic surgery do they have shoulder pain what is that what is that shoulder pain that happens after this type of surgery has anybody ever experienced it before why does it happen very common especially with laparoscopic surgery hi Natasha's glad I'm glad to see you again what happens with that what's this what's the shoulder pain about after a patient gets surgery nice nice yes you guys know it you know it yes it's actually trapped air it's usually trapped air yeah um and so sometimes what happens is with laparoscopic surgery sometimes they will um fill the stomach up with air so it could be seen right um and so that that that that that air that's given to the patient gets trapped it gets trapped and it like moves up it moves up and you have to hold it somewhere and so for some reason it causes like referred shoulder pain so it's something that patients may ask you about be prepared to talk about it be prepared to talk about it all right we are getting through NCLEX with the content and I can already tell you guys now we absolutely crushed our um we actually we crushed our um our share goal so congratulations because we did unlock the question let me see her how many likes we got we were trying to get to 100 likes and we got to um 124. so we did it we did it we did it this question here is this here we go next question ah the nurse develops home care instructions to a post-apendectomy client for set for discharge tomorrow which of the following must be included in the instructions select three that apply so this is tough here this is tricky number one increase fiber intake to encourage deep breathing three increased abdominal pain as normal four limit fluid intake or five advised small frequent walks so what three are you sending your patient home with very good what three are you sending your patient home with love it love it love the comments on the screen I see a lot of one twos and fives but I also see some just four just four I don't have I don't have to pick three I'm just picking one you definitely have to pick three if it says three go ahead and pick three lasso one twos and fives nobody else has said anything different really so let's see are you guys right correct answer on the screen is one two and five amazing constipation May develop for a short time following the procedure offer high fiber foods and recommend increasing fluid intake unless contraindicated to avoid pulmonary complications advise the client to cough do deep breathing and turn frequently start with short walks and gradually increase the length of walks walking increases blood flow and help and can help prevent pneumonia and constipation so the walking is going to help in a lot of different ways and it's going to remove you know if there's any trapped gas that the patient might have or anything else like that so that serves up appendicitis I want to remind you guys that this is the final week this is the final week for the V2 promotional sale which we have been doing 89 dollars for the V2 and that includes your quick factual workbook two computer adaptive exams that's ending this week on Friday I believe is that right so Gideon and this is very important because I know some of you guys are not taking NCLEX or not graduating until August remember if you purchase V2 you can delay your start date for three months so if you get it today you hold it at the sale price you hold those three months and then you can start it whenever yes it can also be renewed if you have stopped your V2 and you want to get back into it you can also activate your renewal at that time too all right so I want to take questions that you have about V2 coming up anything that you might have or that you're wondering about V2 let's talk about it because this again is the final week for it my Monday motivation is this you're better than the test okay you're very much so better than the test and this is and this is a principle that you have to take in there because there's a lot of nursing students who don't pass NCLEX and they feel like they're not meant to be a nurse okay there's also a lot of nursing students that do pass NCLEX and then when they get into practice they struggle with the actual care okay they struggle with actual care all right um so you are actually better than the test you're better better than the test I'm gonna go into it but I want to answer these questions as I go along Keisha says I just renewed my V2 for one more month one more month to get it done I want to see you guys with your license really August I want to see you with your license how can I buy for somebody and still continue with Minds wow you're an amazing friend uh if you're buying for somebody else I would just ask them for their email address and a preferred password so you can set up the account for them or you can just put in a generic password and then they can change it later but that's a really awesome gift to give somebody I don't know if it's a birthday gift or a graduation gift but yeah V2 will actually help them significantly prepare for the exam so um with a good friend what a good friend you are um my V2 ends this July I want an additional month what do I do you don't have to do anything actually you are able to um the V2 will automatically renew itself as long as you haven't stopped your subscription V2 will automatically renew itself after you know your included months it will automatically renew itself and the charge will be 50 per month 50 per month so it's like um maybe 13 a week or something like that okay um yes my Pro please can I purchase it now and keep it till I get my ATT yes I don't know how um when that's going to be but you can purchase V2 now and then you can delay your start date for up to 90 days so I think we are into September actually if you purchase it today you don't have to um start it until September so does that give you enough time okay and even like I said even still just getting it at the 89 price we it's it it's so much better than if you're waiting until next week I was talking to a girl today and she said um I'm not going to get V2 until August when I'm ready to start studying and I told her definitely get it but I think she's going to wait so it just depends on what your budget is maybe it's not a big deal all right what are the topics for today's game night topics for today's game night I got stuff from quick facts I'm doing clinical judgment I'm doing safety substance abuse prioritization delegation it's in the workbook if you have it so like I kind of try to It's a combination of everything really um so whoever wins tonight it'll just be because you've been studying you've been studying really well okay um that's the topics for today's Thing game night so tonight is game night but it's R and you game night so I it's stuff over this entire workbook that we've done for tonight okay um I am only six months in school but I'm interested definitely Monique I would say honestly if you're in nursing school you definitely should have this book and if you want to get a jump start if you want to get a jump start on like the curriculum that helps you pass your exit exams or puts it together for you my NCLEX review course is going to do that okay um Judith says I purchased already and start to study on August okay so you did it you purchased it and then you delayed it all right and okay if you didn't get your quick facts or you're looking for your quick facts please just send me a email um I had a person last night on Tick Tock say I didn't get my quick facts and the reason why is because they didn't put their apartment number so you guys have to be very very make sure the address is right but I don't mind the RN and PN of different study yeah so you're going to see the the in the question bank and in your computer adaptive exam that is where you're going to see the registered nurse practical nurse distinction right so what you study in content I usually prepare my LPNs like RNs because there is there's really not a lot that LPNs don't don't have to know like they pretty much have to know everything that an RN knows so that they don't um do something out of their scope of practice okay I don't know how to delay it oh so it's on the checkout page I don't know if um Team Remar if you maybe if you come tonight out if you come tonight for the game night after the game night I usually go through the check-in process of how to delay it but essentially when you're checking out on your quick facts and your B2 page it will say at the bottom in blue click here to delay your start date okay so you want to make sure that you delay it when you are purchasing it you want to get it go to remark that's where you're going to that's where you're going to get the V2 okay and let me see if I can add this to my stream maybe I can add exactly what it is all right so people ask what is V2 I see some question marks like what is V2 so right now for the sale what you're getting is the content lectures right less than my mistakes to avoid so what you're getting is the all-in-one system all right um content lectures next gen question Bank quick facts for NCLEX and the computer adaptive test that's all in one that is what V2 is so most of you guys already have this book if you already have this book you have half of the program already okay um and so you just need to add the content lectures so the content lectures are going to be the things in this book where's my V2 where's my V2 okay it's around here somewhere I don't have it me oh this is the downloadable one so the things in this book right here are not the same things in here okay um if you I don't know if you can delay your purchase like after you you're saying you want to pause it I don't think you can pause your subscription afterwards but send support a Remar review a email and see if they can help you because I'm not sure okay because you it's it's tough to delay it after you started will I do private tutoring so what happens is this when I when I do when schools bring me in to even do a class I always send the classroom home with my online program because at the end of the day even if I spent two days with you or three days there's still two or three or four weeks of preparation that you have to do and so it's so much better if you have a study calendar you have my videos you have my test questions and it's so much more economical for you 89 for an entire NCLEX review this is the best way to get your license okay the best way you're going to have your workbook you're going to have your lectures and your quick facts so this is um this is the priority um hey you know what send me a mess okay send me a message my V2 is the 17th haven't gotten it let me know Gloria send me an email please because I want to make sure that you get that book we have them in stock and a lot of people have already gotten there so maybe it's an address thing maybe it's anything like that just let me know Alex send me a message I might have something for you okay I have the quick facts how much is the V2 so the sale price for the V2 right now is 89 but if you already have either this quick facts if you have the old quick facts or if you have the new quick facts that price goes down to 69 okay that price goes down to 69 that is going to be a great great great great great great way for you to that's going to be a great way for you to get jump started okay please I got the quick facts but there is not a question Bank how can I get the question Bank okay so if you have this quick facts book we put it on the back here let me see um you can actually you can scan this code right here on the back and it'll take you to the question bank and it's my trial version okay it'll take you to the question bank right here and it's an online question bank and I thought that would actually be better because the ques the NCLEX is online and you're going to be getting case studies and you're going to be getting the next gen format and I would so much rather you to be studying online than in a paper format of this that makes a big difference it makes a big difference so um what if you're coming in late to calendar reviews I'm not sure what you mean thanks Regina oh thanks Regina my board approved your NCLEX review Timothy that's great so we're Board of Nursing did you are you um is V2 approved and let me know because I wanna I wanna keep a list of you know sometimes if you um if you if you're not failing or if you fail NCLEX and you want to test again the board will say well you can't test again until you take a remedial course and sometimes the board has all these different requirements so if the two if you guys can take V2 for 89 and retest again that's amazing because I know there's some remedial courses that are like 13 1400 and they know students have to take them so their prices are very high so if you could do it for 89 dollars do it oh my goodness oh man the topics for game night the topics for game night are going to be everything we covered in rnu okay Keisha the questions are so helpful I've been practicing I love the rationales amazing and they're really going to help you honestly everybody that's taking next-gen NCLEX says that the Q Bank in the V2 is just like the NCLEX okay just like the NCLEX so I am I'm just so happy that you guys are in there you're doing what you need to do but listen I'm telling you I love the questions but the most important part of V2 is the rationales all right and I want you guys to know the rationales are important but they are coming from the content the content the content the content and so the videos in V2 are going to be very helpful please watch those videos please use your study Calendar please watch those videos especially congestive heart failure three types of diabetes the prioritization management of care disaster management infection control chest tubes content content content is key guys and yes you will be able to do the next gen question types in the um in the V2 they'll be there for you you also have the computer adaptive exam those of you who have an opportunity to do the computer adaptive exam use it as a format when you get your pass not that these you know these above passing below passing categories they're going to be there to guide you guys take advantage of the computer adaptive testing okay take advantage of the computer adaptive testing all right so let me just you're doing program but just saw this please when do you normally start the program you're doing I was waiting for the for the night program but I just saw this now so this is what I usually do every Monday at noon out noon eastern time I go over content with my nursing students who is who's ever in the community studying with me they know they can find me here on Mondays I'm actually thinking about changing it till Monday nights because I've been doing really well with the nighttime class during rnu but for this week only right now I'll be back Monday night at eight o'clock and that's when we're going to play the game tonight okay so I'm usually live Mondays and Wednesdays set your alarm Okay follow me never lose me never lose me even after you take your NCLEX still stay here planning to take the test what do I need to get so what I want you guys to do is right now I want you to you can even jump off here I don't care but it's very important that you go to Remar and you purchase the V2 okay and get V2 whether it's RN or PN okay RN or PN that is very important because this sale is coming to an end this week it will not be 89 it would not be 89 for all that you're getting all right but if you need extra help um just send an email can you put post my email address on things so people can message me Monique oh support where can I join game night tonight game night tonight is happening and you can watch it right here on YouTube you can watch it right here on YouTube guys but you will need two devices because you're gonna have one device that you're watching the game night on which is like your laptop or your TV or whatever however you can watch YouTube and find Remar find my channel Papa and then you're going to have your phone okay so your phone is going to be your other device and you're going to go to I'm gonna put all the instructions up um on the screen all right you go to on your phone you're watching me on your laptop and you're answering questions on your phone okay and then we're going to do cash prizes Tonight third place winner will be a hundred dollars second place will be 200 and then first place will be three hundred dollars okay how true is it that people are saying the exam is going to be changed after July again I've seen this rumor um I'll just say it's a total myth the exam is not changing to my knowledge for another three years they literally just changed the exam in April so that is that is that is that okay what are the questions after given after completing the video are those from the question Bank no those are not from the question bank so during my program when you get a question um during my program you'll watch a video and then you'll get questions the questions are going to be similar to the topic that we just discussed now one of the things in my program is that I'm not going to give you give me questions so it's um like if I tell you the sky is blue when you take those questions I'm not going to ask you what color is the sky because I already told you the sky was blue but what I'm doing is I'm trying to get you to evaluate okay in nursing school is this something that I was exposed to like Regina gave me the NCLEX prep of it right um okay so I'm asking you questions regarding the things that I taught you but I might throw in another question in there to see if you know the answer to it or not because the NCLEX review is supposed to be a review it's not supposed to be in nursing school so as you are going through it be open to Identity defying weak areas be open to identifying okay I didn't know that one or let me think about that one because that's what's going to happen when you take NCLEX like there's going to be some stuff that you blatantly know like it's very easy it's very straight to the point but there's also going to be some critical thinking some zingers some things that you weren't expecting that you're still going to be required to answer so that is that is the point of the questions after like I am I'm challenging you I'm challenging you and trust me if you're just starting you're like I just want to get through the content this process works this course works okay thank you Natasha I can't I mean you're trying to encourage them because you've been there and you passed I hope they take your word for it all right um Illinois is Board of Nursing recommended your NCLEX review course amazing uh thank you so much Illinois thank you so much that just lets me know that people are having success with the review course in the state of Illinois so I'm glad you can take it all right um hi Regina can brother Mark please pray for us on today brother Mark can he please pray for us to them today um I'm not sure actually Mark uh he is he is his own entity he works with Remar he works for Remar um but if he's available um then I will try to snag him maybe I'll send him a text message now if not if not today if you show up tonight we could probably get them for tonight okay um success Journey are in you tonight yes are you tonight let me do my Monday motivation while you guys are gathering um questions no you guys are though okay um you have questions now I have old quick facts book but just want to know is there any difference between the old new quick facts yeah there's there's definitely differences between the old new quick facts I have them both I think they both are great um so this is the this is the new one this is the old one right here um I think the major difference is this is what I do you guys know if if you're watching this I always turn to this page which is the P page and so I have essentially the same topics in there there's only there are a few topics that I added like covid-19 things that were really really changing to nursing during the interim but mostly they're same I also took out the clinical skills section so I don't have you guys studying that for the next gen NCLEX I didn't think that it was as prominent because they are not asking you for steps anymore like they used to they're just wanting to know if you understand them so this is the page I always show this is the the five star the old one um plasmapheresis plural effusion polycythemia vera great topics you need to know these three foreign this is it in the new book same three topics poly scene polycythemia vera plasmapheresis pleural effusion but you guys can see that I've developed more of the answers and then I also put the clinical priorities okay yeah new one has cultural competence covet great clinical priorities thank you so much Gloria you said it more than me all right please tell me the total cost of the ngn RN course total cost of the ngn RN course is 89 I dropped my book it's 89 for everything okay 89 and that includes the quick facts the quick facts by itself is um it's all you know the quick Flex by itself is just it's half of the program so I'm I'm encouraging you guys to get the total program okay all right so let me know so it's can the question Bank only be accessed from the bar code on the back because my V2 account you have the trial version of your V2 account because if you're in the I can't say your name Janelle if you're in the trial version of V2 if you don't have the full V2 and you're in the trial you should still have a question bank or just trial questions in there yes Alice this is the last week for the 89 for three months access so please please please take advantage of it okay if you were thinking about it like you think you were going to get it in July and August I'm telling you that's not the move the move is to get it the last week of June ever since I started this course I've passed all my cat exams and Readiness exams with really high scores and that literally is just because content you're you're actually getting the missing components and I'm gonna tell you guys I love quick facts but it's not the quick facts it's literally the lectures that make a difference because what happens is a lot of people they purchase other NCLEX reviews right that have content in them but they never do the content because it's not engaging it's boring it's too long and so what they do is they focus on just the question Banks in those review courses and essentially question Banks only tell you where you are they don't teach you what you don't know and so you can do a million different question Banks but you still will have things that you haven't realized that you don't know so the content is where you need to be starting all right uh what chapters for Wednesday I think Wednesday I'm doing the entire Wednesday game night winning Wednesday I'll be doing the entire quick facts book so anything from the beginning to the end is game okay for Wednesday uh if you have the old V2 the new V2 it I'm sorry if you have the old VT V2 is not the same so you would literally need to come out of that VT platform and switch over to V2 and honestly this is the best time to do it because if you already have quick facts which I'm assuming you do you have VT you probably have quick facts then you can get into V2 the new program for 69 okay do I have a CD for the question Banks I don't no no no no no no okay so you have a hard time following the V2 study calendar let's talk about it okay in the quick facts calendar at the same time can you give me a suggestion yes I would actually not do the the quick facts I'm looking for my calendar somebody's been in my room don't do the quick facts calendar if you have the V2 calendar just focus on the V2 calendar okay because the V2 calendar is going to incorporate quick facts so the V2 calendar will actually tell you when to start studying quick facts and in the beginning if you look at it if you look at your V2 calendar you don't see quick facts Incorporated until study session number seven so just that beginning part of your V2 experience you're literally just watching the lectures and taking the questions and the practice exams inside of the V2 that's all you're doing okay so try that try that all right Elsa I don't know what is your question I didn't see it what's your question I must have missed it okay so see if that see if that helps you because the the calendar in the in the question if you just have the quick facts by itself it's not the same calendar as the V2 calendar okay okay but again if you follow in that calendar in the V2 you can get through the program in two weeks you can get through the program in three weeks if you're following the study calendar what else okay Elsa B I'm knowing trial versions send me an email then so I can see what you mean tonight um I know I know but literally with even with my Live reviews um they're usually a two-day review I'm in there I'm two days and then I'm out and so like I said before I'm doing I'm literally doing remark nurse University I've been doing Live reviews for the last for for the last month every Monday every Wednesday and I'm doing them for free I'm doing them for free DUI so I'm trying to think what is going to be the most impactful to my community we have we have thousands over a hundred thousand students that I'm you know I'm communicating with and I'm just trying to make sure that everybody gets what they need I want to play tonight want to play tonight okay so you can show up here on YouTube if you want if you want to set your alarm for 8 P.M we're going to be doing game night okay right here you can watch it on YouTube I think you can watch it on Facebook too I'm pretty sure you can watch it on YouTube or Facebook but set your alarm 8 P.M we're going to start I usually start about like 805 give you guys grace period so that's it Charlize says what should I do now since my test is soon any suggestions okay a chart um are you finished with V2 okay are you finished with V2 if you're finished with V2 is um if you're finished with V2 then you need to be in your question Bank you need to be doing your computer adaptive exam if you have V2 you absolutely should be doing your computer adaptive exams even you get two even if you only do one it will be it will be a great resource for you to complete okay the goal is to get the half past the computer adaptive test have passed but if you do the first one and you don't pass it do it again okay okay um so on the study calendar is on the read side it says number two or number three and so on and I can't find where those notes are so when I say read your study notes from number two I'm re I'm saying read all of the notes that you took from the previous section go over those notes okay go over the notes from the day before that's part of your review like every day you should be looking oh what did I write from the day before that I didn't know or I need to look at again okay that's what I mean when I say that foreign I'm not graduated yet and am I supposed to buy V2 before you can I now say this you can buy V2 before you actually graduate because more than likely you'll have finals or exit exam and usually that exit exam is going to be based on NCLEX topics or NCLEX safety subjects so NCLEX topics NCLEX safety subjects my NCLEX review will prepare you for that plus it will help you see the big picture of Nursing my question is if I renew it won't be for three months if you renew your account you already have an account and you renew it you're renewing it for one month okay I did and I passed okay wait I remember you I thought you were asking me how to study Charlize you passed your exam well I don't get it and I'm doing questions now oh you did just oh you so you did your cat exam and you passed it okay okay okay okay I'm confused all right so all right if you did your cat exam and you passed then you cruising you could take NCLEX tomorrow and probably pass it so right now you're just doing questions just to keep in the mentality of answering NCLEX questions but literally if you did that if you did that cat exam and you passed you you you're pretty good you really are okay um somebody said that's what I need to do is complete it in two weeks because I'm testing how do you suggest I follow the schedule my goodness okay so if you want to complete it in two weeks you're gonna have to do there's 20 study sessions okay there's 20 study sessions to complete my program so if you want to complete it in two weeks which is tough I would say you need to do two a day like you would have to do maybe study session number one during the day and maybe study session number two in the evening just give yourself some time in between because my videos are not going to take long for you to go through my content videos are short so you just would have to be passing your exam okay you're just gonna have to be passing your exam Miss Cindy um so you can do it that's how I suggest you follow it do two study sessions a day and if you have your quick facts book try to study this as much as possible as well okay as well um it's okay how long for international deliveries it depends on where it's going I mean literally we ship all over okay somebody from Team Remar maybe you could put your country and we can try to put uh how long it might take to get there okay nurse Nelly thank you Regina I am enjoying the lectures using my study calendar looking forward to completing the lectures and then start using the question Bank perfect I appreciate you going in order and using your study calendar it's going to make such a big difference in your experience it won't be easy but it is doable put in the work now because when you're in front of the exam and you get afraid and you start to panic what is going to happen is whatever you have been doing will show up when you get scared and you start panicking and get anxious your routine is what's going to show up so if your routine is okay I'm used to passing I'm used to studying doing questions I've been challenged before I've been watching videos that's what's going to show up but if you are not you're not being consistent you're just doing questions when you get in front of something and you get scared you're going to be trying to find 100 different rationales that you read and you're not going to come up with the right answer that's what's going to happen all right so your sacrifice is what shows up when you're scared so keep on grinding keep on grinding nice Nelly okay Jamaica I'm not sure like five days to get to Jamaica but usually what happens is you have um you will give you tracking okay we'll give you tracking when the book comes out Jamaica and Dubai okay all right okay guys so that is what is that is what is the game plan okay the game plan is tonight 8 P.M is our game night I'll also show you how to do an order I'll actually walk through an order tonight after game night so those of you are like I wanna if you wanna get the V2 but you also want to delay your start date and you're not sure how to do it or where to do it then we can um we can show you how to do that tonight okay also I'll show you where to find the study calendar I'll have everything that I need to talk about the program I'll have the calendar and everything but honestly I'm gonna tell you guys don't wait for me if you got if you have the investment of the 89 dollars put it into yourself all right because I don't know if I'm having a Remar nurse come on here tonight but I've had Remar nurses come on and they literally say I'm I'm in a whole different place and they always say it's worth the investment but I can't get you guys to see it and what I don't want to happen is for you to experience um NCLEX failure or what happens is you buy another course and you get to those videos and they're like um I should have just got V2 okay um so just save yourself the drama invest in the program all right invest in the program and let's get this nursing license but tonight be ready for game night because I'm doing all of our new all of this workbook so make sure you know like I said I gave you guys a big one everybody that showed up is going to get that head start because one of the questions is which is the priority patient the patient with the low temperature or the patient with the high temperature I also explained the fever and hypothermia are not the same thing so you guys have a leg up to the people that's going to show up tonight all right but pre-prepared for any and everything in this book all right okay guys I'm gonna get out of here thank you guys so much don't forget the two go get it get it done I'll see you guys tonight is the website you can you will and you must pass NCLEX
Channel: ReMar Nurse RN & LPN
Views: 12,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Pass NCLEX: Appendicitis, appendicitis, appendicitis nursing, appendicitis treatment, appendicitis nursing lecture, appendicitis diagnosis, nclex review fundamentals of nursing, appendicitis nursing management, appendicitis nursing care, appendicitis signs and symptoms, appendix, appendicitis symptoms, nclex review lectures, nclex rn preparation, appendicitis symptoms signs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 39sec (4719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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