How to Paint Skin Like Disney Characters in Blender (Full Guide)

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so far we've done two type of skin tutorial one was arcane style and another one was a layered base painting if you're interested in any of those link in the top right corner but in this one we're gonna do the stylized disney style if you look at some of these disney characters faces you see it's not really that complicated it's basically a skin tone a red pink hint on the cheeks and nose a light red color for the lips and maybe some freckles all over the nose and cheeks but it's just the base of course it's not gonna be the same for every character we got different races skin tones and obviously different cultures result in the different style of makeup and all that good stuff when you learn about the basics and how to actually paint all of these you should be able to achieve the look that you have in mind as always if you want to download the practice files and real time videos you can find it on my gumroad and patreon page it also supports the channel and helped me continue making these videos link in the description okay first thing first search up skin tone find the skin tone that you think suits your character's best if you want mine i put the link in the description this one separated the tones by cool neutral and warm we're gonna use this image as our palette in blender open up your model also tell me in the comments if you want a tutorial of how i sculpt this character hover your mouse on the top left corner and drag out a new window and put it on shader editor click on new name it the skin shift a and add an image texture click on new i put 4k for the resolution you do whatever you want and click on ok connect it to the base color now hover your mouse to the bottom left and drag up to bring out another window this time put it on image editor click on image and open the skin tone image that we downloaded go to texture paint tab and the modify properties if you're using multi-rest turn it down to a low number to avoid any lag during the painting we lost the image because we switched to the texture paint mode so just click on the image icon and select the skin tone image again go to view and disable display texture paint uvs so we only see the image and nothing else if you don't see the tools on the left side simply drag them out like this and select fill hover your mask on the left color and press e now you can pick up any color you see on your screen go ahead and click on the skin tone of your choice while the strength is on one click on the character so we fill out the whole model with the skin tone choose the draw brush and again while your mask is on the color press e and pick up a color now you can increase the window size hold z and go to material preview click on the color and choose something a bit warmer i'm gonna put just a bit on top of the eyes [Music] now choosing something closer to pink or reddish color i decrease the strength to a low number like 0.1 and start putting a hint of that color on the cheeks [Music] do the same thing to the nose don't worry about the transition of the colors we can smooth things out later so we have a smooth looking transition between the skin tone and the red hint maybe put some on the ears and the whole body but mostly on the folded and less exposed parts [Music] for the laps i start putting a red color slowly i want it to be dark so i increased the strength and fully covered it with the dark red color but you do yours in whatever color you want [Music] so [Music] drag out the left windows back so we can see our image click on the image icon and select the image that we were just painting on go to image and save so you don't lose your progress if something happens after you have done the whole body pick up this smear brush and try to smooth out any harsh transition again make sure you set your multi-rest to the lowest number possible since the smear brush is extremely heavy and might even freeze the blender using a smear brush you can shake the mouse while clicking to mix up the colors and smooth out the area you can also use soften brush as well [Music] it's time for the makeup choose the draw brush again i make the eyes a bit darker and by picking a black color brush i start putting eyeliner on top and bottom eyelid as i mentioned in the beginning of the video makeup is not always typical eyeliner and shadows it depends on the culture and the personality of your character so your hands are free [Music] [Music] [Music] another thing i've seen people do is to paint some fake shadows for the spots like nostrils where you don't actually see the inside but want it to have more contrast [Music] drag back the left window again so we can see our shaders name the image we just painted skin if you're happy at this point you can mess around with the specular and roughness maybe give a red color to the subsurface color then increase the subsurface number but these are too basic we're gonna go deeper in this one to make the shader better for now i'm just gonna add some freckles just like most of the disney characters but not gonna paint it over our main skin image instead we're gonna use another image texture for the freckles so we can edit or remove it at any time you want if you want to paint it on your main skin image skip this part in the shading tab shift a and add image texture click on new and give it a resolution you want click on the color and decrease a to zero we have transparent image then press ok shift a again and add mix rgb drop it between the skin image and base color connect the freckles to the color too and connect alpha to factor go to texture properties and click on new now we need the transparent freckles since most of these png websites are annoying and only lets you use their image for personal projects i made my own freckles in photoshop and i put the link in the description do whatever you want with it i don't care okay open the png make sure you're selecting the freckles image texture in this process press n to bring up the right menu and click on tool go to texture paint mode now you have all these features on the right side scroll down and find texture put the mapping on stencil you should have the image on the screen hold right click to move it around lower the strength choose a color for your freckles i choose red you can rotate the image by holding ctrl right click and scale it up or down by holding shift right click while x mirror is on place it where you want the freckles and start drawing on it freckles might appear on the whole face but they're mostly visible on the cheeks and nose so take care of that [Music] [Music] when you think is good enough increase the multi-resview port number so we can see our model in the full detail to check everything is okay now i'm going to make a specular map but if you want to improve the reflection and have more control of the specular you can do this in the shader tab shift a and add image texture click on new name it the specular and increase the resolution click on the color keep it black and make sure a is on one then press ok to see the image in the bottom window click on the image icon and select a specular now connect the specular to base color for now so we can see what we're doing this is temporary we're gonna unplug it later now make sure you're selecting the specular image then switch to texture paint mode choose a white color and lower the strength also don't forget to lower the materials again to avoid the legs while painting pick up a big brush and start putting some highlights mostly on the exposed parts like cheeks nose around the eyes lips etc make sure to keep the transition as smooth as possible because sharp transitions are highly noticeable in reflections [Music] [Music] also don't forget to put some on the ears when you took care of the head make sure you're done the same to the rest of the body again highlight the most exposed parts like the chest and bony parts [Music] when you think it's enough in the bottom left window put it on image editor and switch to paint mode select the soften or smear brush again and start smoothing out these harsh edges remember the smear brush stretches the paint so if you want to use it for smoothing just need to wiggle the mask in that area so the colors get combined [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay it's time to connect back our mix rgb to the base color so we can get the skin back now connect the specular image to specular also don't forget to increase the multires number so we can see the details if you're still not happy with the intensity of the reflections shift a and add bright contrast note and drop it between the specular image and the shader and i can increase or decrease the brightness and contrast to see what works best for the roughness map you can go the same way as a specular and paint it by hand but remember in roughness black parts are shinier and white parts are duller so it's kind of reverse i'm not gonna paint it right now so i just shift a and add inward node connect the specular map to invert and invert the roughness is too shiny on some parts so i just mess around with the invert value to get better results i think it's decent but since we don't have any skin pores and details on the skin it looks kind of plasticky if you haven't sculpted the pores and details before or you're going for a clean stylized look skip this part shift a and add noise texture connect the factor to the factor of the mix rgb now hold ctrl shift and click on the nose texture so we can see it on our model put a higher number on the scale so we have more noise on the skin now ctrl shift again and click on the principal shader make the color too darker to get some contrast now you should see the noise in the reflections you can duplicate the mix rgb and drop it between the invert and roughness then connect the noise to the factor again so we got the noise and the roughness as well now make the color too brighter because as i said in the roughness darker means shinier now we're gonna make a translucency map for the subsurface scattering to have that nice redness on the ears and other parts and add ambient occlusion hold ctrl shift and click two times on the ambient occlusion to see the ambient on our model while the model is selected press shift edge to hide everything else in the render properties switch to cycles because we're gonna bake some stuff turn on both of these mess around with the distance number until you got some dark spots on the lips ears and nose shifting another image texture click on new and name it translucency resolution is not really that important here so press ok now select both the object and the translucency image it's really important in the render properties find bake put the bake type on emmet then click on bake this might take a while so chill now when you select the translucency in the image editor you should see something like this don't forget to go to image and save it somewhere because if you close the blender it will be gone now we don't need the ambient occlusion no more so get rid of it shift a and add mix rgb and drop it between the old mix rgb and base color then connect the translucency to the factor go back to evie if you want then change the color to red shift a and add invert and drop it between the image and mix rgb now you should see a really angry red face to fix that add a color around drop it between the invert and color wrap now grab the black handle and drag it to the right then select the white handle click on the color and make it a bit darker so we have less redness wiggle the handles around until you have just a bit of red on these areas i scuffled some details on the lips so it's not flat and this is our shader at the end i hope you find this video helpful if you did like and sub would really help the channel grow and also you can find the practice files and real-time videos on my gumroad and patreon page link in the description see you in the next one peace
Channel: PixelicaCG
Views: 65,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, blender, skin paint tutorial, how to paint skin color, how to paint skin, how to create skin shader, how to paint skin texture, how to paints skin like disney, how to shade skin, blender tutorial, stylized character, stylized, game character, 3d character modeling, beginner, face paint, 3d, how to make skin shader, pixar style hair, animation, 3d modeling, 3d art, 3d tutorial, create skin texture, vertex painting, disney style skin, pixar style, brush, cycles, rendering
Id: xIk3gF53cig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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