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[Music] what's going on guys welcome back to the channel I hope you're doing well as many of you guys will know I've skipped two bowl aquariums before the first of all I smashed because my drill fell against it and the second one I have for about six months it ran its course I didn't keep up on the trim of the plants and it just completely outgrew the bowl so we started again in today's video we're gonna be scaping this bowl you can see behind me right next to it is a dirted planted tank it's got a filter but in the bowl I want to do no filter with no co2 no heat our no water no there will be water it's an ongoing joke but yeah one of the first things we need to do is get a light on it because you can't sit there filming this in the darkness come with so I've got a few options here ranging from actually specifically designed for plants these two are this is a quill light thing smart LED smart LED II this is the flexi mini which is similar I think to the onf flat one there's just a much older sort of version if you like not part of the same company or anything but you know really good like for growing plants to be fair it's what we've got on this one here and on that tank there and you can see it's going great so these two lights are designed for planted tanks which means that they have full spectrum lighting this is just a cheap little nano fish tank light with just white LEDs and this is a clip on this lamp so what do you think I'm going to choose to build my plant a bowl with that's right the clip on desk lamp anyone can get hold of your simple clip-on desk lamps so that's what we're going to use to show you guys what you can do without any special lighting special requirements any light can grow a plant at the end of the day it's just as some lights look better for us than others [Music] so there we have it already looking good next to the planted tank we've got next to it different color rendition but you know still looks really good i'll leave a link to this bowl and a like similar to this one in the description guys i don't think they actually make these anymore i've got it like a year and a half ago so i haven't been able to find it on amazon anyway like i said any desk lamp will work this one's got a 6500 Kelvin bulb which gives us that sort of more YT blue light rather than the yellow light which I think looks much better with green plants so the next job we need to do is get something that's gonna provide nutrition to our plants and as I said I want this to be a dirty tank in the same way that this is a dirted tank underneath that sand is a layer of dirt I've dug out from a garden let's just go out and get some more dirt [Music] so I found a good little spot what we want to do is dig off all of the topsoil because we going to get topsoil in there and underneath the topsoil is this nice the proper clay stuff you know like that there that's what we want now you don't need a lot of this stuff at all like literally that there may be a little bit more than that actually it's only a small bowl member and if you get too much in there you'll just put way too many excess nutrients into the water column and you'll get algae that's literally all we need and even that's probably too much I take this back into the house because we need to dry it out so you might be thinking while we've got a baking tray well the reason is because you need to put the soil onto the baking tray because we need to bake it make sense right but first of all we need to remove as much of the organic matter as we can before we bake it just take out some of these bits of straw and that and then after its dried we can actually break it up and put it for a sieve and then we'll be able to remove most of the roots and all the other organic matter and be left with just a slow [Applause] [Music] okay I just want to add guys are really important health and safety notice do not do this when your wife is at home she will kill you [Music] so we'll just leave that there for a while to cool down and then once it has we can break it all up put it for a sip right so what we want to do next guys pour the soil into a bowl like that and then just use something I'm just using this big pebble just to break it all up make it into a fine powder now obviously guys this would all be a lot easier with a pestle and mortar I don't have either of those things but what I do have is a rock and a bowl and you know me I'm always want to make use of the things you've got and just get on with the job and then what we need to do is just pour the soil through the sieve again don't tell your wife about this I just give it a gentle tap and it should all fall through there might be a few bits left over you can re grind those up and just put it back for again so we've now got our powder what we need to do is add some water to it so the reason that we want to add water to the dirt powder is just to make sure that we're not going to get any air bubbles trapped underneath us and when we cap it in this could potentially cause problems down the road because if any of the gas leached into the water column it could actually kill him if the livestock that we're gonna put in there at a later date so we now have our soil guys have put it in this little pot before we put that in our Bowl though we want to add our decorative sand to the foreground first so I've got some in this bowl that I've just washed out it's got a little bit of black sand in as well which I prefer didn't but you're not really gonna see it anyway by the time I've you know planted everything it's all grown in so you want to get that in first at the front so that it covers up any of the brown this from the soil then we can flank the soil behind it and then we can cover that up over the top again with an inch of sand so what we want to do now is place the sand in as if we're making like a donut with a hole in the middle this is to create an area or we can actually put the soil into which there means you won't get to see it at all looking in from the outside after this you can sprinkle your soil into the middle and then after that we can cover it up with some more sand now you might be tempted into thinking oh I'm just gonna put a load more soil in because I'll get better growth for my plants do not do that you won't get better grow from your plants all that will happen is algae or cover the tank cover the plants you'll lower the light there won't be no nutrition going in there'll be no lighting coming in there'll be nothing going on and your tank will look absolutely awful so don't do that just a little bit is enough trust me so now we've got us all right at the bottom of the bowl we can now top it up with the sand that we've cleaned off here and it's just simply a case of clunking it on top and just start the edges and work your way in basically you want the soil fully capped down and you don't want to have any accidents of it spilling out at all into the water column so now it's a point of this stage that you're happy with how you've done your base layer I'm really happy of mine I've got the right shape I wanted I want to just slope in gently at the front and then raised at the back slightly just gives a better sense of depth it means you can put the background plants at the back easier they come taller quicker but once you fill up with water there's no going back you don't want to start disturbing the sand at that point because you'll puncture a hole into the area where you put the soil and that just means start again basically so for hard scape guys all I want to go for it's just these three simple pebbles now I've gone for something crazy simple because I know that you guys can just give it a go yourselves and I'm I'm well up for just making videos that everyone else can do that's my style in it guys accessible videos that you can do and escapes that you can enjoy as well so yeah nice and simple I kind of want them in this sort of arrangement like that I think that looks quite good but obviously a bit more angled can't do that holding a camera but yeah let's get with hoods Hank anyway when you arranging your stones guys make sure you take your time with it there's no need to rush it at all it can be a process that could take hours luckily for me I've had a lot practice nowadays so I can usually see quite quickly how it should sit what's wrong how to adjust but if you're not hundred percent happy of how it is don't continue on to the next step just keep playing with it until you get it right well I really like that guys I mean let's face it it's not gonna win any apke skating Awards is it but it's simple it's cute you know I'm gonna be able to maintain that really well as was fully open I can get my hands right in and out the last two balls I've done have been quite complicated but this is very simple and I like it right anyway I've got some plants in these pots a bit in it for about a week now so you need to get on with planting them they're from a previous skate so we've got dwarf hare grass we've got some gloucester stick where like we've got the front of these I just want they were just they're really good condition and they've converted to their submersed state and I didn't want to waste him so I've kept him lame out and let's get man attack [Music] White's Adair's all the plants Oh Oh as if by magic all of them were from tropical boil away guys and I think it's a testament to the quality of the plants but they've been sat in a little tub with no light for like well over a week and they're just still doing really well so we've got Gloucester stigma and we've got dwarf hair grafts they're gonna get these in into the tank they're not gonna be right in the foreground cuz I'm going to be using a plant I've never used before for the foreground so first of all let's get these in now to do this guys you will need a pair of axe cape and tweezers I'm not sure if it's even gonna be possible to do this with your fingers but you could buy Bobo shops and they're not expensive when planting make sure that you don't push it in too deep this is what we added an inch of sand on top of the soil to make sure that we can get a good anchor on the plants because otherwise when we go to flood the bowl at the end everything will just lift up I had that done through before it's not fun and you don't want it to happen saying that you also don't want to push the plants right down to the bottom and a Bolivar somewhere in the middle is just perfect right so there's our first plants in and I will forgive you for thinking MD that looks rubbish of course i feet that dwarf hair grass is too long but the best way to trim that would be once the waters come in you just get a better look if I cut it now it'll be all squared off and looking rubbish so we probably trim that all back once it's flooded but that's all of the plants that I'd already had prepared the rest of the plant it needs to be in the background so all of our tool stem plants are at the back and I've actually got some um trick cool area Graham no no no that ug I've got some ug from toppika which is that really fine leafed stuff you know it's supposed to be an advanced category plant I'm gonna try and grow it with a desk lamp no co2 and some dirt under the sand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I think some people can have a bit of trouble with planting this ug what I found was by bringing the water level almost right up to the surface of the sand it created a kind of suction pulley effect if you like and after I pushed the ug into the sand its sort of locked it in place so that's all the short plants planted now for long stems and taller plants I like to flood the bulb to do that or the tank usually as well I just find it looks so much better and you can see what height you're out with your stems if they're all matching or not matching or however you want them to be you can see how they're gonna be as soon as you plant them rather than having them flopped over fill the tank up with water and then realizing oh it's all the wrong height some areas aren't covered and all that sort of thing so I like to just fill it up get the stems in and you can adjust as you go along then and get it looking perfect from the word go go so I always like to start tanks with some mature water for my discus tank this is my best tank and any plants are putting it grow amazingly well I just think it's really good to start a tank with some mature water some people say it doesn't help other say it does I always believe it does so I go for it if you haven't got a tank with mature water then don't worry about it it just means that cycling process might take a little bit longer for your tank but doesn't mean you can't give it a go a good tip as well when you're filling up your tank bowl or anything really is to lay down some paper towel and pour on top of that I've also as you can see here got a jug that I've drilled some holes in the bottom for and just to make the water come out a little bit slower the last thing we want now is to disturb everything and ruin all our hard work right guys hopefully you can see what we've got there sorry about all the reflection on the lights probably go and turn them all off shouldn't I no no now wait to the end to do all that so looks crop up right see what I was saying before about the grass now I like the longer bits in the middle I think they look quite good and authentic maybe that one's a little bit too high I want to bring the sides in each side as well so we've got like a V taper if you like and then we can start putting our background plants in right behind those big rocks there but overall at the moment I think NASA sicán really nice hopefully you do too you can see that the bowl gives it a sort of magnified effect as well because those stones look so much bigger now than when they're in there what I really like about it though is how different it is from you know the tank that's right next to it which is good because that's what I wanted to see different I like things being different you don't want stuff matching all the time to you so yeah now's a good time to get that none of that grass and then we gotta scoop it out and then we could put in our stem plants at the back [Music] thank subscribe [Music] so that's everything looking really good so far and you can see that all the foreground plants are complete but we've still obviously got that big gap in the background and that's where we're going to be putting all of our stem plants in this area when I have a good injection of red stem plant so I'm going to use some rotala hate rot and then alongside that the real vibrant green of the limb the feeler scizor scizor scizor versa so this right here is one of my spare storage tanks that I just used for growing plants and storing them in right now I'm just selecting and taking out the plants that we need for this setup its tanks nothing special it's just a cheap light a bit of a cross or at the bottom and a little surface skimmer to keep some water movement well it's great about a tank like this is that it means that we can get new plants and then adapt them to their submerged state because they're actually grown out of water and this makes them convert quicker and look much better in your aquarium straight away so let's put the limiter feel out in first now remember it's going to look a little bit funky for the first few days this is because it's just been laying flat on top of the water in the plant bar which means it's trying to grow a funny sort of angle and shape but within a few days it will straighten out grow towards the light and be looking perfect up next is to grow taller h4r or hurrah I want to keep this over to the left-hand side and just create a real focal point of punchy color obviously we're working in such a small space we have to create those cool little areas that draw the eyes in again as with the Lyne the Fila it's all sort of trying to grow a funny angle so it will straighten up as the days go by so I think that's coming along really well and looking really good so far but I do feel that in this little area here we do need more of those red stems not too much but just filling out those gaps a bit and I've run out of them in my plant back but I know just a place to get them from well I was hoping to show you a really nice shot here of me trimming some hatre from a discus tank but as you can see my largest discus George has decided he didn't want that to happen there anyway you get the picture look the hatred grows really well in this tank as does every single plant in there there's not a single bit of algae err I've seen at all and these plants will fit perfectly in our new bulb [Music] so it's now been 24 hours since the tank was set up let's take a closer look and see how it's getting on so the first thing to note I don't think the hatre at the back is suit and escape to be honest I mean it looked really good from this angle but as soon as you come to the side it's just too big and bulky because of the magnification of the bowl it kind of makes it look sort of out of scale if you like look all the delicate textures around it even the limb the feeler there look delicate features the best way to get stem plants to like grow smaller is to trim them so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go right in at the base down here in trim so you probably won't even see him which will create that negative space and then from that trimmed area to shoot to come off and they tend to be more fine art than the original one so that's what we're doing when they go back look really really nice [Music] okay there we have it all trimmed and I think looking really good the scape does look like it flows a bit better now I couldn't bring myself to throw away those trimmings so I replant them back in the foreground little an injection of red I think it's really nice it's gonna suit it well we've got lots of red in the tank next to it as well so the two together they complement each other but are different and I like that remember yeah we may have some negative space there as we can see in this whole section at the moment but that's not gonna be negative space too long because these stems grow fast especially the limb the feeler that'll need trimming back within a week guaranteed and again it will grow back finer so that's all good I'm gonna keep right on top of this one guys I'm going to trim it regularly just so it gets really compact and looks gorgeous so at the moment guys the bowl isn't ready for anything like shrimp or even any sort of nano fish some people don't like fishing bowls I can tell you right now I've done bollock words before and I've seen rice fish behave so much better in a bowl aquarium than they ever did like a cube or square or rectangular aquarium a conventional aquarium in a conventional aquarium it just tend to stay still and just gently Bob about but in the circular Bowl aquarium they just sort of keep swimming round and back and in and out and it's almost like they can keep continuously swimming and they like that that's just what I observed that's what I believe anyway but as always with a new tank one of the first things I like to do is put in snails snails actually produce waste and they get the tank cycling quicker obviously to cycle the tank you need waste therefore this is our waste waste waste waste waste and luckily guys I have quite a few tanks in which I can get something else from if any of you are new to my channel I've got videos on all of these different tanks but this is the one I'm going to use to get lots of snails from because there's tons in here of all different sizes so it's currently being used as a storage tank because I'm gonna be planting this one very soon we're not planting building this is gonna be a massive angelfish tank so that's why I've got tanks stored in here this is my rainbow river tank the water just goes round and round around and then I've got them in my freshwater reef tank here as well again they're all going in this big tank which is now got lighting more to come on this one in the next video guys but for now let's find us now so straight away look we can see some nice little onesy we don't want anything too big because even today it's only a small bowl isn't it [Music] so that's the snails in but what I actually want to do when the tank is cycled is put in these crystal red shrimp you can see behind me I absolutely love them I really want to give them a tank of their own and maybe get a little bit of breeding action at some point as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 759,847
Rating: 4.9006815 out of 5
Keywords: aquarium, fish tank, bowl aquarium, no filter bowl, no filter bowl aquarium, making a no filter bowl, making a fish bowl, how to make a fish bowl, making a bowl aquarium, how to make a bowl aquarium, paludarium, paludarium build, MD Fish Tanks, terrarium, aquascape, aquatic plants, aquascape indonesia, cara membuat, aquarium fish, fish, fishes, fishing, aquascaping, fish tanks, no filter aquarium, no filter, freshwater aquarium, foo the flowerhorn, make a no filter aquarium
Id: Y-TABrnd8aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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