How To Paint Your Motorcycle Fairings At Home By Yourself (Cracked Fairing Repair)

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foreign [Music] [Music] videos on my YouTube channel I get lots of questions lots of DM about it so today I'm going to show you exactly every single thing you need to complete a painting job by yourself at home let's get to it in this video I'm going to be painting my motorcycle fairings but the same process could apply to anything you want to paint a car bumper Fender hoot doesn't matter what it is the same process applies to every single thing the most important step in painting is your prep work you need to be patient it's tedious I hate it myself but I know to get a good paint job requires excellent preparation don't skim out on that or you'll pay for it at the end of the work right here I have some fairings set out I have some more fairings over there obviously before you begin anything you want to make sure you wash this properly you want it to be silky in no dirt no oil no grease because that will definitely ruin your paint job so you want to wash everything as clean as possible when washing you don't want to use any heavy chemicals I think like this soap always works you can use don't do so very very good stuff I use that when I would do my washing I wash all of that you don't want any car product that has wax in it that will ruin your paint job so just something that will get it nice and clean now after washing you want to sand depending on the color you're painting and what's exactly you intend to do 320 is always a good starting point depending on how deep you want to go and if there are damages that needs to be fixed if there is no damages and you simply just want to throw some paint 600 is a good starting point sandwich 600 and you're good to go personally I like to use this glass cleaner to clean and prep all my surfaces it is not entirely ideal but it is what I use and it's always worth good for me second if I'm painting any plastic pieces I always use adhesion promoter everyone has their own ideas on whether this works or it doesn't but this will save you a whole lot of issues I'm sure you drive around you've seen vehicles with paint chipping and cracked bumpers and like paint cracking that's probably why it wasn't prepped well and they did not throw in any adhesion promoter throw this stuff on guys it would save you a lot of headache this basically ensures that that paint or that primary sticks to that bumper and it won't come off in the future now if you have damages that needs to be repaired you need to get yourself a can of this they sell this in lesser quantities but this is a good size now this is bundles so you need to have lots of experience before you start jumping onto something like this and then you can use that to fix it obviously another thing you need is going to be your paints I have three different paints here for the paint skin I'm going to intend to use on this bike so you need all your pins another thing you're going to need is going to be a reducer when I buy my paints a buyer is full it's not thinned out or anything I like to reduce it myself so I know exactly what's going into it so that's what that's for so with most paints you're going to reduce this one to one and that's exactly why I have this so this paint is full paint and then you're going to put it in a mixing cup and then reduce it one to one but before you can do any of this I just mentioned most importantly you need your primer so this is you Paul primer this is very very good stuff and you don't want to chip out in your primer because that's your base that's the foundation of all your paint work if you have a bad primer you're more than likely going to have a bad paint job so you want that primer to lay down and be flush and smooth this glass and then you will have a better chance of getting a better paint job so with your primer down and your base coat which is the color you're going to be painting it all you need is a clear coats I always recommend to go with a 2K clear coat it's a two part so a clay coat and a hardener that would give you um best the best durable finish and the best durable Shane nice gloss and it doesn't wear off very easily now you're going to need some paint guns you do not need multiple paint guns if you're going to paint all you need is one good gun this is the best gun I currently have it's not as as expensive as the two thousand dollar gun system of the professional guys use very good quality I've I've knocked out some very good paying jobs with this gun and I keep using it this is my primer gun as you can tell it's already pretty much worn out this is the gun I use for primer but I want to do some touch-ups this is my touch-up gun right here but this gun is for Clear coats and for base coats now if you're going to be doing lots of painting and you want to cut down time you're going to need to get yourself a sand and they're pretty inexpensive 30 dollars forty dollars you can find them on sale purchase a sander and it would cut down your prep time to more than half I personally use this hyper touch gun not the greatest but not bad 30 for more months I picked it up and it's been working great so right now this is all the supplies you're gonna need to paint you don't need that but you could get it if you wanted to but yeah this is everything you're gonna need to paint you need some sand some sanding papers some cleaner of your choice adhesion promoter bundle if you need to do some repairs you need your paints of course paints gun clear coats reducer of your choice primer and some orbital sander now it's a lot of talking but this is the steps to get this done pieces over here have been sanded they're yet to be cleaned going over here these pieces have been sanded they're clean these are ready to receive paint if you look at it it all has that nice matte satin finish that you would expect from a properly standard finish some of these all of these pieces are not going to get any primer because there's no damage to it and the paint is going to cover all of this very well now for for a part like this that has some damage I'm going to be repairing this this will get primer because without primer that paint is not going to cover that repair properly so this is all the painting supply that we're going to be using over here is the paint I already have it poured in the mixing cup I'm going to show you guys what it looks like there's a lot of metallic actually first we're going to reduce it so we can get the right consistency and I'm going to show you exactly how good this paint looks [Music] now I forgot to show this before but the mixing cup would have a bunch of numbers on it and it's pretty much like your high school chemistry you're just gonna go by what it says on the paint can if it says mix 41 it shows you you're gonna move over you're gonna see it like I mentioned you have a whole bunch of numbers over here for this particular paint it's one to one so you fill it up off to number four for example over here and on the other side you go up to number four and that's you know you have a good mixture right there so there's a whole bunch of numbers another common one is four to one to one so you have four four let's say the clay close you have another one for the hardener and another one for the reducer that's the same process wait in each column basically you want to fill it up to the same number so you want to fill up and twos and twos and twos or in threes and threes and threes whatever the case made okay guys so just like I mentioned before I have a damage pieced over here I have a damaged piece over here it's a frog nose fairing that's completely cracked as you can see uh this is the piece that goes in there so I'm gonna go ahead and fix this up and get it ready for some paint because I don't intense buy a new fairing just because of this so let's uh I'm gonna show you exactly how I do it so obviously the first thing that's going to happen is that we need to fit this piece back in this area over here so I'm gonna go ahead and do that as you can see this is fully seated it's flush all around so I'm gonna go ahead and turn this over and do some plastic welding underneath to completely secure it now we can begin uh fine-tuning this area of it all right guys so this is the area that's damaged over here so I'm gonna flip it around and uh weld on the inside [Music] oh all right guys and there you have it as you can see this is perfect on the inside this is what it looks like you can see all the repair that was done over there I'm gonna go ahead and cut all of this uh studs that are sticking out and then we're gonna fix it on the inside and on the outside too because we want the best possible finish and best possible result wonders to be better than OEM pretty much so let's jump to it foreign [Music] Ed up now it is very okay to leave it like this at this point and begin uh fixing the damage up front but I'm gonna do something else so in the front over here I'm gonna go through it with uh this pointed tool I forget what it's called just to make a ridge so that the epoxy I'm gonna be using to fix this it's gonna settle in there and make it a better repair [Music] so this is what I'm referring to as you can see I'm just making a nice Ridge so that epoxy can settle in there and make it firmer when it cures so I'm gonna go ahead and complete the remaining and uh we can start doing some Bodywork after the epoxy cures [Music] there you have it this is looking exactly the way I want it to be so now you're just gonna get some kind of pad for yourself doesn't matter what it is but this is the Box we're gonna be using it's a JB Weld plastic bonder you want to get this one specifically you don't want any of the other many variants that they carry this is made for plastic and this would give you the best result so I'm gonna go ahead and put some put equal parts of this on here and mix it up and then start applying it in this groove that I've made [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys so after about half an hour why this is too current it's good to go with a razor blade and just trim it down a little bit you don't want too much of a ridge so it's easier for when you're standing and doing that body work so just about 20 to half an hour just go with the razor blade smooth it out a little bit you want ATP as flat as the panel itself you don't want anything sticking out too much it's just going to make the Bodywork process way quicker and way easy foreign [Music] guys so after cleaning it up this is what it looks like right now as you can see I've gone through with the Rizzo blade it's nice and smooth much much better than mine was all you know filled up with that other epoxy all these areas over here with the kind of grayish tinge to it that is where the epoxy have settled into and we have cleaned it all up so this is perfect this is what you want when you're doing a repair like this because it makes that sanding process way easier this way we can go over with some bundle sand it once or a couple more times and we're good to throw some primer on it all right guys so there you have it this is what a standard piece should look like I know I've mentioned this before over here where the white is showing through it's just because of the super low quality adhesive that was used so I had to bring that all the way down to plastic to get it all off same overall here so I have just one more piece to sand I'm going to show you exactly how I do it uh it's very simple it's almost like washing a plate you just need to keep sanding until it's smooth as possible and then uh you're good to go all right guys right now I have to repair it part over here it's fully cured so I'm gonna go ahead and get some sanding done we want this nice and smooth before we do some add some bundle to the surface [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right now I've sanded this again I have the tape so I don't go too far and right now it's a smooth to the touch so I don't even believe we're gonna need bundle for this everything is smooth there's no grooves this was one of the best repairs I've ever done reading so it's all good over here which is what you want you won't be able to feel any grooves if your nail is getting caught in something that will show through the pins so this is all good right now so I'm gonna go ahead and hit this with some high yield primer and then sand it one more time and we should be remembering we should be ready for base coats [Music] [Music] When painting and you have to pull tape down to paint you want to always curl it over in itself you don't want to just lay it flat so you don't have paint lines because that's usually a paint to sand out this way is the best way to do it so when you sand there's going to be no tape line and it's mixed as sanding process much easier so this is already I'm just going to clean this up with some alcohol throw it in the booth and then we're going to lay some primer down foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys now we have some paint in the gun I'm gonna go ahead and get some good coverage on the white Parts first before I start painting the whole thing foreign [Music] okay guys now I'm trying on some clear coats [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign
Views: 22,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paint, duplicolor, ppg, hvlp, ani, painting, Motorcycle, fairings, paint motorcycle fairings, paint motorcycle tank, painting motorcycle, fix cracked fairing motorcycle, fix cracked fairings, repair cracked plastic, repair cracked fairing
Id: Rc5Kg4U23Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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