How To Organize Your Closet Space with The Home Edit | Master the Mess EP 2

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what's the project today a bedroom closet Oh God brace yourself you just don't know what you're gonna find right there's always like surprises you never know I mean I'm always like oh this must be a jam box and like open it up and it's like whew I'm clear and I'm Joanna I was looking at the camera I'm so sorry I'm click sorry like my stomach just growled all right do it again I'm Cleo and I'm Joanna we have a company called the home at it we are actually professional organizers crazy people same thing we've clients all over the country including a bunch of celebrities and now we're coming to your house so get ready we might know how to clean up a mess but when it comes to the rest of our lives we're actually kind of a mess ourselves just ask our husband for kids parents grandparents literally anyone who's ever met us so watch what happens when our maths meets yours this is master the math it's a good bribe all right so tell us tell us yeah tell us what we're doing I have a complete mess in my closet I work in a sleep lab at night really and I run it in home bakery and I have two kids and I'm a single mom oh my gosh you're so busy Oh amazing I literally cannot go to the grocery store alone with my two children but I lack in the closet love a great sunshine like her youngin I've ever loved a human so what if we're closets a mess me and the father of my kids split about three years ago we were together for 18 years and motherhood is extremely difficult but I think I'm rockin it all right Brandi let's see it all righty are you ready yeah [Music] oh my god okay we definitely have our work cut out no I need the help it's like real but we have to remember so we have to be friends with her she bakes things and tells people how to sleep so like let's step through it actually used to be my kids bad closet so having a mess in their fields it up it makes it still feel like there's things in there and time I having a hard time just letting some of the stuff go we have a lot of empathy for like you know real situations we don't have empathy for people holding onto things for no reason but once we understand like the story behind it Joanna has more empathy okay because I'm the one with the warm heart well I'm not pretending to have so like what are your favorite things anything blush we love blush what makes me happy so I need a sexy section okay don't we all I want to get back into the dating scene I've tried dating apps I haven't gotten up enough courage to message back some of these men that have messaged me got it I need a whole sexy all right okay all right all right definitely different section if we do your closet I'm gonna set up your sexy section you in turn have to actually accept a date from one of these guys you can do it okay deal all right we're kicking you out you go check your dating apps we'll take care of your closet all right all right it is I'm honestly slightly terrified of this closet I mean it is hack attacked first thing we do get this crap off of the doors we can set up little stations on the doors that are less so cute door station love it I love when there's a big find like this yes goodbye yes what's this I think that's like a waist slimmer well I might put the sign Wow let's put this I don't know what yeah this is no joke I know we have to keep going no thank you and it's like a tummy because oh I'd like to eat a cupcake so no date top she likes a ruffle yeah she does like a ruffle hey guys dessert Rove oh you're get okay crumbs everywhere what's the story here she's a baker and she works for it's like a sleep clinic oh she's a single mom two boys the baking she wears loungewear that we are calling bakeware thank you that's so much love it so much oh um so the bakeware lounge where church where sexy time Sunday morning starts here and it goes through to the sexy station and the plan is like incredible I'm really excited I personally love a sexy section do you have one oh no not for myself I mean I was like I don't know we did tell her we would make her an electronic section yeah clear I don't know that that's an electronic cookie it isn't electronic well first got batteries but if you wanted to also go maybe in unsexy card this is not I swear to you look at it this is like it looks like an oral-b toothbrush I mean don't put it in your mouth oh my god okay in my defense I have seen a few sex toys in my day okay none of them have looked like this there's a ton of stuff that we need to get to rectify the situation yes Sumner like good luck to you okay okay we'll be back okay see you guys later oh my god here we go again we got another medium you're such a grammar nazi it's not cute lock twist pull it you're why oh you are definitely nice drawers and that she didn't just have like a mountain of clothes all right so like I fit in because she's got the depth it would be ciphers you do a floor drawer oh we can use these for all her scarves senator can make her super special start on that so they'll fit happy little donut we always knew that some 'nor was an invaluable member of the home edit but when she came up with the scarf donut we knew we could never lose her oh my god clean look blush no way this is the exact blush that she uses in her bedroom oh my god I like I'm not leaving here without this I feel like she needs this I know like how did they know to come up with blush just in time kiss brandy cleaver deserves it oh hello ladies well hello oh I'm sorry is anyone going to do work that doesn't involve eating a cupcake can I at least take a video of you doing it ready so let's see I'm gonna dip you've made that cupcake look disgusting can you put it back on and just try it one more it's like please like the icing in between not how anyone needs to Clinic I just eat the freaking up egg you could have done that a second time but that's fine will will like let it go I mean honestly I know that you and John like are the slide have a hard time with you sometimes I'm sorry that both my husband and my work wife need better direction [Music] honey you know I hate when you shoot from that angle if you could just like go up like a little bit yeah just stay in your lane like he knows what this is this is my lane Leah's husband John is a huge celebrity photographer naima celebrity in the last 20 years that's alive and I'm sure he shot him and since we just wrote a book we were lucky enough to have him take pictures of us for it which we probably don't even desert you guys should switch if you're going this side okay really I feel like I'm weak from this side yeah like he knows what he's doing I just don't like the way I look from this angle you're not gonna like we were talking in the photos either I honestly I'm actually very uncomfortable from the side there's no way I look good from the side okay switch backs guys both again with the low angle iron early a photographer he does this for a living people pay him for this well you know what I run into them listen I feel you seriously I quit you both this stuff's hung but all of her things need bin does it yeah it kind of hold about that nope hey we put all our eggs into an actual bin and when you have all of your hope resting on one thing and it doesn't fit it's really really really frustrating hate hate it do we hate turn does that look silly turn okay okay bin crisis averted so amazing I know like that's a huge success that window we can get take the winds where we can get them my favorite part you guys we are done love it I love it too I feel like she's gonna love it like how can you not - Brandi - Brandi where's guys as much as I want to see Brandis reaction I'm going to get my groove back oh are you seeing a certain someone that's in my private life but I see you guys like what what is the young man's name Millennials and totally ladies we're really excited yeah okay you have to open it I call dibs on walking you through the hanging clothes because it is my personal most favorite oh my gosh don't cry I feel amazing overjoyed and emotional I never thought it was possible for my closet to look like that at all absolutely not so this is the entire week that we're looking at okay it starts on Sunday all right so this is your church where okay it goes into your work week yeah all of your scrubs into your baking section and then we end with the freakin weekend okay and it is all of your date attire your sexy section no excuses okay yeah all right oh my god and then you've got clean laundry so if you're too tired after you do the laundry and you just need a place to put it if you have dirty laundry which everybody will on the wall here but your accessories your beauty your hair section of course your bakeware which was a love that that closet kicked my last little funky Oh life out of the water this is gonna give me a new life and I'm ready to go thanks to the closet I don't know right absolutely amazing like it really really is like it's the blush in the dull pretty inverse you know it's I'm gonna take selfies in there we held up our end of the agreement and now we would like to see who you are gonna be going on a date with yes I have three guys okay tonight can I do the honors this is Curtis okay looking for a woman who loves God cooking baking work so this is Jay yay looking for a partner in crime who loves adventure and isn't afraid of getting into some trouble smiley face so I'm gonna pop on him all right oh this is Laird an accountant by day the right lady can hop on board the Lord supervise love crane whoo I'm gonna say hard pass on and we stick with number one I'm going with number one he loves baking do you want to know who I picked Curtis is it Curtis no really hope number two James yes I don't want another guy that makes like me can't be both bang yes you can't read the travels the world with a bad guy all right fine but I want you to call us in a month and if this doesn't work let's I would like you to revisit Curtis I agree I am blown away with how this project I have to get me killed it I love it I love it like I love her like and they are there men are just so much I want visitation right keep in touch and let us know please oh don't tell us the restaurant though cuz we will show up I'm not gonna tell you guys the restaurant [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine
Views: 852,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reese witherspoon, hellosunshine, reese, Hello Sunshine, Master The Mess, The Home Edit, Home Edit, Clea Shearer, Joanna Teplin, declutter, clutter, cleaning, spark joy, organizing, organization, organizers, shelfie, spring cleaning, new year new you, closet, closet space
Id: QfJKCFKqc74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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