Final Interview Secrets Revealed: Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes

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what makes final interviews different and what are the three most common reasons why people fail [Music] what's up guys it's Mike from job ready English here with another video to help you get hired today we're going to be talking about how to smash your final interview it's been one of our most requested videos over the past couple of months and I'm really excited to release this content today we're going to be talking about what is a final interview what are the differences between a final interview and a first round interview what are the three reasons that I see why people fail over the time that I've been coaching and preparing people for interviews for jobs over the past 10 years how to prepare step by step and make sure you stick around until the end of this video when I'm going to talk to you about my five favorite questions to ask at the end of your interview now if you're watching this and you've got an interview tomorrow or you're struggling to think about how you're going to get ready for your interview make sure you click the link down and below for our brand new 17 minute past the interview preparation crash course now you might think well how the hell can I prep for an interview in 17 minutes well the fact of the matter is is that I've had over 5 000 people take one of my interview courses and I've refined that Knowledge from hours to an hour and I've recently released it so it's jam-packed in 17 minutes with all the worksheets everything that you need to research script and practice your answers so make sure you check that link down in the description below so let's start off by talking about what is a final interview well basically a final interview is the last interview before you get a job or joking so this will either come as the last of a couple of rounds of interviews sometimes you'll just get interviewed one to one there's tends to be more common for senior positions where you have a HR screening interview and then maybe you interview with somebody in your department then a manager and maybe a partner or director if you're a graduate watching this more than likely you'll have a final interview as part of your Assessment Center or this may be something which happens after the assessment center is done and it's generally going to be with a manager a director or a partner what we tend to find is this is the person who's really in charge of your department where you're going to be working or your team so what are the big differences between a first round interview which is probably going to be a video interview and a final interview well really there were there were three it's all about culture fit so if you get through to a final interview you're basically good enough to get the job so if you're watching this and you've got a final interview well done technically you are capable enough to do the job so now we're really trying to understand are you going to fit into the culture and this really fits into number two which is likability so culture fit is really defined by the core values now sometimes I realize when you look through core values it might seem very samey the language but a lot of thought money and effort has gone into forming a company identity a company culture and they want people who are going to exude that or be able to work into that and basic quickly we're just checking you out to see if we like you because you're going to be working within the team and as anybody knows if you're a professional watching this you'll know that One Bad Apple can really ruin a division a department even an entire business so likability is so important as part of the team and the final thing that's kind of different is we're going to dig a little bit deeper about motivation do you really understand about this role do you understand about the industry about the qualifications that you're going to see do you understand the nuances if it's more of a technical role if you really have good client-facing skills these are the things where someone's going to dig a little bit deeper and be coming at the problem from a level of much greater experience because of course the difference between a video interview algorithm somebody in HR and a divisional director or partner is experience it's basically the years and years of knowledge of seeing lots of people coming and going and kind of going yeah that person's gonna fit her on paper they look good but actually I just kind of know you're not going to fit here so what are the three most common reasons why people fail partner interviews and I can honestly tell you that this can be devastating you've probably gone through months of months of jumping through multiple Hoops you're getting through to the final interview the last thing that you want to do is fail and I would say on average when people get through to a final interview I tend to say it's a flip of a coin so I tend to say it's a one in two shot really and of course it depends on the day it depends on the person but like I said you're good enough to do the job and then it's sort of a 50 50 shot whether you're going to be good enough to get the job or not I'm going to talk about this a little bit later when I sort of talk about the five questions that I really like to ask at the end of the interview and also some a sign that I see where I think you can definitely know that this interview is going well so here are the three most common reasons number one a lack of commercial awareness what I generally tend to find is and I can distinctly remember this was the first partner interview I ever prepped somebody for she was going for a PWC final interview for audit and she had no understanding about audit itself about the qualification or really what happened in the industry on paper she was a phenomenal candidate she came from a top university she had the grades but when the partner kind of said well why audit what specifically about order interests you what are you interested about with the ACA qualification she just completely fell to pieces and she was devastated because if she just put in a little bit of extra work she would have really been able to answer a little bit more not just about the qualification but just reading a basic industry news website like accountancy age she would have had a bit of a better understanding about how to answer this question number two is being unable to relax and have a conversation so what you're tend to find is imagine if you're sitting there with a partner a director or manager this is somebody who's super busy they really don't have a lot of time and I can certainly talk from personal experience being a business owner and also being a CEO at a different company when I sit down for an interview with someone you're probably the 20th person that I've seen that day I'm busy I'm already thinking about what I've got to do next I kind of very quickly want to make the distinction and think this person seems good this person doesn't seem good generally I would sit down with another manager because I'm just doing final sign off about whether we want to bring them onto that respective team now if I like you then I want to be able to start to engage you in conversation why because I'm just taking a load off I just want to get to know you personally a little bit more and what I tend to find is a common reason why people would fail it's just they're too robotic I mean you're going to be nervous you're really anxious right there's a lot riding on you passing this interview but this is a very good sign if I or a senior manager or somebody like that is trying to engage you in conversation then really I want you to relax I want you to relax and tell me a little bit more about yourself I want to know about sort of where you're from what you've done what you like what you don't like and a lot of times when people are unable to relax and they'll just kind of give yes no answers or be really nervous because ultimately always remember the person on the other side of the table the phone the video call they're just a human just like you different status different Power structure different hierarchy but they're still just a person like you and they just want to get to know you a little bit better and the third reason why people fail I kind of alluded it to it in the first reason which was really just not having a good enough understanding of the role and what you're going to be doing now remember you're going to be sitting in front of somebody who's probably one of the most experienced people that you could work with within your respective Department that you're applying to so they're going to want to know that you've made a little bit of an effort you know do you know about the qualification that you're going to be studying for do you know about the software that we use do you know about what's happening in the in industry what some recent regulatory changes have been are you interested in what's going on in general so a story that really comes to mind for me is whenever I prepped people to go and work in sales and trading in the front office of investment Banks my first question to them would be really simple what's your favorite stock what stock would you advise that I invest in and why because I wanted to understand is that person genuinely interested in the financial markets or are they really just kind of blinded by you know the light and thinking about you know London being paved with gold and everything couldn't answer this question I'm like dude either you really want to pick up the pace in terms of your business and Commercial awareness or you want to be really honest with yourself and say that front office Investment Banking is not for you so here's a couple of steps to prepare if you're getting ready for a final interview make sure that you've researched the role in particular the skills that are required for that role any bonus skills any additional experience that they're looking for and that you've got good examples that you can use to demonstrate those skills you're going to be talking to somebody who really isn't going to want to hear any waffling you say yeah I've got great numerical skills that their next question is going to be why according to what like what have you done it's like if you went for a sales interview or you're interviewing for say recruitment consulting position and say I've got really great sales the next question I'm going to ask you is cool how much have you sold what have you sold when have you sold you know I'm gonna want some facts and figures I'm going to want more than just your opinion make sure you read up about what qualifications you might have to take what that entails and also the company itself are really being prepared I definitely recommend reading their blogs their news their white papers anything they've released recently now you don't have to know everything but knowing something is going to set you aside from your competitors finally make sure that you have read a little bit of industry news what's going on in the audit industry the finance industry the banking Consulting whatever it is all you need to look for is Consulting industry news go and sign up for a newsletter or go and read about the latest news because that's what they're living that's their experience day-to-day what they're going through and they're going to be interested to talk about it and they're going to be pleased if you've put a little bit more effort bearing in mind everything that I've just said is not standard prep it's to go above and beyond and be one of the two that makes it rather than yeah they seemed good but I just don't feel that they're hungry enough or they really understand it or they really you know I just I feel like they're good on paper now a good kind of Distinction to make is why is it that maybe somebody will be chosen and somebody won't be chosen if they're not if they're not that different and actually for me it's a really simple reason personally having hired I don't know about 40 different people I just think is this person proactive are they Keen are they enthusiastic am I going to have to spend a lot of time Molly coddling them and looking after them or are they going to be like yep I know what I need to do so therefore when they come to me with a problem they'll have tried to solve it themselves that is generally the root of what I'm kind of thinking about when I'm making a decision about hiring so finally if you stuck around until this point thank you very much I'm going to talk to you about five questions that I really love to ask an interview at the end good questions at the end really stick in an interviewer's mind I can still remember years ago trying to hire a sales manager got to the end of the interview and I said do you have any questions for me and to be honest with you I already had my phone open and I was checking the emails that I'd missed during the interview and she said to me actually I do where do you sit the business is growing really strongly where do you see the business in the next 12 to 18 months and I think we had that business about 15 people and we were doing High six figures by then per year and I was like oh uh that's a good question actually and I was thinking about our strategy for the year and the plans that I'd laid out for the business and we talked about it for about five minutes now based upon a completely unrelated reason we didn't end up hiring her for that job but even now five six years later she still sticks in my mind really good questions that make people think Are Gonna Make You memorable and being memorable is important so here are five great questions that will make the interview remember you what's the best piece of career advice you've ever gotten what can I go home and start learning today to help me in this job what's the biggest challenge you think the business faces this year what's the most exciting client or project you've worked on recently what's something you wish you started doing five years ago now I love these questions because they really make you think it's something thing that if I was asked any of these questions I'd really have to think and this creates a pattern interrupt so basically it breaks that person out of what they're doing and then they're in the just general workflow that makes them go oh um what is the best piece of career advice that I've got on there having to scan their memory and it makes an impression and I can guarantee you if you ask one of these questions or just to sort of deepen search in questions this is a great opportunity to learn from somebody who is potentially where you want to be in X years time so it's a good chance for you to learn guys I hope that you've enjoyed this video about the final interview like I said if you're really struggling and you're thinking I really need to get prepared today make sure you check out the 17-minute interview preparation crash course let me know how we did in this video what other videos would you like us to make was this helpful useful have you used this video to pass your final interview wherever you are whatever you're doing I wish you the best of luck see you later foreign
Channel: Job Ready English
Views: 23,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passing the final interview, final interview tips, how to prepare for a final interview, Is a final interview just a formality, How to succeed in final interview, Final interview questions to prepare for, how to prepare for a final stage interview, final round interview, how can i impress at final interview, how to pass a final interview, what do they ask in a final interview, final interview questions and answers, what questions are asked in a final interview, final job interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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