How to Pack & Protect Your Flat Screen TV for Moving 📺 | How to Pack a TV Without the Original Box 🚚

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welcome back to the stump Moving and Storage YouTube channel as always I'm Sean and today I have with me a flat screen television as we all know flat screen televisions are extremely fragile and we have to take extra care when moving them so today I'm going to show you exactly how a professional would pack a flat screen in order to prevent any damage we're going to get into it just a second but before I do if you guys enjoy this video if you learn something please hit that like button for me don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more videos that will help you prepare for your next move now all the material that we need to perform this pack are laid out in front of me here we have a tape dispenser and a roll of packing tape we have brown paper pads packing paper and a set of mirror packs now if you're not familiar with what a mirror pack is you can click or tap the screen right now that will take you over to our video about standardized moving boxes and it explains in depth what these mirror packs are and what they're used for so we could forgo all of the details and we could just get right into the packing here if you guys need any of the material that's laid out here that I just explained go ahead and take a look in the description below we have Amazon links to it all right there for you so they'll be shipped right to your house so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get all this other stuff out of the way because we're going to need to lay the paper pad out so we'll take the TV and we'll set it in a nice safe spot all right we'll just move the paper till we're ready for it spread our paper pads out all right guys now we have the TV we're going to go ahead and place the screen down with the screen down we're ensuring that we have the most protection and we can fold the paper pads up and over it's kind of like you're wrapping a Christmas present or a birthday present [Applause] we're going to use our tape to secure the pads in [Music] place now that we have the TV wrapped in paper pads we'll go ahead and set it to the side again in a nice safe area now we'll go ahead and take this extra paper pads get them out of the way we want to store them until we're ready to use them later on another project all right guys now we're going to go ahead and assemble our mirror pack picking it up we bend it in half like that they come with edges that are pre-folded so all you have to do is fold it back into place like that we'll take our tape this dispenser and tape the flaps I've already gone ahead and set up the other three of these just to make things faster for us here so what you do is you take one and slide it into the other and you get to a point where you think that's the size that you're going to be working with this is just like packing a picture or anything else like that now we're going to go ahead set this to the side while we pick up our paper again and now this is our packing paper guys and what we're going to do is we're going to take a little bit of it and we're going to crumble it up and set it down inside of the mirror pack this is going to act as a cushion so that the TV is not sitting directly on cardboard which could be sitting on something else so we want to crumble it up and we want to leave it light and Airy that's the big the big ticket there make sure it's light and Airy don't crumble it into a tight ball so that's what I mean by a crumbling it and leaving it light and Airy because it's going to be able to compact if the uh TV gets jostled so it'll give it the cushion that's needed to protector and then we do it for as much as we need to gain the protection that we want okay I'll bring you guys in for a closer look so you can see exactly what it looks like whenever we have the paper in it you guys can see that's exactly what I'm talking about how it's light and Airy right before I grabbed the TV I adjusted the Box accordingly now we're just going to slide it in there just like that now you can see there's some room on either side but I want that because I'm going to put some paper down as a cushion so we'll continue to pack this full [Music] paper we don't want to force paper in there but we do want to make sure we have something in there to provide a cushion so that there's no damage to your television we're not putting anything in front this is the screen here we're not going to be putting anything up there because we don't want any issues we don't want anything hitting the screen we don't want any penetration that's why we have the paper pad on there to to give it extra level of [Music] protection [Music] okay that excess we're just folding it over onto the edge we're not we're not going crazy with it okay guys we're going to set these together right now that just makes it a little bit easier for us and now this side has to be bigger because it's going to go over top what we've already done that should work I we'll take a little bit of paper place it in I like to go into the middle first and work my way out when it comes to the top and I do that because once we place the top on we're going to have to scoot it together so if you have paper all the way across it make it difficult to scoot the ends into each other okay one more piece all right there we have it so I don't know if you guys can see in there we have some paper it's light and Airy as I like to say sometimes it can be a challenge lining everything up here just got to just got to deal with it [Music] there we go give it a nice tap on either end okay once you guys stop Don't Force It because then you'll start crushing that paper down but that's kind of telling you you're in a good spot here we're lined up on either end here now we'll go ahead and take our tape and we'll wrap tape around it to hold it together go ahead and get this paper out of the way we're done with this for now so we can wrap it up and put it away now we'll take take the TV bring it up so you guys could see how we do this personally I don't like to use a tape dispenser for this particular part of the packing I would rather just use the roll in my hand so then we start it we bring it all the way around back back around the front I like to do this twice pulling it tight as I [Music] go we'll go ahead and do that around the bottom [Music] I have a little bit of an overhang right here most of the weight is on the table still just enough so I could run the tape around and if you have to have somebody help you hold [Applause] [Music] it we're going to do the same over here guys if we really want we could run one in the middle kind of like that on this particular TV [Music] [Applause] there you have it guys a professionally packed television it's ready to be shipped across country now before we go ahead and put in the truck we do have to mark it so I'll go ahead and get a marker and I'll show you guys how we would mark it okay just as always like everything we box up in the right hand corner we're going to write C dop and underline it that means carrier packed carrier is us we stump moving and storage is the carrier for this shipment so carrier packed if the homeowner would have packed this we would have labeled it as PBO on the inventory sheets so being that we pack this we write CP on the box that way we know that it's a box we packed and then on the inventory we'll write CP stands for Carrier packed PBO packed by owner you guys get it and then on the opposite side we'll write the homeowner or shipper's name name and what it is TV and then you could get into exactly where it went if they have more than one TV so we'll go LR for living room you have living room TV CP now we're not done with the protection of this TV yet the next step is to load it into the truck and proper loading is proper protection you guys have to be able to load this properly in order to guarantee its safety to the Final Destination so having having loaded it properly into the truck we could rest assured that nothing's happening here because we did a fantastic job packing it and you guys can do this for any size television mirror packs come in different sizes there's large mirror packs there's small mirror packs these happen to be your medium to small type mirror packs cuz this TV was about a probably a 48 in TV somewhere in in that area give or take but you could do this all the way up into the 60s however once you get that big I recommend you create it it's it's not worth it those things are way too big at that point um it's just easier to have it crated which we'll do another video about another time but for a small 48 in TV 50 something inch TV this is a professional weight to do it now back in the day TVs were not packed because they were console TVs or they were these big monsters that were about as big as your four five or your 31 cartons so they could fit right into the load and they were pretty much square so there was no issues you just load out you wrap them in a moving Pad but you load them into the truck nowadays with these flat screens they are a liability and a headache and if they're packed properly they'll break if you look at them wrong they'll break these things are real pain in the neck so make sure you have them packed properly make sure you have it loaded properly and you'll be good to go so there you have it I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please hit that like button for me if you guys need any of the materials to get this job done go ahead and take a look in the description below we have them all listed right there for you and while you're at it guys subscribe to the channel because we're trying to shed light in the moving and storage industry we're adding transparency while we prepare you for your next move and we're hoping you're getting value out of that and well if you are I know you are because you're hitting that like button until next time guys thank you very much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Stumpf Moving & Storage
Views: 1,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to pack a flat screen TV for moving, How to pack a tv for moving without the original box, how to professionally pack a tv for moving, how to use a picture box to pack a tv, how to pack a tv, packing help, packing tips, packing hacks, professional packing tips for moving, how to pack for moving, the best box to use to pack a tv for moving, what box should I use to pack a tv for moving, Stumpf Moving & Storage, Stumpf Moving & Storage Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Id: 0Ol4TNxvcT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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