How To Original OG Xbox Capacitor Replacement Upgrade HDD Thermal Past Ide to Sata 80wire

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so I had a friend of mine tell me he had a green original Xbox that was running real funny and he had difficulties getting it to work in this video you will see how to refurbish an original Xbox as well as install a new hard drive installed new capacitors change thermal paste compounds upgrade IDE wire and maybe a couple more tips stay tuned [Music] all right what do you know what do you do what do you say my YouTube viewers retro pro Frank with another installment and today I have this beautiful green Canadian crystal version Xbox here a friend of mine he brought it to me he actually saw some of the work I've done and he said hey Frank I have a modded xbox here that's green it was modded a long time ago and for some reason it just stopped working one day he said do you mind helping me out and hooking me up getting my system all back up and running I told him yeah no problem bring it by so that's exactly what he did cracked it open I did all this to save some time on the video because you guys don't need to see how to take you know take an Xbox apart if you do there's lots of videos for that available online but anyway um so we're gonna be replacing the the thermal paste compound now I use arctic silver number 5 you guys can use anything you guys want my opinion anything's better than the original dunk that that comes from the factory when Microsoft put it on you know nearly 18 19 years ago so we're gonna freshen up the thermal paste compound for sure now the hard drive that he brought here was actually completely kaput he wanted me to try to save the hard drive I hooked that up to another system even in this system I could tell right off the bat so this is actually the hard drive here it was a Western Digital 120 gig says some code over there I don't know you know 72 hundred rpms 8 I don't know what 8 means if it was done in a wait Oh 4 I guess I guess this was made in all 4 but yeah so this hard drives had it completely so we have a nice replacement Western Digital hard drive there Western Digital blue that's a lot newer and I pre check all these drives using a computer program first to make sure that there's no dead sectors or any funny monkey business going around with these hard drives so you know that's a tested 500 gig hard drive and that was actually another system it's already all set up and everything there too as well but in order for me to install this hard drive onto this board because that last hard drive was locked to this board I had to hard mount the system so I mean you can see right there you know the connection that I already had to make already tested the the Aladdin I I need to reflash this a lot and actually - because right now was what it came with but so I was able to get into the system not a problem using this mod ship that's not an issue at all to get in there and to upgrade the hard drive everything now that that's done and I must say this is a 1.4 board it has focus video chip in the back there I must say that this is a lot easier and I've done a lot of these too with mod ships as well but these this method on this version revision Xbox is a lot easier to work with than the 1.6 there's no rebuild involved at all so pretty much all you have to do here is drop in the header solder the other side Bob's your uncle deal to ground and you're ready to go once everything is all set up and the hard drive is locked to the system you know I can always remove this go back in T soft the on board win bond chip right there and then remove the mod chip but you know what the mod chips don't don't cost that much especially the Aladdin so we're just gonna leave it on and it's always gonna be active so yeah so pretty much that's how I got past all the security and everything like that use a mod chip get past all that but when I had this bad boy oh I noticed if you look at the capacitors here you can see I'm looking at these three right here they're just starting to bulge see the one on the left you can see it there's a good shot for you you can see it bulging even the middle ones bulging and the far-right one is actually flat but we're gonna replace all three see that bulging now this is what a new capacitor looks like or one that's in good health ok whatever focuses there we go right there so that's what a new capacitor looks like see how it's flat on the top a little bit convexed in so that's exactly what that should be looking like there but if you look at these ones you can see that's not the case we got severe bulging going on so I'm going to change these also I'm actually gonna change these three well the reason why I'm gonna change these out is quite simple I just happen to have this voltage and this micro farad on hand here so you know what might as well do these three as well I have them they're a little bit older you know it'd be nice to do every single one but they're they all look to be in pretty good condition even though they are getting old you can see there remove the clock capacitor it's gotta clean that up a little bit too as well and there you go there's the six there that we're gonna use to replace so come back to the board those three right there are gonna get replaced as well as those two and this one and that's a very easy procedure now while I have it out I'm gonna be using this adapter here okay some people like these adapters some people don't like them some people like the other adapters it's it's pretty much what you guys want he didn't want to go too crazy with the build that's why he went with a 500 gigabyte instead of a 2 terabyte he just wanted to be able to play a you know a few games and some of the Xbox stuff so I recommend these adapters here the JP 103 5 I found these to be the you know the the best out of the Chinese adapters so we're gonna go with that adapter here and last but not least we need to upgrade the IDE cable in order for everything to work properly the old cable isn't going to cut it at all with this upgrade once you start adding adapters and you know you up start upgrading the hard drives you want the extra speed from you know the ultra AAT conductive cable so you know this is a must - as well I was able to pick these up locally they're new old stock okay these are actually really nice really really nice wires okay so this is a little bit longer than normal this is a thirty six but to be honest with you it works all the same and I fold them very neatly anyway alright so let's get some of this stuff out of the way here and let's get this train in motion okay just have to give me a sec while I clean up here guys mind the desk this is my workshop area this is where I like to do my modding and my repairs because I normally you know I got the computer going in the background so I'm normally watching movies and stuff you know I got the nice dual monitor setup there the first thing we're gonna work on here is removing the old thermal paste but before doing that we've got to remove the old heat sinks here okay it's very easy there's a little lever here we're gonna pull up you know I made a similar video on this but I just wanted an updated version okay what I like to do is take a flat head screwdriver and go straight down here and kind of pull the one side up sometimes could be a little bit tough okay once you pull the one side up it just turns up like this and off and we just give it a bit of a wiggle and if that doesn't work you can always heat up the system okay so I'm just gonna pry it just a little bit and you can see there we got the black junk this time sometimes this pink sometimes it's black and there's the heart and soul of the system there Pentium 3 7 33 megahertz if I'm not mistaken there are upgrades available for the processor but only a few people in the community do them and I heard that it could make your games run fast I don't know much about them I don't want smack but just not for me some people do get it done it's just personally not for me I don't I don't mess with that so here's the retaining clip for the GPU as well and now these could be a bit of a bugger to get off okay so I recommend either using a like a hairdryer or heat gun just to warm it up me I just normally take flat head and I don't recommend you do this and please keep in mind anything you do is at your own risk here okay and I just want to kind of slowly but surely and there you go there's the pop you got to be careful though you could cause damage doing it this way I don't remember recommend doing it this way at all I recommend heating up this heatsink and getting this black-tar completely warm and make it a lot easier to remove okay so we have the heat sinks there and you can see here here is the NVIDIA GPU I don't want to scrub it with this okay we're gonna clean these up and here is the Pentium 3 processor here so what we have to do essentially before we apply new paste is we have to remove all this old paste ok and you don't see them on the heatsink for both the GPU and the CPU so I actually came up with a quick method for this ok you can use chemicals you can go bananas you can spend a whole bunch of money ok I just take a dollar store knife keep it flat as possible be careful and if when you guys are cutting you know what to be honest don't cut towards yourself you always want your hand underneath and be very careful you always want to be cutting away from yourself okay and keep your fingers out of the way because you don't want to cut yourself then I just go over it like this a little bit okay now you can see there's not even really a scratch on there all right but I just got a bulk of that off very very quickly okay now I'm gonna do this the same almost like you're cutting a cut in an orange slice or taking the taking the skin off of an apple or a pear okay so that's the way I do it I keep it flat doesn't scratch it doesn't do anything and I got about 95% of that all off ready okay now unfortunately you can't do this to this because you might cause some damage so what I recommend there there are some stuff there is sorry some stuff on the market that you can buy that's especially made for removing thermal paste but you know what guys I like to do things on the cheap and I got just enough in there to do this so what I like to do is I just take a q-tip because you're hearing a humming noise in the background that's the fan it's a little bit of a hot day here in Ontario Canada okay and I just put a bunch on the q-tip now my first pass I'm not going to be too thorough about it I'm just gonna try to be liberal and just chuck a bunch of it on and trying to like let it soak in okay let me move my hand out of the way I just want to you know go over it let it soak in let it do its job okay you can see it coming off and look at that look at that q-tip already okay alright so normally you want to do this a couple of times look at it see how easy that is coming off look at this look at that see if I can get you guys a better shot okay I went a little bit much on it but we're gonna clean it up anyway and you can see how effective this is and you guys probably have this stuff lying around you don't got to go on eBay in special order stuff googan is available in dollar stores people so you can see how it's coming off in big chunks so I like to go around the entire TPU okay try to get a better shot for you guys okay and you can see how good this cleaned up that looks brand-new there okay there's a little chunks on the short processor itself okay all right so googan works great for this okay now you want to keep going over it until essentially your q-tip just just keeps coming clean okay if you're if you keep going over it and keep seeing black keep going until it's completely white so what I mean is that's white we're gonna go over this again okay and then we're gonna look at it so you see a little bit of black keep going over it you want to be able to rub all over this processor into the GPU or the CPU and have it as clean as possible when you're done that's how you know all of it is off okay I think that looks great but because we used googan it's a citrus based cleaner might leave a bit of residue so I recommend now at this point even though that did work great and it was very cheap to do to go over it with isopropyl alcohol so go over the CPU and the GPU with isopropyl alcohol a few times two or three times just to make sure we got rid of any traces of that glue gun just so you guys know you can use this method when it comes to computers as well okay oh and I almost forgot about the heat sinks here so we have the heat sinks here in order to clean those bad boys up we're gonna do the exact same thing so we're gonna take some goo gone okay you can see that outline now watch this and I find when you go with the grain it really helps a lot more you can see how much just came off there okay now you might still get a bit of a stain but you see how that's clean now so we know it's all off okay let's do the GPU and you can see the grain of the actual material if you go with the grain I find you get it a lot cleaner okay because when you go opposite the Greens that can't get in the grooves so if you go with the green if you look up close you can see what I'm talking about see like the pattern the lines of the metal the way it came out of this extrusion or however they finish that like that I just want to clean that up and that's good enough for me there's a little bit of a ring there but that's because they used so much originally at the factory I don't know why they went so bananas so now to finish that off I'm gonna just use some rubbing alcohol okay 91% 7080 % whatever you guys can get your hands on okay and put that on a q-tip okay and you want to go over everything again just to remove any of that residue from the actual goo gone okay now that's pretty much almost done I'm just gonna go over it one more time to make sure same with the actual heat sinks you want to make sure you clean up all that goop on okay because you don't want that causing any issues of the thermal paste not sticking to it okay not a little mini GPU one thing up everything here okay that looks good and give this one once more going with the grain okay and there's nothing on the q-tip I want you guys to see that same thing here hope I'm not getting the glare in your guy's eyes okay now if you look at this processor here okay you can see the dye that blue you want to make sure that that has a mirror finish okay now if you follow along with this video and you've done everything exactly what I've done you're going to have this look like this exactly so once that dries you can see it hold on let's see if I can get a good shot for you guys so that's still kind of a little wet let's actually go over it again really time-consuming but you know what just to know that you have a real good thermal paste compound and something new in there just to know that it's good and it's been things been taken care of it's just so much better in my opinion anyway now you don't want to touch it with any of the oils on your fingers okay but what you can do is take a lint-free cloth okay or even just a paper towel will do as well I just like to go over it one more time very very very very clean okay and you can see now it's got that mirror image to it if you guys can sketch that on camera but there's you see that okay so you want it perfectly clean now normally you would apply the thermal paste compound put the heatsinks back on and you'd be done but because we're replacing the capacitors here if you look at this heatsink retention where it sits and lines up is right in front of that capacitor and since we're doing this we're gonna leave those all offer and out and we're just going to continue with the capacitors now so I hope you had your soldering iron warming up okay because it takes a couple seconds there so let's work on these capacitors next so the way I like to replace capacitors is actually having it standing up on its side like this okay I find it makes it so much easier if I have it lying down you know you can use the sucker and all that but that takes more time you can use solder wick okay but to me that takes more time than this method I just like to keep the board going vertical up and down and I got really good control this way I just keep my hand there for balance and I can put tug left and right as I add Heat so let me show you how I do that okay so these are the three guys right here okay so we're gonna look on the other side of the board and since I'm holding the balance like this let me fix up the camera and actually see the points I'm heating so this is the technique I use I'll even put nothing on it right off the bat I just heat up one side twist heat up the other side twist okay same with that sometimes you got to get in the hole and already ones out you see how easy that was okay so now we're gonna go to the middle one which is these two so I'm gonna heat up this side okay I'm gonna pull on the other side and it's already out I'm gonna heat up this side I'm gonna pull on the other side and guess what there's two you can sit there with the solder sucker or if you learn how to hold the board vertical it's so much quicker okay so the new same thing here we're gonna heat that up pull I'm gonna heat this up pull heat this up pull and out so there's three I said I was doing six there's four and there you go there's your six now one important thing to note is we're negative and positive is that's very important or else you're gonna get a huge pop when soon as you turn it on okay so where this line is that's the negative side when you look at the capacitor here you can see this line on the capacitor that's negative as well so you want to make sure that this line is lined up with the negative hole okay another way to tell is by the lengths of the Lakes if you look one leg is longer than the other so the one that's shorter think of it like this shorter leg okay it's less therefore it's negative now when I install capacitors ice to it the exact same way with keeping the board on the side so I just put the leg of the capacitor on the via and I heat up the other side and once I see a poke through I give it a bit of a little bit of a twist then I line up the other side from the other side of the board and I heat up that beer and you can see it coming through there I just keep it sideways and I rock it back and forth until it's all the way flat down on the actual motherboard there and then all I do temporarily is as I'm holding it flat I just bend though the legs for temporary and you can see the way it sits there so I'm gonna do that to the other five of these okay and there you go brain you replacement capacitors nice and flush to the board you can see it there just take your flux pen or if you have any flux doesn't matter if you use liquid flux or normal flux and I just like to touch all these pieces real quick I just got super dark out of nowhere here sorry about that guys I use a lot of natural lighting in my videos and I rely on that quite often just got really dark but the video still looks good okay so I just applied a little bit of flux now I'm gonna take my soldering iron I just use a cheap old lead solder over here okay and see what I use here 60/40 solder nothing special so what I do is I heat one side of the via with my soldering iron and then I bring in the solder from the other side you can see that that's already done now we're gonna move on to this and that's done that's done that's done and that's done those three are done so I'm just going to now get my side cutters I'll leave a link for this in the description as well and these are the side cutters hold on a minute these are the side colors I use okay they're just cheapos off eBay you know what they can get real down on the board I use it for wire stripping and all sorts of things great great cutters okay so now all we need to do is get rid of these excess leeks so there's one two three four five six okay nice and flush nice and clean you can see that there's a little bit of flux left over you can go over that with some isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip if you want to clean them up real good okay and you can see the actual capacitors are brand-new now okay and they're nice and flush to the board here okay so I'm gonna do those other three real quick off-camera and then we'll get back into it okay and you can see the two there and the one there that I replaced okay so those are done as well we're in good shape here now let's move on to applying thermal paste all right so we got our brand new capacitors and I'm super excited this thing's almost done it's looking really good okay I just gave this CPU and GPU a bit of a cleanup real quick just a little bit of a touch just in case any dust or anything got on it while we were doing this repair here so now for the GPU and see CPU thermal placed replacement now you can use any kind of thermal pace you want I seriously don't care what you guys use as long as it's meant for a computer that's the most important thing okay there's gonna be arguments in the comments section of what's the best in my opinion that's the best but however relax hold on however guys I haven't tried every single kind and done tests and any of that kind of stuff it's just I know that these guys have a pretty good name arcade silver number five that they're well known and you know what I can get it locally just get whatever is available locally try not to get like the cheapest stuff ever okay try to you know spend a couple bucks more you don't want to buy the cheapest you know no name stuff just buy something with a decent name okay and you know you can keep it around it's good for pcs as well so anything like that even Xbox 360s okay you always want to have some thermal paste on on hand that's for sure okay so the way I apply the thermal paste okay you're gonna see a bunch of different methods okay this is the way I'm gonna do it is the way I've always known to do it is the same way you treat it the exact same way as as a computer because that's essentially what this is okay so in this situation I hope you guys can see me hold on let me hold it a little bit better so you guys can see for the CPU that's actually too much to be honest okay it this is one of the situations where less is more okay now the GPU is a lot bigger to be honest what I like to do with the GPU is one stripe across the Nvidia name here okay so let's see if we can get that good I go a little bit more heavy another thing you can do is an X okay you just you don't want too much on okay the less is more I don't use anything to spread it around I don't touch it you can create air pockets like that do not spread it around okay so this is what I'm gonna do on this okay it's gonna give it that's it see right there that's even a little too much that's actually quite a bit all right I just wanted to make sure I covered enough of the surface area on PCs you know what it should really be just like that but just because this is such a big processor I'm giving a little bit more you guys want to do about half that to be honest I don't know why I went a little heavy okay everybody does it differently this is the way I do it I haven't had a problem and actually I've seen temperatures go down doing it this way when reinstalling the heat sinks what I like to do okay as I do this very gently I try to keep it straight as possible okay and go down very slowly okay like that and apply it nope no pressure then with the retention just going on very slowly I hooked the front in first and I just pressed down till it clicks that's it don't touch it you're done okay I'm gonna back it up a bit okay don't touch it you're done that's it don't wiggle it don't play with it just leave it now the same thing with the CPU okay you don't want it to read you just want to put it down create the pressure and it's gonna perfectly smooth it out okay so some people like to go down like this I just like to go straight straight down very carefully like you're playing operation you know remember that game okay and I don't touch enough to that take the retention arm here and hook in the back first and keep my finger there okay and then I press down till the clicks okay all right just take the lever and go straight down that's it it's done okay I've had great success this way this is the way I do my thermal paste replacement okay guys and now we have the capacitors done okay you can see the three here now that I backed up the shot one two three four five six samuel capacitors okay i I just used the cheap ones but I've had good luck with them the way I see it is anything's better than a bulging capacitor I'm sorry okay if you guys can afford to buy the most expensive ones and that's what you guys want to do by all means you guys can put 24 karat gold capacitors if that's the thing and there you go call it call it a day Bob's your uncle you're done okay so I just go with the mid grade stuff this is good enough for me anything's better than the 19 20 year old capacitors creeping up to be 20 years old so anything's better than what it came with that's for sure so now at this point I'm gonna take my lad and chip that I already pre-installed put it back on the pin header I'm going to take this motherboard reinstall it into the case and then we'll continue from there with the hard drive the IDE upgrade and as well as the IDE to SATA converter [Music] okay now if you noticed I I didn't go all the way down with these screws okay so what I normally do is I go in just enough to hold the screw in all the way around the board I get them all in once everything's all lined up that's when I tighten them down all the way and I give them a little bit of pork now you want a little bit of pork okay you don't want to go so hard that you break the bottom of the case off where the screw holes are but you want that little bit of pork now the reason why this is very important if you learned anything from this video okay every one of these three holes here okay you can't see cuz this is in the way let me show you every one of these three holes here okay is a ground point okay the better contacted ground you get could output in a better signal a video signal going out looking cleaner okay so the way I see it is if you're not gonna clean these through holes at least at the bare minimum an extra crank so it kind of scratches them as as its tightening down it kind of bites into the middle and creates a better ground there okay you don't want to go too loose with these you want to make sure that they got a little bit of torque behind them other guys might disagree you know you could always take the fiberglass thing and clean every single through-hole on front and back as well as the cage behind and you know what that could improve video quality it really could if you've had issues this is a one point four it didn't have any issues with that it actually looked great with my own xbox teach to my adapter that I have here it actually looked great as a one point four okay so no problems at all but now that we've done the capacitors and and we've given them a little bit of torque and you can even clean up the through holes or at least even just scratch them up or use a little bit of sandpaper or a little screwdriver to give them a little bit of a scratch this is definitely it will definitely help with the video signal in the long run yeah if you guys haven't already cleaned the fan that was a great time to clean the fan okay now we're just gonna hook everything back up on the sex box so now we're ready we're pretty much ready this is done you know if we weren't upgrading the hard drive or anything this would be the end of the video see you guys later please don't forget to subscribe to the channel and give me a like and see you guys later but no we're not we're gonna be upgrading the IDE cable from the stock 40 pin IDE cable to a 40 pin 80 conductive IDE cable so essentially you would say well Frank what's the difference the difference is huge if you look at these two wires here okay besides the fact that says ultra 8880 conductive cable connects to ID harddrive yada yada yadi above people bump ultra ATA okay so what's the difference between that and this I don't get it this is the same cable it's got the same connection well I'll show you right here let me open up this package what you're looking at is the actual cable itself you see how okay this is the new one this is the old one alright obviously let me see if I can get a good part of it alright right here if you look really closely at that if the camera focuses okay that's better you see how these are a lot fatter in the back and these ones are a lot skinnier okay now these ones in the back the reason why they're fatter is because they could be because of the same size but there's half as many connections as this one this has 80 80 80 actual wires and this has 40 so by doing that it actually is recommended from especially even on the older hard drives if you look on the older hard drive some of them say it's recommended to use a high-speed wire with this hard drive okay now this actually helps up with the transfer rate and makes the speed a lot quicker okay not only that it's a new wire you don't you don't know how old you know what what this thing's been through how much condensation and moisture and humidity it's been you know it's been exposed to you know not only that it's mandatory when using one of these connectors here okay in order to get this to work you're never gonna get it to work the wall you might be able to get it to work on one of these but one day you're gonna turn on your xbox and you're gonna be like where's all my stuff it's missing throw it in the garbage okay if you're gonna upgrade the hard drive and you're using an adapter you want to use an 80 conductive IDE cable that's the only way okay now this one's a little bit long the perfect size is either 18 or 24 inches is good I cleaned out my supplier completely from the 24 inch IDE cable so I have thirty Six's they work just the same just as fast just as happy so hey there's kind of a method on how to install this okay when you want to wrap it you're gonna see that there's three different ends here okay there's two that are saying those ones go to the devices such as a DVD player and the hard drive this one because it's the one off color would go to the mainboard we're gonna take it now and hook it up into the mainboard okay and Beaumont's as easy as that okay so now all we need to do is take the DVD player which is right here it's a Philips drive people saying that it's you know that they're crappy I say hey if it works still after this long as long as it works it's a good one okay so what you want to do is reattach this in the back here beautiful and then you want to reconnect your IDE into this one I'm gonna do a real quick off camera a good way to hide the wire is just back in here if you have any excess wire you can just kind of like you know fold it up over here it's out of the way of the air flow and everything so you if you see you know see the grills on the side here there's the same on the right hand side the Xbox is designed to vent in from the sides and in the front a little bit and out the back so this is kind of you know this is out of the way by putting it here so just you don't row up a little bit of the excess if you end up using a little bit bigger wires or some of those rounded IDE wires okay then you can see it here once you fold that back here because this is a little bit of a longer wire you might have to do some extra folds okay so this thing's ready we just have to put the new hard drive in in order to put the hold in order to put the new hard drive in we have to remove this old 120 gig I'm gonna give it back to the guy if he's got some sort of an you know sentimental you know attachment to it he can at least have it back if he doesn't believe me that it works or whatnot so in order to do that there's actually four screws on the side these are T tens so we're gonna yank those out real quick okay and then once the four screws are oh that's an easy enough just to pick it up and throw it out or give it back to the guy or whatever you want to do and you're left with this but before you put the new hard drive in I always like to attach the adapter first so here's here's a bit of an upgrade this is a lot newer hard drive okay it's not brand new you don't even know if you can buy 500 gig hard drives brand-new but it is tested all my 2 terabytes are brand-new all sealed I cracked the seal myself to be honest but this is like years and years newer than what was in there and Western Digital blue is a really good hard drive it's a well known hard drive with the low fill rate so okay but before we put this into the Caddy I would actually like to attach these first okay so you want this attached first before you even screw it it just makes life so much easier okay and you can see how it hooks in there this adapter sorry just hit you guys you can see that just that just slides in like that okay and then over here that your finish but I like to put foam tape double-sided tape so it will never ever fall off so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put one more layer of this foam tape okay it's just this stuff you get it from the dollar store wherever you want to get it okay and I just put it on the back here and make sure it's nice and sticky okay just like that now you might not think that this is an important step okay but really it is let me explain why okay these are doctors okay doesn't matter which adapter you go with okay what happens is right here in this connection you have live power DC 12 volts coming off 12 and five actually coming off the power supply here when you look at the connection here okay just like a computer power supply you can see two blocks which are grounds a red which is five volts and a yellow which is 12 volts okay so now when you have it hooked up there are pins on the other side here okay four pins if you have this plugged in and those pins hit this case you can fry out this adapter you can fry out your power supply you can fry out your hard drive you can fry the whole system okay so this is very important you have to put something there in case the safety I've actually heard of you know on a rare occasion an Xbox actually caught on fire like that I don't know whether or not it was a rumor or not but hey it's not worth it and just make sure you have enough tape there so if it does touch it's not going to touch anything but the foam tape okay so I just like to peel this off like this all right then I plug it into my adapter like that making sure it's all the way down okay and then I just give it a nice push to make sure it's never gonna come off okay you can see I'm holding it from there okay and that's pretty much it that's it now since you have it like this now you can put it in the caddy because if you try later it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder to get that to fit and plus you don't know if it's all the way down it's better not to guess just do it outside of the caddy it's a lot easier okay so now we're gonna take our caddy here and they fit like a glove you can even use 2.5 inch hard drives with a 2.5 to 3.5 adapter or you can even just you know put screws in the bottom to hold it and that's it so let me get these two screws in here on this side and these two on this side and be ready to pop it in we'll turn it on we'll take a look we'll take a quick look this is already pre built I already had this out of another xbox so let's just make sure everything's working good with a capacitor replacement what our temperatures are at if I can even look at that real briefly to see with our thermal place replacement and yeah let's get this wrapped up alright so there she is she's installed correctly okay she's ready to go alright you can see it just like that and she's ready to be dropped in so what I like to do is put this to the right side there's a little hook here you want to keep this spread out as you drop this in and sometimes it looks like it's in when it's really not in okay and at this point I just take the wire and feed it through this channel over here okay and right here you want to give this a bit of a bend just a little bit of a bend okay to kind of direction it that way okay and while holding on to the hard drive I sneak in the power just like this okay and I feed all the wires underneath okay nice and clean beautiful hooked up now we have this big IDE cable guys so what I normally do is I just flip it twice like this and right now this looks kind of crappy but I promise you it will look pretty good when I'm when I'm done with it okay now you want to make sure that that goes in there real good right into the adapter okay now you're like what the heck do I do with this check this out ready this is my signature move here if I was like a wrestler of the Xbox's you know like called Diamond Dallas Page whoever likes wrestling what's your favorite wrestler you made it this far in the video who was your favorite wrestler back in the day in the early 80s I'm talking about you know Hulk Hogan you know Jimi fly snook um you know that error you know it may be a little bit newer 99 okay so now we're like this okay you're like what am I gonna do with all that one more fold and perfect look at that just want you guys to see this you can see how nice and clean that turned up now I could have lined that up perfectly for me this is perfect just as a service that's perfect there so there's nothing really left to do but throw the lid on hook it up to the TV and let's check it out alright so I got it all set up over here okay and come my xbox nice new mate adapter hooked up in the back I just want to change the BIOS on the mah it the mah chip itself is an Evo X so we're up in power over here you can see the power is good okay I just want to change that that BIOS okay you can see the e box and eight BIOS which is a good BIOS and works for all different versions but I'm gonna be loading X 249 81 which is an executor BIOS and it's a very small package it's a 256 K okay so you can see that the Xbox is working okay this is a version 1.4 Xbox we're only in 480i right now and there's no waviness no nothing on the screen okay using my xbox to HDMI adapter you just give it a second here there we go we're in 720p automatically booted up hexam 19 here so I'm gonna go to tee saw flash chip xbox let me just help you guys out a little bit here hold on a sec let's just get a better shot for you guys of what I'm doing here okay guys so we're gonna go to option three we're gonna go to mod chip where as mod chip T saw flashed not win bond okay this is warning you if you're doing this with soft mod you're crazy because you're gonna break your system I love that beautiful image there so now we're just gonna reflash this a lot in okay because it comes with that 1.6 version bios that ma bios okay so we don't have a 1.6 okay we have this is a 1.4 okay so we want we don't have a 512 bios okay because the alignment only comes with 256 K so our only selection if you look at this list is this one here flash 256 K which our Lannon is bios version 1.0 to 1.5 so this is a 1.4 with the focus chip so we're gonna select this now you can see there's a whole bunch of different bios's available here in the BIOS 504 F and G is actually really good that's another one of my better buyer by bios's that I like to use and this force for ATP I imagine it forces of the video signal into 480p instead of 480i but we're just gonna pick this one here executors BIOS we're gonna pick the X cube 49 81 and because it's only 500 gig we're just gonna go with the F only if it's the first time setting it up just go with F and G all the time okay but so we're gonna go with F only 49 81 just fix this a little bit here I'm getting close to my favorite part here guys if you guys have watched a couple of these videos you wouldn't know what that is for me so it says manufacture press white the flash bios so we're gonna flash it so right now it's erasing and it's my favorite part if your xbox gets interrupted right now you'd have to replace your ma chip if you rity Soph you'd be screwed okay so now automatically it shut the Xbox off completely so let's go back in out a little bit here guys now we're going to eject this take a look at the bottom in the middle you're gonna see that the symbol has changed no longer in the top-left corner it says executors - okay I just want to do one more reset here because we did have to remove this disk now hopefully if everything went well we should be brought right into emulation station here now the first time when flashing a BIOS that could take a couple seconds to actually read it Bom well it actually didn't take that long at all holy jesus in 1080i as well all right now rebooting up there we go BOM emulation station she's up and running there we go she's up and running emulation station okay this was already set up ready to go and we're actually in 1080 1080i right now and this looks amazing okay now this is a 1.4 version Xbox there is no going on on the screen okay hold on a second let's see if I can do this real quick and dirty for you guys just so you guys can believe me here there's no trickery going on okay you can see there's only the one wire coming out of there into my my adapter here and let's put you down ever so softly here back to this angle there we go and now let's see exactly what's going on with our resolution here we're gonna where's where is it display I guess it's display okay see in the top right corner 1080i let's do that again alright and so now that we're all set up this is pretty much the end of the video but I just want to zoom in a little bit and actually take a look at the quality of this version 1.4 with this adapter as well running in 1080i okay there's no nobody shutting off a console here this is go display again okay so 1080i you can see she's running great here okay emulation station is one beautiful dashboard yeah John you're a genius that's that's all I got my buddy John Rocky 5 the creator of this dashboard he is an absolute genius ok it's just it's just gorgeous so yeah and that's in 1080i now the reason why I'm pointing this at the screen just in case some of my subscribers because there is something going around with HDMI wires and adapter is having bad luck with 1.4 version Xboxes you guys see me work on the board I was just working on it right you seen the focus chip you see what I'm using you know I'm using the seven dollar adapter that you know I've made myself and everything's just working great here and 1080i now I don't recommend 1080i to be honest with you guys it's kind of something amongst the community the Xbox community is like we all know that the Xbox can do 1080i but it's really not recommended the best picture possible is in 720 it's just a 1080i it might look a little bit better a little bit cleaner but to be honest it's really pushing the limitations of the Xbox system which you know it has just a very minimum amount of RAM so like when you start pushing it that hard you could get into sluggish you know choppiness and all this sort of thing it's not happening here with emulation station though that's actually pretty funny it's actually it looks really good but it could happen with other dashboards best places to always keep it at 7:20 but this is just this is just looking beautiful yeah this is looking great well hey listen if you guys like this video once you do me a favor and smash that like button guys if you guys are just visiting this channel for the first time please subscribe to my small channel here hopefully we can grow we're really close to 2k subscribers yeah don't forget to like the video I just want to say thanks for spending time with me today here guys and going over how to refurbish an original Xbox and just get in this beautiful green crystal Canadian crystal back to the original state here of functioning great here all right so this is retro pro Frank saying thank you very much for coming out and spending time with me we'll see you on the next upload I'm out
Channel: Retro Pro Frank
Views: 29,886
Rating: 4.8474417 out of 5
Keywords: Power button not working, The original xbox, Clock capacitor:xbox, How to repair, Clock capacitor, Repair xbox, Original xbox clock capacitor, Original xbox clock capacitor removal, Original xbox hdd replacement, Upgrading original xbox hard drive, Upgrading original xbox, Fix, Xbox, Xbox softmod hard drive upgrade, Original xbox hdd upgrade sata:mario, Og xbox hard drive upgrade, Xbox hard drive upgrade, Original xbox upgrade, Mr mario, Replacement, Refurbish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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