HOW to PARSE as Elemental Shaman in TOGC #worldofwarcraft #wotlk #wow

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hey peace welcome back to another video I know this is a little late but better late than never let's talk about how to pass the togc let's talk about beasts so on beasts you cannot really pre-pop the potion because the combat starts way earlier than you can even Target to post so there's two things you can do first this you can actually use a flame cap and then use the second part later into the fight whenever you're lusting or you can just not use anything and then use the potion of wild magic to make your fire alley bigger I've only tried the fling cap thing about two times and the results were about the same the thing is my B skills have been very messy recently so I cannot give you 100 answer and if it's better or not so if you have an answer to that question please put it in the comments and help other people out to basically pass on and fight you need a lot of things in your favor you don't get it snowballed and also you don't get the Frozen breath on you and a paladin actually Bops you whenever he jumps into the middle and knocks everyone back so you can keep shooting a boss so let's talk about all of that first on the first boss on the first Parts you do want to multi-dot the little snowballs that pop up because they are quite tanky and Flame shock especially with two sets does a lot of damage without even refreshing it a lot meaning it is definitely worth it to cast and whenever the boss dies and he plops all those on the floor you do want to keep using chain lightning and whatnot and kill them because they keep counting towards your paths anyway on worms obviously don't get hit by any of the mechanics but sometimes there's nothing you can do about it if you have boots you can use your NG boots to go to the tank and free yourself from the debuff helping out a little bit with that and going back to blasting if they get somewhat tanked together you can actually easily chain lightning even if they're not super close together you do want to keep multi-dodding them anyway your fire alley should still be up for a good chunk of that fight it should be up for the first boss and the little ads that spawn whenever the boss dies plus the worms meaning it will do nice AOE damage super good it for that fight especially whenever your fire alley dies you have to know where the worms pop up whenever they do the enrage thing and whenever they pop up you want your steering column to be there already so it can shoot them without you needing to move much because you can move while it's under the ground so you just have to know wherever you have to go and wherever it will pop up depending on which room you kill on Yeti it's very annoying because the yeti just randomly puts a breath on the raid and rooting you stunning you not being able to do anything to mitigate the chances of you being hit make sure you try to stand a little far away from everyone so you're basically just alone somewhere in the corner where you can still get healed where you can still get everything out and you can still attack the boss also if you want to pass on that specific fight at least for me the yeti is always the only part where I fall off super hard because I haven't asked a paladin to Bob me yet make sure you have a palette in abobs you whenever he goes into the middle knocks everyone back the reasoning is pretty simple you can still attack the boss you don't get cc'd and you can keep up your damage which is super duper nice also you can use your lava burst whenever he gets his seat you will probably have it again and can blast plus if you use the flame cap I would always basically say leave the cooldowns before they Getty whenever he's stunned use your alley Mastery your second pot if you have it and what not to do the most damage possible because he does take extra damage whenever he's stunned in a short window of time now for larger access it's also pretty simple the fire alley will be up for the whole fight if you're super slow then obviously it most likely won't be but it will AOE basically everything because there's constant adds everywhere whenever the portal spawns I wouldn't recommend using flame shock on the portal just because it is just not worth it because it dies super duper quick you can use that gcd and actually use lightning bolt instead because lightning bolt will end up dealing more damage than the flame shark whenever it's only taking for like two or three seconds whenever the missed response obviously you do want to multi-dot if you get one or two multi dot both of them also make sure that you keep the dot up on the boss managing your dots on two to three targets is super simple if you just tap Target if you have your later or whatever you use and you can see the dots on top of their health bar so you can just keep track of it now for the infernals it's basically the same thing you want to multi-dot them especially the ones that constantly Dash close to outside of the raid I always have about two of them that are not super close to the raid and don't get attacked by many people meaning my flame shock is basically taking the whole duration dealing a lot of damage now whenever they use their ability you can technically just stand in it especially if you're the only person standing in it if you trust the healers and if it's two people you can technically desack and just heal through it without losing DPS while moving now for faction Champions I would recommend using the chain lightning Cliff if you're going for the zerk Strat meaning you don't see c a lot and you can just chain lightning everything and multi-dots Via Ellie obviously also on that fight it can't die but it also can live through the whole duration it really really depends on your luck whenever you get targeted by something and it's more than one something that was especially melee go through the slow trap that your Hunter provides and then you will most likely be fine that's the whole fight all you want to do is just chain lightning multi-dot and try to kill the priority targets first while you're also multi-dotting now on twins it's also basically pretty simple it's the same fight just depending on which twin you focus we're not talking about the kiting person who basically soaks we're talking about the person that stands in the stack attacking the boss you don't want to do multi-dotting on this fight because the same color you have takes 50 percent less damage from you flame shock is not worth it lightning bolting the other Target is technically not worth it unless you use lust and then burn through the shield without swapping you do want to chain lightning on cooldown just because it is free damage and technically a single Target game giving you a little extra damage whenever it hits second target you do not want to use fire Nova on this fight it is not worth it all you want to do is keep your dot up on the main target you're attacking lightning bolt chain lightning basically of cooldown Java burst that's all you want to do that's it nothing special now let's talk about a new so a noob has changed quite a bit if you want to pass on it first it was a 900k cap with P3 not counting towards your cap so you wanted to use the fire Nova glyph to basically spam firing over as much as possible to get to the 900k cap before P3 hits now it's only 600k but also counts in P3 meaning it's super duper easy to hit the cap I would recommend not using the fire Nova glyph because it is not needed and you can actually also use searing totem and just use fire Nova off the ceiling totem because you have to not replace steering totem as much it gives you a single Target increase basically because the gcd you're not using to replace the totem you can use chain lightning or lightning bolt the good thing is you don't even technically need to use fire Nova on cooldown I would just use it whenever all the ads are up because in P3 like I said it counts and you have your fire alley after the barrel phase anyway doing AOE damage as well and if you still need a little bit of extra damage chain lightning plus fire will be probably enough and if you're still struggling and you need a little bit extra damage you can still fire Nova MP3 as well so it's really easy to adapt your play style towards the cap and then getting the cap but also focusing the boss most of the time getting even more single Target damage also another important thing I forgot to mention is during the borrower phase you don't want to attack the scarabs because you want your trinkets to be off cooldown whenever the bus comes up so you can have a bigger fire Elemental snapshot meaning increasing the AOE damage and single Target damage for you thank you so much for watching I would really appreciate you liking the sub and I shall see you in the next video
Channel: GIGACHAD Elemental Enjoyer
Views: 12,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elemental Shaman, Ele Shaman, WoW ele, WoW, world of warcraft, PoV Ele, Ele Pov, Ele Shammy, Wotlk ele, Wrath of the lich king elemental shaman, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, Shaman wotlk, Ele information, ulduar, shaman ulduar, elemental shaman ulduar, ele ulduar, ulduar ele, togc, togc parsing, parsing ele
Id: Xexm2taMf3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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