How to Paint the Eyes With Oil Paint. The Process From Closed to Open Eyes!

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i don't know i want to open her eyes up because it's a little bit too sentimental [Music] after i'm done with the under painting and i've worked on this underpainting for a couple of days two layers actually you can see that video but as i look at it i thought of making some changes because there's something about it that i really like but it feels a little i don't know i want to open her eyes up now we are looking at her having this experience if she looks at us we are part of that experience that she's feeling and that's how i'm feeling with the painting i would like for her to glance so i saw her blinking i'm gonna open her eyes this layer is dry it's ready to be painted on i let it dry for a few a couple of days yesterday hours a lot of things are gonna change but that's an important change it's not uh some shift of value or shapes or subtle things it's fine i think it would have been harder if i had the eyes open and i wanted to close them because in time as it becomes transparent maybe the eyes show through open again but this way is kind of safe because i have the area where the eye is going to go so if i paint something on that that is darker i think it's more permanent too so the change is beneficial this time too i need to get some colors in my last video i didn't share exactly the colors that i was using because i was doing it randomly but now i have to mix them again to match because i don't want to have a different color there and you can see what i mixed also for my last video to do the whole under painting this is raw umber it's a fast trine by winston newton but it comes in many brands this is uh burnt sienna by seki sec it's the local store in florence burnt sienna raw amber gives me a warmer raw umber almost like burnt umber i'm gonna touch it with a little bit of white this is titanium white by winston newton and that was fast drying so i'm gonna mix it up with a little bit of a slower drying from gambling i mixed my white with uh raw sienna a little bit of the mixture of the round bear and the burnt sienna and the raw sienna with the white makes it a very nice and even beige it's pretty similar to my lights here i'm setting it up in terms of darks lights and having a realm in between i'm gonna add a little yellow here just to make those darks warmer they're gonna look nicer i like yellow more than purple if something is getting brown or purple and i can make it yellower i kind of like it more [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm looking for symmetry normally the inside of the eyes like these two points are lower than the outside so it's good to notice that if you're drawing the eye it should go higher towards the end in this case it's higher because the head is turning but even if she will straight look always for that a little bit sometimes they align pretty nicely but almost always this part is a little higher up if we place that from the beginning then it can create a nice symmetry [Music] this i'm going to have it pointing towards the center of the forehead so i'm gonna push this first line towards here the second one in between her eyebrows so my second step is gonna point at this bridge here from there i'm going to bring it down to my center [Music] so [Music] basically what i was thinking here is that the bottom eyelid is straighter it has a subtle curve around it doesn't move the eyelids of the human go down and up so the upper one is the one with the curve with the biggest curve and those curves can be simplified and structured towards whatever they're pointing at once you have more gesture on the upper one and less gesture in the bass then it feels that the eye is sitting there and the two eyelids are working [Music] my uh [Music] i will keep working it until i find the look that i feel is appropriate for the painting at this point there's no right or wrong it's kind of invented anyways but definitely there is a right feeling and if the feeling is right then that's what art is about this is happening in one area by itself so the challenge would be to mirror that to do the opposite eye and then play both together so that they belong in the same head if the head turns and it moves things have to move organically i'm gonna have to wait until the other one is also placed and also balance both of them [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i think i'm ready for the second eye and it's kind of uh interesting looking at this point so i'm gonna open the other one oh one of the benefits of collecting art is that i can refer to real paintings in my own space i have a good example that i just thought of because it's behind the camera this is a painting by william bugaro this is a head study for one of his paintings like way i can see the eyes also looking at the viewer and in that same angle so even though it's opposite to mine i can still see this and refer to and look at what he did that's why i love going to museums and collecting art because i like to live among my passions [Applause] [Music] [Music] one of the difficulties is that when i had the whole value range of the head that i was in that place the moment i'm painting with fresh paint i have to make sure also that it goes dark i can also let it dry and glaze it with darker values but for now i'm just focusing on the proportions and the drawing i'm trying to get the expression i want to get [Music] before when she was looking down it was a different composition because the moment a person looks other people want to look at what they're looking at and that's the way we behave with other humans you know you look up everybody looks up before the wolf had more importance and things in the bottom had more importance but now that she's looking up now everything happens more on top the tension that i wanted to create becomes more concentrated and even the wolf help us find her more up there instead of the wolf calling the attention now the wolf is playing with everybody else to find her and meet her on top [Music] okay she's opening the eyes she's kind of for the first time looking at the world and the first thing she sees is me poor girl i don't know it's a little bit weird i still have some drawing problems because the moment she opened her eyes all muscles around work with that and i'm just placing it here probably work with eyebrows to get the expression i really like and let it dry and then go into color but these big changes are important this is the whole purpose of painting is to have a dialogue with it and to try things until it's looking as weird as as i want it to look to see the whole process of this painting from the beginning of the imprimatura all the way to the underpainting actually two layers of this on the painting you can check that video out i'm gonna put it here on the screen somewhere [Music] you
Channel: Cesar Santos
Views: 56,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cesar santos, santocesart, art, oil painting, painting, realism, artist, contemporary, portrait, syncretism, Miami, cuba, American, Cuban, Cuban American, winsor and newton, old Holland, mussini, florida, instructional, how to paint, theory, how to, ideas, classical, master, old, new, talking about art, vlog, fine art, colors, America, usa, artista, face, figure, arte, drawing, sheidlin, ellen sheidlin, sheidlina, firenze, florence, wolg, wolf, underpainting, begin, process, eyes, occhi, opening eyes
Id: K7PqLrybKrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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