How to Not go INSANE

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exercise preferably three four times per week this will make your body fit and give you a confident boost if you have access to the gym that's even better read books it doesn't matter if you read one book per week per month or per year reading improves ability is a thing which is apparently very important so as long as you read you're good try different philosophies stoicism taoism you name it try to find one that suits your beliefs follow it for a couple of months and see if your life changes for better don't eat too much junk food nobody tells you to cut it off completely but try to avoid it as much as possible your future self will thank you for that find a hobby play chess shuffle cards whatever something that will keep you busy from time to time and you enjoy doing don't focus on stuff you cannot change yeah I get it raising gas prices are not nice but don't make that the main topic of all your social interactions meditate on a daily basis 5 to 10 minutes a day when you're starting is definitely more than enough don't waste time scrolling this consumes your time like nothing else and sadly you're not gonna get it back prioritize sleep this will give you energy for the day and will make you a bit happier learn new language how to play violin and so on you never know if these things will be useful in the future always wash the dishes the same day read Art of War by Sun Tzu do not take this video as a life advice and last but not least always pet the cut when you encounter one on the street
Channel: BarthHere
Views: 11,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gym, men, books, meditation
Id: GjJk8OIlB34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 37sec (97 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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