How to paint the Blanchitsu style! GrimDark Mechanicus, my way

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hello guys welcome back to not just make a smart career and today we talk about Blanchett sue Jabra is a great illustrator and model maker and in the last 30 years you really shaped the static of GW Universe his style is one of the most unique in the miniature world not only not works but also miniatures and it's so unique and so well known between models that has his own name ranjitha the whole point of Blanchett so for me as a fanatic painter is to bring on a model all the character the storytelling and the mood of my favorite art works today Blanchett who is quite a complex reality is not only about the style it's also about converting and storytelling and recently became something quite big thanks to the articles on white dwarf the guy is bi entire oscillate 28 magazine and the community of Inquisitor 28 and of course age of Sigma 28 I really want to stick on painting on this video so you'll find a bunch of links down below in the description meant to read you properly into these green dark world I like in particular the work of branch on sketches and concept art and what I'm going to show you today in this step-by-step but is my way to use a similar fast and the sketchy technique for miniature painting they all idea is to follow not only the colors and the Duras style but also the approach and the mindset to quickly create a cool model full of character so here I'm ready with my tech breast dominoes everything is build up and cleaned and I give it a fancy sector mechanicals beza obviously an essential part of Blanchett's of philosophies about converting and personalizing the models but I wanted to maintain this tutorial simple and all about painting working on a model built out of the box and that everybody knows for the same reason I didn't add extra textures and three-dimensional effects like solid rust or grime there is already a lot of stuff to say only about painting so I want to keep these topics for future videos and give them their proper space as usual let's start priming the models here I want a solid black coat because later we'll apply some real aggressive techniques so everything has to be a really well sealed I like to prime my models using the airbrush and molotov paints but you can use really everything from spray cans to standard brush and don't worry in a future video I'm going to talk in detail about these incredible colors you time for a solid cut of silver on all the mechanical and metal parts here I'm using duralumin uma by by a hoe from the metal color series really fluid really good for the airbrush but you can use any kind of light silver really doesn't matter I'm not also concerned about overspraying other parts of the model because I cover every mistake in the next step so really easy again this is a speed painting approach so once you know what to do the main goal of these four phases is to be fast and efficient ready for the last step with the airbrush it's just solid as any white covering all the parts of the robe and also the skin at least a few skin you have of this model and a solid option if you are really narrow it's to prime your model directly white and maybe if paint only the silver parts but I prefer to have black undercoat for my metal colors and this way I am also an extra layer of color to increase the general resistance of my paint job and he are really easily I'm going to retouch the silver around the edges and in other parts were the white went out of its borders as you've seen I use the airbrush only to give a couple of solid coats of paint so really you can do everything with a simple brush it's just a matter of preferences and habits so after this basic preparation work it's time for the real star of this technique I've colors nowadays is rare to find a figure painter still using oil paint especially in this kind of scale we have now access to high quality acrylics with really fine pigments and thanks to wet pallets that Arabic DL we can mix and work colors in a similar fashion to oils using just simple water and making everything at least apparently simpler and faster but they are still a great tool larger scales to achieve really fast Blandings they are still a big deal in military modeling for weathering in general and they are also used in the candle modeling for a precise panel lining and stuff like this sadly these words are still quite divided and the majority of models doesn't cross the hard border between them but I assure you there are a ton of crazy techniques that you can steal from different styles of modeling so here you have my oils I have Black Bart amber orange dark green and of course as solvent you have odorless white spirit the brand is not really important every kind of white color it's good for for this kind of approach so you don't need the fancy stuff for this technique with the stone so we are going to create thick washes for our model remember always to use a synthetic brush because white spirit easily destroys natural bristles and also a metal or glass container for your mixes because white spirit doesn't like some kind of thing plastics and now we are going to apply these thick washes directly on the model as you can see we're looking for something consistent but still definitely liquid I'll start with black on the metallic parts and Bart amber on the road later I'll add some green on the edges to create the feel of a bit of grime and brown and orange on metals to give just a touch of rust you don't need to be precise on this phase just let the colors to flow on the model this mixer has a very low surface tension so it's easy to catch all the details and crevices [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you are satisfied with the application of your colors grab an air dryer what spirit evaporates really quickly but with the extra heat you can gain obviously extra speed but more important thanks to the fast drying time at the end the colors will be super super super matte the surface now may seem dry but the colors are still active and playable and they will remain like these for hours this is the beauty of working with oil colors and this is the key for our next steps for the next step we just need a container white spirit a bunch of q-tips and a couple of all synthetic brushes I had meet that now the model seems just a big mess really beyond redemption but with the oil paints magic this step will give you a few minutes character and definition to the model the idea is to gently rub the surface with the q-tips the q-tips will be soaked in Y spirit not too much just a bit of white spirit removing all the excess of color oils will remain active for hours so we are definitely not in a hurry and we have all the time to go back and forward to add and remove stuff using q-tips is a very easy way to take off only the superficial layer of colors leaving perfect details and sharp black lines all around the edges just because their shape doesn't arrive deep in the crevices in the meanwhile you are creating without any effort interesting lines textures and buildup in the deepest recesses this is a bit more than a simple oil wash because I don't use it only for definition but also to stain the surface giving extra tones and to create interesting movement and also details on the surface at the same time to perfectly catch all the details try to keep the q-tips perpendicular to the surface and to create textures and something like strikes here on just follow the scalp follow your shapes working top to bottom to create the idea of dirt and grime dripping by gravity and the feel of the fine brush strokes of a blunt sketch [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a quick note here remember that you can always go back in the previous phases adding new layers and different doors it's really a dynamic and fun process so don't worry if you put too much color or if you were too aggressive in the rubbing phase you have really all the time to correct and change everything in every step with this kind of technique [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the general effect is already in place and you can see how every surface is now much more interesting and full of movement and the real time I'm still under fifty minutes work as a big bonus here now - announcer the grime and dirt effect even more I'm going to add mud splatters and random dots here and there just to fill the space with details and to give to the viewer something interesting - to see you around the model on this model in particular I prefer to have more control but you can also use the airbrush or a brush with rigid bristles to create real splatters [Music] [Music] [Music] in the step I use a pure ink it's skin wash bye-bye ahah gaming's to change the tone of little metallic elements here and there all around the model thanks to its transparency I don't lose details even working on top of an almost finished surface and since it's a bit glossy it maintains the shiny finish of the metal parts [Music] [Music] with all our DJs in place now it's time to play with pigments to add the chronic reddish tones of Blanche style using a really old brush with short bristles I rub the pigments on the bottom part of the rub to loosely set the borders of my rusty weathering I always try to move the brush following the shapes of the sculpt to mimic the real movement of this kind of dirt and to blend a bit the edges of the effect [Music] [Music] [Music] after the application you need only to blend the rusty powder with the rest of the paint job using the brush dumped in white spirit or using again q-tips like in the first steps with oils gently rubbing the surface also this step it's really forgiving and easy to do so you can go back and forward adding or removing pigments till you reach the perfect effect you want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the ways I use the exact same technique applying freely the pigments on the surface and adding also a bit of white dust to the mix I want the base to be really covered in rust and dust so I just need to remove a bit of the excess gently dabbing with a q-tip only where I feel the need to control a bit to the flow of the pigments [Music] in this last step I use Tamia clear red diluted with airbrush cleaner but you can use also isopropyl alcohol or it's official thinner to give my last and extreme point of saturated and shiny red this is something that I really like to do on these kind of models to give the sensation of another different material and to add that one last point of interest on the model [Music] [Music] the old Jabba took me 40 minutes in total in real time one hour of work if you can see the hole so they clean up of the table of course this is only one of thousand different approaches to Blanche's so really there are n wrong answers in this field just a fun be wild and creative while doing your own heart I'm particularly happy with the robe especially on the right side where it really looks like one of Blanche's illustration again I need to say the objective here was to catch and transfer on a three-dimensional model the essence of concept part and sketches working in a fast similar way just leaving mood and guts to lead a bit the way so it's not really a speedpaint because sometimes speed painting implies a lower quality but I really consider this kind of style something different still you can use these techniques all the stuff I showed in this video to paint really quickly some really grim dark and grimy armies or war pants for your games if you liked this video give it a like and subscribe remember you can always ask me anything down below with a comment and you can follow my projects during the week using one of these links here see you soon guys [Music]
Channel: MarcoFrisoniNJM
Views: 244,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Blanche, Blanchitsu, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, AoS, AoS28, Inquisitor, Inquisitor28, Necromunda, Mordheim, w40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Ironsleet, White Dwarf, wargaming, wargame, miniature, miniatures, miniature painting, painting miniatures, tutorial, step by step, how to, wargames, painting tutorial, speed painting, adeptus mechanicus, 40k, oil paints, oil wahs, Inq28, grim dark, grimdark, contrast, contrast paints, contrast gw, warmachine
Id: znrCqYFFl9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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