HOW TO *NOT* USE A BOUNSPLODE! (Shellshock Live)

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it's shellshock how can he move I've moved okay who is tiny long shoes getting barked off yeah for you yeah I'm gonna go that's the strong wind rocks they vacuumed it for I can't read his message it's out the matter kind of thing that we're guarantee you're here you have any guarantee your hips press ENTER it said well ripped my team oh I'm ready anything yeah oh god no I'm just gonna go for it he would have been smart to move I'm not going for the double slight elevation on the angle damage I did double okay how does anyone who did damage I didn't do anything I thought you've heard the tap yeah then we just do we just regain my focus and I'll be there alright yeah yeah just one yeah a while this first game this game to everyone yeah people can't see my health we just move me well that looks a bit bad move it but alright your bottom might be a good spot right for you that why must my camera sometimes goes really orange I'm really orange right now make it custom wild yeah but fireworks are pretty fun oh you see harder I'm gonna remember the wheel it's 20 left so I'm gonna just take easy I went very far last time gonna go for some some kittens got some cows eating that great guys this key no I don't know great weapons this time I've got cactus sniper static Glock but Bolger I got a glock in my rari I've got an air strike we trying to get rid of these bottoms on your head Oh solid team solid team nice guys right 22 left yeah 22 left teamwork makes dream worth the left why always me he says yeah while he sauce not sauce Knox ox is up front yeah well actually I'm not gonna talk back good yeah hey can you kill me I think I'm the easiest target even on the bug I've been hit true oh good scrub No you just got my metal rhythms I cut the piece I can't see your message rate it's after both in other words he's getting Larry go for him thanks whiz thanks a clarifying it for them always and we'll just quit ready there we go flying everywhere I'm into oh no this is gonna kill us not wastefully you're gonna land this above them and it's gonna go through you when they fall down from the sky the portal is gonna flick them towards us oh oh no the pulse will somebody go calm Josh just get a save like this I think you saying she wants a I Cox is getting rude now I have little help Simon so yeah you have to rape me where's dispatch this Tony guy man come on I cost you expenses cuz their way twist we shooting why did you throw Fried Chicken at me ah oh what's that now it's prom ticket help I would like some new weapons a twenty eight right why should we just take out trucks real quick I mean we can all try yeah I'm I say we all just go sinkholes earthquakes I have one 28 right boys 122 lefty and or slightly passed him over to him I was a 2 left no 28 right chops you could literally 5 to the power over there by the boys how he took that I am I hated that way did mine are you good how do you do nah fam what just happened I'm actually bear abused okay wait just to clear this up wait we need wait what what does rain today's guys that's scared me alright we need to get rid of this geezer trucks you're just no I'll get rid of him I'll get rid of him all right oh no not trucks Tony because he's yeah I'm gonna trunks you have the others okay yeah Tony's got a go with I need you to get Tony let's go oh I hope this kills them should I stop him is that good if you can you hear him that's great if you miss him though it does nothing wait it's tiring roller like over there and it's by a roller like a little bit that gives over there good please please please kill yes yeah I've gone patrols a man - okay why is that okay why is that that doesn't as Tony he's gonna hit me can I hide behind you hey Josh goes down no no oh oh no oh I keep even a space here do we want to go we need to go for Tony paster dong min yo yo what is a penny what yeah you need to get that pretty areum what about Guppies those Guppies do not use Guppies what about flame free ball Bolger stream bounce blowed Bolger found slightly scary present is it noise about the thing yeah yeah me return ok here but why your bounce blow just made my hip mine hit baby burn your Bolger okay he's on 49 health John my side here leaves at okay Josh my dice MP says you guys suck I felt like I can take some of the heat I'm trying to say in the chat you did well at least they wasted that first don't worry we'll end this soon yeah we going for Dan yeah we need to finish him copies yep one no do not use copies yeah I swear that that's on the worse so goldfish I was always in basically there a mean weapon oh okay all right static easy clap you actually got Tony with that as well bad calm all right okay that's solid now we can now get any I'm actually doing something he left as well he left quick who'd the strong the strong yeah the strong men jerkin that means the strong mind or the strong mint I mean strong of the strong man that he just wasn't the showman and that was a terrible shot oh my god you're mad that's you're actually mad it was a bet it was a it was a bounder though I was guaranteed here all right bounce splitting no that's that scary wizz-wizz no do not oh I'm dead where's that no I'm dead you just killed me is it laughing OH a Big Bounce splode yeah Bob racing you ha ha ha decent decent shot with are you nice nice even though are you everyone oh you've done some digging around us okay oh I'm not gonna survive for new weapons you are you are good look Oh see what's freedom oh I had a job girl what was free ball it's settled yeah just three bulls imma fire some jammers at him do it I'm trying to like picture yeah about that ready for this you're gonna hear some music he sure didn't come down he went off and everything down okay where's I'm trying to take off as much as I can because I'm going to die dude I have trapped like wait wait bro I've got flame got guppies sniper stream or tunneler stream that'll get some hits is he a doctor here here full power at him no go above him yeah alright easy plan agent in might as you know is I don't know what this is really yeah I don't know what pepper is I've done all I can bro I literally have oh nice the easier gap oh my god where's and I get new weapon okay where's for higher please I have a ghost bomb cactus sinkhole sniper flower flower flowers good good AoE Wiz a bit higher than where I wasn't enough yeah with those it lands it's gonna have like 20 left after this okay or maybe 40 if I hit him he's dead then yeah what yeah that's how we do that's how we do I was all me baby you you did 360 damage a team effort did you pay someone you take it yeah that's what I mean i josh died and done high lock codes at i he wants to play okay come on let's get going boys I want three wins out of three come on Wiz get pressing ready now let's play it around business oh sorry sorry we don't do that here with pressing that fast forward fingers confidently was in here waiting for you we with unless you've got row I don't know I'm unlocking like everything it's just cookies and a palm is angry bro like what is happening a tell my tank around come on your team bro write down your barrel how are you still not here they come here about time game you know you just saved yourself then that Lockwood we got how I here wow you're aft why this guy you're good why is he coming you know who's more safe for this one your flower or grenade no little short bounce airstrike try airstrike just either at the beginning yeah I'm straight airstrike in always it's gonna bounce down Oh tell me this then now it's like a it doesn't rolled out that far down always gonna trip him okay yeah I'm literally aiming it is good they might bounce upwards though it might bounce uh please please bounce and may have overshot this quiz you haven't even shot oh yes it you can either zero whiz didn't shoot wizard didn't shoot I I didn't do things we're playing with no one Oh least we made their place a nightmare now all that grenades and hot hook in that was right yeah yeah I didn't go I think they go anywhere out the hell oh wow oh oh my god you dear went oh it's a trap no it's disco ball oh come on actually that's the right to me that isn't right for me is it there's no way I think I've gone past him now even if mine should go through swamp water I passed it and then oh yeah yes and then it will go through trucks --is and go into Lockwood I need to be not only it's not risk anything here it's not worth you risking saying wish that I could just take back my shop because I'm actually just getting out to a scary shot yeah if I get oh no oh oh solid have you done that I think that bans closed down as fast every single person in the lobby yeah fire into the blue pool and I'm hit Simon what they would do that what game comes out Oh Magnus they're coming back I go for that yeah I'm gonna try and go above it where should I go for what should I go for grenade should i lob a grenade up at drops I don't know what to go for though with it I'll try banana split I hit this if I hit this I underneath in his lawn Tony take banana splits that like the improvement in just fires like three it's okay not me okay well what we want to do we want to aim for Tony and trucks to get these get Tony ass hit really hard by the way like a really high and forward I mark it yeah just Bobby see how simple this game is my house Raiders yeah I breed I'm very pleased don't get me survived another day it's just died oh come on I can't get it that's just not that's just not fair is it I just not important you know what no yo is this me I think I could be a G what is the what good snake yeah if you get on them is sick up a drop the asset land on him though so I have kids so please let me live yo this could be if I can pull this off it could be a G some kids about to have no doubt you're gonna fire it for it I know a gap yeah what no no no no no what's really oh I know her yes good team I didn't do anything I'm sorry I did form ma it was not for is that what you needed yeah oh no no no no sign you actually like oh that's still it's a 16-5 but you're in a very nice spot okay what's next Wow won't go for go for tiny long shoes let's kind of say that name seriously no my head said I forgot my twins excuses [Music] this ain't no game that drinking game that needs Enya saluting right 25 okay I think I've ever shot this it's got me that's right 25 remember that yeah no I did a 45 right just did a 90 mad mad you know what's a molehill well I think it goes under and then where it lands it goes up down then up I think that's what I find so if I fire at him like actually tell I'm gonna say okay I need to see the icon painfully mr. Weller it just in response fun when you die early oh no oh no please yes okay it was right 25 last time four towers well who you guys watch I have shown you again and have long good oh I go for Lockwood as well because no I'm gonna go never Tony oh yeah Tony he's gone again I don't anything made there's no land nicely you're gonna get it now little spike next to it but based on the land nice Mickey snake I look with dead issue since black hole guys did we make a good team I think we asked think I'm not taking a damage this game yeah I think it's only me I don't know I've taken damage thinking about 50 damage and that's it but the damage from yourself doesn't count oh no really guys I'm not sure I can wait wait wait why don't I just like you can literally dink it into that port yeah but it goes out to save the same trajectory which I do static yeah but you need to literally make it be going downwards you can't have it sideways oh hey what so I need to fire issues oriental answers going up yeah I might end up killing myself here finally after Tony you guys get you think into the blue one you can hit something how am I not hitting okay like a highway front of him damn it I think is gonna go that far to the right they have 42 health combined we could end this it's going earthquake no I guys I'm gonna bring up I used to use clapping in here yea-ah good bro guys yeah ow throw that lock yo what's up horizon is that mean it just hits you sterling no horizon no sight levels it yeah like where it lands it goes left and right it's how are you I'm good fire straight a lock with ya I'm gonna take not you you guys do Tony okay our last two Tony hey Josh just deal with Charlie a great master guy is gonna do those tiny silent then I level with you though innit we got to our - so I just vanished now what I know I did yeah how am i I think we need to make it three and three yeah I think we do my tank we have a harder opponent level 68 but and skill rated says otherwise this is great please don't say wait you patiently irate thou okay right I've been I've really don't like the Bob I'm gonna for an air strike straight I wouldn't risk an air strike late for the first shot always great yourself sure shot I've got a dead weight here so it's guaranteed to hit a yard let's we'll just go from Lockwood get mad again I'm down so aim for like someone liked rocks or lash on but it was yeah but you can see okay that was gonna hit him oh yes this might be a struggle for me enough like it alright 22 left 22 left I'm so bad okay trucks would be about I'm just gonna make sure you get here far enough though Wiz yeah yeah if it was a dead weight you have done it full power full power and elevation like that oh okay so I'm gonna take a little bit left left left this is this may have just helped me for a long like it is the house smoke wait was that one nobody's gonna be able to get you right on a short can yeah well I was going for you there was worse you reckon yeah that one's about it you may feed goes in it Lashon slip on the hit you before oh those imma go away no but he could he could hit look oh wow wow you get you get like to the face brought me yeah can you get a large Oh sinkhole I'm going either sink or - oh you get that thingy i calling probably right that's you yeah i call whisker game we're just you know you're shooting through the floor oh thank you like I'm dying for that I'm going double damage I'm gonna try it the 2011 sighs you go I'll take it 22 not much off he puts a nice bit more of an AoE on it so I can actually a lot of that use terms yeah hey AMI but I damn good damn damn hand down my mental no no no no no no I got it a very easy shot on me know what ways we should team up and lash on I think we should because I know we're in bad spot we need to take them out the girl Ashley 144 and ask they're not good what Isis he's a spasm did that y'all double damage I was a pawn what's a pompom three different things straight last one yeah was I gonna go down in the gap it's not that hard to say no I might I am I to you a group something my sake it might take out locked with our trucks he is important that's just like a straight shot but it lets you do shoot any is good okay this is bad this is a bad situation yeah I'm dead I'm dead uh tangent assault I've heard that one Simon I've never heard of that it's a part of the way looked oh it's like a branding you're deaf always Oh with you even got my dorm even we're doing wait is that it was a edged weapon I think I can take a Lockwood alright I have to shoot are to shoot for luck with us yeah yeah you go trot you go trunks I can try but I can't guarantee your hit what's luck as hell where you gonna kill him though you're gonna kill Lockwood no I may be nicely would go for him just get just get them off the board won't go for trucks because I think yeah let's both go for Lockwood get mark you might again let's go her fleet good fifteen fifteen okay we've got one I dig that you onions 71 I have 142 hi-ho wait what I survived too much okay can you go for LaShawn unless you want to try and save anyone yeah no no no if you just arc it just underneath that purple thing I think I owe you anything am i maybe aatrox this I get like a digger thing that's gonna make will you go over go over ya go oh my that's go over and hit I think I can get rid of tropical only thing up trucks I might be of the moons goes round in it anyway someone yeah yeah what weapon is that you're using sound let me go rainbow what killed you oh I think I can get rid of if this hits it'll get rid of it please eyes on what else is it oh my okay go for LaShawn the one who's jeredy oh that's right hit me direct right now yeah ask to change his angle go over and he's not changing so he's going for Sam Oh Lila really her crits that was nice whatever that wore off 9090 Kneedler I don't know what to use for this you just have to get rid of it I literally just have to hit him with anything but yeah yeah tangent assault have no idea where is but I'm using it just earthquake back I wait to turn there so I did a little bit too much okay this is this is this is a hard fight now it is cuz he's got 2013 HP G on debt on out Simon now you could you might survive this good no it's like this guy I think and it ain't good for the poor but you can see me we're lower than him he has a high advantage I with it I'm kind of screwed yeah I love you an edge so he could literally aim at the wall and you would fall down but you know same it all behind me as well sadly choose if I was country the lewd sandwich this might not work and I've got angle anymore this could be really bad I've just remembered there's a big thing in the middle Oh no I hate him dynamite just that you know that was that was a weapon that was my weapon silent but deadly weapon there was hail oh I don't know what hail is but I want to try it just try it just fry it fry out like the rock above him and hopefully it falls down Justin he's possibly shield on him I'm sure myself I don't know what this is does anything oh no I just used it you should be bad quicks out of all it runs out of shot Josh still has a shot ah sick Oh monster faith of he'll miss your potato oh okay he wants Center your shield he's like being dominant I wish attracts me alright good here okay now you can foster out him they left 19 make sure you go above him yeah I'm gonna fight I've got anything good tip so it's good like relieved why it's really poo yeah I really don't have anything you get ammo on the next one right turn turn yeah 20 episode 9 and kill myself all right guys Oh best for everyone so I need weapons I have nothing and you're also not wait if you go is that's gonna do 45 armor you're some can't gather that's so annoying no yeah yeah it's gonna be bad but he's got a lot of armor so yeah in your first shot country probably right what okay my new shilla okay this could be good this could be good this could be a game-changer boys wait you've got flour no doggy's yes in a bad angle as well right no okay he says that he comes and just want to see in that we do not entertain saw no that's all that's it but bear bear Rowland circle yeah that's it yeah that's it he's driving good like an airstrike 48 all that I'm battling boy you've got this you've got this now you got no cuz it will lead eases that was like doing okay doing fine even touching me fatter metrium again bro length Erlang's gangs gang yeah and a few times let's make sure let's make sure make sure you know like make sure I hit bounder going you mask is all for health Wow Oh God what the hell good are there oh well I have to do is hit this yes here well I don't have anything good to anything have but you would do anything it can heal if you don't have anything good anything they can hear is fall and I don't have anything that's guaranteed I have Guppies or moons oh wait you have other stuff other you have other stuff I do have other stuff like chicken things yes quick I didn't get to see just quit Lowell how much that me said ge said GG be left so I know that is mheg to me that seems like wow he actually quit hey that's not GG you gonna leave I know GG rank is improving well and connection you're like Jeremy wait where the hell is back ready no I don't don't play anymore we thought we'd done the video you Donna damn yeah upgrade I'm doing my upgrade boom and I'm going to get my winning bonus so leave the game and then on the main page at the bottom right daily win bonus claim me all in my last one go on come on I think you're free I got 10 I'll take a ten tens very good I've got ten I've got ten ten is good I've no I hate wine for free oh good good teamwork well done easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] here's something in my bar you think I didn't even know that that's right [Music]
Channel: ZerkaaPlays
Views: 142,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, shellshock live, shellshock
Id: lFIfhHSsqSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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