How to obtain EVERYTHING in Update 20 Blox Fruits

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it's update 20 let's go we're going to be going over everything you need to know about this update ring from how to get the new shark anchor weapon to getting the new fighting style thing we art even though Dragon Talent is still on top all right first things first take a look at this beautiful island it's a little bit mgy it's a little bit muddy out the weather's not looking so great well that's all the time but the buildings everything everything's so nice here you got this fantastic Tower you got some sections for you to Quest we got this middle piece right here and much more very beautiful New Island all right first things first shark anchor how do you get it all right first make your way over here we're going to be entering this building and then you need to craft a Monster Magnet to get the Monster Magnet you need to craft these two things first tooth necklace and a teror draw these are two accessories that you get to have Monster Magnet once you craft it I already have one so that's not going to work you're going to go into the ocean and just Farm you're going just wait till there's a terror strik that spawns and hopefully one of them has a anchor attached to it I'll show you the differences of what they look like there's going to be a normal Terror shark and a teror shark with an anchor attached to it all right this this right here is a normal Terror shark he's beating me up he's biting me down he's hurting me I'm dying but look at it it's a normal Terror shark it has 150,000 health and it's level 2,000 and it's a raid boss and they spawn in Ocean you got to go to deeper levels of the ocean before you can find it I'll go over the whole ocean mechanic in the later part of this video so don't worry about that what you need to know is the differences between what you're should be looking for all right right here we have the the anchor shark we make sure we don't get destroyed please don't destroy my ship this is the terror shark and it has 195,000 Health we died but if you noticed it had a anchor attached to it and that's what it looks like so keep an eye out when you're looking to kill that when you do kill it you get the shark anchor you get it automatically next thing next uh we're going to be going over the new materials in the in Block Roots these materials are going to be used for crafting a lot of things so keep an ey out for what they're used for first we got the shark tube these are obtained by the sharks that spawn in the ocean next we got Fool's Gold these are obtained by the ghost ships that spawn as an event in the ocean so keep an eye out for those those are kind of dangerous they're kind of scary I know they take a little while to defeat but that's where you get them electric Wing you get them from the Piranhas that spawn they stun lock you they're full of electricity they like to stun they're annoying so be careful with them M and two this is from the terror sharks that spawn pretty sure they're like a rare drop from the terror sharks they just come from them same thing for the terror eyes they come from the mutant shark there just a little bit of a rare drop Leviathan scale this is like last main material you're going to have to farm for and this comes from none other than the Leviathan it spawns more like you don't get it just from the Leviathan alone if you defeat the different segments from the boss fight you'll get more of these scales and this is also technically a material but it is what you obtain and get to get the sanguine art and we'll go over that in a second these materials are used for crafting like I mentioned you go to one of the shark Hunters here use your materials get the necklace say yep we already have that maybe you want the Terra draw that's another accessory and also these are the materials you need for each thing here just to get an idea and then also the other person he is just over here down this Ladder into this room and right here the Beast Hunter he crafts two really good accessories first the Leviathan crown and then the Leviathan Shield which is my favorite right now it's I think the shield is a game changer right now you need a mirror fractal for the shield so you're going to have to go back and kill do king for one more and finally we have the last craftable item which is the Beast Hunter it's a new ship you can get uh I already have it here this right here is the Beast Hunter you spawn it in by the luxury boat dealer pretty cool looking ship we got here we got some ice details to match the boss fight and a Canon we not a Canon but a harpoon this is used for getting the sanguine fighting style after you defeat the Leviathan you're going to need to use this Harpoon and lat onto the heart to get it so what I mean by that is you sit down there's going to be like a floating Ice Cube thing after you beat it I already beat it but I didn't have the ship with me at the time you're going to Harpoon it and you're going to pull it down you're going to get the heart and yeah you're going to use that heart to talk to shaffy the new trainer which is right over here he's probably going to ask for more stuff like money and stuff but I don't know much about that right now yeah used the material successfully I had the heart so we're going to learn the fighting style 5 million money 5,000 fragments yep we're going to learn it boom you got it here these are the m1's this is the Z move here it's uh it steals life from them I'm pretty sure and gives it back to you which really strong this is a pull move it pulls them towards you and then this is another long range grab move right here watch this and it does some thing afterwards to hurt them yeah also does a cool thing if you miss the attack it does a orb attack and L hits anybody nearby these are the m1's really fast m1's which I'm really jealous of and that's how you get S art also in this new update we have a new system called enchanting you use these Scrolls to enchant your weapon but before you can enchant it you need to go to your blacksmith and upgrade your weapon so I'm going to upgrade this shark anchor why not I'm going to upgrade this gun just to show it off now we're going to go back to the tiki Outpost we're going to go to this Tower right here you enter through the bottom climb this giant ladder to get to the top once you reach the top you see this fancy Shany room and we got a dragon Talent Sage a new NPC the dragon Talent Sage is actually one of my accomplice who I sent to help with Leviathan situation going on this update and he's going to help you by teaching you about enchanting to get started with enchanting first of all you need these Scrolls choose which one you want to do you got to get these Scrolls I'll show you how they how to get them normally real quick you need to craft them du the sky you might notice we have some loocks but that's because we haven't unlocked the next tier to craft it when you try to click on it it says come back once you crafted 10 more common scroll we need to do that before we can craft and stuff the next tier or unlock it so when you're ready to get started with that and you want to get the next type of scroll this is what you have to do craft 10 of these Max tack reach uh because we suck but anyways when you craft 10 of these you're going to be able to craft the next tiam which is uh rare Scrolls and so on so you craft 10 rare Scrolls and you unlock the Epic Scrolls and the each tier the scroll basically gives you more stats for your weapon when you apply it uh so once you have Scrolls we're going to be going to roll so we're going to be trying to fly the Scrolls in entrance to our weapon so this is a common scroll you get two things like for instance just now I got Fortune level two increases money drops from MC by 30% and vampiric versus level one heal 4% of damage Del it's basically adding Buffs to your weapon and swords and over time like as you do you got better Scrolls and you craft stronger Scrolls you apply them you're going to have more Buffs to add to your weapon like that time I just got five things Beast level one elemental level one Fortune level one vampiric level one and then we also got a unique uniques are passives that can be added to any weapon with any scroll so that is different from curses which is not here yet and blessings then we got legendary scroll more Buffs we got a unique again that time mythical and there's a chance to get blessings but they're pretty rare So if you do want to see a blessing um these two are not in the game yet so do not try to get these um but I'm just going to use one for fun and we got a blessing we got a unique and a blessing actually apply C sness to fruit users when attack lands and usually these blessings add a cool effect to your weapon that is how Scrolls work if there's any confusion I'll try to clear it up in the comments and yeah let's get on to the next thing the next thing we got added to this update is sea exploration and what that is is basically once you start seeing these rocks then your compass changes if you notice it right now our bar is filling up slowly as we get further and further away from all these islands over here uh right now we're at level zero for the ocean that means nothing will spawn on is here and then here at level one we will have low this is like low level there's nothing really going to happen here so it is possible to for a shark to spawn here that's about the most basic creature to attack you early on they se's uh there we go finally killed it then as you move further away that your bar increases and you're entering more dangerous zones of the ocean where different monsters and uh things can attack you here at level two these piranhas will start to attack you along with sharks as well from time to time these start to get more dangerous as time goes on here at level three Terror sharks and start to spawn on you um these are mini raid bosses they you to take care of they sometimes also like to bring in more sharks with them so be careful that and they also like to start attacking your boat to destroy it so don't let that happen at level four there's going to be these ghost ships I think that spawn on you they might appear at an earlier level I'm not too sure nothing's really spawning on me when I try to explore a bit I'm pretty sure at level four there's a chance of rough Seas event which is basically everything turns darker and lightning can hit you and your boat there's also the Ghost Ship event there's two ships that spawn and then some fishmen in the water they attack you the two ships are shooting your boat so you got to destroy them quickly if we got the normal boat event the three boats that spawn they they will try to shoot your boat and stuff stuff while you're exploring then we got the normal seab bees as well that spawn the rumbling Waters and finally we have the Leviathan gate I will explain that in another section of this video anyways let's move on as for leveling there is a new level cap um the new level is going from 2,450 all the way to level 2550 100 new levels to get through so the quest giv is right here we going to talk to her begin questing that sort of thing and just keep killing until you level up then on this side when you're done with those quests that's when you want to make your way over here here talk to the tiki Quest g 2 and kill more people over here that is it for leveling but if you want to do a new wave leveling um you could just do sea exploration personally I believe everyone should do sea exploration that way you could grind out the new event get some materials so you can start crafting your stuff and when you find some Terror sharks they give you one level each time you kill them the new fruits I don't have all of them their icons got changed and a lot of the fruit models got changed as well the art for this got changed but the model didn't I think it got new animation maybe oh that's pretty much the same but some did get a new uh look to them like the dough fruit here uh I think they're pretty awesome they give that chibi look like some fruits I think are improvements from the last one or the previous look like um magma I really like how magma looks now got that lava drip and you got the new boats this is the dingy next up we got the Sloop we got the Brigade a brand new boat a grand Brigade which is way bigger than the other one it has more Health pretty huge actually not only that it has a interior it has a little decoration little room you can ch out in pretty cool stuff now as for the luxury boat dealers we have some revamps except for the Christmas boat I don't think I have all the boats so I can't tell here we have the first speedboat cool thing about these speed boats is that they can start flying believe it or not this has wings one of the neat things about these boats is that when you get close to an island they start to descend so that you guys don't do some crazy things like fly to the top of uh of an island and stuff with these it's going to be really useful this update too with the Rockstar in the ocean next up we got the Sentinel a huge huge ship also flies very fast too so keep that in mind here we're going to take off yep we're flying now and this can definitely go over some rocks when you're deep sea exploring trying to farm some mats and stuff next up we have the guardian I don't remember where this is from this might be from a drop from the second SE like the flow boat and stuff um this is what it looks like pretty cool pretty huge doesn't fly like the other two but it's still awesome but we also got a new boat the Beast Hunter as I was mentioning before pretty sick boat we got here decorated based on a leviathan and it has a special weapon on it the Harpoon which is used for getting the the Leviathan heart like look at this thing look how it shoots you can aim it then shoot it boom this one also has an indoors it's a pretty nice room and that is it for the boats we're going to be going over what the new accessories are and what they do so if we go over to the nerd I'm going to be equipping every new accessory and showing you what the stats are first we got the shark tooth necklace it's a rare accessory that accessory grants you 50% faster run speed 10% Dash distance and 25% more damage to se event this going be be helpful when you're farming for the ocean stuff you're going to be able to do more damage to the sea creatures next up we got the metal jaw or Terror jaw it's a epic 10% more damage on sword attacks 10% cool down reduction on any attack and 25% defense against sea events 200 energy and 200 Health next we got one of my favorite new favorite accessories besides the shield it's a really good accessory here it's a crown the Vian Crown it grants you 12% more damage on melee attacks 35% more damage to Sea event 25% increased health regen and 40% higher drop chance of materials from sea event and and one extra Instinct Dodge that is insane and finally we have a new mythical accessory the mythical Leviathan Shield this thing is crazy this is going to change the meta 15% defense against melee sword and gun attack 30% defense against SE events and 90% protection against CA damage on top of that 1250 more Health that's crazy look look at my health right now this is the new max level plus the shield I'm almost at 14,000 health and to get an idea of that that uh ocean damage thing if we go into the ocean I'm a human right now I'm not even a fisherman and I have a fruit look how much less damage I take this accessory is insane bro look at this I'm taking no damage I can swim casually yo zos could be using this for in case he gets sneaked on again anyways this is the final part we're going to be going over the Leviathan how it works and not really a theory this is what I did to get the Leviathan to spawn to work for me so this is what I did after farming up for a while in the oceans you're doing some sea events you're killing sharks you're killing CH sharks you're killing piranhas you're killing these ghost ships you're doing all these things CBS are spawning you're killing them you're completing all these SE events I believe this is increasing your chances for the Leviathan gate to spawn but not only that to increase your chances to get the Leviathan gate to spawn which is like kind of like Mirage Island except more rare increase your chances you got to talk to the Spy pay him off and the more you pay him off the more um chance you have of completing it that is what I believe happen is is working for me so take a look at the C event um we're going to be doing that right now just a heads up it is very important to get shark anchor not really you don't need it to fight the Leviathan but the armor breaker it's going to be good for fighting the Leviathan because it does extra or two times more damage when you use it on them all right for time's sake we're going to be doing this short and easy way I'm going to be taking the C Beast Hunter with me here's one thing you need to do for sure you need five people two you need to go to the level six Zone and get lucky what I mean by that is wait for this thing to show up Leviathan gate this will look like the whole atmosphere changed this whole thing will appear after you get here you're going to talk to this Frozen Watcher you're going to be transported in the leviathan's coming out he has a million health and some Shield so this is the Leviathan boss fight the first thing you need to do is to take care of it I'm just going to show you what I do you got to take out his first segment which is these giant circular areas and like I've mentioned before X does way more damage well I'm level 999 but it does double trust me and you take care of these two more here it won't be that quick when you do it I'm just doing it real quick finally all that's left is a tail on the head you don't have to worry about the tail it's just part of its attack routine um these are his attacks a tail swipe which spawns ice you can stand on this ice to make sure you're safe in the water and he has a war attack he has a ice beam attack these tornadoes happened in the last phase and after all that you're ready to kill it you're going to destroy it you're going to attack its head next going to kill him like this simply I'm just kidding it's not that simple but the way I doing it is simple and when you're ready he will spawn a leviathan heart frozen and nice this is for getting sanguine by the way don't worry about anything else if this does this doesn't apply to you you're going to take this line up your ship go to the Harpoon play this works and line up your shot and shoot it after you Harpoon it I guess it's locked to your boat but maybe you can move it you can check your compass you got to deliver the frozen heart to the tiki Outpost Compass tells you what you should be doing when you're doing that fight it'll tell you to Harpoon it and once you Harpoon it it'll tell you where to go and take it to so we're going to keep dragging it till we bring it to where they want it be careful when you're traveling uh um creatures are going to still attack you like the seab Beast so this just makes it like way more harder to do keep in mind this is a very tedious process but at least you're doing it for a great fighting style still not better than Dragon Talent here we are let's see come on we're here oh okay it just drops in the ocean like that and we obtained the Leviathan heart that is how you get it and you give it to shaffy all right that is pretty much everything as for now if I've missed anything I'm sorry but that's pretty much the basis of it but yeah if you like the video please please like comment and subscribe and so I could do way crazier update 20 videos this is just a summary of how everything is and what where everything is at that sort of thing kind of like a guide and the Leviathan tutorial that was based on what worked for me it might not be the exact way it might not worked for you but that's what I think happens for me thank you for watching and bye bye
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 1,827,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, pvp, new fruits, robux, noob, trolling, troll, gift, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, blox fruits live, roblox blox fruits, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, cdk, soul guitar, 3rd sea, admin alt, 1st sea, tty, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, update 2, scrolls, codes, sound fruit, plushies, guide, blox fruits update 20
Id: zdfKNfYs4UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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