How to Paint Pond Water | Quick and Easy Way to Paint Realistic Water

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welcome to fine art diary today we are going to paint this pond water step by step so let's jump into the painting for this particular painting I'm going to use this 16 by 12 inch 10 ounce Elvis wood and before doing anything let me introduce my color palette I'm using artists Technicolor and today the colors and when to use well being titanium white caddy a low medium yellow ocher permanent yellow medium vermilion red crimson late deep magenta cobalt blue ultramarine blue cerulean blue and I'm using two natural colors one is the raw Sienna one is famous green so let's jump into the painting [Music] you have mixing or neutral color I was amused and on he goes also I am mixing a little bit out gloss Liana give it a touch of crimson leaf also here we are ready to start we are painting shallow water so the underneath surface will be visible through water this is what we are trying to obtain no it is a big value column and definitely it is not too much chromatic so I will click this layer little bit dull and are poppin layer will be much more saturated on this hair in the same time Adam variation to the color [Music] you can see working with blues and greens this time also and they were to be trained waived install clear denomination from the basic matrix and this will be invisible in our final result now adding a little bit yellow droid [Music] in this room at around and that sunlight is deleting the stuff it's through the water and that is the reason I'm hiding in the foreground stones will be there and that is the reason I am making this area a little bit darker sprinkling it with water to it so that many colors will be easy for us actually colors from dry very fast so we have to keep the layers in West draw water wet and wet once again I mean relative to give the hands of a solid all right now that I enter a painting is the water surface so through the painting reflections will prevail none with a ground plan to block in the dark reflections and hitting the multi-layer so be very thin and transparent and gradually towards the end Apollinaire serving Nitin open you can mix a beautiful green or cinnamon candy [Music] and at the electrode side of my composition sunlight is eating and that's why I was trying to keep this really a little bit more chromatic when the light goes out all right my legs blocking alone lying down on the surface and for that I'm using a color of antimony new deep magenta and a touch up for our cm the blocking will be defying the signs of the object and the composition of the same so now in this stage in the blocking escape later on in the final stage also the scene is going to know correct [Music] human emphasizing the shadow of Allah the insightful water [Music] alright now let's mix the color for the lon so I'm using rossion inhales room will Oakland touch a fight let's have a little more yellow Khan also lives in the vents let's get into the painting all right we have got the position of the law and now let's add the full moons light to it and for that I am adding serving an aluminum right rate now you can see that law is getting the volume coming back to my dark column and I will try to establish the volume shadow of Islam now you can see little by little the law is getting its running so once again I will explain him but exactly I'm drained first I painted the mean value of the law so I got the composition now I added the lighter part of it and now I'm establishing the dark effect so automatically the long is getting a small moon and in a little bit glossy analyst Helen and my next step is to establish more stones you can seen how we randomly high position in the stores now taking the darken portion of it and I will fill of them in between part of the restores select it will create a sense of the depth [Music] and we will continue doing the same thing throughout there for now it has to be very grand well not very precise because the nature is very random you cannot predict a particular portion or the size of the rocks or the stores and that is a reason whether very spontaneous brush world which has created the stones later on definitely I will come back to his areas and I will block in the individual stones but for now your breaststroke has to be very spontaneous [Music] for now engines planning the position of the stones as nothing else file painting maybe they were taking reference from a particular area but whatever is there in the reference everything you will not go into paint you have to compose your own painting and then only it will be called as an artwork and of his knowledge now let's block in the light areas of the stones and for that I was a titanium white Gaussian and touch of cobalt blue you can understand and mixing the complementary colors to get a beautiful gray every time because till now I am NOT painting anything very chromatic later on and going to use some of the areas especially my focal area with the maximum saturation on the terrace so similarly and blocking the lights on the stores and that also very randomly still it is very spontaneous I am not thinking too much once again changing the color a little bit to get the variation but you can see still the color is great previously it was a little bit towards the rabbit and now it is towards the green but still it is our great honor just to get an mention of the stones [Music] at this stage one thing to remember the stones coming towards the camera will be little bit bigger than the stones proceeding towards the background then only it will create the same from the perspective we are entering shallow water so some of the stones coming out of the water so I am going to emphasize that and for that I am mixing titanium white our Bruce touch of crimson link very little of raw cinnamon now let's try to emphasize the stones [Music] here I'm learning yellow trait because some of the stones are getting direct sunlight coming from the gaps of the leaves maybe there is a tree just beside the pond [Music] no emphasizing some more rocks in the city now let's add the darks to the storms and for that I am using Arjuna in blue deep magenta Jana's great touch of crimson Lake we'd start creating a volume by adding the dance [Music] [Music] [Music] now trying to create the volume of the scores [Music] [Laughter] you can see simultaneously I have started working with two brushes one with a dark tone a second one with a light at all and I'm working waiting to wait so I'm applying the dark part of the stone and now I am changing my brush and I'm applying the light part of the stone mixing the dark color and light color together in the canvas itself and it will create the volume of the stones I'm not going to do for each and every stones like this but some of the stones so that it will create the sense of the detailing here and there all right you can see I have exaggerated some of the stones here and then randomly and now I am also going to pain some stones towards the left just giving the volume shadow to it so that it will create the illusion of the stones underneath the bottom just given the hands of a shadow and that's on later on I will come back and I will add some light here and there but you don't have to add any detailing to these stones I'm also planning to keep some of the areas sketching so that it will not look like a photograph but and look like a painting [Music] you now let's add some color variation to the stones mixed a kind of green green color and we'll highlight some of the stones [Music] [Music] mixing another color to create harmony in a painting and all the stones will look different in science also in : [Music] now let's add the highlights to the stools so I'm adding titanium white a little bit of ultramarine blue and little bit of Flint the highlight will add the solidity of the stone so this room is definitely very important this layer defines that the object is receiving the light [Music] we don't have to be very precise touch of light will create the plane of light [Music] you just made the one touch of your brushes that's all it has to be very very spontaneous [Music] now let's add some highlight to the log and for that I am mixing some blue and crimson lake with titanium white for now and adding the bounce like like the stones and literal now we'll come back and we'll add warm high light rate [Music] the middle part of the log is inside the water surface so let's spin that area with a darker value [Music] [Music] with the highlight I am adding some time they do to the ocean now links and the highlights to the log [Music] [Music] all right now it's time to create the water surface and for that I'm going to use three radium and Indian yellow no why am i using these two colors only because both these colors are transparent so by mixing these two colors I will create a beautiful light green color and I will apply all over the surface and stones will see through this green color and it will create the effect of transparent water surface so let's take the radium and a touch of crimson work and can you see we are getting a beautiful greenish violet color also adding a touch of Indian Elm let's start painting the water surface [Music] let's have a little more yellow trip [Music] you can see from lung itself it is looking like a strong heart inside our water surface and this is what we wanted so I will leave some of the stones and some of the stones will be inside the water it should not bend all over the surface [Music] [Music] all right now let's spend some train reflection on the water Here I am using a very narrow round brush you also can use a flat brush and can give bigger strokes than this no you can blame the strokes by using a blending brush like this taking a little bit lighter color and doing the same thing trying to clear the hangs on the trains getting the sunlight and that is reflected back on the water surface I am also adding some small little innovativeness over there I'm sweating some dark lines in between you know instead of branch in this area and maybe I'm going to fill in parts over here alright now let's paint a broken part of a branch will be sitting exactly andydonald and painting that negative space the parts will be exaggerated [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you can see put some brush strokes that have gone down in volume of the birds and I'm also feeling true and underworld you may be literal I'm going to a lift now let's paint us kind reflection on the water you can see I am painting there are negative areas of the stones I will not cover all the stones with this reflection but some of the areas I will paint in the reflection of the sky [Music] [Music] with its tiny strokes I am thinking how the water is flowing through the surface and accordingly the sky is getting reflected on the water surface and in between some obstacles means the stones are there [Music] now I'm doing the same thing in this election [Music] [Music] now who is the highest authority we are towards that end of operating [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i magnin highlights wherever it is necessary all right now make hotdogs adding another bird over here so extending the branch a little bit more now I will try to in this world with a very limited brushstrokes [Music] [Music] actually somebody's hanging from this lunch let's add some highlights trait adding the big gift that came and two tiny fingers holding that branch all right my thinking is ready and here is the close-up of the painter the materials have using today the entire list and giving in the description you can check it out if you want me to paint a particular subject you can write in the comment box I will try to make a video on a particular subject hope you enjoy the session and don't forget to subscribe the channel for the future videos thank you very much for watching
Channel: Fine Art Diary
Views: 1,353,115
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Keywords: How to Paint Pond Water, Quick and Easy Way to Paint Realistic Water, paint shallow water, fine art diary, paint water, paint log, Pond, River, paint stones, paint birds, easy acrylic paintings step by step, acrylic painting tutorial, step by step painting, Acrylic Painting, Painting, Art, Water Painting, Learn Painting, How to, Nature Painting, Landscape Painting, Painting Tutorial, la peinture, Easy, painting technique, Realistic painting, learning, color, how to paint, relaxing
Id: 3AptctIIz3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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