HOW TO PAINT GARDEN FULL OF WONDER 🎨 Step By Step acrylic painting tutorial

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to my channel it's joey young here and i'm going to show you guys step by step how to paint another bright colorful and happy landscape painting today on us 16 by 20 black primed canvas it's an older painting that i covered up so you can maybe see a few little bumps in here from the painting below but we'll get rid of that and cover it up with some pretty trees i'm going to incorporate some waterfalls maybe in the distance i'm not completely sure what i'm painting it i just have a few things that i know i want to add into this landscape and i just covered up my old painting um with just some thin folk art black paint we're going to be using some uh neon paints here some of my luminous neon paints or holbein they're rose and opera pink that i'm going to be using today i'll have a full list of all the colors and brushes below this video in the description also going to be using some titanium white green gold cerulean blue and some turquoise and we're going to get started right away i'm going to be creating the background with a large brush to begin this is a three inch chalk brush you can use any large stipple or blending brush of your choice it doesn't have to be this exact one i'm using today it's just to get some um coverage in a large area quickly so it's so my brush is a little bit wet and i'm going to start by taking my cerulean blue and i'm going to just start to create little swirls i just like to have fun and play around with my paints and my my brushes when i'm creating i like to create all these pretty little shapes and twist my brush around so i'm going to add a little bit more coming around on this side and whatever i've got going on up here i want to incorporate them down below in the water so i'm just gonna do a little brush back and forth pull and sweep across the canvas all right now i'm gonna add a little bit of turquoise just tap into my dirty brush it's got cerulean blue on it [Laughter] and then a few areas i'll just dry brush this color out so we get some softer blurrier areas here okay i'll just start overlapping i'm going to take both blue and turquoise this time and then right below pull and sweep we can also kind of just line it up here press pull and flick and then sweep across now if you pick up a little bit of water on your brush you can get more of a looser feel and that will just create that soft reflection in the water all right now what i want to do without washing my brush off i'm going to take some of my green gold a little bit of white and just other colors along the side here and i'm going to start choosing a few areas just a tap so i can use my brush straight full like that to use the whole circle or end of the brush or i can turn it on its side and kind of roll to create these interesting sweeping little types of branches a little bit of water just to help get that sweeping willow hanging kind of a look bring it down to the bottom and then we'll scoop across for the reflection in the water i'm just going to take my large flat brush this is a number 12. and i'm just getting a bit of water on my brush and i'm going to pull some lines back and forth to create some ripples in the water and then just a little tap here okay so i'm gonna take a little bit of burnt sienna and black i'm going to create some branches and to create the branches i'm going to be using this round brush and number two i'm going to get my brush wet and here i've got burnt sienna and black so i'm just gonna go up here maybe you can take a bit of that blue a little bit more black a little bit more water just twisting going like this with rolling it between my fingers i think i want to get a little bit more so black want to create branches in front and also behind and i'm not even worried about going over top of wet paint right now don't think about that just apply some branches and then take a little bit more black and make some of these a little bit darker okay now i'm going to go into my green and white again using this oval mop brush it's a little bit wet and i'm just going to tap at the end of my brush like that and i'm just going to start tap tap tapping straight up and down over top of some of these branches that we've just added so we get that layered 3d effect and then if you want you can do a little tap and then pull we can just have some coming maybe right to the water's edge here you can use a little bit more white where we really want it to show up better we'll have some coming down here from the top i love weeping willow trees i think they're just they create so much atmosphere and mood very tranquil you i'm just going to go back to my flat brush now that's a little bit wet and very lightly pull gently pull to create a little blurry effect going on just take a little bit of this light green and add a little reflection maybe just a little a little tap right in front here so i like to do a few different brush strokes and techniques for creating the reflections on the water the side to side and then just kind of pulling and flicking down so now i'm going to create some lighter tones here i've got one of my round mop brushes and i'm going to take my turquoise with a little bit of that light green and i'll just start adding some little tree tops here i love this brush it just makes the most delicate looking tree tops i'm gonna take a little bit more blue this time and then we'll add little drips holes and sweeps down here scum a little bit of this paint soften that up a little bit so whatever is left in my brush here my brush is pretty dry so it's just a dry brush continuous circles and blending that paint out it just gives it a more of a background feel to it it blurs it up a little bit and then we've got that little bit of light green there so i just grabbed a little bit more of that here we can tap lightly like that tuck that color out and then pull down and across if you want to go up bring it up you can turn your brush the other way and do that okay i'm going to go back to my black and my burnt sienna so we've made a nice deep dark chocolate brown color here i'm gonna go right in here maybe we've got some rocks so just push up create little half circles and then we can cover those in some moss so just oh we've got all this green here don't want to waste it and then just go up and over layer as much as you want i see a bridge here it's just coming to me right now i'm gonna go with it i don't know with spring kind of in the air well where we live springs on its way we've got flowers starting to bloom here i just always get that monet vibe with his beautiful bridges we just got a little something back here just a small little bridge like that we'll do three three arches like that i'm gonna actually switch over to my shorter flat brush get those colors in there again go across the top again we'll just make that disappear and let's go below and do a little subtle reflection one two three doesn't have to be completely mirrored as long as we have an indication that we've got this beautiful calm what this the water creates is just a sense of calmness when it's still like that and now i'm envisioning some of that beautiful purple wisteria that his water gardens are famous for i don't think i'm going to do too much more to this bridge i think that for how far away it is the highlights and shadows are fine just like that i don't need to do any more black or anything like that but what i want to do is just add these little posts here that have the wisteria above them and then there's a little bar that goes above and it has that wisteria so i'm going to use some violets the only purple i have right now so that's why i'm using i chose this one but you can use and this these are uh color by felix paints they're really really nice thanks felix for generously sending me a whole set of your paints i really recommend them guys they're beautiful paints okay so i'm going to use my smallest mop brush this is a tiny little mop brush if you don't have one of these just use any filbert brush that you have so a filbert brush with a nice round soft end to it and if you have one that's a bit older and puffier on the end even better don't throw those out when that happens to your brushes because you can use these for foliage and little stipple brushes okay so i'm going to take a little bit of that violet with a blue okay and i'm going to go and just start adding it's far away so we want to keep this really small a bit like that and then we're gonna add it in the water too less in the water and go into my white right away mix up a little bit of that and this is going to kind of just blend in and what's happening is this is a little bit even this brush is a little bit too big to work with so i'm probably going to go over to one of my filbert brushes so i've got my filbert brush here and i love the color i get more of like a grape purple color wisteria color when i add the cerulean blue violet and white together so just little taps i know this is going to dry a little bit darker because it's painted on a black canvas and in general it's just how um acrylic paint dries and i've got a little bit left over in my brush so i think it would look quite pretty to dry brush some of this purple over part of the blue and i just picked up a little bit of white to make that soft purpley color and incorporate it down here just get a this is the first brush i grabbed it's a flat brush but you can use any brush a little bit of water and just blend that out this is sort of a misty look back there doesn't it and i then to give this more of a romantic dreamy reflection in the water so i want to blur it up a little bit i want to take some more blue now so there's so much blue up there we don't have a lot of it down here so that's all i'm doing right now is just adding some more of my cerulean blue i'll add a little bit here as well because you can see it peeking behind the trees can't we because it looks like it just all sum stops right there so i'm just going to kind of get it mixed in there disappearing off into that weeping willow [Music] and we'll tuck a little bit over here it disappears there as well okay so i'm gonna add a few more highlights here on these rocks just take those colors again green gold a little bit of white looks very mysterious back there and inviting i love it so much fun to paint on a black canvas you guys you just get such a dramatic feel of light and sense of light and shadow and i have quite a few videos just add a little reflection here i have quite a few videos on black canvases i should just make a whole playlist of them but if you guys want to see more just check through my channel now i know there aren't any waterfalls that i know of in monet's water gardens but in mine there's gonna be so i'm gonna take uh we can use a few brushes you can use a fan brush filler brush i'm gonna use lately i've been enjoying using flat brushes for painting waterfalls and i'm going to just go into my white a little bit of blue all we want is just a lighter color then the background it needs to show up i'm gonna get some water on my brush the only place we want the paint to be is mainly on the tip let's just start some water falls back back here and they drop down and then flow out through here so i'm doing is going back for a little bit more water so that the top so the waterfalls show up a little bit more i'm going to come up top and create a light purple color similar to our wisteria and i'm going to add some purple purpley blue waterfalls up here as well i'll take a little bit of white a little bit like that and then i'm going to soften that just got my large flat brush it's a bit wet and then just pull so i've got a little bit more light in here from those waterfalls i'll add a few pretty bushes of pink and purple and rose down there and i like to use i like to use an oval i wish i had one just a little bit smaller than this it's not quite the same as a filbert a filbert's uh like half the width this is a it's like a round mop but it's more of a rounded oval shape and what i want to do is take some of this beautiful loom this is the neon luminous rose if you don't have this color don't worry guys you can use magenta too or quinacridone violet and i'm going to start look at that just looks so pretty against that green start tucking in beautiful luminous rose flower pushes here peeking in and around these these rocks let's not forget about the water a little bit there i'm going to take a little bit of my little bit of white in there and because this would dry not this color it would dry dark like a dark purple so to counteract that if that makes sense we need to add a little bit of a hint of white in there so that it dries to a nice bright color we don't want to lose this it's very pretty a nice addition to all the green very complementary i'm going to loosen loosen this up and i'm going to take a bit of my pink and i'm not really sure where i should add this you'll add a little bit bits in here take a little bit of white with it mix that all up we've got some pretty japanese maple trees you could have one that comes out here and i'll add the branches and a tree trunk after very delicate a little pull and sweep in the water okay so i'm going to take my round brush again with my burnt sienna a little bit of black a little water i'll just do a few branches in here a little bit more of the burnt sienna now over to a filbert brush i'm going to pick up a little bit more white this time in with my pink get it on the tip of my brush just add a little bit more here i'm going to take a liner brush i'm going to add some lighter tree trunks and just really scumble in the indication of a few back there maybe a little bit off to the side here then i'm going to take my filbert brush a little bit of that color again and very very gently just make that again very gently add some little blossoms on the top for my sundries i'm going to use my number 12 flat brush i'm going to use a little bit of water really really loose and from here i want the light source to be from right up top here pull on an angle [Applause] so you can do as many as you want i'm just gonna put one more and this will dry a little bit darker so okay so i'm going to call this one done guys i want to thank you so much for joining me today this was really really fun and therapeutic to paint i hope you enjoy painting it as well and don't forget to like this video leave a comment below if you found it helpful or inspiring and subscribe to my channel for more art inspiration and techniques take care everybody see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 18,839
Rating: 4.9654179 out of 5
Keywords: Acrylic painting tutorial, Monet, How to paint a bridge, Landscape painting tutorial, Step by step painting, Pretty places, Waterfall art, Joni young art, Turquoise, Paint brushes, Canvas techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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