How to Organize Your Magic Card Collection | The Command Zone 465 | Magic: The Gathering Commander

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cards cards cards every magic player's got them but does your collection look like a total mess all those loose unsorted piles something's got to be done but what binders boxes bathtubs there are more ways to sort than you can shake an old stick fingers at but don't worry folks there is a solution here at the command zone we're big magic fans with magic collections of all shapes and sizes so we've sorted through our sorting methods and today the hosts and crew are passing their wisdom onto you for the low low price of watching this podcast so whether you've got one deck or 100 you won't want to miss how to organize your collection greetings humans you have entered the command zone your destination for all aspects of elder dragon highlander enjoy your stay what's up everybody you are watching slash listening to the command zone podcast i'm your host today jimmy wong and we are diving into a question that we get asked all the time on the show if you own one deck or 50 organizing your magic cards can be a huge pain point for many players so we're going to break down some methodologies and speak with a bunch of our office mates here at the command zone about how you can organize your collection in the best way possible there's a ton of really awesome relevant information in this podcast so you want to stay tuned and find out but first we got to talk about our sponsors and the sponsors are extra important today because having cards to organize is a part of organizing so make sure you check out command that is our sponsor you can just use that affiliate code or enter code command at checkout and you're going to have access to all of the cards in magix history not just that you're going to be able to buy them from local game stores from across the country so you're gonna also be supporting the businesses that need you as a customer and you need them as a business because you're gonna buy those cards anyway so why not use command and once you get those cards make sure you put them into an ultra pro sleeve a box an organizer what what's that you want to buy some organizational tools well then head on over to command and you're going to find tons of products from ultrapro backpacks playmats playmat tube holders card holders deck boxes boxes of all kinds sleeves and binders you name it ultra pros got it and not just that they have versions of their equipment and products that will match your taste based on your favorite card your favorite set even your favorite type of land ultra pros got it so make sure you go to command there are so many options there or you can also head on over to your local game store and buy ultra pro stuff because you know they're in almost every game store around the world you're going to find something that's going to help you organize and keep your collection clean finally the direct way to support the show is directly at command zone we have just revamped the entire patreon and we are so excited because we're offering tons of new things that we have never offered before including for patrons at a certain tier the chance to play with josh myself and members of our team here at the command zone live on discord on spell table there's nowhere else you can do this we've been had we've had people asking about this for many many years and we're so glad to finally provide that opportunity for some of our patrons and everyone has access to our discord we have an amazing community there you can ask questions you can also ask josh and myself directly questions and we'll answer it and it's a great community i can't i can't recommend it enough if you're a patron and you're not on the discord you're seriously missing out so make sure you head to command zone to sign up today and of course we dedicate every episode to one lucky patron so this episode is dedicated to noah pickens noah you rock all right let's get right into it how to organize your magic the gathering collection or hey if you have other card games you play that collection too we're going to help guide you to organizing your collection today whether it's small or gargantuan and we're going to talk with our staff as well and hear their methodology so that you can learn from what we've put into practice and maybe amend what you're currently doing or come up with an entirely new system that works best for you but first we have to understand organizing as a whole before we can even get to organizing and the first key point is defining a method so the definition of a method is a particular form a procedure for accomplishing or approaching something especially a systematic or established one so a couple of key words here stand out systematic and established systematic means according acting according to a fixed plan or a system and establish means something that exists and already works for people it's proven so when you're gonna go about that monumental task of organizing a collection no matter how many cards you have there are so many factors to consider when you're starting to put your cards away and how you're going to organize it that if you don't have or establish a method that is one works for you and has proven to work for other people in the past then you're basically doing something that's tantamount to pure chaos and no one likes playing against the chaos deck right so methodologies have been used all across history in fact methodologies is pretty much how we make anything work in this world and without the creation of a systematic and established method i wouldn't be here with this t-shirt on i wouldn't have this microphone on this mic stand on this play mat and this table you wouldn't have the phone that you're watching this video on right now because it required a method an established one a systematic one in order to get to that process and there's so many complicated things in the world and they're made possible because of a method so organizing your collection is no different without a method it's madness the second thing we have to understand when you're going to approach organizing a collection is defining the priorities so every collection in magic is unique you'll never find an identical copy because each card has its own history in its own condition and everything which means that if you're going to establish a methodology to your organization then you have to also understand what your priorities are when it comes to organizing because again this is also unique to every single player or collector so defining the order of priorities is going to be really important so look at your collection think about what you're trying to do and why you're trying to do it and ask first what is the primary purpose of organization so here are some examples one you might just want to deck build in which case you can ask yourself some further questions what formats am i trying to deck build into what power level are my decks and how many decks total do i need to build and so how big does serve my organization need to be to accommodate for that let's say you're organizing because you just want to trade so in that case what formats are you trying to trade for and where are you going to trade at what do other people sort of want can they go sift through boxes or is it easier for them to look through binders and if so how are you going to structure those trades and how is the way that you organize your collection going to help with that let's say you just want to protect your cards you want to store them or you want to display them well how do you want to display it are you going to try and do so in a bunch of hard sleeves or you're going to put it into a binder that you can flip through and why are you storing it are you storing it just to steal the way so that no one can ever look at it no one can touch it stays in perfect condition or he's stirring it so that people can come over and go wow with a cool collection and look at it and sort of gawk at it and also how much protection do you want to give to your cards are you going to be double sleeving everything are you going to be single sleeving it are you just going to be doing it just the card into the binder let's say you just want to collect well in that case what are you collecting are you collecting commander staples are you collecting sets like the the the cool box toppers and all that stuff understanding that will also help you understand how you might want to organize it let's say you're actually collecting with a play group i know a lot of play groups that do this they have a shared card collection that everyone can build from in which case what are the shared group goals when it comes to your play group how does the group going to manage the collection together is it easiest if it's in binders is there gonna be one person that's organizing it or if you're just gonna throw in a bunch of cardboard boxes so if you have your own purpose that are separate from all of these that we've just listed great but make sure that you understand why you're coming to the table first when it comes to organizing now there may be many other reasons you're organizing but there typically only is one primary purpose and that you'll find that that really does influence how you approach organization so after you define your primary purpose go through the exact same thing and define your secondary purpose and even your tertiary purpose if you have one some players with really huge collections may have multiple purposes as to why they're organizing it and then they'll organize their cards in different ways and when we talk to the staff members later on you'll really see that in action you'll see people that organize it because they just want one thing out of it or people like me that organize it that want multiple things out of it all right so now that we've understood what the methodology is and why we need methodologies and sort of what your priorities are now let's actually think about your collection your collection itself how big is your collection this is very daunting for a lot of people because i think for a lot of us myself included definitely for josh we don't actually know how many cards we have we could put some arbitrary number out there oh yeah i've got like 10 000 cards but i actually don't know i haven't gone through and counted all of them and so actually knowing how big your collection is is really important because you need to be able to gauge something like this in order to quantify how you're going to approach organization if you have so many cards and you want to put them just into binders well you might find that it's not actually going to work out you're going to run out of room so you may need to think oh you know what i need to do a half split between binders and cardboard boxes instead so for this little experiment we're gonna have some visuals here to help you out but a pile of a hundred cards on the desk think about this in your head how tall is that pile turns out on the table a pile of unsleeved cards 100 of them is about three centimeters or one and a quarter inches high so that means a pile of a thousand cards is going to be 10 times that 30 centimeters or about a foot high now a pile of 100 cards that's single sleeved is a bit thicker it's actually 5.5 centimeters or two and a quarter inches high and the pile of 100 cards double sleeved for all you double sleeve fanatics out there is even bigger seven centimeters or two and three quarter inches high that's actually twice the height a little more than twice the height than the pile of 100 cards unsleeved so as you're looking around your room your collection and you're seeing those piles of cards if you have a ruler handy or just rule of thumb to figure out how tall it is you're actually able to gauge how many cards are there so this is a good way for you to start counting how many cards are around now let's say you have a bunch of those regular nine page uh nine cards per page ultra pro binders each of those holds 360 individual cards in them so if you think about it now comparing the two you might have three piles of 100 cards about 300 cards all of those cards can fit into a single ultra pro binder and that actually to me was really surprising because i would think a pile of those cards that would take multiple binders to fill but now that we know those numbers 360 cards in that binder it can make a little more sense about oh i get it if i only have five of those piles i can definitely fit it into ultra pro binders if i have way more than that maybe i need to think of other ways of organizing and sorting stuff out now theoretically you could put three full commander decks in a single ultra pro binder and still have 60 cards left over so three full commander decks and a standard deck no sideboard can all fit into one of those binders you can also conceivably put multiple cards into the pages of the binders and i've seen plenty of people to do this i do this myself you have duplicates alternate versions just slide it in behind it's going to make the binder thicker but theoretically you could get over 700 cards into a single ultra pro binder if you don't mind putting some cards behind each other or if you have multiple playsets multiple versions of cards now looking at something like a deck box deck boxes are a bit bulkier and typically not great for storing but just for reference our game night stack box can hold two double sleeve 100 card decks on both sides and one 60 card regular deck in that middle chamber or a bunch of tokens so again into something that big you're getting about 260 cards but if you take those cards out and put them down or a single without any sleeves on it's gonna feel a lot smaller and then turns out that entire the entire contents of that game night setbox can also fit into an ultra pro binder so are you starting to get the meaning and reason why we're trying to gauge how big our collection is it's more important to understand how it actually fits into other pieces and other things now you've probably seen these big long white cardboard boxes everywhere you see them all the time at game stores one of those long cardboard boxes typically can hold over 1 000 cards unsleeved so again think back to that pile of a thousand cards is about a foot high or 30 centimeters that can all fit into one of those cardboard boxes however that thousand pile of cards would also take about three ultra pro binders to fit everything there so the size difference between that single cardboard box and three ultra pro binders it's gonna make a little more sense now very good all right so a couple of those numbers definitely surprise me and it turns out just as humans it's kind of difficult to look at something and know how much is in there i think we're all familiar with the famous gumball sort of contest where you look at a jar of gumballs and try and think of how many are in there and guess it turns out we always guess pretty far off because we're just not great at grasping it so hopefully the visuals we give you are going to be a little bit more elucidating the next time you look at a pile of cards around your room you can start gauging actually how many cards do you have and what's the best way to start organizing them all right so now that you have a gauge of your collection we would estimate here at the command zone that a small collection of cards is anywhere from about 100 to 000 cards so that means a single commander deck to a little over five binders of cards or maybe two of those large long cardboard boxes if you have a medium sized collection you're looking at about 2 000 to 5 000 cards so this could be three to five commander decks maybe some other formats as well and then you've got ten binders or maybe six or seven of those large cardboard boxes and if you've got a large collection we're talking 5000 cards plus at this point you've just got a ton of cards it could be across all sorts of different formats and decks but you've got a lot of them and you're going to need some serious storage to be able to get it under control okay we're going right through it we've now decided how big our collection is what we're going to do for a methodology why methodologies are important and also understanding what our purposes for organization so now it comes to the very practical part which is what do you need to purchase well we've already mentioned it but command great resource there's tons of different ways to help organize your collection there including themed binders as well as binders of different colors depending on how deep you want to get into it but before you buy anything i want every single one of you to ask at home what can i re-use so there's a story of old shoeboxes filled with magic cards that your mom or dad threw away when you're growing up turns out those boxes and many of the boxes around your house are still a great way to store cards you've seen this as well many people will reuse other sort of boxes meant for something else meant for tools but just are perfect for holding cards as well so look around your house before you buy anything think about what you can reuse and there's a good chance that you can recycle a lot of that stuff for instance we used to go to a lot of conventions and at the convention just for standing up you get a pack of sleeves and you're supposed to use it for your limited decks or whatever but typically i would just never even use it put it into a box and put it in the corner all those sleeves i never will see the back of if i put a card in that sleeve and into a binder and it's a great way to protect the card without needing to go out and buy anything new so look around for old sleeves look around for sleeves that maybe you just haven't used and maybe it mismatches the deck so you can't put it in a deck turns out those are perfect and so great for storing cards and slipping it away because you're just looking to protect it you're looking to put into a binder or a box whatever it is you don't really care about what the sleeve on the back looks like and of course you also might have old sleeves from other trades or you might have old deck boxes or just cardboard boxes even just regular boxes or even drawers there are many different places to store cards take a look around think about that first before you go and buy anything here's a breakdown on the main ways that people organize cardboard boxes these can hold tons of cards sleeved and unsleeved and they come in many different sizes if you're looking for a place to store bulk or less valuable cards this is a great place to start they do get pretty heavy though when you load them up so be careful moving them around binders there are binders of all shapes and sizes and colors some binders are completely self-contained you can't add or remove any of the pages and they're easy to open and flip through some binders have removable pages that you can buy separately and as a result are easier to organize without having to take out a ton of cards and shift them around if you have new things to put in and finally other containers plenty of players reuse the boxes that you get from magic bundles or find other interesting solutions to hold decks and extra cards there are so many options out there and we're going to talk a lot more about this with our office mates so that you can get an idea of why they store cards in different ways in different places and hopefully that can help you also get an idea around what you're trying to do but wait wait wait still don't go and buy anything quite yet because we don't actually know what your methodology at home is for organizing your collection now you probably got a bunch of ideas sifting around your head but to help sort of make those more concrete we're going to talk to office mates here and hear what their methods are and not just what their methods are but what the process is for putting their cards into their collection and organizing it what the pros are and what the cons are to their methods and then of course some questions if they would change anything if they would do anything new or if they have any tips for you all out there watching and listening along so hopefully by the end of it once you have all these sort of opinions sifting around in ideas you're going to be able to tell yourself okay cool based on what i heard i know exactly what i want to do so we're going to talk to those people in just a moment but first let's take a break and hear from our mid-roll sponsors hey folks it's tireless provisioner here with me and play whenever you have a land etb you can make either a treasure or a food but let's be honest no one wants to make food and why would you between shopping cooking and cleanup making food yourself is exhausting especially in the summer heat that's why i use factor the meal service that delivers fully prepped chef crafted meals straight 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thousands of cards in it so let's talk about what is your overall methodology and why you chose to sort of go this direction what is your sort of like this is my method this is why i want to do it this way yeah so i used to kind of do the binder method i had um it organized that way and i realized pretty quickly uh because i'm in a stage where my collection is constantly growing that it's very difficult to uh put more cards into a binder because then you need to constantly reshuffle stuff around yeah you have to move a whole page sometimes right right so this is a very good method i realized for uh adding new carts it's really dynamic and it's good for constantly growing collection all right so let's talk about the process here so what how is this organized this box it has five clear rows how does it work yes it's uh organized by woburg up here so white blue black red green and then i've got all my multi-colored cards here uh lands that are non-basic uh basic lens there's a little gap here and then this is artifacts so pretty standard just different categories and it's organized from zero mana value down here all the way to x mana value and all the numbers in between um and then non-basic lands i have alphabetized and yeah it's worked out great for me so far wow yeah so this is your entire collection right right in front of us yeah that's all my cards so let's talk about some of the pros here the clear pro i think to me is that you can find a card how fast you said uh i can find a card in under 30 seconds for sure wow it wasn't tilted like this i'd demonstrate but right right right but that makes sense i could go let's i want to find the landlord elves you'd go white blue black red green low mana cost up there on the top you're just going to grab some cards out awkwardly and let's see if you can find atlanta rls a bunch of elves by the way oh yeah uh but they're all i'm looking at they're all one drops they're all green creatures or green cards and at some point yeah you'll be able to find them yeah it's great so like uh when i'm on spell table if i like clone a card or something like that boomhorm yeah good enough good now yeah that's basically what i was looking for but yeah that's great so you can very quickly find a card it's great i think for deck building right yeah it's yeah it's really like later if you want to knock this thing over that would be a disaster um yeah yeah so like i'll just pick a color like if i'm working on two colored deck i'll just take all my green cards and i'll just start like riffling through them being like oh yeah yeah let's put that card in that like in a maybe pile that sort of thing and then when i'm all done i pulled aside all the cards i want like i'll put some into a deck and then maybe i have a stack of like these are like the maybe cards i didn't put in i'll put them off to the side and then if i have some down time later i'm watching some tv i'll take all the cards that like eventually grow into a stack maybe something all right you have like a little unorganized stack up yeah so it'll be something like this and like it's just a bunch of different colors and they'll go back and put all the green ones in one pile the white all the red one like that and yeah and then just put it right back in yeah yeah so very little upkeep really good for deck building and super fast for finding the cards let's talk about some of the cons here uh i think not terribly glamorous now some people may not care about this as a con by the way um maybe not as great for trading because it's a little hard to find stuff and you sort of flip through a binder and then to that same token it's not an amazing thing for showcasing cards but yeah you know i think the purpose here is that you when you went to primer to define your primary reason for organizing it was to get the cards in place where you find them quickly and to deck build out of them right yeah this is definitely all about function um i think there like there is a case to be made that it's okay for trading because you could uh just plan ahead and be like i know today is gonna be my training day i'm gonna take my box into the store i'm gonna keep a close eye on it i'll put it back in my car when i'm done and you can just be like do that just keep it with you the whole time never leave your cars unattended okay okay or that that's yes and then uh and then yeah you're just like hey guys like come over like uh take a look at what i've got this is everything i've got and yeah i'm up for trades so you could do it that way um but yeah it doesn't look as good you don't you don't get to showcase your shiny cards all in one binder yeah but it's really interesting because i think you're just going for practicality here and that to me is really important and we talked a little bit about reusing cards here as you can tell we're using things that you already have there are all these sleeves right here from different backings and all that stuff and if you look at this all of the cards are in different sleeves i think that's great you don't need to worry about matching the sleeves up or whatever you're just putting it in there and so you can access it easily and quickly yeah and i've got a bunch of top loaders too and one great uh reusability i love for top loaders is you can put your commanders in top loaders so that way you don't shuffle them into your deck yeah so yeah i've got all these top loaders very cool all right well is there anything you would improve upon this system and you talked about this is looking pretty full what happens what happens when you get more cards yeah so i started out with uh something that was equivalent to just one row of these through these boxes so um i guess i'll probably then graduate to needing more of those so gradually i'll start i started out with just one row and then now i'll probably add on a sixth row and maybe i'll take whatever looks like the biggest like maybe my multi-colored and i'll put that into its own box which will then free up more space here right to distribute and make the rows a little bit bigger well that's another pro it seems like it's really easy to upgrade based on right you don't need to buy 20 new binders and match the sleeves you just need another box like this and you can just expand in the same pattern and all that that's why i'm hoping we'll find out soon from the looks of it yeah we will find out soon i i love this i think this is a great uh method for a lot of people to look at and go hey this is really practical and works really well and it seems like it works great for you yeah yeah so on the flip side yeah if you're starting out and this looks really daunting like way too many cards i just get one box or two boxes that are about this big and see if your collection fits in that and then maybe over time you can end up with something like this but yeah it's great i love it i encourage people to give it a try if it's up their alley i mean you'll hear a bunch of other great ones too so i mean what i really like the most is that urine collection is all in here and this is just a box if you go to my house and you look at all the binders i have it takes up an entire bookshelf so this is a really space efficient way as well to organize and you found a way to make it so you can find cards when you need them well thanks for having me on jimmy anytime great to see your collection in all one place arthur yeah all right let's move on to our next guest all right we're here with ashlynn rose ashlynn welcome to the show thank you jimmy happy to be here always happy to have you let's talk about your overall methodology why did you organize a collection or what was that what was the main reason that you need to organize your collection and the way you did it totally so i have a huge collection i've been playing since i don't know 2011 or something right and so i have a lot of cards i've accumulated over time i also play multiple formats oh okay you're the first person and i think the only person we're talking to that plays not just commander but into other formats yeah i play a lot of modern uh looking at pioneer uh as long as other things and so my system is made so that i can it can be useful across all formats okay uh because we need to find cards quickly for building different types of decks right and we have multiples we usually have four of every card at least the rares because of the standard format because of standard formats yeah yeah okay so let's talk about your process then how are they split up when you're taking a look at your collection yeah so we have mythics and rares they're gonna be in binders typically that are sorted by color and set okay just so they're easy to find and then if you want to grab like trades and stuff for like an event it's a lot more accessible right and you do buy set because again of pioneer standard and all those other products that have legalities have legalities and i don't know about you but for me especially when it comes to cards if i'm trying to find it the first couple things i'm going to try to decipher are what color is it what's its name and what set was it in right so it makes it easier for me uh also we do uh uncomments and commons they go into just the white cardboard boxes uh and then we have a ton of those white cardboard boxes that then like kind of minecraft style you put a bunch of them together into a bigger cardboard box and it makes like a brick yeah yeah i think that's what damon actually has that we'll talk to him in a bit here okay great uh and then lands are the last thing that are separated and we usually i only keep the full art lands just because i like the art and i think it's really pretty and i like having those ones specifically in my deck the rest of them we usually like either give to lgses or we've donated some here for like draft nights right these are basic lands we're talking yes basic lands yeah non-basics are sorted similarly i'm assuming they are mixed in with like the rare mythic lands and rare lands go from that binder and yeah all that so you mentioned something about this but you don't actually sort by mana value is there a reason that you don't do that yeah so a couple of reasons one because it's multiple formats i need we have four of every card if it's by meta value those can get mixed in alphabetically just makes it a lot cleaner so you can find it much easier knowing the name of it and just sort of find it there yeah exactly and plus like so with mana value i'm gonna remember card's name more than i'm gonna remember the mana value like what what is bio rhythms mana value oh geez i don't know it's big though but you know it starts with the b yeah i do i know it starts with the b yeah yeah yeah i think once it gets past six i'm like i don't know it's 10 mana 30 mana the x's thrown in here and they're like i don't know what to do with that right right right what's x green green and x green do those go in the same place or is one two and one three ah yeah that makes a lot of sense okay so the pros i mean obviously the binder system it allows you to go through multiple formats and know what's legal know it's the what the pull right um really good for brewing i think right yes oh so good because you can kind of just like thumb through different things especially with your rare binder be like um i do want to make a commander out of this or oh i have a modern deck this would be gradient yeah and of course good for trading like you said and showcasing i love it and we'll show some pictures of course of how it's set up and you can just look through and it looks nice and it's pleasing to look at so do you have any cons do you think that there's some anything that sort of hurts a little bit like have you ever run out of space in the binder binders it is possible to run out of space and we we've i've definitely like grabbed a cardboard box for some as long as you're labeling things you're kind of in the in the clear but it can get kind of it's a lot to sort through especially if you're someone who's going to like pre-releases um and all those events and getting a lot of cars at once you have to dedicate time to sit there and sort them i see um which is the only downside i can really see when you get the cards in you ingest it right it just takes a lot of time to okay this is this set this color this thing and you're pulling out binders opening them and putting it in all that stuff right okay but i really like this you know when when it comes to anything that you think you might improve upon in the future or dealing with any of the downsides have you had any thoughts about what you might do to change things up um if not it's a perfect system yeah i mean it's pretty perfect no um maybe like someday transferring from cardboard to something nicer looking oh okay aesthetic upgrade that's a really interesting point you know i i've seen people put things in like metal lunch tins and stuff or like old metal uh boxes i've seen people use but you're right cardboard is a little flimsy and should you ever get flooded or water damaged it will leak through because it's not made you know it's made of paper basically yeah it'd be a soggy pile it'd be a very soggy pile yeah no one wants that definitely keep your cards above ground level as another thing we'd recommend to everyone um but yeah that's interesting i think that that could be a great spot to upgrade how do you move from the cardboard system to something a little more sturdy right i've seen people do like wooden drawer sets and all sorts of yeah really cool i don't know yet have you ever figured out like what you'd do i haven't yet i'm i'm a binder only kind of person okay so i and speaking of cons that is the biggest con because you sit there you unzip it you open it you find a spot and then maybe you have to move some stuff around so it can be a big big headache yeah definitely that's where i like the cardboard it comes in for the lazy part you're like okay we're doing two forms yeah ethics and rares that's it when it comes to your binders one last question are they the kinds that you can open up and move a page around or they open it and all the pages are set um oh interesting like you it's uh like that you clip it over clip it open and yeah you can buy a binder page oh yes you uh you can add pages i believe like we have some of the fancy unzipped ones but those are annoying they're a little annoying you're right yeah um but mostly they're the ones you clip and add to and that usually those ones you're able to slide in like something on the the tab of the binder so you can label it and know what it is yeah yeah so that's great that's more flexibility when you open the binder you can unclip it put in a new binder page from ultrapro or whatever and let's say you need to put the cards in you'll need to move everything over shift everything over yeah and then you can get binders that you like in case there isn't one that's available specifically for cards that you like yeah that's a good point all right well thank you so much ashlyn for walking us through your organizational method yeah thanks for having me all right let's move on to our next guest all right we are back with shawna gillis shawn and welcome back to the show thanks uh let's talk about your methodology because i think yours is the most i would call it official way of organizing a collection so what was your primary sort of i need this when they organized my collection yeah i um i used to have three ish allergy dusters in chicago one that i used to play at all the time and one that i went to to buy cards and it was like a night and day difference between they probably had the same amount of inventory but the amount of like the efficiency in which they pulled the cards was like a nine-day difference oh between the two lgs yeah i would um the first lgs they were graham cracker comics in naperville by the way um i would literally stop at graham cracker on the way to my other lgs to pick up my cards for that place oh okay so you modeled your organizational methodology from that first lgs totally i would just like discord one of them i would send them my list and then by the time i drove there which is like 30 minutes from my house they would have everything pulled they would have been totaled up and everything wow okay so let's talk about the process yep uh your process is identical to there so when it comes to getting the cards organized what do you do so when i get the cards in the first thing i look at is collector number what a lot of people don't know is that the collector number one exists and two they already order it based on color anyway so if you go to like any list if you go like commander legends and you type in the commander legends list by collector number you'll see that like colorless comes first or white comes first and then it goes by color right so there's an order already to the collector number totally obviously they put a lot more thought into anything that i will ever do in my life so taking that methodology and just using it to order my cards is really nice for me so then you organize each card into its own binder depending on what set it's from right so i'll have like a commander legends binder and i'll have a ragman combiner and the first slot in the commander religious matter when you open it is zero zero one you got it second is zero zero two if you have multiple versions you just sort of stack them behind each other yeah i try not to keep like dennis in them they keep like four or i'm sorry they said eight copies of each but i have like one maybe so yeah it never i never have gotten to the point where it's like it's not fitting the binder because of how many i have so have your binders ever overflowed do you need to like put them into something else after not really it's more like the opposite case and we'll see that later on when we talk about cons yeah okay so yeah you're organizing by collector number and you're putting it into different binders by set which i guess allows you to really get to that card quickly if you need it super fast so the pros here is obviously it's fast and it's set accurate and i know not maybe not everyone cares about this but some people don't want printings from different sets some people really want that whiteboard version whatever from 8th edition or they specifically want this and so this allows them to go all right this set this card bam in that thing find the number and get it immediately yeah i literally just when i'm looking for a card i type into the scrive fall find the one i like and then go straight to that binder oh okay and you'll also know if you don't have that one at that very moment too exactly so it seems it's like really really good for selling an inventory for stores as well right it's great yeah whenever i'm looking to like trade cards in for uh tournament entry something like that i just flip to whatever i know i don't need like oh where's my extra ragaban and then i just wow it's great i could use that extra rag and this is nice because i think it's really reliable there's a definitive landing place for every single card right okay let's talk about some of the cons here uh i think this is probably better for larger collections yep uh it's very utility based and maybe not everyone cares about the different sets and reprinting but you were saying some of your binders are a little woefully empty yeah it's very sad um like my i got in an rtr block so return to round about yeah so back when you know those binders i have like they have like three cards in them so i don't even know why i ordered those binders because obviously you have to go through and you like do like write down the numbers on them so you know we'll have like a little label that says you know zero zero one yeah the card and i'm like why did i go through and label this whole binder when i don't have any of these cards yeah so you open the binder there's like 50 empty pages and then you flip through there's like three cards slotted at random points just to be in the collector number and i i think i make the binder because one day i hope to fill it up but it's just not well i like that i think the aspirational element of a lot of collectors and i do this too i'll leave open spots if i'm like i need a fourth version of this card or whatever and i'm just gonna leave that spot open even though i have other cards i could put there okay that's really cool and i guess i i wrote down that it's not good for trading but i think i'm actually wrong i think it's great for trading it's kind of nice yeah yeah because you if someone again wants that very specific version and with trades people are very picky sometimes with that sort of thing yeah most of the time it's just like hey do you have a fierce guardianship and they don't really care about the printing i just like flipped to the fierce guardianship and i'm like nope i don't have it right right you know exactly yeah so is there anything that you think you would improve upon with this sort of setup do you do you care about those empty binders are you just going to keep this going for each set from now on yeah i think the only con which is probably a con that a lot of people have is that just like it gets so hard to be diligent about putting it in the correct spot oh each time you get so lazy like one of your questions was how do you what do you do when you get new intake or what do you do when you're doing your cards i'm like i just played the shisunu kapena pre-release and i just took all my bulk and i just gave it to my lgs i was like i don't want to buy another binder that's right but here's the thing you are able to track the comments and uncommons i find a lot of people with bigger collections they just sort of don't care about the comments on comments and sometimes some of those are really valuable and that was the best part about graham cracker is i'd walk up to them with like this overwatch tracker like looking for this random card and they're like oh yeah it's right here nice nice printing or this printing right so it's a bit more tedious i think we saw with a couple of other other steps like arthur is easier to just throw something in there but you do have what amounts to a very clear and concise knowledge of what cards you do have and don't have totally all right thank you so much sean that was really interesting to hear how you organize your collection you got it all right let's move on to our next guest all right we are here with mr damon lens damon welcome to the show hey how you doing i'm happy to be here uh i'm happy to be here as well so let's talk about your overall methodology what is your general process what does it look like when you are organizing your collection so we have this big organizer it's four by three and it fits those long cardboard boxes exactly yeah inside of them so in each box i have uh there's a label on the outside some of them are handwritten but lately i got a label maker which made it a little bit oh nice nice yeah um trying to upgrade my scissors yeah all right so what i do is in woburg orders white blue black red green i have creatures so it'd be white creatures black creatures so on so so forth and then from there i have two boxes because now as my collection grows i'm running out of space a little bit so i have two boxes that that share two colors okay and then those will have the the remaining creatures that i need then i have a box for just all non-basic lands also separated in wooberg order and then multi-colored and colorless all uh artifacts all rares and then all basic lands okay and so that's how that box is all organized and you may you may be thinking to yourself well that's just creatures how about your non-creature spells so i have a one of those massive rectangle uh boxes actually i think arthur in an earlier section showed yes yeah the five rows exactly exact same thing so wooberg order and i have all non-creature spells so instant sorceries champions and enchantments are the facts well artifacts go in a different box okay and then planeswalkers so that's that's what those boxes hold at some point i am going to invest in a second one of these large storage boxes i just only have one at the moment and then that one will have all of the non-creature spells organized in the exact same system that i have for the creature spells gotcha yeah i've actually found that when organizing creatures typically are about 50 of a collection just because there are so many more creatures than those other things yeah and that's exactly why i made the system the way that it is right now is i i was like you know what my collection's a mess and it's been a mess i've been playing magic for years and years and years and years and just last year i was like you know what let's let's figure this out let's organize it and i noticed very very quickly that there's just dramatically more creatures than non-creatures spells right it'll consume almost all of the box or all of the the collection of a certain color right yep exactly so by splitting it like that it just makes it easier for me to find any given card i need for any given deck that i want to build somebody in the office which happens sometimes they're like oh i need this card and i'm like i'm pretty sure i own that it's really easy to find because i'm like if it's a creature is it a creature yes what color is it this color and then i can go and find it if is it not a creature cool what color is it great then i can find it there yeah and you also told me something really interesting you're simultaneously slowly but doing it entering your entire collection into an app on your phone right that's right it's this app called mana box uh my best friend turned me onto it because it's what he uses and basically uh now what i'm doing is i'm going through my collection and adding everything onto this app and so i'm about a third of the way there uh but once that is done i won't even have to wonder oh do i own this card i can just look it up and if i don't own it i know i can go out and purchase it if i do own it then i'm like great now i can go look for it so i don't need to repurchase it yeah exactly so and it saves me that little bit of time where it's like i don't know if i own this card i know where i could go find it but i don't want to do that i can just put into the app exactly it makes life just dramatically easier yeah i think that's a huge pro right so i think the pros here the creature non-creature is streamlined and it makes a really big difference because you can just quickly go i need a creature versus i need a non-creature spell and it seems like you can build pretty quickly you can grab stuff out of there and i think having it in an app as well lets you just add another layer of refinement onto the whole thing when it comes to the cons i'm interested because let's say you take a car down you trade it do you have to also always go into the app and then remove it from your collection there as well that is something that i would end up doing yes i will say something that i've noticed it's a personal thing about myself and it does definitely doesn't apply to everybody but for those of you that it does yeah i just noticed over time like you know there's been times in the past where i've sold part of my collection right where i've traded away things and and years down the line i always regret it wow i'm always like damn you know i used to should have kept it yeah i used to own these cards and now i don't have them anymore and that's a really big problem so this system is definitely not set up in a way for me to be able to just quickly sell my collection or to quickly you know trade x and y right because you have to track it again i will say though if you ever do offload the entire collection you've got that text list exactly which is which is really convenient the other thing cool thing about the app is it actually tells you the monetary value as you keep as you keep adding oh calling it updates as the prices update as well yeah so it is my system is definitely not set up to maximize trading or selling it's just set up for like i'm going to build this random deck that i you know a new pre-con comes out i'm like wow i really want to build that i'll make my list online and then i can go through that list and pull out every card that i have and then just buy the remaining cards very nice yes i think the pattern we've seen with most everyone is that deck building is a high priority and so being able to get to that process for everyone for arthur you know it was all just one color and one thing for you it's separating the creatures and non-creatures which is similar to what i do so that's cool though it seems like it's very optimized and the most important part i think of these box collections is that it's so small you can just put it in a corner and it's a box it's not like 80 binders or whatever else that i have yeah that was something uh you know i've moved a lot the last couple years yeah with the military and stuff and i'm like i really need to find a way to make this much more convenient for me where i don't have just these massive boxes uh that i'm hauling around from place to place and uh getting it all condensed into a single area makes that dramatically easier yeah i like that a lot that makes perfect sense especially with with you moving and all that stuff so now that you're sort of reaching the end of this box and you're looking like you're expanding is there anything you improve upon i think the label maker is a great start by the way it's easier to read from a distance and you know exactly what's where yeah so uh yeah the label maker definitely um when i bought this box the the big box that i i showed you guys um i only bought one because i was like i don't know if this is really gonna work out for you this is kind of a test it is definitely something i am investing in more of these i'll probably end up with about three uh two of them will be full one of them will be partially partial that will make life a lot easier and then the other part that i'm sort of trying to figure out a solution for is anytime i get new cards they go into like this unsorted thing unsorted box box yeah and then from there i then condense and sort them if i can figure out how to streamline that process that would be fantastic yeah so what i've seen a lot of stores do is they'll have these little play mats that have cm numbers on them or they'll have little bins and collectors that you can just put the cards into so maybe there's something there where you take the cards out they want put it into something else the way you organize it and then transport it over that's not a bad idea yeah yeah i'll definitely look into that so yeah those are those are the big uh things that i'm looking to improve on and then um i will say the one nice thing sort of about trading is like the other day shauna asked me for some random off the wall card and i'm like you know i don't know if i have it but i'll go look but it was really nice because i i was able to find it with just a few minutes and you know give that over to her so you know it's not too bad but it is uh you know something that requires a certain amount of upkeep so it's definitely not a system for everybody but it's something that if you invest that time early on it pays off for you towards that's a great point making a systematic established thing early on that you can just put stuff into instead of always changing it or trying to update it precisely very cool well thank you so much damon great to hear about your collection thank you for having me anytime lady danger the one and only stay dangerous uh so lady you're actually here to talk about something that's actually a little bit different than what we've been talking about with the other uh staff members it's an important part of organization it's graphics and cutouts and visual accuracy and all that stuff so what are you doing now you just told me you were actually starting to reorganize yeah so uh right now i'm reorganizing my collection i have them set up in like the big five thousand boxes like i think damon had yeah and arthur both have those yeah um and so i'm switching from that to current i think like an inch and a half binders okay now per set um aesthetics are uh really important to me i'm the kind of person where if i don't see it it doesn't exist so having that box in a closet i'm like i don't have any of those cards so i always end up buying doubles of everything so right i have a new bookcase system that i'm putting everything in there and uh organize them by set and divider very cool so when all the binders are lined up they're going to look visually similar and aesthetically pleasing oh yes uh oh my brain it makes me happy so it makes me happy too yeah um i found a couple resources online that you can find printouts for the side of the binders the front of the binder oh and we'll have those links by the way below um and so you can kind of like look at a glance and you're like okay i have that set i have that set i have that set i think i also might mark if i have a full set oh uh where it's like a little you know dot or something like that how about the gold star you made it like gold star good job you have every single card that you don't need and how do you go about printing out these labels and making sure that the right size and all that stuff too um so a lot of the templates are set up for specific size binders so a lot of them are either an inch or an inch and a half um i think some of the older sets that have diff like blocks in them you want to put them in like three inch binders right um but uh i personally depending on what i'm doing so before i had um in my big white box i had the card dividers and i would just use like a simple label system like a dymo label or this is ravnica yeah this set uh and i would do it that way and uh if you get an extra fancy sometimes i have a uh a cricut cutter which is like a big machine that i can make like illustrator files and vectors and i can use those and i can make certain symbols that go on the binders or on the card dividers or sometimes even for deck boxes i can oh my deck boxes yeah so i know exactly like what's in it i have a problem with my deck boxes where i don't know what's in half of them yeah cause like i have to open it pull up the commander go okay and i put it away yeah i'll never remember that again i know there's a lot of colors of deck boxes but like personally i'm like i only like a handful of colors or anything so i'm like i'm going to get the same color of everything and then i'll just put like a label or a certain like symbol on it that i know is like didn't know it's corvold or something yeah yeah yeah okay so let's talk about the pros obviously it looks great aesthetics one hondo yeah yoga you'll need a stress like i do when i have a sharpie on i'm about to ride on something i start sweating because i go oh no what if my handwriting isn't consistent across the five things that i do this on yeah it would drive me it does drive me crazy and i have done it and i have been there or i'll spell it wrong and then i'm like well i just ruined this whole thing so like and everyone's going to look at me and laugh because i feel the wrong nobody's ever going to see it but i'm i am my own nurse critic um yeah so the pros of it is it's going to be super legible you'll at a glance be able to look at everything and know exactly what it is or exactly where to find it yeah um it's less confusing than like some people like all of my binders are by set but some people do it by color so maybe they have a red binder and they have all their red cards in it and then i'm like well i need that red card from this set at this and i'm like oh i'm going to get it exactly i want to make it as clear as possible um and like i said it just makes everything super easy to find right yeah i'd say maybe the cons are pretty easy to understand it requires extra materials yeah extra time extra materials extra money um so it's more of like a long haul process i'm not doing it all at the same time because oh my gosh it would be so exciting it would take a long time too um but yeah it's for me aesthetically like i said if it's in a closet i will not go look for it right it's too much work for me but if it's out and i can look at it and also i can appreciate it because i love the art of cards and so if i can just look at it i'm like oh it's so beautiful i love all these things and i can like put it like pick something out and maybe just glance at the binder and i'm like oh that's super inspiring let me go ahead and make something about that yeah i like that a lot because like especially with these more recent sets like kamigawa with all those special art frames it's really cool to see them together yes and you see them displayed out that way so i really do like that method of doing it by set even if that's not what i personally do i think the only other con is that once you start you can't stop yeah but it makes it easy because if you if you start from your oldest set and you move forward you just grab a new binder and then you slot them all in put it in and so i think shauna also maybe does hers by numbers so you can still do that same way in the binder set by numbers and it's just in a binder as opposed to a box very nice well how what percentage are do you think you're done organizing that big old box oh no not even close i think i'm on binder number one nice perfect you all got to start somewhere but that's great i i'm a big fan of the aesthetically pleasing and i think that's an important thing because a lot of players out there as well probably feel the same way i do recommend um if you are sorting your cards do it at a car like do it on a table because i've done it on the floor hunched over for hours and it's miserable yeah yeah yeah take care of yourself take breaks drink water that's a good paul yeah and the more space you have the better so that you don't just sort of start putting things together and yeah it gets messy real fast all right well thanks so much ladies great hearing about your message all right one last person to go and that person is me all right now it is finally the last person to talk to it's jimmy talking to himself me here's how i organize my cards for me i have a lot of cards my collection is definitely in the biggest of the sizes and it's only grown since doing this podcast for seven years and i've actually done the process of reorganizing it probably three or four times now and i think i've landed at what is my final organizational method so uh big important fact though is i was introduced to this game by craig blanchett and my friend d and i would flip through their binders and find cards and pull them out so that was something that was really foundational to me as a player and a great way for me to visualize what i was building so my system is kind of a mishmash of a few that is focused on the binders so the overall methodology is that i have detailed binders for everything except for bulk and unplayables so it doesn't matter if it's common or uncommon rare mythic if it's a bulk mythic it's in the bulk pile if it's a bulk common it's in the common pile but if it's a playable commander card then it has a chance of making its way to the binder so my process is i separate all of my cards into its individual colors so white blue black and red and green that's five categories right there and then you have the ten color pairs the color trios and then five color and i consider four color to be five color for this for this regard and then similar to what damon does i separate each of the colors into its component parts so if it's a creature it goes in the pile of white creatures and then there's if it's an instant or a sorcery it goes into an instant pile then the sorcery pile an enchantment pile an artifact pile and a planeswalker pile there are very few colored artifacts so that doesn't really factor in artifacts itself is in its own pile and then i separate all of those into different binders so over the years i found that not one binder can hold it all so i actually have a separate binder for each color i have three binders for each color one is for creatures one's for instance and sorceries and one is for enchantments uh artifacts and planeswalkers typically that last binder is a bit emptier than the other two just because and the creatures one is typically the most full but i found this way to be the best for me because i know if i need to find an instant that's blue i pick up that binder i know exactly where it is and i can look through it um when it comes to my lens i separate it into the color relevant lands i'm calling them so if it's a fetchland if it's a landing tab for two mana then anything that's white and red for instance goes with those other cards that affect white and red man or can tap for white and red and then i separate it into the utility lands and then the artifact lands and i again trying to keep these in as many binders as possible and what ends up happening is i have a lot of empty pages and some that are more full up but i have empty pages because i know that my collection's going to grow over time i also know that some cards are not going to fall out of favor and maybe turn into bulk over time so i want the flexibility to add in new cards and take out old ones and not run out of binder space i also don't want to get my collection so big that i have to go beyond the current binders that i have so it's kind of a self-limiting factor too if i find that i'm running up against the edges of my binder maybe it's then time for me to go through find some stuff to trade away from store credit or sell off and then i can fill those spaces back up again so as a result three binders for every single color and about you know eight ish binders for the artifacts lands and all that stuff too so the pros here is that it's really easy to locate something when i want to find it by identifying both what's the color then what kind of type of card is it and i can open the binder and find that card it looks really great to me i'm a big aesthetics person and it's really good for building and importantly i've introduced a lot of friends to the game over the time over the years and i love being able to pull out the binders for them when they find the command that they like they can open it up if it's a creature binder then the first few pages are just legendary creatures so they can choose a commander from there and then they can go from there and i sort of sort the creatures by you know i put all the wizards together i put all the dragons together i put all the artifact or weird things together i sort of find ways to semi-organize it within but i don't care too much about it i just want someone that when they want to build a deck they choose okay i'm going to make this commander it cares about shape shifters they can open the binders they can find the area that has those creatures and then start pulling them out based on sort of what the deck they're building and for me that's the most important part how do you make decks efficiently and quickly especially if you don't really know all the cards that you wanted it maybe you just want to sift through and see some interesting interesting things that pop up and maybe you'll think of a cool combo or an interaction as a result of seeing those cards together because if you're just typing it into a list you might have a lot of blind spots and miss stuff and as someone that's built so many decks for game nights at this point i've definitely had a lot of blind spots but when i'm sifting through a binder and looking through the options of cards sometimes my brain can spark in a way that makes me go wait a minute that could be a really fun thing to build around the cons here obviously a lot of binders this is only i think a method for a really big collection you could pair it down and just have one binder per color and sort of do the same sort of separation but you might find that you run out of space over time so this is very bad for like pick up and go trading if i want to go to a convention i'm certainly not lugging 24 different binders with me i'd have to go through pick out the stuff and then put it into a separate trade binder and bring that and of course the upkeep is a lot every time i get a new car they have to sort them out into the system that i've already made fortunately once you do the hard work and you get the bulk of your collection in it's not that hard to go from there but it does take a little bit more time because i'm not just putting it into a box like damon or arthur are which is super convenient by the way and i'm actually kind of rethinking maybe i do need to do that for some things but it goes into separate binders and then of course takes up a lot of space the collection that i have might be able to fit into two of those big 5 000 card boxes but right now it's spread into what almost takes up you know a bookcase in an entire side of a bookcase so that's something that i think now that i have it set and built i know exactly how big it is i don't need to expand it any further that is the comforting part to me because i know i don't need to keep going with stuff i don't need to keep adding binders on unless i'm doing something very specific so those are the cons there for sure um but you know this is me after seven eight years of just constantly thinking changing things renovating things moving stuff around until i finally get the setup that i like but most importantly it seems that most of the people we talked to today and maybe you watching and listening along at home too care about building decks and brewing decks more than anything else and it seems like the way that you can create a system that you understand that then you can find the cards quickly is the best because you don't necessarily need to explain it to other people because they're not the ones that are going to go looking through your collection for something you are so as long as you have that innate understanding i think you're in a great place so go forth and organize today on the episode of this podcast we have understood the need for a solid methodology when organizing we've understood our own priorities when it comes to our organization we've understood the size of our own collections and what actually we need to get when it comes to organizing and we finally understood the types of storage that are available that we will need to use when we want to organize everything and of course you heard from multiple command zone staffers as to their specific methods and system so what are you waiting for you now have all the tools that you need to come up with your own method that fits you that makes you happy and that makes you satisfied for organizing and getting your collection under control and you know what the best way to start organizing is to just start doing it it can be super daunting i know this for a fact so just get to it put your feet down or i guess your hands in this case and figure it out and it's totally okay if it evolves and changes over time it's almost like a mini game within the game of magic itself and that's what makes being a collector and being a hobby is so much fun is you get to do this stuff and be passionate about it so i hope to hear from the listeners to the listeners what are your keys to organizing do you have a methodology that you have and you think is perfect that we didn't mention on the show today or you'd like to share with us make sure you leave a comment in the youtube comments you can tweet at us you can find us on social media and we have great community here a lot of people will be reading those responses i know for sure i will be going through almost all the comments on this episode because i want to know what you're all up to and i'm certain someone out there has found a really cool interesting way that maybe others can benefit from and it is of course about the gathering so please leave those comments below but before we get out of here you want some cards to put in your collection or you're feeling your collection needs to go from small to medium well head on over to command and shop from channel fireballs amazing marketplace you're gonna be shopping from local game stores around the country you can also get some of the best sealed product prices in the world and we all know it's tough when you open up a booster box what do you do with all those cards well hey now you have a method of organizing them so go out there get that draft booster or the collector's boosters whatever you want channel command or just enter the promo code command at checkout and you're good to go and you're supporting the show as well and of course ultra pro we have to shout them out especially in this regard command you're going to find so many things out on that website that help you organize from boxes to backpacks to deck boxes to binder pages to crazy cool art binders to very specific just single color ones everything is there ultra pro is your hookup when it comes to organizing and keeping your collection clean and succinct so make sure you go to command and start upgrading the way that you organize your collection today or hey just hop on over to your local game store they're going to have all that same stuff as well and go for it and also i might mention that command often has great deals on older products so if you're looking just to get some binders to just start organizing you don't even care what it looks like that's the place to go you're going to find tons of stuff there and some at a really great price all right everyone thanks so much for watching and listening today uh big thanks to everyone here at the command zone especially those that appeared on the episode today but in total we have damon lens sean aguiles arthur miller craft ashland rose lady danger manson lung craig blanchett josh murphy jake boss patrick nan jordan bridge and sam wall the grav golotti truck tie jamie block mitch trafford and evan limberger big thanks as always jeffrey palmer who does some of our living card animations you can find them at living cards mtg and i can't wait to hear how you organize your collection so get in those comments tell me and i'll be reading them and i'll be replying maybe we'll see you all next time everyone thanks so much for watching peace thank you for your attention for further inquiries send an email to commandcast or ask us on twitter at jf1 and at josh lee kwai see you later alligator greetings humans
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 258,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, politics, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), negotiations, command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, organize magic cards, how to clean magic cards, how to organize collection, storing magic cards, magic card binder, magic binder best, sol ring
Id: B6CTZTywzbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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