How to Overcome Fear & Live Victoriously

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[Music] tonight's message is called not today fear and I want to give you three strategies to overcome fear and to live bold and confident in the Lord now I hope that you all had a great Christmas we had a great Christmas holiday we had a great break my children have so many aunts and cousins and uncles and everything they got so many gifts but one random gift that my daughter received that really stood out to me were these socks there were these long socks and they have like the little frills around them they were like those little frilly socks that you wear with the little frilly dresses and she loved those socks she put him on immediately with like her jeans and she was exciting about him because she's such a little girly girl well the socks kind of made me chuckle because I used to wear the same socks when I was a little girl and it reminded me of an experience that I had when I was a little girl I was going to a birthday party I was probably about 4 at the time I was going to a birthday party and apparently we were supposed to dress up my dad took me he drove me there and I had won this dress this beautiful Sunday dress that was like puffy one of those puffy dresses with the frilly socks and the patent of the shoes you know I'm talking about and I remember just feeling really good because I was dressed really well and having a really good time at the birthday party there was one girl that was not dressed up she was the birthday girl's cousin and she she just seemed like she was a tomboy and she was just one of those girls that was just so her mom like I'm not dressing up but you know we didn't care we were kids at the end of the birthday party however we ended up playing together it ended up being me the birthday girl and the cousin who I'm sorry I'm reading the comments at the same time I'm not used to this if you don't get that on you on YouTube hangouts but anyways it was me the birthday girl and the cousin that ended up playing together at the end of the party and it's playing with her gifts that her parents and we probably spent a lot of money on we ended up playing with this box it was this big box and it was big enough for us to crawl in one at a time so we're having a blast crawling the box it's my turn I crawl in the box I'm having fun until everything goes dark and I'm like what's happen on so I push against you know the box to open it up and I can't open the box and then I hear this chuckle I hear some chuckling and I realized that the cousin the birthday girl's cousin is like pushing against the door so I can't get out well and she thinks it's funny so I like freak out like I got so scared I don't know why like all these fears just rushed into my head I was just like my dad's not gonna see me and he's gonna forget about me he's gonna leave I'm gonna be stuck in this box in his dark and I just started like kicking and pushing it next thing I know I saw this light break through and I look down and my little patent leather shoe with my little frilly socks head bust a hole through the box and I just saw my foot kind of just like stick it out of the box so at this point the cousin opens the box and lets me out and she's just like oh you broke the back wall and y'all I don't know what happened to me but I was so angry in my little four years of life that was it angriest that I have been and I like flipped and and I was a quiet kid it was like an out-of-body experience for me now remember this was before I was saved okay so don't judge me but I tell you I snatched that little girl about her shirt I remember this is a total body experience it didn't me see my son I would do but I just smashed her shirt I twisted her shirt and I pull her up like I meant her up and I said don't do that to me again and then I realized what I did like oh my goodness and I look back to see if my dad saw and he was looking dead at me now look I don't know if he saw what happened because he didn't say anything all he did was he was real calm about it he was just like you ready to go and I was like yeah and he never said anything about it so I don't know if he saw it and just was like not gonna say anything or if he didn't see it and just happen to turn around at the right time but either way I had to snatch her up and let her know don't you do that to me again if it just made me think like that's what fear does to us fear wants to put us in a box it wants to shut the doors it wants to push against the doors and laugh at us as we do not experience everything that God has promised to us and so what I want to do tonight is I want us to snatch fear up I want us to look fear in the face and say not today not today because you know there are so many things that I think that the Lord wants to bless us with you know a lot of the times I think that within Christianity we focus on what we can't do what we can't do but there's so much that we can do there's so much that we have the freedom to do so we talk about that more in our already free Bible study series but I think that we're not experiencing it one of the reasons is because we allow fear to box us in and tonight is the night today is the day where we take a stand and we do not let that happen my friend Yolanda who is joining us tonight she did a live event yesterday and she said something that really stood out to me she was saying that she took a sabbatical from writing and that that she was convicted afterwards that she shouldn't have done that that she should have used the gift of writing that the Lord had wanted her to use during that time and she said I wonder how many women or how many people needed the message is that the Lord would have used to allow me to write now if I would have used my gift to write and it just convicted me as well like wow you know there are so many things that I've been afraid of there are so many and callings that I've been afraid to pursue because of fear and because fear had I allowed fear to box me in and I was thinking about the prophet Elijah some of you may know I wrote a book last year called daughters of fire and it's about increasing your passion for God in a dark world and we follow the life of Elijah and he was very passionate for the Lord he was very fervent for the Lord and we just pulled out I was in the book I pull out practical life lessons that we can learn from Elijah on how we can be fervent and passionate for the Lord as well Elijah came on the scene when things were very bad for the Israelites they were the furthest from God than they had ever been the Bible tells us and Elijah was called to repair their relationship the major event that happened in in Elijah joined that was on Mount Carmel and at the time that Israelites were worshiping another god called bail and so Elijah calls the prophets of bail and says hey you calling your guy I'm a call oh my god and the God the answers by fire that's the true God okay and they're like okay these are like so like okay that's good well we'll make a decision who we want to serve who whichever by whichever God brings down this fire so the prophets of bale caller:i God nothing happens Elijah calls on his God and God comes down with this consuming fire it was it was this miraculous miracle that was just like let the Israelites prostrate on the ground declaring that the Lord is God the Lord is God so is this great ministry experience that Elijah faces so the Lord calls Elijah to go to Jezreel where the King Ahab and king Jezebel you may have heard of her act who have let these were the king and queen that have led the Israelites to strike Israel Jezebel finds out about what happened on Mount Carmel and she is but ureas okay she sent a messenger to Elijah and says within 24 hours I'm gonna kill you body tells us that Elijah became afraid and he ran from he ran for his life he was supposed to be in jazz row that's where God called him to be but he ran away from his calling because he became afraid and he found himself in a cave giving up wanting to die and not doing what God called him to do and you know I I talk about that in in the book about how you know fear lies to us because Jezebel had no authority to take Elijah's life she had no power over his life at all matter of fact um Elijah never even dies he was whisked up in a world wind he never even tasted death it was not God was not going to allow Elijah to die that was not God's plan for him but because Elijah believed that lie he found himself of course now this is the point that I don't talk about me because I just thought about it recently I was like what if Elijah had stood his ground like what if Elijah had stayed in general like I'm trying to imagine what would have happened like what if he would have told Jezebel come for me come for me cuz you gonna have to go through God first because I'm gonna choose faith over fear I believe that God would have honored Elijah I believe that God would have came through with an even greater miracle than he did on Mount Carmel I believe God would have showed up and I believe we don't know we don't know what miracle Elijah and the Israelites missed out on because Elijah ran away in fear and that's what I want to ask you tonight what blessings are you potentially missing out on what what purpose and plan for your life that God has for you are you potentially missing out on because fear is boxing you and tonight I want us to kick our way through this box of fear and and fight the fear I have my goal this year is to fight fear and as I've been fighting fear I'm realizing how much I had fear that I have just even just fear of like oh man am I good enough mom what if I mess up my kids you know what what does this person think about me and I'm just like wow I did not realize how much fear had its grasp on me until I tried to fight it and I think that the temptation in that that we have sometimes is to not fight fear it's to just kind of be like let me just curl up in a ball let me just try to be quiet let me just try to make my way through life okay without any kind of discomfort or or having to overcome fear and not do anything about it but let me tell you this what if we think that fear is just gonna give up because we're not gonna fight that's not how it works fear is not gonna give up and so neither can we we are gonna fight we're gonna have to fight the fear so how do we actually fight fear well that's what tonight's of the love life is about I want to give you three strategies to fight the fear I want to look at some of - ooh ooh and pull out some lessons that can give us some practical strategies on how to fight fear before we get into that let me pray dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for your willingness to speak to us through your word God thank you that you are in the mist tonight god I pray for the power and the courage over everyone watching now and and even later for to fight fear god please give us strategies lord please give us your strength father God please give us your wisdom God on how to fight the specific fears in each one of our lives Laura God please give me the worst tonight please help me to speak clearly God please let it be your message Lord and not mine we thank you for all that you have done all that you are doing and all that you will do we trust you Lord and we will not be afraid in Jesus Christ and we pray amen okay so again I wanted to share with you a little bit about Joshua Joshua was Moses's aid Moses was let Moses was to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery and he led them out of Egyptian slavery and he led them through the wilderness for 40 years until they until they encountered the land that the Lord had promised them that they would dwell in it would be the land for them when Moses died the Lord called Joshua to lead the people into the actual Promised Land that was his purpose that was his job now the thing is the promised land was already occupied so this would not be an easy task and God knew this so multiple times throughout the book of Joshua God is giving Josh with his pep-talk and the core message of that pep-talk is do not be afraid I am with you I have given these people over to you I have given this land over to you it is yours you're gonna have to fight for it but don't worry about it because I am with you do not be afraid do not be afraid so many times the Lord tell that to Joshua the first obstacle that Joshua faces when trying to enter the Promised Land is crossing over the Jordan River now the first and we learn and in looking at that story we learn the first strategy that I want you to remember tonight when you're fighting fear and strategy number one is do not allow your obstacles to become an excuse do not allow your obstacles to become an excuse Joshua and the Israelites we're talking about millions of people would have to cross over the Jordan River in order to enter the promised land now when you think about the Jordan River I don't want you to think of some little nice serene shallow river okay this was a deep and wide River that you could drown in and not only that the time that they were crossing the river the Bible tells us the river was at stage I want you to think gushing fast gushing waters all the way just look just flowing fast and violently pass them and the Lord tells Joshua would look don't even worry about it okay get up tomorrow and you're gonna cross the river I'm gonna make it happen and I'm gonna read that story to you really quick it's found in Joshua three verses 15 through 17 which we now the Jordan River is at flood stage all during harvest yet as soon as the priests who carry the ark reached the Jordan River and their feet touch the water's edge the water from upstream stopped flowing it piled up in a heap a great distance away at a town called Adam in the vicinity of xerath on while the water while the water flowing down to the sea of Arabah that is the Dead Sea was completely cut off so the people crossed over opposite Jericho the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground again that was Joshua three verses 15 through 17 and what I want what I want to pull out on this text right here this is what stood out to me yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge that's when the Lord stopped the water now when when you think of this story when I thought about this story originally I'm thinking okay God stopped the water they cross through it wasn't it wasn't that simple like that they were on the edge and then it stopped and then they all went across and dry around no the priests had to actually put their feet in the water they had to step into the gush gushing water they had to step into their obstacle before the Lord stopped the river before I'm yeah stopped the river before he stopped the water they had to get in it and what I want to encourage you to do tonight is to face your fear and take that first step of faith okay sometimes we feel like we're waiting on God to take the fairway to take the obstacle away to take the struggle away before we do what we know he's calling us to do and be who we know he's calling us to be and that's not how it works if everything was perfect before we stood up stepped out in faith it wouldn't be faith so sometimes you have to step out and I love this isn't my friend shoddy Bronson she's a on the board of directors for beloved women she wrote an article last year for us call it do it afraid sometimes you have to do it afraid you got a step into the fear don't wait for the fear to go away okay and do it afraid don't don't worry about what the obstacle is cuz once you step out on faith God's gonna take care of it that's what we see in tonight's text do it afraid we can't wait for the water to subside y'all we can't wait for the fear to just go away okay cuz if that's what we're doing we're just making excuses and if we want to overcome fear if we want to fight fear and let fear no not today we cannot allow our obstacles to become excuses we have to face our obstacles and allowed them to shrimpin us okay sorry somebody called me uh for whatever it is that God has for us on the Jordan River okay strategy number two is do not forget who your God is and what he alone is capable of doing do not forget who your God is and what he is capable of doing fear wants you to forget because fear knows that if you remember that it doesn't matter what my obstacle is it doesn't matter what my struggle is it doesn't matter how fearful I am or how inadequate I am my God is greater and you're keeping your eyes on the Lord and you remember what the Lord is gonna do fear has no power over you fear can try to tempt you can try to terrorize you but you will keep going in the face of fear if you remember that God is greater I want to look at a story of Joshua where he gets to Jericho and tells him look out giving me the city okay and he commands Joshua to walk around he and all the people walk around the city for six days and on the seventh day walk around and then blow have your your priest blow trumpets it at the sound of the trumpets and and the sound of the trumpets and the shouts the walls of Jericho will fall down well hey Uncle Joe well in Joshua 6:20 we read that is exactly what happens it says when the trumpet sounded the armies shouted and at the sound of the trumpet when the men gave a loud shout the wall collapsed and everyone charged straight in and they took the city now Jericho was one of the largest cities in the promised land and not only that they had increased their security because they had heard what the Israelites were doing they heard that is wise were taking this land and that the Lord was with them so they so in their fear their own fear their own insecurity they strengthened their walls but it still wasn't enough now here's the interesting thing about it don't you think that was a very interesting strategy like they're going to war okay they have to fight these people are not just about to give up this promised land because the Lord God says so they don't know the Lord they don't know that that's for that that who the Lord is so they're gonna fight and Joshua and the Israelites are going to have to fight back now there's a thing they did in the wilderness for forty years okay they they'll know about war strategies they don't know about military strategy you know and so God is sitting in the gonna fight but the interesting thing is they really don't have to fight they just have to do this very unique and peculiar thing in obedience to Lord walk around the sea six days walk around the seventh day and blow your trumpets and blow your horns and the walls are gonna fall down now I think a lot of times when facing what God calls us to do it doesn't make sense and fear starts to talk to us in and says that doesn't make any sense how is that gonna work out she's successful that's how she did it that's how you need to do it but if God's not telling you to do it that then you don't need to do it that way do not listen to feel remember who your God is and if he's telling you to do something a certain way you do it that way cuz he knows what he's doing and he is greater than fear proverbs 3:5 I love it it says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding fear wants you to forget who God is but when we do we forfeit the power we forfeit the power that we have to fight back and and receive all the blessings that God has for us one of the ways that I like to remember is singing with my my kids in the morning I love the verse that says God has not given us a spirit of fear it is 2nd Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind and I seen this with my kids in the morning all the time we started having morning song time because I realized that it just kind of helps us to get in a better mood and start updates better so I love singing with them this is that day this is the day that the Lord has made that the Lord has made I will rejoice I will rejoice and be glad and we love that and of course we sing and this is the way this is one of the main that songs I always want them to remember years and years from now God has not given us a spirit of fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and a sound mind and I love singing that with them because I remember singing that song as a little girl and I remember just simple times being afraid and being scared like at night or if I was home alone and that song would pop into my head and ultimately that song is just the Bible is just fighting fear with the Word of God it's fighting it's fighting fear with who God is and remembering that he is greater a funny story is just the other day my daughter came to me and she said you know what mommy we had morning that's cool today oh really I said did you sing this is the day the Lord his name she said no I said did you sing the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear she said no I said well your morning song when is y'all Mona's song time at school was not as good as what we had home but and we just kind of chuckled about it but my main purpose is I want them to remember those songs of course we sing ABCs and turn the Tring a little star but I I really hope that when they're 20 and they're 30 and they become fearful that they remember that song and they remember who their Lord is because if we want to fight fear we definitely can not remember how powerful our Lord is we cannot forget that this spirit of fear that we're battling is not from God he hasn't I love you know my love about this verse I love what I love about 2nd Timothy 1:7 is that he's like I had to give you in a spirit of fear I don't give me you three more things better than that I've given you power to fight fear okay you have the strength to do it cuz I forgiving it to you it's comes from God you have the power to fight it I've given you love I love you the god of the universe loves you so you don't have to worry about if I'm gonna take care of you or not you don't have to listen to fear when it says thank God don't got your back God gonna watch you fall God God gonna have you out there looking stupid like no when you love somebody when you care about somebody you don't do that and that's how God feels about us and we truly know that God cares about us me up the boldness and the confidence to tell fear no I'm not listening to you not today fear and God has given us a sound mind do you not fear what have you think you crazy fear will come at you all kind of ways and you start pushing and stuff like am i and what is about mine no you're not the Lord has given you a sound mind and I've had to use is first to remind myself of that multiple times remember who your God is and remember what he has given you not the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind the last strategy they don't want chat with you about tonight is strategy number three give fear a surprise attack now y'all this is the main one if you for real if you legit want to get rid of fear you will have to give a surprise attack okay listen to this story uh in Joshua well let me give you a little background on it so Joshua you know they cross the Jordan River successfully praise the Lord they capture Jericho praise the Lord won't he do it okay and so Joshua is going on taking cities kicking but praising the Lord take it everything that the Lord has for him right so these other kings in the promised land hear about Joshua and they and they become fearful like okay Joshua was coming for us he's gonna try to take our land too so this one King gets four other kings together to try to attack Joshua he's gonna have to fight well actually he wants to attack one of Joshua's allies and it's a subtle way to hurt Joshua and the Israelites and hinder them from receiving the Promised Land and all that God has for them so Joshua finds out about it and this is what happens it says the Lord said to Joshua I love this do not be afraid of them I have given them into your hand not one of them will be able to understand you withstand you after an all-night mark to Gilgal Joshua took them by surprise the Lord threw them into confusion before Israel so Joshua and the Israelites defeated them completely at Gibeon Lynn read that again after an all-night mark from Gilgal Joshua took them by surprise they were not expecting Joshua to fight back let me tell you this fear is not expecting you to fight back you know what fear expects you to do expects you to crawl up in the little ball that it has you that it has you uh locked up in expects you to to wallow and self-pity and not do anything don't do it okay fear expects you to quit fear exists cut your coworkers out and get upset feel once expects you to do everything that God doesn't want you to do and if you want to give fear a surprise attack do the very opposite thing that fear is expecting you to do face fear and let it know no not today give fear the surprise attack I was a play with my little boy the other day and I play with him often because you keep he's at t2 now and so they're at the age where you can't just like sit him in the little corner for a few minutes why you gonna do something else he's like no mommy play me mommy mommy play me play with me okay try what you want to play fight fight so he wants a fight like I told you my daughter she's the ultimate girly girl okay she just wants to play Barbies and paint nails my son is the complete boys boy manly man he just wants his cars he wants his trucks and once his trains he wants anything blue he even wants to fight that's his favorite thing to do right now is fighting and his father has provided him with every toy weapon imaginable to fight with so when I play with my son we fight okay and he has lightsabers and swords and toy water guns and everything else so this one day we're fighting and I'm downstairs and how my house is designed to live the living room is kind of connected and open up to the dining room but the stairs are in between so it creates this big circle in our house in the bottom and so we just run around this circle we're fighting and I have like lifesaver a lifesaver lightsaber lightsaber y'all I don't I don't know and he has a sword and we're fighting and I'm chasing him okay I'm chasing him and I'm kind of letting him get a little bit ahead of me and just like you know let him think you know he's really fighting he doing something you know and as I'm about to attack him hey all of a sudden unexpectedly turns around really fast and charges at me and I'm surprised I didn't know he was gonna do that and so I like fall back cuz I lose my balance I fall back and of course he attacks me he gets me and I play dead it's this whole fun thing gonna be laughs and everything like that but that's what we got to do the fear we have to stop running from fear we have to turn around face fear in the face face fear and fight back because that is the very opposite thing that fear things that you are gonna do so if you want to give spear a surprise attack and let it no not today turn around stop running from what you know God is calling you to do stop running from who you know God is calling you to be and do just that let fear no not today not today fear and you know the stakes are high I was particularly fearful a few months ago and just fearful about everything you know it was just multiple just multiple things and that's how you know when it's fear when you just kind of afraid of everything you know it's just like Oh multiple attacks kind of like how the five Kings came for Joshua like when when when you start you know doing really well and your walk with the Lord fear wants to like up his game and like oh that didn't work let me try this oh they're doing work let me try once but let me try to hit you multiple levels now okay out have you afraid of everything I'm a happy fretting else but your bears gonna have you afraid for your job I'm gonna have you afraid for your health on the have you afraid for your kids and and I'm gonna have you afraid for your ministry and your business and your dreams I don't have it you know I just come in multiple ways okay and I would have went to a doctor's appointment that I was particularly afraid of I was fearful about which turned out to be fine everything was fine because it was just fear that I was listening to everything was fine and I remember driving back home and the Lord speaking to me saying pretty just if I can just kind of paraphrase like the battles that I have you facing your children will not have to fight there are certain struggles that I have you for you to overcome because your children will not have to face them and just from letting me know that we can either pass down our faith or we can pass down our fear there gonna be certain values that my kids are not even ever gonna think about because the Lord strengthen me to have victory in them today I hope that makes sense to somebody what I want to let you know is that fear doesn't just want your today fear once your tomorrow fear wants your children fear wants your marriage fear wants your future fear once your blessings fear wants to take more than you want to give and if we want to be victorious we got to fight fear we got to use these strategies we got to remember who our God is we gotta give fear the surprise attack and we got a knot and we have to not allow our obstacles to become an excuse we gotta fight fear we got a snatch fear up and say not today fear not today let me pray for you dear guy thank you so much for this incredible message that you gave to us tonight I just pray for strength and power over myself over my brothers and sisters that are watching today to fight fear I pray that you give us wisdom and discernment to know which specifically which areas and our life fear is ruling us and I pray that you would give us the strenght to fight back and gain back our power and live victoriously in those areas I thank you Lord for giving us power and love and a sound mind thank you for your son that died on the cross for our sins God that we don't even have to fear death because he has given us eternal life we love you so much God and I thank you so much for tonight in Jesus Christ's name I pray amen okay thank you so much everybody for watching thank you for participating and taking time out of here oh so busy schedules to join me I really appreciate it more than you know you know what I was supposed to say something in tonight's video that I didn't get to say but I guess I'll say it now is that um you know I haven't really done beloved lives as much as I used to because I was afraid and I did more Belov lives in 2015 and I just kind of stopped doing them because I just kind of came up with excuse after excuse after excuse of why I couldn't do them and really the Lord recently convicted me like no you're just operating in fear okay I've given you a gift to speak and to encourage people with your words and you have this wonderful platform of online video live video to do that you know you can be doing that so that's one of the reasons why I wanted to do the beloved life tonight and why I wanted to speak on the topic of fear was for you but it was also for me also that next month I hope to do these once a month so that I can come come so I can overcome that fear of the live video it's like you know I do YouTube videos all the time and I used to be nervous doing the YouTube videos that I've kind of overcame that but live it's like you don't really know who's watching and you don't know what they're thinking and that is really intimidating for me like I would rather speak in front of a live audience where I can see people's faces and kind of interact a little bit more with the crowd but this is a great a great platform in a great way to continue in the ministry that the Lord has placed on my heart to continue to encourage you in love Jesus Christ and truth of God's Word and I pray that the Lord was truth in me to overcome that fear and to faithfully serve him and you through live video as long as he calls me to thank you again so much for watching tonight I love you all and I will be talking to you soon until next time be beautiful beep [Music]
Channel: Beloved Women with Christina Patterson
Views: 4,552
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: Beloved Women, Christina Patterson, Heather Lindsey, Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, Daughters of Fire, Ashley Empowers, Dephne Madyara, how to overcome fear, overcome fear and anxiety, overcome fear of failure, overcome fear motivation, overcoming fear, Overcoming Fear & Walking by faith, brave the waves, overcoming fear with faith, overcoming fear and doubt, overcoming fear with faith joyce meyer, breaking up with fear, overcoming fear td jakes, overcoming fear joyce meyer
Id: yjqhIiGB6fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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