How To Open A Safe With A 3 Number Combination

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Hi, my name is Uriah Ortiz, and today we're gonna discuss how to properly dial in your safe combination into a manual dial. Although there are many different brands and dial patterns depending on the manufacturer this is by far the most common dialing pattern out there. I would even go as far as to say that 90% of the manual safe dials out there use this dialing pattern. So I have a training dial here: a manual dial has a cutaway where you can see what's going on in the inner workings on the back. I've written down the combination: The current combination, which is 69 22 51. And then I wrote down the number 98 off here to the side. Some people think they have a four-digit combination, because the last number is written down, but that's just the final spin that we make just happens to end on 98. So I wrote that down just to show you, because some people think they have a four-digit combination when the last number really doesn't matter. It's just where you do your final spin where it stops. So here's the pattern: left-right left-right, four turns, three turns, two turns, one. So: 69, I would turn left. Let's go ahead and go through this. Here's your information. So, I'm gonna go left at least four full turns, right? So I'm going to do at least four on the first one it doesn't matter how many at least four though. So, we're gonna stop on 69, which is right there. Then we're gonna go, the next number is 22, I got to go right. I got to pass it twice stop on the third time. So I'm gonna go right past 22 twice. Stop on the third, once, twice... and stop on the third. Now I'm using the twelve o'clock marker to dial in my code. The 11 o'clock is for changing safe combinations, and we'll discuss that in another video. So I'm on 22, which is the second number, the next one is 51. I need to go left and pass it once, stop on the second time. So, 51 going left. So passed it once immediately, and I'm gonna stop on 51 there... And then the last step: is to dial it right one turn, and it's just gonna happen to stop on 98. So I'm gonna go right, and then the fence will drop into the back and engage. So right, I'm just gonna turn it, and it engages. As you see, it's the fence that was engaging. It falls into place when all the wheels line up. That fence falls into place, and throws and retracts the bolt. So, that's how you dial in a safe combination. Again, it's left-right left-right, four turns, three turns, two turns, one turn.
Channel: Guardian Safe & Lock
Views: 52,707
Rating: 4.4845362 out of 5
Keywords: How to open combination safe, uriah ortiz, how to open a safe with the combination 3 numbers, guardian safe and lock, how to open safe with 4 number combination, how to open a sentry safe three 3 number dial combination lock, how to open a safe with the combination, combination safe, how to open a combination safe, how to open a safe, how to crack a combination lock, open a safe lock, locksmith, combination lock, how to open a safe without the code, combination lock opening
Id: SawdvEccTTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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